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Last modified: Mon Aug 03 18:10:35 2015.
NAME: LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 23-Jul-10 PURPOSE: This function writes the configuration file for the XSpecSim program CATEGORY: Utility; part of XSpecSim, spectral simulator package CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = AA_WriteConfig(AAPATH = AAPATH) INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: AApath name of folder inside aXis2000 code directory OUTPUTS: configuration file is written COMMON BLOCKS: axis_com XSpecSim_Com X-SpecSim common block MODIFICATION HISTORY: (28-feb-07 jso) first version (18-Jul-10 aph) AXIS standard header added; axis_com and XSpecSim_com added (23-Jul-10 aph) modified parameter in call from 'file' to 'AApath'
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: ALIGN LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 31-dec-99 PURPOSE: This procedure is the image alignment part of STACK_ANALYZE. It uses 2d fourier transform correlation techniques to shift one image to the same pixel scale as a reference image. Numerous options to control the alignment procedure are provided CATEGORY: AXIS: stack analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: align,image1,image2,xshift,yshift,image2_shifted,$ [ sobel=sobel,roberts=roberts,edgegauss=edgegauss,$ cm=cm,maxshift=maxshift,$ meanfill=meanfill,medianfill=medianfill,$ xcorimg_win=xcorimg_win,xcorimg_zoom=xcorimg_zoom,$ xplot_win=xplot_win,yplot_win=yplot_win,$ debug=debug,help=help ] INPUTS: IMAGE1 - reference image IMAGE2 - image to be shifted to reference image KEYWORDS: SOBEL - use sobel edge sharpening ROBERTS - use roberts edge sharpening EDGEGAUSS = # - sigma value for gaussian edge sharpening (default = 4) CM - align on centre-of-mass of correlation FFT (default = peak) MAXSHIFT - maximum number of pixels to shift MEANFILL - use mean for image pixels not in shifted image MEDIANFILL - use median for image pixels not in shifted image (default is to leave those pixels as zero) XCORING_WIN - number of window to display correlation image XCORIMG_ZOOM - zoom factor for alignment images XPLOT_WIN - number of window to display x-shifts YPLOT_WIN - number of window to display y-shifts DEBUG - debug code implemented HELP - display help message OUTPUTS: XSHIFT - value of x-shift (in fractional pixels) YSHIFT - value of y-shift (in fractional pixels) IMAGE2_SHIFTED - shifted second image COMMON BLOCKS: none EXAMPLE: Call from : align,ref_image,this_image,this_x_shift,this_y_shift,$ shifted_image, sobel = sobel, roberts=roberts, $ maxshift=maxshift, /meanfill, $ xcorimg_win = stack_align_par.diff_image_win, $ xcorimg_zoom = img_zoom CAUTIONS Image alignment will often fail in cases of ambigous or low contrast MODIFICATION HISTORY: (25-mar-1998 cjj) modified to deal with 24 bit color If you provide the white, red, and green colors, then it is assumed that the color table is preloaded. "white" is an index for a color table from 0 to 255, whereas "red" and "green" are plot color indices which might be longs on 24 bit graphics devices. CJJ (11-jul-98 cjj) Significantly modified Eliminated the correl option, and made /peak the default (i.e., you cannot specify it anymore). Fit the three pixels about the peak to z=a+bx*cx^2 and z=a+by+cy^2 for subpixel location (30-dec-99 aph) documented as part of AXIS
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: ALS2NCDF LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 27-feb-00 PURPOSE: This procedure converts one or a series of ALS image files into netCDF format and, if multiple files, writes a stack_list (*.sl) file with names of converted files CATEGORY: AXIS: image analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: ALS2NCDF, file INPUTS: FILE - an ALS image file (*.im%) to be converted to netCDF format (*.nc) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: LIST - name of file with list of image files (*.lst) BIN - average by combining 2x2 pixels (bin=2) or 3x3 pixels (bin=3), etc OUTLIST - name of a file to write list of netCDF files (*.sl) DELE - delta_E is a photon energy shift (real - measured) (eV) ONE - convert only a single file OUTPUTS: FILE.NC - image written to a netCDF format binary file COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM - set of common blocks for AXIS @BSIF_COM - common block for netCDF SIDE EFFECTS: many ! RESTRICTIONS: caveat emptor PROCEDURE: ALS2NCDF assumes that ax_rd_im has put the image and associated information into BSIF_COMMON variables: image_data (the array which holds the image - possibly several planes deep for I, IO, CLOCK) EXAMPLE: ALS2NCDF is used from AXIS by supplying user-defined keywords fileget=PICKFILE2(/Read, FILTER='*.lst', /LPATH, DEFPATH=defpath) if strlen(fileget) GT 0 THEN BEGIN WIDGET_CONTROL, Uprompt, SET_VALUE= 'ALS->nc: smooth by binning?' bin_num=1 ; optional binning of data bin_num=get_num(Val=bin_num,PROMPT='bin *', group=axis_ID) WIDGET_CONTROL, Uprompt, Bad_ID = badID, SET_VALUE= 'ALS->nc: calibrate E?' del_E=0. del_E = get_num(Val=del_E,PROMPT='dE(real-meas, eV)', group=axis_ID) sl_file = get_text(Prompt = 'stack_list file',val = sl_file, group=axis_ID) ALS2NCDF,list=fileget,bin=bin_num, outlist=sl_file, delE=del_E endif MODIFICATION HISTORY: (xx-mar-98 aph) developed to support stacks at ALS (14-jun-98 aph) axis_com, bsif_com (for Linux idl 5.03) ( 2-aug-98 aph) define extension which is the image (switches !) (16-aug-98 aph) allow use of *.lst files generated by ALS (20-nov-98 aph) get rid of IDL command window prompt ( 7-jan-99 aph) sorting out problem with multi-file processing (stalls) (12-jan-99 aph) adapt to find data files when using ALS *.lst paths are wrong (14-apr-99 aph) DataPath default to Defath (13-May-99 aph) conditional plotting at end if 1 file ( 6-jul-99 aph) free_lun NOT just close ! (11-aug-99 aph) fix up path issues; (05-sep-99 aph) write to real netcdf (19-sep-99 aph) write outlist file in ZIMBA format (15-oct-99 aph) correct path information at top oz Zimba format (30-dec-99 aph) AXIS standard documentation; add ONE keyword (27-feb-00 aph) groupID added to get_text (18-jul-01 aph) fixe error in optional /one and /list options
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: ALS_SPECIN LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 19-mar-02 PURPOSE: This function reads in an ALS BL7.0 stxm spectral data file based on parameters generated by the ALS_SPECTRA widget CATEGORY: AXIS: spectra analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = ALS_SPECIN(in_file, REF=ref, COL=col, _extra=e) INPUTS: IN_FILE - name of ALS BL 7.0 STXM data file (transmission or yield signal) KEYWORDS: REF - switch to indicate this is incident flux reference COL=# - data column to read in _EXTRA_E - in case one wants to pass plot paramaters OUTPUTS: Result is an AXIS 1d data structure. The y data values are calculated according to the readin parameters COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks ; PROCEDURE: uses current values of I_process, Io_process to determine what to do set KEYWORD REF to 1 to use Io_process I_process = 'all' - return both dark and data values 'none' - ignore dark counts 'dark' - average dark, subtract 'OSA' - ratio signal to OSA (without dark correction) 'both' - ratio signal to OSA (with dark correction of each) -------- internal parameter, OPT, used to control processing ------- default (no opt) is to read in E,col1,col2 OPT = col1: raw data - ASSUMES transmission detector in col(1); OSA in col(2) OPT = col2: extract col(2) - OSA (pre-98) or trans (after Dec-97; flipped here) OPT = col3; extract col(3) - TEY OPT = dark: dark correct signals OPT = OSA; divide by OSA signal (no dark correct) OPT = OSA-dark; dark correct, then divide by OSA signal ALS BL7.0 point spectra consist of ascii files (*.dat, *.xas) ------ FORMAT of *.DAT file (scan details) 10 5 50000 100000 (#dark points) (#sections) (shutter delay - us) (dwell/dark - us) 2.7500E+2 2.0000E-1 40 100000 Region 1:(first-E in eV) (step in eV) (number) (dwell) 2.8300E+2 7.9710E-2 138 100000 Region 2: 2.9400E+2 1.2000E-1 50 100000 Region 3: 3.0000E+2 2.0000E-1 75 100000 Region 4: 3.1500E+2 2.5000E-1 60 100000 Region 5: ------ FORMAT of *.xas file 273.000 36 16 273.200 37 17 dark signal levels before scan ..... 275.000 16774 51465 E, signal_1, signal_2 (as many defined in acquire) 275.200 16820 52070 275.400 16824 52848 ..... 330.200 36 16 330.400 37 17 dark signal levels after scan ..... CAUTIONS the data format was modified several times in 1997 this routine attempts to auto-detect the format of the file but some errors do occur MODIFICATION HISTORY: (09-Dec-97 aph) multi-section files; single file to do all types of read-in of ALS STXM spectral files (15-feb-98 aph) cancel protect; read 0 dark_pt files (04-mar-98 aph) still problems with 0 dark pts; (09-apr-98 aph) save img_shifts; correct spike; add col(3) = TEY (07-aug-98 aph) indicate extension (? not done since col indicated already) (02-jan-99 aph) derived from (03-jan-99 aph) add ytitle (s.yl) (28-jan-99 aph) xlabel consistent with nsls readin; DefPath in pickfile2 (18-sep-99 aph) correct to allow read-in with no dark points (30-dec-99 aph) AXIS standard documentation (19-mar-02 aph) adapt to new stxm701 which dies not use OSA (only 2 cols)
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: ALS_SPECTRA LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 31-dec-99 PURPOSE: These procedures generate a widget used to read in ALS BL 7.0 STXM spectral data. CATEGORY: AXIS: spectra analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: als_spectra [, GROUP_LEADER=wGroup, _EXTRA=_VWBExtra_ ] ROUTINES: BSE_ALS_SPECTRA_event, Event - processes the events generated by user using the ALS_SPECTRA_EVENTCB routines BSE_ALS_SPECTRA, GROUP_LEADER=wGroup, _EXTRA=_VWBExtra_ - generates widget structure ALS_SPECTRA - stub for loading INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: GROUP_LEADER: ID of calling widget OUTPUTS: read in of data occurs when the 'GO' button is pushed code for read-in is in ALS_SPECTRA_EVENTCB callback processing COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks MODIFICATION HISTORY: Generated on: 01/08/99 12:58.18 (30-dec-99 aph) AXIS standard documentation
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: ALS_SPECTRA_EVENTCB LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 31-dec-99 PURPOSE: This IDL Event Callback procedure processes the events generated by the buttons in the >READ>ALS-STXM spectral input command of AXIS CATEGORY: AXIS spectra analysis IDL Event Callback Procedure for als_spectra_eventcb ROUTINES: ALS_Spectra_Update - indicate current values of read-in parameters BUT_I_all BUT_I_none BUT_I_dark BUT_I_OSA BUT_I_both BUT_Io_all BUT_Io_none BUT_Io_dark BUT_Io_OSA BUT_Io_both TXT_I_check TXT_I_col BUT_I_Browse TXT_Io_check TXT_Io_col BUT_Io_Browse Scan_Par_Update BUT_Load_Sample BUT_Load_ratio BUT_Load_Absorption BUT_Load_Data BUT_Cancel ALS_SPEC_EVENTCB - stub routine to load all the rest INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: none COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks RESTRICTIONS: Whenever re-generate ALS_Spectra, add the following to pro BSE_ALS_SPECTRA,: to ADD an explicit Font command to handle different choices of Font Size at Windows level @axis_com WIDGET_CONTROL, Default_Font = BufLblFont NB -- Remove the All_Events keyword from the creation of the TXT_I_check and TXT_Io_check text widgets in ALS_Spectra,pro to trigger events only on newlines. END OF STUFF to add to pro BSE_ALS_SPECTRA, GROUP_LEADER=wGroup, _EXTRA=_VWBExtra_ MODIFICATIONS First generated on: 01/01/99 16:14.31 (03-jan-99 aph) add ytitle (sample.yl) to returned Data (08-jan-99 aph) change display of parameters to table widget to get round overlap crash (11-jan-99 aph) error recovery if request reference with no file defined (28-jan-99 aph) DefPath for path and get_path (25-jun-99 aph) remove ambiguity of Scan_par_Update (function) & ScanPar_Update (paramater) (04-jul-99 aph) correct error in last procedure ! (10-sep-99 aph) correct error in interpolation (30-dec-99 aph) add AXIS documentation
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: APS_XRF_COM.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 20-Jun-10 PURPOSE: This file contains the common block for the widget which displays XRF maps CATEGORY: utility ------------------------------ XRF - structure with xrf map and label information XRF_maps returns index numbers (sshifted up by 1) of maps for buffers 1-9 XRF_MAP_ID - group label XRF_Map_List - set of labels of maps MODIFICATION HISTORY: (20-Jun-10 aph) first version, adapted from
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AVERAGEVAL.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 19-Jul-10 PURPOSE: This function projects from existing spectral data the value at a requested X-point CATEGORY: spectra processing; part of XSpecSim package CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = AverageVal(ARR=ARR, VAL=VAL) INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: ARR 2d array of energy and spectral data VAL energy value to generate interpolated data OUTPUTS: none COMMON BLOCKS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: (21-Jul-06 jso) first version (19-jul-10 aph) AXIS standard header added
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AXB_LOAD LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 03-Jan-15 (aph) PURPOSE: This function reads in AXIS format image or spectra from the XDR transferrable binary format. (Files written using AXB_SAVE). CATEGORY: STAND ALONE: utility CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = AXB_LOAD([ NOF=nof, error=err, file=file, title=title, _extra=e]) CALLED FROM AXIS: Read->Images->AXIS (and in many analysis routines) INPUTS: none. All input parameters are passed as keywords. KEYWORDS: /NOF - no filter (default filter = '*.axb') FILE - filename to read /SILENT - do not display feedback on progress _EXTRA - passed on parameters OUTPUTS: RESULT = AXIS 1d or 2d structure COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks PROCEDURE: AXB_LOAD uses the XDR external, machine-independent binary representation. Please see the IDL manual (help under 'XDR') for details. AXB_LOAD uses information on the first line to determine the structure type. EXAMPLE: Create a sample nxn image, write as binary using AXB_SAVE, read using AXB_LOAD n = 100 & t = findgen(n) & d = dist(n) a = {t:'2d', x:t, y:t, xl:'x (um) E = 288.601 eV dwell = 0.20 ms', yl:'y', d: d, dl:'test'} t = AXB_SAVE(a) b = AXB_LOAD(file = t) splot2d, b MODIFICATION HISTORY: (09-aug-97 aph) isolated from AXIS (21-jan-98 aph) added s.dn component to 1d structure to be axis-compatible (18-jan-99 aph) allow silent readins if provide filename by keyword (08-aug-99 aph) image information printed (17-oct-99 aph) save energy & dwell in sd.wavelength, sd.dwell so nsls write works ! (02-jan-00 aph) AXIS standard documentation (26-sep-00 aph) store energy explcitly in 2d structure (13-Nov-05 aph) use axis_log for feedback (14-jul-07 aph) add /silent keyword (02-feb-11 aph) remove path from axis log (15-Jul-12 aph) get rid of NaN values when read image data (03-Jan-15 aph) add keyword TITLE to allow indication of type of file to load
