Contact Info
Adam P. Hitchcock
Canada Research Chair
in Materials Research
McMaster University
Hamilton, ON
Canada L8S 4M1
V: +1 905 525-9140
F: +1 905 521-2773
U: __________
Metal mapping of biofilms with
WHO: Adam
Hitchcock, Tohru Araki, Sherry Zhang, Chemistry, McMaster University
Leppard, Biology (McMaster), National Water Research Institute
Lawrence, National Water Research Institute (Saskatoon)
WHERE: Advanced Light
Source BL5.3.2
and BL
11.0 Scanning Transmission X-ray Microscope (STXM)
WHEN: February & March 2003
POSTED: 09 September 2003

WHAT: Some biofilms (symbiotic baceterial-algae colonies)
can have a high affinity for pollutants such as metal ions and toxic
organic compounds and thus may be useful agents for environmental
remediation. The improved performance afforded by interferometrically
controlled scanning transmission X-ray microscopes (STXM) at beam
lines 5.3.2 and 11.0.1 coupled with the large photon energy range
(200 - 1200 eV on BL 5.3.2, 90 - 2500 eV on BL 11.0.1) mean that
many different elements can be mapped, with local sensitivities
at the ppt or lower level. The figure shows (a) Ca and K distributions
overlaind on a map emphasizing biological components (proteins mostly);
(b) distributions of Mn, Fe, and Ni in the area indicated by the
yellow box; (c) Fe 2p spectra showing chemical speciation capabilities.
Click on any of the images for an expanded view.
(1), Biofilms(2),
© 2003 A.P. Hitchcock / McMaster University
- All Rights Reserved
web site by Christopher Amis. Last updated on 09-Sep-2003 (aph)