Contact Info
Adam P. Hitchcock
Canada Research Chair
in Materials Research
McMaster University
Hamilton, ON
Canada L8S 4M1
V: +1 905 525-9140
F: +1 905 521-2773
U: __________

Non-dipole Inner-shell
Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy
STUDENTS are indicated by italics
last changed: 28 Apr 2014 (aph)
- J.A. Bradley, A. Sakko, G.T. Seidler, A. Rubio, M.
Hakala, K. H�m�l�inen, G. Cooper, A.P. Hitchcock, K. Schlimmer and K.P.
Nagle, Understanding the Lyman Birge Hopfield Band of N2, Physical
Review A 84 (2011) 022510_1-8.get
- M. Vos, R.P. McEachran, G. Cooper and A.P. Hitchcock,
Understanding energy loss in large-angle scattering of keV electrons
from Ar and Ne, Phys. Rev. A 83 (2011) 022707-1-9. get
- J.A. Bradley, G.T. Seidler, G. Cooper, M Vos, A.P.
Hitchcock, A. P. Sorini, C. Schlimmer and K.P. Nagle, A comparative
study of electronic excitations of N2 by inelastic X-ray and electron
scattering, Phys. Rev. Lett 105 (2010) 053202-1-4. get
- A.P. Hitchcock, G. Cooper, R.A. Bonhan and C.A. Chatzidimitriou-Dreismann,
Quasi-elastic electron scattering from atoms and molecules, J. Electron
Spectroscopy and Rleated Phenomena, 181 (2010) 135-139 get
- R. A. Bonham, G. Cooper and A. P. Hitchcock, Electron
Compton-Like Quasi-Elastic Scattering from H2, D2 and HD, J. Chemical
Physics 130 (2009) 144303-1-9. get
- G. Cooper, A. P. Hitchcock and C. A. Chatzidimitriou-Dreismann,
Anomalous quasi-elastic electron scattering from single H2, D2 and HD
molecules at large momentum transfer: Indications of Nuclear Spin Effects,
Physical Review Letters 100 (2008) 043204-(1-4). get
- G. Cooper, E. Christensen and A.P Hitchcock, Quasi-elastic
electron scattering from methane, methane-d4, methane-d2, ethylene,
2-methylpropane and acetylene, J. Chem. Phys. 127 (2007) 084315
(1-6) get pdf
- G. Cooper, A.P. Hitchcock, C.A. Chatzidimitriou-Dreismann
and M. Vos, Electron Compton scattering from methane and methane-d4,
J. Electron Spectrosc. Rel. Phenom., 155 (2007) 28-34.
get pdf
- C.C. Turci, A.B. Rocha, M. Barbatti, C.E. Bielschowsky,
I.G. Eustatiu, T. Tyliszczak, G. Cooper, A. P. Hitchcock, Experimental
and theoretical study of S 2p and C 1s generalized oscillator strengths
in CS2, J. Electron Spectrosc. Rel. Phenom.155 (2007) 21-27.
get pdf
- I.G. Eustatiu, T. Tyliszczak, G. Cooper, A. P. Hitchcock,
C.C. Turci, A.B. Rocha, M. Barbatti, and C.E. Bielschowsky, Experimental
and theoretical study of S 2p and C 1s spectroscopy in CS2, J. Electron
Spectrosc. Rel. Phenom. 156-158 (2007) 145-149. get
- A.P. Hitchcock, S. Johnston, T. Tyliszczak,
C.C. Turci, M. Barbatti, A.B. Rocha and C.E. Bielschowsky, Generalized
oscillator strengths for C 1s excitation of acetylene and ethylene,
J. Electron Spectroscopy Related Phenomena 123 (2002) 303-314.
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- T. Tyliszczak, I.G. Eustatiu, A.P. Hitchcock,
C.C. Turci, A.B. Rocha and C.E. Bielschowsky,
Generalized Oscillator Strength Profiles for Inner Shell Excitation
of CO2 Derived from Variable Angle Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy,
J. Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 114-116 (2001)
93-98. get pdf
- A.P. Hitchcock, Inner
shell Excitation Spectroscopy of Molecules using Inelastic Electron
Scattering, J. Electron Spectroscopy Rel. Phenom. 112 (2000)
- I.G. Eustatiu, J. T. Francis, T. Tyliszczak,
C.C. Turci, A.L.D. Kilcoyne and A. P. Hitchcock, A
high-performance electron energy loss spectrometer: generalized oscillator
strengths for inner-shell excitation of SF6
, Chem. Phys. 257 (2000) 235 - 252.
- I.G. Eustatiu, T. Tyliszczak, A.P. Hitchcock,
C.C. Turci, A.B. Rocha and C.E. Bielschowsky, Experimental
and theoretical study of generalized oscillator strengths for
C 1s and O 1s excitation in CO2,
Physical Review A 61 (2000) 042505 (14 pages)
- A.P. Hitchcock, I.G. Eustatiu, J.T. Francis
and C.C. Turci, Electron
Impact Core excitation of molecules: Non-dipole spectroscopy and generalised
oscillator strengths, J. Electron Spectrosc. 88-91 (1998)
77-82. get
- J.T. Francis, C.C. Turci, T. Tyliszczak, G.G.B.
de Souza, N. Kosugi and A.P. Hitchcock, Electron
impact core excitation of SF6: Part I: S 2p, S 2s and F 1s
spectroscopy, Phys. Rev. A 52 (1995) 4665-4677.
- C.C. Turci, J.T. Francis, T. Tyliszczak, G.G.B.
de Souza and A.P. Hitchcock, Electron
impact core excitation of SF6: Part II: Generalized Oscillator
Strengths in the S 2p region, Phys. Rev. A 52 (1995)
- J.T. Francis, N. Kosugi and A.P. Hitchcock,
and Theoretical Studies of the (C 1s->p*)
3p State of CO: Momentum Transfer
Dependence and Vibrational Structure, J. Chem. Phys. 101
(1994) 10429-10435.
- J.T. Francis, C. Enkvist, S. Lunell and A.P.
Hitchcock, Studies
of C 1s -> p* Triplet states of Carbon Monoxide,
Benzene, Ethylene and Acetylene, Can. J. Phys. 72 (1994)
- A.P. Hitchcock and D.C. Mancini, Bibliography
and Database of Inner-shell Excitation Spectra of Gas Phase Atoms and
Molecules, J. Electron Spectrosc. 67 (1994) 1-123.
� 2014 A.P. Hitchcock / McMaster University
- All Rights Reserved
web site by Christopher Amis. Last updated on 28
Apr 2014 (aph)