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AXB_SAVE LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 02-Jan-15 PURPOSE: This function writes an AXIS format image or spectrum to the XDR transferrable binary format.These files can be read using AXB_LOAD. CATEGORY: STAND ALONE: utility CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = AXB_SAVE(tmp [, NOF=nof, file=file, noLbl = noLbl, silent=silent]) CALLED FROM AXIS: Read->Images->AXIS INPUTS: TMP - AXIS 1d or 2d structure KEYWORDS: /NOF - no filter (default filter = '*.axb') NOLBL - if set, do not query for label FILE - filename to read SILENT flag to control entry to axis log OUTPUTS: RESULT = filename (a blank string if the user cancels) COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks PROCEDURE: uses the XDR external, machine-independent binary representation. Please see the IDL manual (help under 'XDR') for details. If the filename is not supplied via the FILE keyword, the user is prompted for the filename using the pick file dialog. If the filename is supplied, a check for overwriting is made unless the global flag, overwrite_all is set to 1 EXAMPLE: Create a sample nxn image, write as binary using AXB_SAVE, read using AXB_LOAD n = 100 & t = findgen(n) & d = dist(n) a = {t:'2d', x:t, y:t, xl:'x (um) E = 288.601 eV dwell = 0.20 ms', yl:'y', d: d, dl:'test'} t = AXB_SAVE(a) b = AXB_LOAD(file = t) splot2d, b ;MODIFICATION HISTORY: ( fall-97 aph) first made (14-jun-98 aph) axis_com (18-jan-99 aph) keyword to allow silent writes (no file dialog) ( 8-jul-99 aph) FREE_LUN not just close ( 8-sep-99 aph) update label (02-jan-00 aph) AXIS standard documentation (09-jan-00 aph) add hourglass for long writes (27-feb-00 aph) add groupID to get_text (06-may-01 aph) remove groupID call if not running axis (04-jun-03 aph) add keyword to force label to current value (15-Jan-07 aph) add keyword silent (29-dec-07 aph) remove path info from log (02-Jan-15 aph) add no_aXis keyword to suppress loading result into aXis2000 buffer
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AXIS LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 29-jun-00 PURPOSE: This procedure compiles all files used by the AXIS widget. CATEGORY: AXIS: utility CALLING SEQUENCE: @axis (at the IDL prompt) INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: starts execution of AXIS COMMON BLOCKS: none PROCEDURE The AXIS batch file is used to start AXIS in order to ensure the subdirectory from which AXIS is being run contains a complete set of pro files. In principle the IDL auto load or the RESOLVE_ALL routine could be used to achieve this. However, a number of the utility and event call back pro files contain multiple routines that are not visible to RESOLVE_ALL. The working AXIS code directory can be set from the Utilities->Set preferences command in AXIS. The default is C:\axis on WIN machines. IDL library files are loaded as needed MODIFICATION HISTORY: (02-jan-00 aph) AXIS standard documentation. See file for more
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AXIS2000 LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 25-Jul-15 (aph) PURPOSE: This procedure starts the aXis2000 widget. CATEGORY: AXIS: utility CALLING SEQUENCE: AXIS2000, directory=directory, start_file='*.ini', , help=help, /dialog INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: spin activate spinning logo help print a help text OUTPUTS: starts execution of AXIS COMMON BLOCKS: axis_com sdf_com PROCEDURE LIMITATIONS this has problems for MacOS MODIFICATION HISTORY: (08-dec-00 cgz) first written (23-jan-01 cgz) Added initial specification of ini_file if start_file is not specified (23-jan-01 cgz) Added /help option to give help message (31-jan-01 aph) get so that will auto-run on PC from start_file call (redo of 12-jan-01 changes) (22-aug-01 aph) add spin keyword (28-jul-02 aph) set directory to 'CodePath' (from axis.ini file), if not defined in call (20-Apr-08 aph) explicitly force CodePath to 'c:\axis2000' if not exist (25-Jan-12 aph) adapt CodePath to deal with Mac versus Windows (20-May-13 bw ) Use internal IDL routines to get codepath to simplify and make more platform independent (27-MAy-13 aph) adapt to Windows so it will work with IDL version 6.3; use as standard start file (14-Jan-14 aph) add @sdf_com - so now remembers last SDF file type (21-Jul-15 aph) activate auto detection of code path
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AXIS2000_BATCH.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 27-May-2013 PURPOSE: This batch file is used to start aXis2000. Originally it provided keywords to define the source folder ('directory' and options to spin the logo now it runs directly so is not strictly needed bit is kept for those who use old versions of aXis2000 where this was the recommended start file CATEGORY: Image display. CALLING SEQUENCE: axis2000_batch INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: starts axis2000 widget using COMMON BLOCKS: none SIDE EFFECTS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: (27-May-13 aph) AXIS standard header added
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AXIS_ADD LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 21-apr-05 PURPOSE: This procedure interpolates then sums the y-values over the common x-axis range of two 1-d structures (spectra) in AXIS CATEGORY: AXIS: spectra analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: AXIS_ADD CALLED FROM AXIS: Spectra->Add->Buffers INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: The sum of the spectra is placed in buffer 0. COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks PROCEDURE: The user is prompted for a scale factor for first file, the buffer of the second file, and a scale factor for the second file. MODIFICATION HISTORY: (09-aug-97 aph) split out from axis_c (29-dec-97 aph) remembers numerical factors (14-jun-98 aph) axis_com (13-dec-98 aph) allow for cancel when choosing 2nd buffer (08-jun-99 aph) add group call to get_num (30-dec-99 aph) use AX_MESH to interpolate (23-feb-99 aph) add groupID to buffer call (02-jan-00 aph) AXIS standard documentation (21-apr-05 aph) use FIRST keyword for axis_mesh to force E-scale to that of first file when interpolating spectra
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AXIS_APP LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 23-feb-00 PURPOSE: This procedure appends two 1-d AXIS data structures (spectra). If the data overlaps the user is prompted to select inclusion of the first, second or average data in the overlapping region. CATEGORY: AXIS: spectra analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: AXIS_APP CALLED FROM AXIS: Spectra->Add->Append INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: The appended spectrum is placed in buffer 0. COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks MODIFICATION HISTORY: (09-aug-97 aph) isolated from AXIS (24-jan-98 aph) corrrected to add s.dn (14-jun-98 aph) axis_com (02-jan-00 aph) 1st, 2nd, average in common region; AXIS standard documentation (23-feb-00 aph) add groupID to call to Buffer
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AXIS_C LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 31 Jul 15 (aph) PURPOSE: This file contains three procedures (AXIS_C, AXIS_EVENT, AXIS_MENU_EVENT) which execute all menu items and displays for the AXIS2000 widget. It is the core of the aXis2000 widget. CATEGORY: AXIS: data analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: AXIS_C [, start_file = start_file, group = group, spin=spin] ROUTINES PRO AXISMENU_EVENT, Event PRO AXIS_EVENT, Event PRO AXIS_C, start_file = start_file, GROUP=Group INPUTS: EVENT - ID of event code (button push) KEYWORDS: START_FILE name of initial parameters (default = AXIS.INI) GROUP group name (AXIS_ID - stored in AXIS_COM) SPIN spin the globe on start-up; activate web links OUTPUTS: none COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks @sdf_com @AX_PEEM_COM common for PEEM widget read-in COMMON tif_convert_common - common for Tif convert (PEEM stacks) @ptycho_com PROCEDURE: HELP for using aXis2000 is given in AXIS.PDF which can be accessed by the AXIS help button which starts Adobe Acrobat to view that file. If this does not come up, you may not have the Adobe reader on your system and/or, the system level command to run Acrobat may not be correct. To fix this: 1. Download Adobe Acroreader from (it is freeware) 2. change the command to execute Acrobat in the axis.ini file (use the Windows RUN command to determine the correct syntax) 3. restart aXis2000 The source of AXIS.PDF is a Word97 document, axis2000.doc HELP for coding aXis2000 and a file-by-file description of the code is contained in AXIS_PROGRAMS.HTML which can be viewed with a web browser. MODIFICATION HISTORY: ***** for detailed history please see the top of the source file (AXIS_C.PRO) *****
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AXIS_COM.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 29-Mar-15 PURPOSE: This INCLUDE file contains COMMON blocks for AXIS. CATEGORY: AXIS: utility CALLING SEQUENCE: @axis_com NAMES AND MEANING OF COMMON VARIABLES ************************************************************************* *********** AXIS COMMON PARAMETERS ****************** ************************************************************************* CAUTION - if you use one of these variable names in a subroutine for a different purpose and have included @axis_com, this can be a source of hard to trace errors in other routines. A common cuplrit is DATA. ************************************************************************* KEEP the ansls line THE LAST !! - it is a structure of variable size ************************************************************************* COMMON aDRAWID, Axis_ID, MainWid, MainImg, XZPlot, YZPlot, Thumbnails, AxSpin Axis_ID ID of AXIS widget base MainWid graphics window # of draw window (not same as Widget ID !!) MainImg ID of MainImg draw window XZPlot graphics window # of XZ line-out draw window YZPlot graphics window # of XZ line-out draw window ColorbarPlot graphics window # of colorbar draw window Thumbnails graphics window # of Thumbnails draw window AxSpin = 1 if using spinning globe logo; = 0 if single image COMMON aBUF, CurBuf, Data, pData, pNum, pBufs, BufStat, ButIDs, BufButs, OptButs CurBuf number of current buffer (0-12; only 0-9 directly displayable) Data pointers to the data structures pData pointers to spectra components for overplotting pNum number of plots in temporary storage for overplotting pBufs original buffers of overplot files (order scrambled by user sleection in overplotting) BufStat status of displayed buffers (multiple buffer display in overplot) ButIDs ID values of the buffer labels BufButs ID values of the buffer selection boxes OptButs ID values of the option buttons COMMON BufScal, Xscl,Yscl, Zscl, Xmin, Xmax, Ymin, Ymax, Zmin, Zmax, G_slider Xscl Array of (xmin, xmax) for all 10 buffers Yscl Array of (ymin, ymax) for all 10 buffers Zscl Array of (zmin, zmax) for all 10 buffers Xmin Widget ID for Text box with user selectable Xmin (15-Nov-99) Xmax Widget ID for Text box with user selectable Xmax (15-Nov-99) Ymin Widget ID for Text box with user selectable Ymin (15-Nov-99) Ymax Widget ID for Text box with user selectable Ymax (15-Nov-99) Zmin Widget ID for Text box with user selectable Zmin (20-Dec-98) Zmax Widget ID for Text box with user selectable Zmax (20-Dec-98) G_slider Widget ID for gamma slider control (16-nov-99) COMMON aPATHS, DefPath, WritePath, ini_file, codepath, last_image_ext,location DefPath path for READING datafiles WritePath path for Writing data files ini_file name of program paramaters codepath path to code files last_image_ext extension (data type) of last image read by axis (default *.im1) location physical location (used as switch for some spcific cases) COMMON aPRINT, gr_dev, gr_scale, Print_dev, Pr_Command, print_file gr_dev IDL device for screen display ('WIN', 'X') gr_scale graphics scal factor (0.5 to 2.0) Print_dev IDL device for printing ('PS'=postscript, 'PCL'=HP PCL language) Pr_Command command to transfer file to printer (11-May-99) print_file name of print file Help_cmd command to load acrobat file (axis.pdf) (24-may-99) Net_command command to start web browser (31-jan-00) COMMON aCURS1, CursorX, CursorY, CursorZ, PixelX, PixelY, xline, yline, Xval, Yval, Zval CursorX widget ID for x value display CursorY widget ID for y value display CursorZ widget ID for z value display PixelX widget ID of x pixel value display PixelY widget ID of y pixel value display xline [x1, x2] data values for user selected line yline [y1, y2] data values for user selected line Xval x value of cursor Yval y value of cursor Zval z value of cursor COMMON aCURS2, GraphFrozen, CurFroz, CurX, CurY, Xrng, Yrng, Zrng GraphFrozen switch indicating MainImg cursor nor active (NO LONGER USED) CurFroz [x,y] values where MainImg cursor is frozen CurX x-cursor index (device) CurY y-cursor index (device) Xrng [Xmin, Xmax] graph limits (data units) Yrng [Ymin, Ymax] graph limits (data units) Zrng [Zmin, Zmax] graph limits (data units) COMMON aCURS3, Xold previous X-cursor value (for del-X computation) Yold previous Y-cursor value (for del-Y computation) MainCurCol color of cursor (NOT USED ??) First_Plot flag to indicate whether ax_color should be called Last_Img flag indicating last display on MainGraf was image (NOT USED ??) COMMON aCURS4, delX, delY, delR, delZ, DXval, DYval, DRval, DZval, click1 delX widget ID for delta-x value display delY widget ID for delta-y value display delR widget ID for delta-R value display (distance between points) delZ widget ID for delta-z value display (image intensity) DXval delta-x value DYval delta-y value DRval delta-R value DZval delta-z value click1 0 - cursor free; 1 - first point selected; 2 - second point selected COMMON aprompt, Uprompt index for AXIS communication text window version version identifier (# (date)) (10-may-98) profl profl=1 - extract profile (11-may-98) COMMON acolor, ColTbl, bColor, UserR, UserG, UserB COMMON aSCALEBAR, scale_bar, bar_pos scale_bar flag to plot or not plot bar bar_pos [bar_x, bar_y] position of start of bar in fraction of plot units COMMON aselect, select_flag flag to switch Thumbs from replot to select mode (28-sep-99) copy_flag flag to indicate copy operation NewBuf Number of new buffer img_rep_line flag to indicate mode to identify a replacement line norm_flag flag to control if ring current normalization is to be carried out (11-mar-07) norm_value standard ring current (default = 400 mA - ALS top up target) (07-Aug-08) norm_string text string defining type of normalization performed (moved from sdf_com, 21-Jul-14) xy_correct_flag flag to control if xy correction is to be carried out (01-feb-09) COMMON axis_color_common, ax_low_color_index, ax_top_color_index, $ ax_black_color_index, ax_white_color_index, $ ax_color00_index, ax_color01_index, ax_color02_index, ax_color03_index, $ ax_color04_index, ax_color05_index, ax_color06_index, ax_color07_index, $ ax_color08_index, ax_color09_index, ax_color10_index, ax_color11_index, $ ax_color12_index, ax_color13_index, ax_color14_index, ax_color15_index COMMON aLBL, Label, BufLblFont Label array of 9 labels displayed with file list BufLblFont font used for widget (system specific !!) COMMON aOPTIONS, Axes, Mouse, Line_Sym, pan_smooth, thumb_plot Axes switch to indicate if axes are to be plotted on 2D graph Mouse switch to indicate if Main_graph is active on mouse MOTION (=1) or click (=0) Line_Sym switch to determine if symbols are plotted (=1) pan_smooth switch to indicate if zoom graph updated on mouse MOTION (=1) or click (=0) thumb_plot switch to indicate that a ThumbZoom (4 or 9) is plotted (aph 10-jul-99) COMMON aparam, (3-mar-98, 11-may-99) X_calib X-slope, X-intercept for auto spectral scale setting Y_calib Y-slope, Y-intercept for auto spectral scale setting constant add/subtract constant gain_m multiplicative gain constant gain_d divisive gain constant factor constants for conversions Xlock standard (x1,x2) values (for image alignment) Ylock standard (y1,y2) values (for image alignment) cll (x,y) lower left of cutout (Zoom; align images) cur (x,y) upper right of cutout (Zoom; align images) pix_siz size of pixel (for image aligmnment) PrintSize size in inchess of the printed Main Window in utilities~Print ; added 7-May-11 PrintColor color switch (1 = B/W, 0 = color for printouts ; added 7-May-11 COMMON lastpath, (2-mar-98; 4-jan-00 overwrite_all) lpath last path accessed in pickfile routine lfile last file accessed in pickfile routine overwrite_all switch to indicate ignore overwrite checks in file writes COMMON alsRead, (01-Jan-99) I_process procedure to massage I_file (none, dark, OSA, both) Io_process procedure to massage I_file (none, dark, OSA, both) S_file name of sample data file (NB I_file used by stacks !!) Io_file name of reference data file I_col Column number for sample data Io_col Column number for reference data als_readin method of processing sample, ref (data, ratio, absorption) Scan_Par_Update switch to indicate updating paramaters during Browse COMMON ax_logo_com, (29-jan-00) ax_logo array of logo_num logo images logo_rate display rate logo_num number of images logo_now current image logo_size size of image (gr_scale*360) frontpanel if = 1 then front panel (single or rotating) is up logo_more if = 1 continue displaying logo logo_win array of pixmap indices logo_R red color logo_G logo_B COMMON asfcom (25-nov-01) sf_cmpd formula sf_emin minimum energy sf_emax maximum energy sf_mode tpye of calculation (trans or mass abs) sf_density density sf_thick thickness COMMON tofcom (14-feb-04) tofE photon energy stop1 stop # 1 stop2 stop # 2 bin_ns bin size tof1_min minimum time for stop 1 tof1_max maximum time for stop 1 tof2_min minimum time for stop 2 tof2_max maximum time for stop 2 COMMON logtext (14-sep-04) log_last_line index of last line in Widget_text box in panel COMMON MCF_EVENT, mcf (26-Oct-04) for multi-column ascii file read-in MCF_ID widget ID MCF_Channel_List list of channels mcf_ext current file extension MCF_Xcol column for X MCF_Ycol_I column for Y_I MCF_Ycol_I0 column for Y_I0 convert_OD_flag set to read I, Io columns from multicolumn file MCF_rows # of rows to skip MCF_lasfile name of last file MCF_lastrow last row COMMON aparam2 mesh_x, mesh_y, Io-val, nsmooth mesh_x #y-pixels to interpolate images to mesh_y #y-pixels to interpolate images to Io_val value of Io for converting images to OD nsmooth number of smooths (Savitsky-Golay or median) xrf_cols_start first non-zero column in the XRF maps written by INCA xrf_cols_stop last non-zero column in the XRF maps written by INCA xrf_rows_start first non-zero rows in the XRF maps written by INCA xrf_rows_stop last non-zero rows in the XRF maps written by INCA xrf_map_width size (um) along x-axis xrf_energy beam energy (eV) xrf_dwell pixel dwell time (ms) Common aparam3, img_bin, img_SumAdd, spec_bin, spec_SumAdd img_bin factor to bin images by img_SumAdd switch from (Average) to (Sum) when binning images spec_bin factor to bin spectra by spec_SumAdd switch from (Average) to (Sum) when binning spectra dist_xy 2-d float - X_factor, Y_factor distortion parameters used by AX_XYDIS COMMON aptycho, ptycho_E, ptycho_pix, ptycho_dwell (01-Dec-12) ptycho_E energy of ptycho image ptycho_pix pixel size (nm) of ptycho image ptycho_dwell dwell time used to record ptycho image COMMON ansls, (2-mar-98) SD ScanData - structure containing info of NSLS image scan sd.wavelength - photon wavelength sd.dwell - pixel dwell for images sd.clock_frequency - something involved with count normalization MODIFICATION HISTORY: (16-Nov-99 aph) last addition (02-jan-00 aph) AXIS standard documentation (10-dec-00 cgz) added CurrentPath to COMMON aPATHS (25-NOV-01 APH) add asfcom (28-dec-01 aph) add pixelX, pixelY to COMMON aCurs1; frontpanel to ax_logo_com; img_rep_line to aselect (29-dec-01 aph) add aROTATE ax_angle, ax_centre ; alphabetized common blocks (31-dec-01 aph) add AxSpin to ADRAWID (16-feb-02 aph) add ascalebar (14-feb-04 aph) add tofcom (14-sep-04 aph) add log_text, log_last_line (to use for storable log) (26-oct-04 aph) incorporate mcf_com (25-Feb-05 aph) add a_param2 - these ones are NOT set at start so must use if n_Elements(parameter) EQ 0 then parameter = 'initial value' (23-Apr-05 aph) add nsmooth to a_param2 (11-mar-07 aph) add flag for ring current normalization (17-Aug-08 aph) not annotated change (17-Sep-08 aph) moved aselect down to see if there si a limit of recursive common (01-feb-09 aph) add xy_correct_flag (7-mar-10 aph) added sbin (27-mar-10 aph) added xrf_cols, xrf_rows (range of data for inca XRF maps) (11-mar-10 aph) add xrf_energy, xrf_dwell (25-Jul-11 aph) add img_bin, img_SumAdd, spec_bin, spec_SumAdd to aparam3 (11-Dec-11 aph) add dist_xy to aparam3 (21-Nov-12 aph) add mcf_Y_I0 to allow auto conversion to OD (01-Dec-12 aph) add COMMON aptycho (20-Jul-14 aph) add Axes, to aOPTIONS (29-Mar-15 aph) removed last comment line - Eclipse IDL 8.3 did not like
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AXIS_DIALOG LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 02 Aug 2015 (aph) PURPOSE: This procedure creates the widget for use with aXis2000 CATEGORY: AXIS: data analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: AXIS_DIALOG INPUTS: NONE KEYWORDS: NONE OUTPUTS: NONE COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks MODIFICATION HISTORY: (10-mar-00 cgz) initially written (30-mar-00 cgz) modifications to acommadate changes by APH in AXIS (30-may-00 cgz) modifications to acommadate changes by APH in AXIS (09-dec-00 cgz) reconciliation with AXIS v.2.0.b (29-dec-00 aph) remove SVD-map from images menu; change Zoom; thumbnails submenus (04-jan-01 cgz) created menu button bar for most frequently accessed simple functions modified lineout options for reduced screen use, i.e., laptops (22-jan01 cgz) reduced space gap between row of pull down menus and buttons (05-feb-01 aph) extend images~average pixels_all; utilities~change mesh re-introduced (11-feb-01 aph) add read_bl5 menu items (13-feb-01 aph) add spectra~curve fit (21-feb-01 aph) add ALS XM-1 image read-in (17-apr-01 aph) update identifier to reflect changes (07-jun-01 aph) introduce ALS PEEM widget - not functional as of 26-jun-01 (27-jun-01 aph) read_stxm4 nsls image read in (12-jul-01 aph) convert stxmIV for stack read-in (27-jul-01 aph) add CGO procedure for stack mapping (12-aug-01 aph) add widget for PEEM tif to netCDF conversion (29-aug-01 aph) add 5.3.2 stack read in (30-sep-01 aph) add Read~spectra~nsls~stxmIV (07-oct-01 aph) colorbar fills sub-wiget; rearrangement of panel (gamma to bottom; etc) (14-oct-01 aph) SPECTRA: add additional processing (28-oct-01 aph) add WRITE_SDF (26-nov-01 aph) re-order (19-dec-01 aph) version increment (28-dec-01 aph) add image~replace_line (to fix up early 5.3.2 errors); frontpanel (31-dec-01 aph) add utilities~Execute macro; add PNG write and read (16-feb-02 aph) add utilities~scale bar (30-mar-02 aph) move overplot command to main line menu (17-apr-02 aph) add Elmitecx readin (28-apr-02 aph) adapt Elmitec read-in to *.dat (binary format) (08-may-02 aph) introduce sphinx stack read-in (adapted ALS PEEM) (12-may-02 aph) modify display comand order; delete read~stxm532_early (16-jul-02 aph) VERSION J started ; elmitec peem read-in (28-jul-02 aph) clean up log entries on aXis2000 start-up (06-aug-02 aph) add Andy Smith's tif_convert for ALS (&SRC) PEEM data (09-sep-02 aph) add ax_one_pt (30-oct-02 aph) add sphinx-spectra (15-feb-03 aph) add multi-column spectral read-in (12-mar-03 aph) version identifier set to 2.1m for release (02-jun-03 aph) improve PEEM data conversion (18-jun-03 aph) update banner : stack_analyze & stack_fit improvements (20-sep-03 aph) add absolute value to spectral processing; multiply buffers (15-nov-03 aph) histogram (30-dec-03 aph) redfine version (force monotonic in fitting introduced) (14-feb-04 aph) add read_all for TOF (20-feb-04 aph) add stacks~convert~TOF-all (10-Apr-04 aph) add image~remove_zeros (02-may-04 aph) update to 2.1p (17-may-04 aph) add Lox read-in (09-jun-04 aph) update version to 2.1q (28-aug-04 aph) update version to 2.1p (14-sep-04 aph) add image~average~whole~non-zero function (17-0ct-04 aph) add stack_add; change STXM_5.3.2 to ALS_STXM (28-Oct-04 aph) change order of stack analysis widgets (20-nov-04 aph) generalize binning of images, files (21-jun-05 aph) update version (03-feb-05 aph) add REGRESS based curve fits (20-feb-05 aph) fixed Ax_regress plotting; ALS_STXM map; re-order stacks menu (21-mar-05 aph) add utilities~write axis ascii (25-mar-05 aph) revise dialog to remove unused buttons (28-may-05 aph) revise for correction to etc (14-Jun-05 aph) fixed non-monotonic (I hope!); improve tif_convert; fix oplot 1-point sections of non-monotonic spectra (17-Jun-05 aph) various updates (ALS_STXM, map, 1-image with regions; etc) (20-jul-05 aph) update version (stack analyze color problem fixed (08-aug-05 aph) add write~litho; remove Sphinx_nc (18-sep-05 aph) add reset-color, display~RGB image (18-oct-05 aph) add read_lox (03-nov-05 aph) add read_xyt and procedure to mask patterns for integration (13-nov-05 aph) update tag line (14-dec-05 aph) add stacks~tomography~convert (28-jan-06 aph) add read~images~roi (04-Feb-06 aph) update version identified and some menu labels (09-feb-06 aph) read PEEM2 AOIs added (16-feb-06 aph) update colors; layout; fix slider (removed /drag) (23-feb-06 aph) add access to slicer3; re-arrange read~image to simplify (05-mar-06 aph) fix img_warp (22-mar-06 aph) fix channel selection in Lox read-inn; normalize to 400 mA (STXM-sdf) (15-Apr-06 aph) add convert to BE (21-apr-06 aph) improve stack_analyze (auto zoom, roi) (26-apr-06 aph) read jpg images (1); convert sequence of jpg images (01-may-06 gaj) add convert NCB to MRC (04-may-06 aph) polarization fit to polarization signals and stacks (31-may-06 aph) remove /scroll on initial definition of base; reformat right side a bit (10-jun-06 aph) add routine to convert set of SDF images into a stack; JSO adaptation of stack_analyse (12-jun-06 aph) add images~roi~lox (12-jun-06 gaj) add stacks~convert format~mrc to ncb (21-jul-06 jso) added spectra~convert_to_OD1 (01-Aug-06 gaj) add stacks~convert format~ncb to mpg for making movies (13-aug-06 aph) integrate GAJ and JSO changes (22-sep-06 aph) re-arrange stack~convert menu; fix line_fit (B. Watts bug finder) incorporate Remy Coulombe's region analysis for PEEM (06-oct-06 aph) Remy's region, stack_analyze & axis_dialog update (12-Nov-06 aph) add stacks~append, generate_mask~manual (04-Dec-06 aph) use scroll bar only for windows operating systems (20-Jan-07 aph) add read-in for ALS PEEM3 format images, spectra and stacks (11-mar-07 aph) update version (01-jun-07 aph) add link to PCA_GUI, update version (14-jul-07 aph) add stacks~tomography~axb (13-Sep-07 aph) update version (10-Dec-07 aph) add bin Lox stacks (29-Dec-07 aph) add stack~ax_rgb_widget; stack~transmission (01-Feb-08 aph) convert_to_OD fixed and menu changed (21-Mar-08 aph) update version (20-Apr-08 aph) update version (04-Jun-08 aph) update version; change XAS spectrum to multi-col (15-Jun-08 aph) update version (17-sep-08 aph) add in CJJ stack_analyze (11-oct-08 aph) add read Bessy stxm images (26-Dec-08 aph) start Read~stacks menu item; add read_ftir (IR maps from Nicolet / soleil) (12-Jan-09 aph) add stack~differentiate menu item (01-Feb-09 aph) update date of package (07-Mar-09 aph) update package (03-Aug-09 aph) update package; alphabetize some menus (17-Aug-09 aph) update package (17-Dec-09 aph) add read in for Twinmic data (28-Dec-09 aph) add spectra~fix rollover (22-Jan-10 aph) add read-in of XRF stacks from STXM_control (16-feb-10 aph) emsa ascii image read-in; MCA (Amptek) read-in; DM data cube read-in inca (SEM EDX maps) read-in (21-Feb-10 aph) move Twinmic conversion to stacks_xrf (26-feb-10 aph) add aXis binary (*.ncb) to ascii spectra (*.cts) (15-mar-10 aph) update date; improvements for CLS XRF (XGLabs), spectra_bin corrected (27-mar-10 aph) update version (21-apr-10 aph) add read in & process of stack-of-stacks (12-Jun-10 aph) add read_ascii_img - 2d text image (21-Jun-10 aph) add XRF-map readin for APS and CLS XRF systems (24-Jul-10 aph) re-activate Rstack_analyze; new version; add READ~STACKS~XRF~XGLabs~HDF5 (03-Oct-10 aph) fix read-XRF-stack problems for 1-energy read-in; update version (03-Feb-11 aph) image~threshold menu changed; add stack~mesh; new version (09-Feb-11 aph) new version (to correct ax_mesh & other errors) (22-apr-11 aph) add remove lines (for 5321 errors) (07-May-11 aph) change defaults on print; remember choices (17-May-11 aph) update version identifier (31-Jul-11 aph) update version; add read~spectra~alignment (29-Oct-11 aph) add read Bessy_TXM (images, stacks) (22-nov-11 aph) add Images~Modify X,Y axes (24-Nov-11 aph) update version identifier (29-Nov-11 aph) change tag for stacks~aXis (stack list) (14-Dec-11 aph) new version; change some command names (03-Feb-12 aph) update version identifier (15-Jul-12 aph) update version; clip numerical (02-Sep-12 aph) update version (26-Nov-12 aph) add stack rotation command (02 Dec-12 aph) add read in for ptychography data (15-Jan-13 aph) update version (11-Mar-13 aph) add Saga-LS peem stack read_in ; update version (28-Apr-13 aph) add Xradia txrm read-in (request of Shanghai STXM) (09-May-13 aph) new version (28-Jul-13 aph) add read-in of NSRRC SPEM images (31-Aug-13 aph) add read-in of NSRRC PEEM stacks; add Write~graphics to parallel Read~graphics (14-Nov-13 aph) add stacks~tomography~make tomo list; activate stack (21-Dec-13 aph) change date (26-Feb-14 aph) get write_tif working (21-Apr-14 aph) change version (02-May-14 aph) tif_to_ncb introduced (for Sam Kalirai; TXM@SSRL) (12-May-14 aph) add line-by-line stack Io conversion; change stack_analyse to stack process (30-Jun-14 aph) change version (20-Jul-14 aph) change display to remove tics & axis labels for 2d data (change xz_profile size) (25-Oct-14 aph) increase space for X,Y,x and pixel values for Win-7 (digits lost) (29-Oct-14 aph) change version (01-Dec-14 aph) change version (15-Jan-15 aph) change version (ax_displat_ptycho; fix img_warp, stacks~bin~energy) (01 Apr-15 aph) add alba-txm read-in; change version (02-Jul-15 aph) change version (13-Jul-15 aph) add Nexus read=in (SLS, Bessy-2, Diamond STXM format) (02-Aug-15 aph) new version - first aph-supported unix/MacOS & Windows
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AXIS_INI LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 24 Jul 2015 (aph) PURPOSE: This function reads and manages writing a file which has default values for various aXis2000 parameters CATEGORY: AXIS: utility CALLING SEQUENCE: test = AXIS_INI(file=file, out=out, set = set) CALLED FROM AXIS: at start up and Quit INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: FILE - initialization file name /OUT - write initialization file /SET - interactive setting of default values OUTPUTS: axis.ini (or user defined file name) COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks PROCEDURE: looks up default values from AXIS.INI or a user-defined file if no file, establish defaults on exit from AXIS writes out default values to AXIS.INI or a user-specified file MODIFICATION HISTORY: (28-jun-98 aph) first version (12-dec-98 aph) introduce font switching for widget (to adapt IDL 4, IDL 5) (13-dec-98 aph) add /set option (29-dec-98 aph) use AXIS_OPTIONS to establish defaults (IDL 5.2) (03-Jan-99 aph) set default WIN font to Arial*14; switch on 5.2 NOT 5 (11-May-99 aph) establish axis_ini_save subroutine; allowed 'Printer' to be full command line, not just language (24-may-99 aph) extend to include HELP file command (16-nov-99 aph) 'loc' -> 'location' to see if this is why it is not preserved (02-jan-00 aph) AXIS standard documentation (31-jan-00 aph) add net browser command (27-feb-00 aph) add groupID to get_text (07-apr-00 aph) modify to force saving to codepath area by passing on file to axis_ini_save (30-nov-00 cgz) added statements to ensure that no leading or trailing spaces are included in parameters once read in from *.ini file (05-dec-00 cgz) reversed order of AXIS_INI and AXIS_INI_SAVE (09-dec-00 cgz) added conversion of float(strtrim(gr_scale,2)) (23-jan-01 cgz) added dialog to axis_ini_save, also cleaned up logical path (31-jan-01 aph) change prompt (22-apr-01 aph) fix crash when load using axis.ini from separate directory - drop axis_options (07-oct-01 aph) re-activate axis_options (28-oct-04 aph) allow for rescue if user pushes 'cancel' on 'exit' (08-nov-04 aph) fix problem that axis2000 does NOT use saved last_file / path information problem was LPath not DefPath was saved, but previously it worked; probably was change in axis_ini_save (24-jan-05 aph) replace test for read-in which failed in IDL5.2 (11-Jan-10 aph) removed the axis_ini_save code to its own pro file (isolated (19-Nov-11 aph) automatically save to default axis.ini file location, but ask if cannot find it (21-Jul-14 aph) save last file name, not just last path (30-Nov-14 aph) ensure last filename saved (was not working from July 2014 change) (24-Jul-15 aph) write axis_win.ini or axis_unix.ini depending on the operating system ( !version.os_family )
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AXIS_INI_SAVE LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 02 Aug 2015 (aph) PURPOSE: This function writes paramaters defining how aXis2000 opeates to a file 'axis.ini' in the CodePath folder CATEGORY: AXIS: utility (captive CALLING SEQUENCE: ; test = AXIS_INI_SAVE (filename = filname) CALLED FROM AXIS: at Quit INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: FILENAME - initialization file name (optional) OUTPUTS: on Windows OS axis_win.ini (or user defined file name) on Unix OS axis_unix.ini (or user defined file name) COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks PROCEDURE: on exit from AXIS writes out default values MODIFICATION HISTORY: (28-jun-98 aph) first version (12-dec-98 aph) introduce font switching for widget (to adapt IDL 4, IDL 5) (13-dec-98 aph) add /set option (29-dec-98 aph) use AXIS_OPTIONS to establish defaults (IDL 5.2) (03-Jan-99 aph) set default WIN font to Arial*14; switch on 5.2 NOT 5 (11-May-99 aph) establish axis_ini_save subroutine; allowed 'Printer' to be full command line, not just language (24-may-99 aph) extend to include HELP file command (16-nov-99 aph) 'loc' -> 'location' to see if this is why it is not preserved (02-jan-00 aph) AXIS standard documentation (31-jan-00 aph) add net browser command (27-feb-00 aph) add groupID to get_text (07-apr-00 aph) modify to force saving to codepath area by passing on file to axis_ini_save (30-nov-00 cgz) added statements to ensure that no leading or trailing spaces are included in parameters once read in from *.ini file (05-dec-00 cgz) reversed order of AXIS_INI and AXIS_INI_SAVE (09-dec-00 cgz) added conversion of float(strtrim(gr_scale,2)) (23-jan-01 cgz) added dialog to axis_ini_save, also cleaned up logical path (31-jan-01 aph) change prompt (22-apr-01 aph) fix crash when load using axis.ini from separate directory - drop axis_options (07-oct-01 aph) re-activate axis_options (28-oct-04 aph) allow for rescue if user pushes 'cancel' on 'exit' (08-nov-04 aph) fix problem that axis2000 does NOT use saved last_file / path information problem was LPath not DefPath was saved, but previously it worked; probably was change in axis_ini_save (24-jan-05 aph) replace test for read-in which failed in IDL5.2 (11-Jan-10 aph) put this code into a separate file (isolated from from (19-Nov-11 aph) automatically save to default file & location, but ask if cannot find it (18-Aug-12 aph) get to work on both Mac and Win versions (21-Jul-14 aph) save last file name as well as path (30-Nov-14 aph) make print both folder (DefPath) and last filename (lfile) ==> REMOVED 2-Aug-15 (did not work right) (24-Jul-15 aph) change to write different files for Windows and Unix (02-Aug-15 aph) sort out why Zimba (zstack_analyze) does not write path
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AXIS_LOG LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 22-Jul-10 PURPOSE: This procedure displays messages in the aXis2000 log buffer, the IDL log area and (when implemented!!) the saved log file for a session CATEGORY: utility. CALLING SEQUENCE: AXIS_LOG, TEXT, CLEAR = clear, CLOSE = close, OPEN = open INPUTS: TEXT text string to display KEYWORDS: CLEAR clear the aXis2000 log buffer (DEFAULT is to append) CLOSE close current session log file OPEN open a session log file (close any existing open log) OUTPUTS: Display in Uprompt Widget_Text box print to IDL log and (optionally) a log file COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks SIDE EFFECTS: none RESTRICTIONS: Log file not yet implemented MODIFICATION HISTORY: (14-sep-04 aph) first created (16-jun-05 aph) ensure works outside axis2k (13-Nov-05 aph) force log_last_line to be scalar (05-jun-06 aph) .... and force log_last_line(0) when used (IDL5.2) (22-Jul-10 aph) fix error when called without starting aXis2000 and thus not having Uprompt (Widget_ID for the log text box) defined (IDL7.1)
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AXIS_OPTIONS_EVENTCB LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 11-Jan-10 PURPOSE: This set of procedures are the event processing for the AXIS_OPTIONS widget. CATEGORY: AXIS: utility ROUTINES AXIS_Opts_Update - loads current default values into AXIS_OPTIONS widget BUT_Update, Event - takes info from the AXIS_OPTIONS widget and writes the ini file BUT_Cancel - cancel BUT_WIN BUT_X BUT_OpSys_Other TXT_Set_Op_Sys - op. system BUT_PS BUT_PCL BUT_Print_Other TXT_Set_Print_device - printer BUT_Mac BUT_ALS BUT_NSLS BUT_Location_Other TXT_Set_Location - location BUT_Size_050 BUT_Size_075 BUT_Size_100 BUT_Size_125 BUT_Size_150 - size of AXIS Zero_buts - sets exclusive buttons to zero on starting widget Load_def_Win - loads default parameters for Windows systems Load_Def_X - loads default parameters for unix systems BUT_INI_Browse BUT_SOURCE_Browse BUT_DATA_Browse BUT_Print_Browse browse for file names axis_options_eventcb - auto loading stub COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks PROCEDURE: works with AXIS_OPTIONS.PRO Widget to establish AXIS defaults MODIFICATION HISTORY: Generated on: 12/28/98 21:13.49 (aph 29-Dec-98) first written using new IDL 5.2 GUIBuilder (aph^2) (aph 03-Jan-99) set Windows default font to Arial*14 (aph 24-May-99) revise to display/modify Pr_command (replace print_file) (16-nov-99 aph) change 'loc' to 'location' (for place specific features) (03-jan-00 aph) AXIS standard documentation (31-jan-00 aph) add Web browser command; re-arrange (30-dec-00 aph) merged with axis_options to make run with Zimba compile-on-fly (22-apr-01 aph) attemt to get working - no go !! (07-oct-01 aph) got working in aXis2000; only turns on (from axis.ini) in Windows (aph 11-Jan-10) changed axis_ini_save call from procedure to a function (ITT support bug fix)
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AXIS_PEEM_UPDATE LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 11-Jan-10 PURPOSE: This set of procedures are the event processing for the AXIS_PEEM peem processing widget. CATEGORY: AXIS: utility ROUTINES AXIS_Opts_Update - loads current default values into AXIS_OPTIONS widget BUT_Update, Event - takes info from the AXIS_OPTIONS widget and writes the ini file BUT_Cancel - cancel BUT_WIN BUT_X BUT_OpSys_Other TXT_Set_Op_Sys - op. system BUT_PS BUT_PCL BUT_Print_Other TXT_Set_Print_device - printer BUT_Mac BUT_ALS BUT_NSLS BUT_Location_Other TXT_Set_Location - location BUT_Size_050 BUT_Size_075 BUT_Size_100 BUT_Size_125 BUT_Size_150 - size of AXIS Zero_buts - sets exclusive buttons to zero on starting widget Load_def_Win - loads default parameters for Windows systems Load_Def_X - loads default parameters for unix systems BUT_INI_Browse BUT_SOURCE_Browse BUT_DATA_Browse BUT_Print_Browse browse for file names axis_options_eventcb - auto loading stub COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks PROCEDURE: works with AXIS_OPTIONS.PRO Widget to establish AXIS defaults RESTRICTIONS does not work !!! - from cgz changes to axis Nov00 to Jan01 MODIFICATION HISTORY: (aph 03-jun-01) first written - adapted from axis_options (aph 11-Jan-10) changed axis_ini_save call from procedure to a function (ITT support bug fix) removed all routines except AXIS_PEEM_update and
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AXIS_READ_IMAGE LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 03-jan-00 This function reads image files from formats defined by the filename extension into the standard AXIS 2d data structure. If a file name is not supplied or if the file cannot be found the user is asked to identify the file of interest. The extension of the file is set as the default extension for future image reading. CATEGORY: AXIS: utility CALLED FROM AXIS: used in some procedures (SVD ..) CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = AXIS_READ_IMAGE( [file=file, /axis] ) INPUTS: none KEYWORD PARAMETERS: FILE: name of file to be read (including path) AXIS: flag to indentify if called from AXIS OUTPUTS: This function returns a 2d AXIS data structure s = {t:'2d', x:x, y:y, d:d, xl:x_label, yl: y_label, dl: data_label} COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM - set of common blocks for AXIS @BSIF_COM - common block for netCDF PROCEDURE: This function is a front end for a number of routines used to read in the various data formats that AXIS supports. FORMAT PROCEDURE EXTENSION --------------------------------------- AXIS AXB_LOAD *.axb ALS-STXM READ_ALS *.im% NSLS-old READ_BNL *.nc NSLS-cryo READ_CRYO *.sxm ALS-PEEM READ_PEEM *.tif Although not implemented (as of 3-Jan-00) the idea is to develop auto file identification and read-in capability. EXAMPLE: a = axis_read_image(file='f:\stxm\9909\914\90914100.im1') MODIFICATION HISTORY: (17-Oct-99 aph) first version (03-jan-00 aph) AXIS standard documentation
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AXIS_START.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 20-May-00 PURPOSE: This set of procedures is a widget to guide IDL start-up CATEGORY: STAND ALONE: utility CALLING SEQUENCE: AXIS_START ROUTINES AXIS_START_BASE_event, event AXIS_START_BASE, GROUP_LEADER=wGroup, _EXTRA=_VWBExtra_ AXIS_start, GROUP_LEADER=wGroup, _EXTRA=_VWBExtra_ INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: none COMMON BLOCKS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: Generated on: 09/26/99 11:48.55 (5-nov-99 aph) larger zimba button (20-may-00 aph) AXIS standard documentation
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AXIS_WEB LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 21-Feb-10 PURPOSE: This procedure executes a net browser command to access synchrotron or other sites via the web. The browser command will be system / computer specific and is contained in the axis.ini initialization file CATEGORY: AXIS: utility (captive) CALLING SEQUENCE: AXIS_WEB, event_X, event_Y CALLED FROM AXIS: executed while the earth logo visible only INPUTS: EVENT_X - from Xmanager, X-value of pixel clicked EVENT_Y - from Xmanager, Y-value of pixel clicked KEYWORDS: SITE - code for web site to go to (to use from "utilities/XRM sites") OUTPUTS: A new window with the web info is generated. COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks SIDE EFFECTS: A window is created/destroyed. PROCEDURE: uses IDL spawn command. The form of the Net command MUST be one that will operate from an MS-DOS window in win-95. Thus 8.3 file names and no embedded blanks in paths. MODIFICATION HISTORY: (31-jan-00 aph) first created; adapted to variable size (22-aug-00 aph) add link to aXis2000 home base (22-aug-01 aph) update axis2000 home base (25-Feb-08 aph) update web links (21-feb-10 aph) add Elettra, SSRL, update all links and test
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_ANGLE_STACK LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 10-Nov-13 (aph) PURPOSE: This function processes a set of folders containing multi-images stacks for generating an angle stack of a single image or image difference (map) used for tomography data read-in. It can aslo combine all images at all angles into a single stack CATEGORY: Input / output utilty; aXis2000 or stand alone CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = AX_GEN_STACK(GROUP=GROUP, CHANNEL=CHANNEL, MAP=MAP, IMAGE_NUM=IMAGE_NUM) INPUTS: none [asks for *.lst is a file giving path then a set of {folder name, angle}] KEYWORDS CHANNEL number of data channel (default = 1) GROUP ID of calling program IMAGE_NUMBER number of *.xim image to use (requested if not supplied) MAP if set, use 2 different images to generate angle stack of a 2-E map REGION region of data STACK combine all images into a single stack where E(i)= 1000*angle + image# e.g. angle = 2.5 (rounded to nearest 0.1) with 3 images(0,1,2) have E = 2500.0, 2501.0, 2502.0 OUTPUTS: binary format (*.ncb) stack written COMMON: AXIS_com BSIF_com stack_process_com VOLUME_DATA USAGE: format of list file for tomography applications is path name1, angle1 name2, angle2 . . . . where name1 is the name of the FOLDER containing the stack measured at angle 1 MODIFICATION HISTORY: (09-Jun-06 gaj) first version for use in axis and stand alone (for tomography) (10-jun-06 aph) linked into aXis2000 (30-jul-09 aph) changed analcom to stack_process_com (update to stack_process) (16-Feb-10 aph) added @ to inclde !! (01-Jun-11 aph) add image_num parameter to select a specific image; get working !! (31-Jul-11 aph) generalize to get maps from 2-energies change function name from ax_gen_stack to ax_angle_stack (10-Nov-13 aph) generate full stack of all images
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_BIN LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 13-Jan-15 PURPOSE: This procedure bins one or more image files in various formats BIN times (2 implies (2x2) pixels merged to 1 pixel ETC If NetCDF image files (*.nc) it reads one or a sequence of files If the energy keyword is set, the data is binned in energy rather than spatial dimensions The smoothed image is written into where _____ is all but first letter of name suplied CATEGORY: AXIS: stack analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: AX_BIN, list [, bin=bin, one=one, energy=energy, stack=stack, lox = lox ] CALLED FROM AXIS: ->Stacks->bin.{current image, NSLS.{1,file}, stack (*.ncb,lox)} INPUTS: LIST = file containing list of *.nc files (typically a *.sl stack list) KEYWORDS: BIN = number of (#x#) pixels (or energies) to average ENERGY - if set, bins stack data in energy rather than spatial dimension ONE - if set, read in only a single file (use pickfile dialog if needed) LOX - lox stack data set STACK - process a *.ncb binary stack file OUTPUTS: binned file written in default subdirectory stack____s.ncb COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks BSIF_COM NetCDF common block STACK_PROCESS_COM VOLUME_DATA MODIFICATION HISTORY: (aph 12-jan-99) first written - adapted from ax_rd_im, bin (aph 17-May-99) corrected to resize on x as well as y (31-dec-99 aph) AXIS standard documentation (09-jan-00 aph) fixed up output filename to remove (20-nov-04 aph) add bin of stacks; activate read one *.nc file (10-dec-07 aph) add lox stack binning (23-Jul-10 aph) add energy binning (13-Jan-15 aph) correct code errors in energy binning
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_BINF LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 29-Oct-11 PURPOSE: This function bins an image provided as a aXis2000 2d structure CATEGORY: AXIS: data analysis; stand alone CALLING SEQUENCE: RESULT = AX_BINF(image, bin=bin) CALLED FROM AXIS: -> used in (large CCD images) INPUTS: image = aXis2000 2d structure KEYWORDS: AXIS = flag to identify called from AXIS BIN = number of (#x#) pixels (or energies) to average SILENT flag, if set, do not print tracking comments OUTPUTS: returns the binned image and modifed x, y scales as a replacement structure COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks BSIF_COM NetCDF common block MODIFICATION HISTORY: (29-Oct-11 aph) first evolved from ax_bin procedure
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_CGO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 308-Jul-09 PURPOSE: This procedure generates component maps by using pixel-by-pixel conjugate gradient optimization curve fitting. It handles an arbitary number of images fit to up to 8 components. Except for individual image by image read in mode, AX_CGO assumes all image files have similar SIZE. AX_CGO ignores (x,y) scales (no interpolation) CATEGORY: STAND ALONE: image, stack analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: AX_CGO [, axis=axis, comp_images = comp_images, coeff = coeff, $ help=help, images = images, stack = stack, verbose = verbose] CALLED FROM AXIS: ->Stacks->maps ->CGO curve fit INPUTS: All inputs are through keywords. User is prompted for missing data. KEYWORDS: AXIS - if on, then called from AXIS widget COEFF = fit parameter file with names of spectral files COMP_IMAGES = file with names of files to store component images (*.axb) HELP - set to print how-to-use statement IMAGES = file with list of images to be analysed STACK = name of a binary format stack (*.ncb) VERBOSE - print additional documentation of SVD procedure OUTPUTS: Component maps, residuals etc are output to disk. COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks stack_process_com COMMON volume_data, image_stack bsif_com PROCEDURE: The images are first read in - either as a binary stack (if stack keyword set) or from the list of images, or from pickfile dialog. The absorption coefficents for each component at the energies of the images are then read in, either through interpolation of a reference spectrum (read in via pickfile dialog), or from a file of absorption coefficients in a standard format (see example below, written by AX_CGO); or by manual input. The CGO_OPTIMIZE curve fit procedure is then applied on a pixel-by-pixel basis. Component maps are generated. written to files, and displayed either in IDL windows (if run stand alone) or in AXIS buffers. EXAMPLE: Absorption coefficient data file format (version as of Jul-01) # components (line per energy; E, sig-1 sig-2 sig-3 sig-4) (labels for the components) ----------------------- 4.00000 281.824 0.000687768 0.000191430 0.000572100 0.000390513 282.199 0.000678105 0.000192197 0.000618820 0.000361705 282.574 0.000753450 0.000189890 0.000628327 0.000574156 282.949 0.000803872 0.000187579 0.000724339 0.000398248 .... mtx san pipa fg MODIFICATION HISTORY: (27-jul-01 aph) first developed from ax_svd (06-oct-01 aph) add xl to temp plots to allow re-use (14-may-03 aph) modify paramter files to store names only (28-may-03 aph) force '.par' extension (pickfile, filter= & /write); comp_names (04-jun-03 aph) use ax_par_save & ax_par_load (30-dec-03 aph) add ax_sort_mono to force stack E-scale and reference spectral scales to be monotonic (20-jan-04 aph) use dialog_message to control residual stack writing ensure E-value (0.0) added to component maps (21-jan-05 aph) increase default convergence to 1e-10 (01-feb-05 aph) fix ax_sort_mono to use structure (ricochet change from lox change) (17-Sep-08 aph) replace analcom with stack_process_com (30-jul-09 aph) add stack name to component map label truncate short name for component maps at the first space changed spectral plotting to stack_fit approach - keeps original labels
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_CIMAGE.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 12-Sep-07 (aph) PURPOSE: This procedure cleans up images by removing very low and very high values. These appear in some CCD camera outputs due to dead or easily saturated pixels CATEGORY: Image processing CALLING SEQUENCE: RESULT = AX_CIMAGE(IMG_ARR) INPUTS: IMG_ARR - 2-d array (integer, double or real) KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: Modified Image COMMON BLOCKS: none SIDE EFFECTS: none RESTRICTIONS: does not work if low contrast, Error trapped if flat image PROCEDURE: This procedure calculates a histogram and determine two levels (Top and Bottom) such that 2 rows worth of pixels are above and two rows worth of pixels are below these levels. The image is then clipped between Top and Bottom EXAMPLE: a=RD_PEEM() ; read in test ALS PEEM2 file (pass_test_data\ALS_PEEM2_full_0609_#020.tif) splot2d, a ; display to show out-of-limits aspects of image q=AX_CIMAGE(a) ; process - works for structures and images splot2d, q ; display to show correction of out-of-limits aspects MODIFICATION HISTORY: (22-Jan-07 as) Andreas Scholl provided routine as a solution to problem of arbitary removal of first 5 columns (causes dimensional problems); NB his code is object oriented IDL5.5; translated back to IDL4.2 compatible code (12-Sep-07 aph) incorporated into aXis2000; AXIS standard header added
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_CLEAR LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 22-Jul-14 (aph) PURPOSE: This procedure clears one or more AXIS buffers. It is also used to display the AXIS logo on startup or an all-clear call CATEGORY: AXIS: utility CALLING SEQUENCE: AX_CLEAR [, all=all, select=select, current = current, spin=spin] CALLED FROM AXIS: ->Utilities->Clear->{current,selected,all} INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: ALL - clear all buffers and display logo SELECT - clear user-selected buffers CURRENT - clear current buffer only SPIN - use rotating logo (actually triggered from AxSpin flag in axis_com) OUTPUTS: none COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks MODIFICATION HISTORY: (19-sep-99 aph) isolated from aaa_axis to use elsewhere (img_aln) (26-sep-99 aph) fix logic to execute only 1 of the 3 choices (28-sep-99 aph) make clear,/all work correctly (30-oct-99 aph) set background to white (16-nov-99 aph) introduce WIDGET_CONTROL, CLEAR_events to dump mouse clicks (31-dec-99 aph) AXIS standard documentation (29-jan-00 aph) rotating logo (20-feb-00 aph) correct color for logo if >256 colors (05-dec-00 cgz) added in platform context for logo directory (19-dec-00 cgz) modified ax_black_color_index to ax_plot_bkgd_color_index (29-dec-00 aph) get to work properly with zoom~thumbnails (20-aug-01 aph) add group call to mbuf for modal action (22-aug-01 aph) rescue rotating logo (31-dec-01 aph) delete buffer 0 if all_clear; introduce ax_clear_oneworld, ax_clear_allworld (14-may-02 aph) change to png (08-jul-02 aph) switch depending on IDL version (21-feb-10 aph) remove 'help, tmp'; use logo_R,_G,_B to set colors (problem of white) (21-Jun-10 aph) ad ax_color, /no_load call at end to re-establish default color table (16-Jun-14 aph) recover if logo_file cannot be found (e.g. if the CodePath is wrong) (22-Jul-14 aph) return if called without aXis2000 running
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_COLOR LAST CHANGED: -----------------------------------16-feb-06 PURPOSE: Establish color table and color_index variables for AXIS CATEGORY: AXIS: utility CALLING SEQUENCE: AX_COLOR INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: SHOW - set to show 16 x 16 grid of color table NOLOAD - do not load last user (R,B,G) defined color table (for first time through) OUTPUTS: none COMMON BLOCKS: axis_color_common : ax_top_color_index, ax_black_color_index, ax_white_color_index, $ ax_blue_color_index, ax_red_color_index, ax_green_color_index, $ ax_cyan_color_index, ax_magenta_color_index, ax_yellow_color_index, $ ax_lime_color_index, ax_gold_color_index, ax_rose_color_index, ax_yelgrn_color_index, $ ax_purple_color_index, ax_orange_color_index, ax_sky_color_index, ax_beige_color_index MODIFICATION HISTORY: (xx-jun-99 cgz) supplied routine ( is similar) (24-jun-99 aph) converted from zstack_color; set 255=white; 0 = black; 241 = beige (29-jun-99 aph) make axis_color_common independent of other commons ( 1-jul-99 aph) move hard colors low; add keywourd 'noload' ( 8-sep-99 aph) re-activate show keyword (31-dec-99 aph) AXIS standard documentation (20-feb-00 aph) removed decomposed=0 (07-apr-00 cgz) restored decomposed=0 changed color index names to be generic changed assignment of ax_black_color_index and ax_white_color_index added test for the number of colors and subsequent allocation of the number of colors (15-dec-00 cgz) modified no_load operation (16-feb-06 aph) change yellow (old-7) to light blue (old-13)
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_COLORBAR LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 02-Aug-15 PURPOSE: This procedure displays a vertical color bar according to current gamma The low and high limits are displayed in AXIS separately. CATEGORY: AXIS: utility CALLING SEQUENCE: AX_COLORBAR [, destroy ] CALLED FROM AXIS: (from PlotBuf) INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: DESTROY - remove the colorbar (if not displaying an image) OUTPUTS: none COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks PROCEDURE: Uses IDL colorbar procedure but adapted to AXIS widget by positioning the bar in a draw window set up by AXIS MODIFICATION HISTORY: (12-nov-99 aph) first verion adapted from examples in Fanning's (31-dec-99 aph) AXIS standard documentation (07-apr-00 cgz) Added ncolors option to call of colorbar. This gives the correct presentation of the gray-scale color bar (30-dec-00 aph) aborted attemt to add limits; shift to abut image (07-oct-01 aph) modify to fill sub-wdget; axis2000 modified to add Z-limits to bar (13-Oct-05 aph) trap out cases where limits are equal and make them slightly different (11-dec-11 aph) handle cases where the data is all zero (02-Aug-15 aph) change colorbar to colorbar_dwf to avoid confusion with post8.0 COLORBAR routine
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_CONV LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 31-dec-99 PURPOSE: This function convert one or a sequence of ALS image files to netCDF image file format. Optional binning for smoothing. CATEGORY: AXIS: stack analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: for functions: Result = AX_CONV() CALLED FROM AXIS: ->Stacks->convert format->ALS to netCDF->many INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: *.sla (input list); {}, *.sl file written to disk result = 1 is returned regardless of action COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks PROCEDURE: generates an input list file and bin parameter for ALS2NCDF EXAMPLE: Please provide a simple example here. An example from the PICKFILE documentation is shown below. Please try to include examples that do not rely on variables or data files that are not defined in the example code. Your example should execute properly if typed in at the IDL command line with no other preparation. Create a PICKFILE widget that lets users select only files with the extensions 'pro' and 'dat'. Use the 'Select File to Read' title and store the name of the selected file in the variable F. Enter: F = PICKFILE(/READ, FILTER = ['pro', 'dat']) MODIFICATION HISTORY: (03-dec-98 aph) extracted from axis_c ( 7-jan-99 aph) added, bad_ID to widget_controls to allow stand-alone use ( 8-jun-99 aph) modify get_num call to identify group ( 7-jul-99 aph) FREE_LUN not just close (31-dec-99 aph) AXIS standard documentation
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_CONV_TOF-ALL LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 30-jul-09 PURPOSE: This function convert a sequence of ALL correlated time-of-flight files to axis binary file format. Optional binning for smoothing. CATEGORY: AXIS: stack analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: for functions: Result = AX_CONV_ALL(AXIS_ON=AXIS_ON) CALLED FROM AXIS: ->Stacks->convert format->TOF-ALL INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: AXIS_ON if set, called from aXis2000 OUTPUTS: *.ncb COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks stack_process_com stack_process common BSIF_COM common for netCDF format data VOLUME_DATA image_stack 3-d array PROCEDURE: EXAMPLE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: (14-feb-04 aph) adapted from AX_CONV (21-feb-04 aph) working in aXis2000; optional Io normalization; save PIPICO(1) (30-jul-09 aph) changed analcom to stack_process_com (NB STILL need to convert stack_analyze_tof !!)
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_COPY LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 31-dec-99 PURPOSE: This procedure completes the copy of structure data from CurBuf to NewBuf using Thumbs to identify NewBuf. The output buffer is identiifed by left-clicking on one of the thumbnail images or the buffer label. CATEGORY: AXIS: utility CALLING SEQUENCE: AX_COPY CALLED FROM AXIS: ->Copy then (AXIS_EVENT processing) INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: Data structure is copied from CurBufto NewBuf COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks PROCEDURE: A flag is set from the COPY command. When the user next clicks on one of the thumbnails or labels this defined NewBuf MODIFICATION HISTORY: (28-sep-99 aph) isolated from axis_c (30-oct-99 aph) removed label change (31-dec-99 aph) AXIS standard documentation
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_CURVFIT LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 31-Dec-12 PURPOSE: This procedure executes the CG_Optimize procedure (Billy Loo @2000) to fit a spectrum to a set of reference spectra. AX_CURVFIT will run stand alone (prompting user for AXIS format files) or from AXIS. CATEGORY: STAND ALONE: spectral analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: AX_CURVFIT[SPC, axis=axis, help = help, coeff = coeff, set_start = set_start, pos_only=pos_only ] CALLED FROM AXIS: ->{Spectra}->Curve fFit INPUTS: SPC spectrum to be fit in axis 1d structure form KEYWORDS: AXIS called from AXIS widget COEFF filename with spectral information HELP print help text SET_START allow users to set starting values POS_ONLY force only positive coefficients LIMITS [min, max] 2-vector defining lower and upper limits OUTPUTS: No explicit outputs. COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks PROCEDURE: The reference spectra are read in and the coefficient matrix generated. CG_OPTIMIZE is then called to get the mixing coefficients MODIFICATION HISTORY: (13-feb-01 aph) first version (27-mar-01 aph) changed title of file input dialog (26-jul-01 aph) neatened code ; get pos_only working; explicitly include A, B in call (04-jun-03 aph) adapt for reading ref spectra names etc from ax_par_load & save to ax_par_save (30-dec-03 aph) force monotonic spectral data (source of NaN fits !!) (20-oct-04 aph) set defaults to(03-feb-05 aph) add auto-plot of all fit at end (19-feb-05 aph) correct display at end (22-jun=05 aph) correct syntax for axis_log calls (13-dec-12 aph) display the header of the data with log ro ax_CurvFit, spc, axis=axis, help=help, coeff = coeff, set_start=set_start, pos_only=pos_only axis_com F keyword_set(help) THEN BEGIN print,'AX_CurvFit' print,'Executes CG_Optimize procedure of Billy Loo to fit a spectrum' print, 'Uses AXIS format spectra files (*.txt) as input/output' print, ' KEYWORDS: ' print, ' AXIS = if on, then called from AXIS widget' print, ' HELP = print this how-to-use statement' print, ' SET_START = allow user to define starting parameters' print, ' POS_ONLY = force fit coefficients to be positive' print, ' LIMITS = define bounds for fit coefficients' print, ' SWAP = if on, make too low values upper and vice-versa' return NDIF assume AXIS is running (therefore may have called ax_curvfit) either when AXIS keyword is supplied or if any widget active f keyword_set(axis) then axis_on = 1 else axis_on = widget_info(/active) rint, ' ' rint, ' Curve fit analysis by CG_Optimize' rint, ' -------------------------------------------'
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_DELTAMIN LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 01-Jun-08 PURPOSE: This function returns the smallest spacing in a 1-d array CATEGORY: stand alon utility CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = AX_DELTAMIN(X) OUTPUTS: minimum spacing COMMON BLOCKS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: (01-jun-08 aph) first written
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_DISPLAY_PTYCHO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 27 Jul 2015 PURPOSE: This procedure computes and displays the bright field image from a set of ptychography images recorded using a Princeton X-ray camera on BVL 11.0.2 it generates & corrects for camera background and then displays individual ptycho images on a linear or logarithmic scale while diplaying a marker on the bright field image. CATEGORY: stand alone. CALLING SEQUENCE: AX_DISPLAY_PTYCHO(axis_on=axis_on) INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: axis_on if set, called from aXis (so know to use aXis_ID in parent calls) INTERNAL ROUTINES FUNCTION AX_CONVERT_UINT_REAL, IMAGE - convert unsigned 16-bit integers to signed reals FUNCTION AX_PTYCHO_SELECT selct the long or short dwell time images for 11.0.2 ptycho measurements OUTPUTS: No explicit outputs. A widget is created COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks ptycho_com - parameters specific to DISPLAY_PTYCHO AX_SELECT_COM - parameters for using the 'generate mask' widget - the r_mask parameter is used to report the mask SIDE EFFECTS: A GUI is created/destroyed. MODIFICATION HISTORY: (15-Jan-15 aph) first version (27-Jul-15 aph) change display_ptycho_com to ptycho_com (variables with 2 '_' only read 1st 2 of 3 parts of name
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_DISPLAY_PTYCHO_COM LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 15-Jan-15 PURPOSE: This FILE contains the COMMON block, DISPLAY_PTYCHO_COM CATEGORY: AXIS: DISPLAY_PTYCHO_COM common block CALLING SEQUENCE: @DISPLAY_PTYCHO_COM INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: none DETAILS: - variables in the common block: display_ptycho_par - labels for events MODOFICATIONS (15-Jan-2015 aph) started
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_FILE_LOAD LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 25-Nov-12 PURPOSE: This set of procedures is a widget to select columns of a multi-column ascii file to read in as a (x,y) 1-d data set. The widget uses SPC_LOAD to execute the read-in CATEGORY: AXIS: utility AX_SPC_LOAD_EVENT ROUTINES: TEXT_SPC_LOAD_FNAME modify filename; when changed, execute BUT_SPC_LOAD_FNAME_BROWSE to get parameters BUT_SPC_LOAD_FNAME_BROWSE browse for new filename; if found, load new parameters BUT_SPC_LOAD_DISPLAY_HDR show all file BUT_SPC_LOAD_OK proceed with loading multi-column file into AXIS BUT_SPC_LOAD_CANCEL abort read in COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks (inludes mcf_com) MODIFICATION HISTORY: (14-feb-03 aph) first version (26-oct-04 aph) save last file name; merge mcf_com with axis_com (16-jun-05 aph) correct indexing for rows to skip (25-Nov-12 aph) implement automatic OD generation (2 buffers); READ_ALL for MC files
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_FIX_ROLLOVER LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 04-jan-15 PURPOSE: This function modifies one or a sequence of *.nc image files to replace all values below 0 with (that value + 65,535.) This repairs a roll-over issue in conversion of some image files typically, those which are read as unsigned integers rather than signed ones CATEGORY: AXIS: image analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: for functions: Result = AX_FIX_ROLLOVER() CALLED FROM AXIS: ->Images->Fix rollover INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: ONE array to which fix_rollover will be applied OUTPUTS: repaired files are written to disk. COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks MODIFICATION HISTORY: (04-Jul-00 aph) first version (04-Jan-15 aph) add keyword, one, an option to process 1 file
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_GEN_STACK LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 01-Jun-11 (aph) PURPOSE: This function processes a set of folders containing multi-images stacks for tomography read-in CATEGORY: Input / output utilty; stand alone CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = AX_GEN_STACK(GROUP=GROUP, CHANNEL=CHANNEL, IMAGE_NUM=IMAGE_NUM) INPUTS: none [*.lst is a file giving path then a set of {name, angle}] KEYWORDS GROUP ID of calling program CHANNEL number of data channel (default = 1) OUTPUTS: binary format (*.ncb) stack written COMMON: AXIS_com BSIF_com stack_process_com VOLUME_DATA USAGE: format of list file for tomography applications is path name1, angle1 name2, angle2 . . . . MODIFICATION HISTORY: (09-Jun-06 gaj) first version for use in axis and stand alone (for tomography) (10-jun-06 aph) linked into aXis2000 (30-jul-09 aph) changed analcom to stack_process_com (update to stack_process) (16-Feb-10 aph) added @ to inclde !! (01-Jun-11 aph) add image_num parameter to select a specific image; get working !!
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_HISTOGRAM LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 08-Dec-11 PURPOSE: This function generates the histogram of an image CATEGORY: Utility CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = AX_HISTOGRAM(IMAGE, N_BINS=N_BINS) INPUTS: IMAGE 2-d array KEYWORDS: N_BINS number of bins COMMON BLOCKS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: (27-Dec-07 aph) isolated from axis_c and AXIS standard header added (29-Dec-07 aph) array sizing error corrected (check: test\data\17seps.ncb, 3-fit) (08-Dec-11 aph) remove second 'hist' label
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_IMAGE_ADD LAST CHANGED:-------------------------- 13-oct-05 PURPOSE This procedure adds the currently displayed image to a user-selected second image with a user-selected scale factor. A negative scale factor subtracts the second image from the first. The common (x,y) region is interpolated to the mesh of the more finely sampled image. CATEGORY: AXIS: image analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: ax_img_add INPUT: none (uses AXIS_COM common blocks for input/output) KEYWORDS: none OUTPUT: (Image in buffer_9) = (1st_image) + (scale_factor)*(2nd_image) COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks MODIFICATION HISTORY: (28-dec-99 aph) isolated from AXIS_C (31-dec-99 aph) AXIS standard documentation (23-feb-00 aph) add groupID to buffer call (avoid modal error) (14-Oct-05 aph) fix sum/ratio error from McNeil
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_IMAGE_APPEND LAST CHANGED:-------------------------- 10-Dec-11 PURPOSE This procedure appends the currently displayed image to a user-selected second image with averaging in the common region. The final image is interpolated to the mesh of the more finely sampled image, unless this will result in an array with any dimension > 3000 CATEGORY: AXIS: image analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: ax_image_append INPUT: none (uses AXIS_COM common blocks for input/output) KEYWORDS: none OUTPUT: (Image in buffer 0) = (finer pixel image) appended to (coarser pixel image) COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks MODIFICATION HISTORY: (29-jun-00 aph) first version (03-feb-11 aph) ensure energy is defined on output; default to energy of first image (11-Dec-11 aph) make more reliable by changing algorithm & introducing meshing to same pixel size
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_IMG_AVG LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 29-Oct-14 PURPOSE: This procedure computes the mean and standard deviation of all pixels in a user-selected region. CATEGORY: AXIS: image analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: AX_IMG_AVG [, /NOZEROS] CALLED FROM AXIS: ->Images->Average by region->{all pixels, no zeros} INPUTS: All input parameters are passed as keywords or through AXIS_COM KEYWORDS: NOZEROS - if set, report average of only non-zero pizels in selected region WHOLE - if set, average all pixels in the image OUTPUTS: Results are printed to log window and the AXIS com window. COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks PROCEDURE: Uses DefROI widget for felxible region of interest definition. EXAMPLE: only executable from AXIS MODIFICATION HISTORY: (31-dec-99 aph) isolated from AXIS_C and merged with /nozeros (corected !) AXIS standard documentation (03-feb-01 aph) add keyword WHOLE to report average of full image (14-sep-04 aph) extend format field for axis log; extend to whole without zeros extend variable size to accomodate large images; append to log (08-mar-05 aph) incrase precision (24-mar-05 aph) correct error for evlauating images bigger than pixel mapped display (30-nov-11 aph) improve speed & add an hourglass symbol (29-Oct-14 aph) fix error for region, ignore zeros
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_IMG_DEL LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 15-Dec-11 PURPOSE: This procedure replaces all pixels in a user-selected region by user-selected value (default is the meanof the whole image) If image is larger than the main window size or less than 1/2 of the main window size the image is resized prior to the delete operation and then rescaled back to the oriignal size CATEGORY: AXIS: image analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: AX_IMG_DEL CALLED FROM AXIS: ->Images->Delete region INPUTS: All input parameters are passed as keywords or through AXIS_COM KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: Modified image placed in buffer 0. COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks PROCEDURE: Uses DefROI widget for felxible region of interest definition If image is larger than the MainWid size (360*gr_scale) then a temporary image is generated f rediced size using congrid NOT rebin in order to handle non integer zooms For congrid, the cubic=-0.5 option is used for greater accuarcy (see IDL HELP for congrid) RESTRICTIONS: only executable from AXIS MODIFICATION HISTORY: (31-dec-99 aph) first written (03-Feb-11 aph) reduce size of large images prior to delete operation & re-scale after deletion content was there but incorrect ! (15-dec-11 aph) fix method for small and mid-sized images
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_IMG_line LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 20-Jan-05 PURPOSE: This procedure replaces all pixels in a user-selected line with those of another user-selected line. CATEGORY: AXIS: image analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: AX_IMG_line CALLED FROM AXIS: ->Images->Delete region, after user clicks on a line INPUTS: All input parameters are passed as keywords or through AXIS_COM KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: Modified image placed in buffer 0. COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks ; RESTRICTIONS: only executable from AXIS MODIFICATION HISTORY: (29-dec-01 aph) first written (20-Jan-05 aph) add ability to define the y-index of line to be changed
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_IMSCL LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 31-dec-99 PURPOSE: This function maps the intensity values of an image to a reduced byte_scale: (0 is set to top_color_index, not 255) CATEGORY: AXIS: utility CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = ax_imscl(G_data) CALLED FROM AXIS: ->Stacks->bin NSLS->{1,file} INPUTS: G_data - 2d image array KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: Result, the re-scaled data array COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks PROCEDURE: If needed, modify to set ax_top_color_index and the number/values of reserved colors MODIFICATION HISTORY: (25-jun-99 aph) first version; from (01-jul-99 aph) adapt for hard colors low (31-dec-99 aph) AXIS standard documentation
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_INTERP LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 04-Aug-07 PURPOSE: This function changes meshes of 1-d (spectra) or 2-d (images) AXIS data buffers, based on user input used to force image or spectra to a particular spacing CATEGORY: AXIS: image and spectral processing CALLING SEQUENCE: RESULT = AX_INTERP( tmp, mesh=mesh ) CALLED FROM AXIS: (utilities~change mesh) TMP - spectrum or image KEYWORDS: MESH [x-pixels, y-pixels] OUTPUT RESULT is the input data converted to modified mesh COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks MODIFICATION HISTORY: (01-nov-00 aph) first version (31-dec-01 aph) add MESH keyword for auto operation (02-feb-05 aph) unknown update (04-aug-07 aph) corrected for distortion (see 70804-utilities-mesh-bug)
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_LOAD_LOGO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 14-Jun-05 PURPOSE: This procedure loads the image files used to display the rotating globe aXis2000 logo CATEGORY: AXIS: utility. Can be run stand alone for testing CALLING SEQUENCE: AX_LOAD_LOGO, axis = axis, step = step CALLED FROM AXIS: from ax_clear (used both at start-up and if all buffers cleared) INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: AXIS - if set, indicates ax_load_logo was called from AXIS STEP - loop step variable. If step=2 every second logo file is used OUTPUTS: details of the logo are transferred to other programs via common COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks SIDE EFFECTS: A set of 36 pixmaps - 18 Mb - is created. This can be a memory issue. PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: (01-feb-00 aph) first version (20-feb-00 aph) merge read and pixmap (22-feb-00 aph) AXIS standard documentation (22-aug-01 aph) add tag in AXIS log window (12-may-02 aph) convert from tif (unsupported past IDL5.3) to png. (09-jul-02 aph) use rotate, not reverse for 5.5 (03-jun-04 aph) change 'reverse (..., 3) to reverse(..., 2) for IDL 6.0 (14-jun-05 aph) add switch to get spin logo correct in IDL 4.2 (20-May-13 bw) make logo path platform independent
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_LOX LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 31-Jul-09 PURPOSE: This set of procedures is a widget to read in files in the LOX format (*.lox) developed for CaPeRS PEEM. The header information uses XML syntax conventions. The widget uses read_lox to perform the file input. CATEGORY: AXIS: utility AX_LOX_EVENT ROUTINES: TEXT_LOX_FNAME modify filename; when changed, execute BUT_LOX_FNAME_BROWSE to get parameters BUT_LOX_FNAME_BROWSE browse for new filename; if found, load new parameters BUT_LOX_DISPLAY_HDR show parameters BUT_LOX_OK proceed with loading LOX file into AXIS BUT_LOX_CANCEL abort read in WID_DLIST_CHANNEL drop list used to display and select the data channel WID_DLIST_REGION drop list to display and select region COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks @LOX_COM structure with header info MODIFICATION HISTORY: (16-Oct-05 aph) first generated by adapting AX_SDF (13-nov-05 aph) stacks working, improve aspects (18-mar-06 aph) data channel selection fixed; all widget drop lists were coded wrong (31-Jul-09 aph) added additional parameters to the widget - ScanType, Ring Current, i-ring norm desensitize inactive buttons
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_MACRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 21-Jul-14 PURPOSE: This sequence of commands is a MACRO which is inserted into aXis2000 at the command Utilities~execute Macro whenever program is restarted OR axis_c is compiled CATEGORY: user modifiable command sequence CALLING SEQUENCE: Utilities~execute Macro - captive to axis2000 INPUTS: none (incorporate in commands) KEYWORDS: none (incorporate in commands) OUTPUTS: COMMON BLOCKS: none SIDE EFFECTS: none RESTRICTIONS: ********************************************************** COMMANDS KNOWN TO BE EXECUTABLE AS A MACRO - see those files for details ax_rotate - rotate and mesh images ax_zoom_cut - numerically truncate and re-mesh images MODIFICATION HISTORY: (31-dec-01 aph) first introduced into aXis2000 (02-mar-04 aph) modified header (21-Jul-14 aph) corrected header
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_MAKE_XYZ LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 16-Mar-11 (aph) PURPOSE: This function reads in an AXIS stack and writes it as a set of (x,y,z) triplet data which can be imported into various 3D visualization programs (SigmaPlot, Origin ) CATEGORY: STAND ALONE: utility CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = AXB_make_XYZ([ NOF=nof, error=err, file=file, _extra=e]) CALLED FROM AXIS: STAND ALONE: INPUTS: none. All input parameters are passed as keywords. KEYWORDS: FILE file name SILENT - do not display feedback on progress _EXTRA - passed on parameters OUTPUTS: RESULT = AXIS 1d or 2d structure COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks @bsif_com common for NSLS NetCDF format @stack_process_com volume_data stack data MODIFICATION HISTORY: (15-Mar-11 aph) first version
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_MESH LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 09-Feb-11 PURPOSE: This function meshes two 1-d (spectra) or 2-d (images) AXIS data buffers to a common (x) or (x,y) scale CATEGORY: AXIS: image and spectral processing CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = AX_MESH( tmp1, tmp2, nd, first=first ) CALLED FROM AXIS: (ax_image_add, image_multiply, spectral_add) TMP1 - first spectrum or image TMP2 - second spectrum or image ND - 1 = spectra; 2 = images FIRST - if set, use mesh of the first file (spectra only) KEYWORDS: none OUTPUT Result = 1 signifies successful completion TMP1 and TMP2 are returned converted to common scales COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks MODIFICATION HISTORY: ( 3-Dec-98 aph) first generated (11-Jan-99 aph) removed print lines (04-jul-99 aph) correct for images (28-dec-99 aph) correct for images (after extracting ax_image_add from axis_c) (31-dec-99 aph) spectral meshing ; AXIS standard documentation (09-jun-04 aph) include energy in output structures (21-apr-05 aph) add option to force mech to the first file (spectra only) (03-feb-11 aph) output axis format image files have a defined energy (default, the original one) (09-feb-11 aph) stop E-define applied to spectra
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_NAME LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 20-May-13 (bw) PURPOSE: This function parses an arbitrary text string as a filename and returns independently the path, main_name, & extension The path ends with the separator appropriate to the current operating system. The separator of the main_name & extension is not returned. CATEGORY: STAND ALONE: utility CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = ax_name(FILENAME) CALLED FROM AXIS: (MANY PLACES) KEYWORDS: none INPUT: string with filename OUTPUTS: RESULT - 3-element array: result(0) = path result(1) = main_name result(2) = extension COMMON BLOCKS: none EXAMPLE: Create a name and parse it name = 'c:\axis\axis_dev\test-code\circle.axb' t = ax_name(name) print, t(0), ' ', t(1), ' ', t(2) c:\axis\axis_dev\test-code\ circle axb MODIFICATION HISTORY: (25-jun-99 aph) first developed (13-aug-06 jso) ensure compatible with 532 - string aray element 0 specified (11-Oct-08 aph) adapt to work with main names containing '.'s - assume extension is all parts of string from back to first '.' (NB may not work with IDL 5.1) (30-Dec-08 aph) modified to work with IDL 5.2 (20-May-13 bw) removed forcing lower case in file paths and names for platform compatability
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_NC2GIF LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 31-dec-99 PURPOSE: This procedure converts one or a series of NetCDF image files into gif format. Written for use with ENVI principle component procedures. CATEGORY: AXIS: image analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: AX_NC2GIF INPUTS: FILE - a NetCDF image file (*.nc) to be converted to gif (*.gif) KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: FILE.gif - image written as a GIF byte-scaled image file COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM - set of common blocks for AXIS @BSIF_COM - common block for netCDF SIDE EFFECTS: many ! RESTRICTIONS: caveat emptor PROCEDURE: RESTRICTIONS: ax_nc2gif assumes that filename has a sequence number is cols.6-8 This works with X1A ( and ALS2NCDF ( filenames MODIFICATION HISTORY: (31-dec-99 aph) isolated from AXIS_C; standard documentation
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_NEXUS LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 13-Jul-15 PURPOSE: This set of procedures is a widget to read in files in the HDF5 NeXus file format developed for STXM The widget uses read_nexus to perform the file input. CATEGORY: AXIS: utility AX_NEXUS_EVENT ROUTINES: TEXT_NEXUS_FNAME modify filename; when changed, execute BUT_NEXUS_FNAME_BROWSE to get parameters BUT_NEXUS_FNAME_BROWSE browse for new filename; if found, load new parameters BUT_NEXUS_STACK_IMAGE proceed to read single image from stack BUT_NEXUS_OK proceed with loading NEXUS file into AXIS BUT_NEXUS_CANCEL abort read in BUT_NEXUS_NORMALIZE toggle flag to enable normalising data to ring current BUT_NEXUS_XY_CORRECT toggle flag to enable correcting per-pixel positions WID_DLIST_CHANNEL drop list used to display and select the data channel BASE_NEXUS_UPDATE update widgets WID_DLIST_REGION drop list to display and select region WID_DLIST_IMAGE drop list to display and select image COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks @NEXUS_COM structure with header info MODIFICATION HISTORY: (27-Apr-15 bw) First version written using as a template (13-Jul-15 aph) integrated into 02-July-15 version of aXis2000
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_ONE_PT LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 9-sep-02 PURPOSE: This procedure allows the user to delete or add a single point in a spectrum or to change a point in an image CATEGORY: AXIS: spectrum analysis (captive to aXis2000) CALLING SEQUENCE: AX_ONE_PT CALLED FROM AXIS: Spectra->Modify one point Images->Modify one point INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: modified spectrum or image is placed in buffer 0. COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks MODIFICATION HISTORY: (09-sep02 aph) first version; adapted from
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_ORDER LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 14-nov-00 PURPOSE: This function forces image data in a structure to adopt increasing (x,y) values CATEGORY: STAND ALONE: utility CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = AX_ORDER(structure) CALLED FROM AXIS: PlotBuf INPUTS: s_in - AXIS 2d structure KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: Result = AXIS 2d structure with x, y values increasing COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks PROCEDURE: Image data is also reversed to preserve image position information. MODIFICATION HISTORY: ( 6-jul-99 aph) first developed to get correct lineouts (31-dec-99 aph) AXIS standard documentation (14-nov-00 cgz) Replaced calls to GET_RANGE function with ecplicit MIN and MAX calls
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_PARTICLES LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 19-dec-00 PURPOSE: This FUNCTION derives particle sizes from masked images A histogram of the particles sizes is generated. CATEGORY: STAND ALONE: image processing CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = AX_PARTICLES( [ ]) CALLED FROM AXIS: ->Images->Particle analyze ROUTINES add_part(i,j) - function that adds (i,j) pixel to list ax_p_adj(i,j) - function that checks 4-adjacent pixels to see if they are 1 INPUTS: INPUT - POSITIONAL INPUTS only (not keywords) All input parameters are passed as keywords. KEYWORDS: SIMAGE = image in AXIS structure format (if not included; user is prompted for an AXIS format image) FILE = name of file to read (AXIS binary (*.axb)) AXIS_ON = flag indicating AX_PARTICLES is being run from AXIS OUTPUT: array indicating size of all particles OPTIONAL OUTPUT when run stand alone, ; the image is plotted with particles indicated a histogram of the particles sizes is plotted COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks ax_part, image, particles, nx, ny, p, np, p_now, npix - common for ax_particles only PROCEDURE: This function is meant to apply to MASKED data (use Generate_mask to convert image to (1/0) map based on user-selected threshold. AX_PARTICLES then loops through all pixels. When it finds a 1 it searches all 4 adjacent pixels (N,S,E,W), marking those alos 1, until a local search no longer finds 1's. The number of pixels defines the size of that particle It returns an ARRAY p(np) listing the size (in pixels) of each particle. The array for currently analysed particle is p_now(npix,2) where npix is the number of pixels in particle np np is the number of particles 2nd index of p_now: 0 = x, 1 = y index co-ordinate in image MODIFICATION HISTORY: (04-oct-99 aph) first developed (31-dec-99 aph) AXIS standard documentation (16-jan-00 aph) add lower, upper bound and display (09-dec-00 cgz) modified names of color indices (blue and green) (19-dec-00 cgz) substituted ax_white_color_index with ax_plot_axes_color_index
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_PAR_LOAD LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 04-jun-03 PURPOSE: This function reads path and file names of reference spectra used in stack (ax_svd, stack_fit, cgo_fit), line (line_fit) and spectra ( ax_curvefit) fitting procedures CATEGORY: STAND ALONE: utility CALLING SEQUENCE: PARS = AX_PAR_LOAD (par_file) CALLED FROM AXIS: stacks~maps~(ax_svd, stack_fit, cgo_fit); linescans~line fit; spectra~curve fit INPUTS: PAR_FILE - name of parameter file KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: PARS = structure (n = number of ref. spectra; names = names; files = filenames) or 0 if there is an error in reading par file or locating files COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks PROCEDURE: Path is determined from par file. If files not foud, check if DefPath works, then ask user MODIFICATION HISTORY: (04-jun-03) first developed from duplicates in stack fitting routines
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_PAR_SAVE LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 04-jun-03 PURPOSE: This procedure writes path, and file names of reference spectra used in stack (ax_svd, stack_fit, cgo_fit), line (line_fit) and spectra ( ax_curvefit) fitting procedures CATEGORY: STAND ALONE: utility CALLING SEQUENCE: AX_PAR_SAVE,par_file, ncomp, comp_names, comp_files CALLED FROM AXIS: stacks~maps~(ax_svd, stack_fit, cgo_fit); linescans~line fit; spectra~curve fit INPUTS: PAR_FILE parameter file name NCOMP number of components COMP_NAMES - (ncomp) 1-d array of fit names COMP_FILES - (ncomp) 1-d array of files KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: none COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks PROCEDURE: Path is determined from comp_names MODIFICATION HISTORY: (04-jun-03) first developed from duplicates in stack fitting routines
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_PC LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 17-sep-08 PURPOSE: This procedure executes the PCOMP principle component analysis on an arbitary number of images for arbitrary number of components CATEGORY: STAND ALONE: image analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: AX_PC [,stack = ncb_file, standardize = standardize, axis=1] CALLED FROM AXIS: ->Stacks->Principle Components INPUTS: all inputs are either from files identified by keywords or by a pickfile dialog KEYWORD PARAMETERS: AXIS = if on, then called from AXIS widget HELP = print how-to-use statement IMAGES = file with list of images to be analysed STACK = name of a binary format stack (*.ncb) STANDARDIZE = standardize input (mean of zero and variance of one). OUTPUTS: all outputs are either to files via dialog or to AXIS buffers COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks stack_process_com COMMON volume_data, image_stack bsif_com PROCEDURE: This procedure uses the IDL code (PCOMP.SAV - nb no source provided) to compute the eigenvalues (strengths) and eigenvectors (principle components) from a set of spectromicroscopy images MODIFICATION HISTORY: (28-oct-99 aph) first written (adapted ax_svd to use stack read_in) (31-dec-99 aph) AXIS standard documentation (27-feb-00 aph) add groupID to get_text (14-may-00 aph) make cancel abort first time (17-Sep-08 aph) replace analcom with stack_process_com
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_PEEM_COM.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 20-Jan-07 PURPOSE: This INCLUDE file contains COMMON blocks for AX-PEEM-READ widget. CATEGORY: AXIS: utility CALLING SEQUENCE: @ax_peem_com COMMON BLOCKS -------- COMMON PEEM ------------------- axis_on if set, axis2000 running dark_path dark file path gain_path gain file dath peem_aoi Area of Interest file peem_aoi_dark if set, apply AOI to dark file peem_aoi_gain if set, apply AOI to gain file peem_bin binning (nXn) reduced to 1 pixel (default = 1) peem_bits12 if set, all data files are 12-bit (ALS PEEM-2 camera default) peem_col12 gives number of columns to drop for 12-bit readin (to avoid header noise) peem_dark dark data file peem_dark_avg if set, average multiple dark files peem_dark_last number of final dark of a sum of dark files peem_dwell exposure time (sec) peem_E energy (eV) peem_first first/single data file peem_gain gain data file peem_ID Widget ID peem_last last data file peem_median if set, 3-point median smooth peem_multi if set, then multiple file conversion to net_CDF peem_ncb if set, write directly to ncb file (no *.nc) peem_process string defining action ('no correct', dark correct', 'gain correct', dark and gain correct') peem_region if set, select a subregion, in real space parameters peem_scale size of pixel (um) peem_sphinx flag that data format is sphinx peem_3 flag that data format is ALS peem3 (jan07) peem_struct output of the ax_peem_read function (structure or a flag) region 4-vector defining xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax of region source_path source path NAMES AND MEANING OF COMMON VARIABLES ************************************************************************* *********** AX_PEEM_READ PARAMETERS ****************** ************************************************************************* MODIFICATION HISTORY:
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_PEEM_READ LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 30-Jul-09 (aph) PURPOSE: This file contains the codes for a WIDGET used to define parameters and read in one or a sequence of PEEM data files from various PEEMs 12-bit or 16-bit ALS PEEM2 format, ALS PEEM3 format (ALS PEEM3 read with separate widget) and 16-bit SPHINX (SRC, Labview generated) files are read. CATEGORY: Image input (stand alone, axis2000) CALLING SEQUENCE: for procedures: Result = AX_READ_PEEM() INPUTS: none - widget defines inputs for RD_PEEM KEYWORDS SPHINX - adapt to Sphinx format data (16-bit tif; dat multicolumn energy) AXIS - called from axis MULTI - multiple files (image sequence) COL12 - 12-bit data (old ALS camera) PEEM3 - data format for ALS PEEM3 GROUP_LEADER - group leader variable _EXTRA - extra parameters CONTENTS BUT_Cancel cancel job; kill widget BUT_Read_data execute job (parameters from AX_PEEM_COM set in widget) BUT_no_correct set no_correction BUT_subtract_dark set subtract_dark BUT_gain set gain_correction BUT_dark_gain set dark & gain correction BUT_median switch for mediam smooth BUT_bits12 switch for 12-bit / 16-bit COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks stack_process_com stack_process common BSIF_COM common for netCDF format data AX_PEEM_COM default path and filename information specific to PEEM -------- COMMON PEEM ------------------- axis_on if set, axis2000 running dark_path dark file path gain_path gain file dath peem_aoi Area of Interest file peem_aoi_dark if set, apply AOI to dark file peem_aoi_gain if set, apply AOI to gain file peem_bin binning (nXn) reduced to 1 pixel (default = 1) peem_bits12 if set, all data files are 12-bit (ALS PEEM-2 camera default) peem_col12 gives number of columns to drop for 12-bit readin (to avoid header noise) peem_dark dark data file peem_dark_avg if set, average multiple dark files peem_dark_last number of final dark of a sum of dark files peem_dwell exposure time (sec) peem_E energy (eV) peem_first first/single data file peem_gain gain data file peem_ID Widget ID peem_last last data file peem_median if set, 3-point median smooth peem_multi if set, then multiple file conversion to net_CDF peem_ncb if set, write directly to ncb file (no *.nc) peem_process string defining action ('no correct', dark correct', 'gain correct', dark and gain correct') peem_region if set, select a subregion, in real space parameters peem_scale size of pixel (um) peem_sphinx flag that data format is sphinx peem_3 flag that data format is ALS peem3 (jan07) peem_struct flag indicating success (1) or failure (0) of conversion region 4-vector defining xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax of region source_path source path SIDE EFFECTS: A widget is created/destroyed. If run standalone, result is plotted. MODIFICATION HISTORY: (05-jun-01 aph) first version; AXIS standard header added (31-jun-01 aph) enabled, non-functional (12-aug-01 aph) got working in Aug 1-12 period (08-may-01 aph) adapt to convert Elmitec PEEM (sphinx); through *.nc and directly to NCB (16-jul-02 aph) adapt to 8-bit tif file name convention (Sphinx) (05-oct-02 aph) auto-sort energies (02-nov-02 aph) increase file numbering scheme for sphinx data to full 5-digit format (17-feb-03 aph) fixed problem of extension in filename parsing (18-mar-03 aph) correction for file numbering error introcuded by ALS change into sphinx ! (02-may-04 aph) change header (20-nov-04 aph) fix problem of not working in VM mode (13-aug-05 aph) fix not working in IDL6.1 (SGU bug report Aug-05: PEEM_ID not valid for tmp files) (22-feb-06 aph) fix not working - problem was that single images are not sent back to aXis2000 !! (20-jan-07 aph) adapt for ALS PEEM3 images (but eventually used a separate widget based on Scholl routines) (12-Sep-07 aph) clean up; adapt for use of ax_cimage to remove extrema to remove columns (NB NOT changed for stacks) (30-jul-09 aph) changed analcom to stack_process_com (update to stack_process) added on_error,2 to all routines
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_POL_FIT LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 19-Apr-08 PURPOSE: This function fits a curve of I(angle) to the expression for photoexcitation polarization dependence: I = constant + amplitude(Angle-AngleRef) using CURVEFIT (IDL non-linear least squares fit) Equal weighting of all data points is used CATEGORY: Data analysis; called from axis2000 spectra~curefit~ax_pol_fit Used as part of fit to polarization maps CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = AX_POL_FIT(CURV, MAX_ITER=MAX_ITER, PARAM=PARAM, SIGMA=SIGMA, TOL=TOL) INPUTS: CURV: (angle, intensity) 2-d array KEYWORDS: MAX_ITER: if defined, the maximum number of iterations (default = 20) SIGMA: if defined, returns the standard definition SILENT: if set, do not report results in axis or IDL log STATUS if set, returns the status of the fit (0 = successful; 1 = divergent, 2 = non-convergent) PARAM; if defined, gives & returns the (constant, amplitude, angle_reference) values TOL: if defined, the tolerance (default = 1e-8) OUTPUTS: the fit function COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks SIDE EFFECTS: none EXAMPLE: see IDL help file for example this was modelled from MODIFICATION HISTORY: (04-May-06 aph) first derived (25-Jan-07 aph) set default tolerance to 1e-6, max iter to 500 (19-Feb-07 aph) change sign in fit function (19-Apr-08 aph) added /noderivative ot make ref angle fit better (from Martin Obst 25-Mar-08)
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_POL_MAP LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 18-sep-08 PURPOSE: This procedure fits a stack of angle dependent images to I(angle)=constant + amplitude*cos^2(angle-angle_Ref) with provision to force the reference angle within unser-set limits CATEGORY: AXIS: polarization stack analysis (operates stand-alone as well) CALLING SEQUENCE: for procedures: AX_POL_MAP(/AXIS,/verbose) CALLED FROM AXIS: ->Stacks->maps~polarization fit INPUTS: All input parameters are obtained through user dialogs. KEYWORDS: AXIS - if set, indicates called from AXIS VERBOSE - if set, displays results as generated line-by-line (SLOW!) ROUTINES AX_POL_FIT - main routine OUTPUTS: If run from AXIS, the results are placed in AXIS buffers buffer 4 = contant buffer 5 = amplitude buffer 6 = reference angle buffer 7 - Standard deviation of the constant buffer 8 - Standard deviation of the amplitude buffer 9 - Standard deviation of the ref. angle COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks @stack_process_com Volume_data - STACK @BSIF_COM - nc data PROCEDURE: Uses ax_pol_fit applied to the curve at each pixel MODIFICATION HISTORY: *********** (04-May-06 aph) first developed from (19-Feb-07 aph) make tolerance a parameter; report no-change parameters (18-mar-07 aph) add limits to ref_angle (17-Sep-08 aph) replace analcom with stack_process_com
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_PROF_RAD LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 12-sep02 PURPOSE: This procedure generates radial profiles from images. CATEGORY: AXIS: image analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: AX_PROF_RAD [, axis = axis] CALLED FROM AXIS: ->Images->Profiles->Radial INPUTS: Uses data in currently displayed buffer KEYWORDS AXIS - if set, indicates called from AXIS OUTPUT (1) average diameter profile spectrum (put into user selected buffer) (2) linearized diametric profile image (put into user selected buffer) further analysis of the radial profile can be done using the linescan routines COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks RESTRICTIONS Must be called from AXIS PROCEDURE: The user identifies a diameter across the structure of interest, and selects the sampling mode: Linear (1) or Circular (2). The routine samples the image as requested and generates the avarage diametric profile as well as an angular map (0-180o) Optional symmetrization and alignment routines are included. MODIFICATION HISTORY: (26-dec-99 aph) first isolated from AXIS_C (written Dec-99) (31-dec-99 aph) AXIS standard documentation (23-feb-00 aph) add groupID to call to buffer (19-dec-00 cgz) substituted ax_white_color_index with ax_plot_axes_color_index (12-sep-02 aph) use correct groupID for buffer !
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_RD_IM LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 01-jan-00 PURPOSE: This procedure reads ALS BL7 image files (*.im*) and converts all files of same main name to a a single NetCDF format file. used by AXIS to process ALS *.im* to *.nc files for use in stack_analyze designed to process one file at a time e.g. {90123001.im0, 90123001.im1} -> CATEGORY: AXIS: stack analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: AX_RD_IM [, fileheader, bin=bin, img=img, help = help] CALLED FROM AXIS: ->Stacks->bin NSLS->{1,file} INPUTS: FILEHEADER - file with list of filenames KEYWORDS: BIN - smooth the image by binnning (e.g. bin =2 -> 2x2 -> 1 pixel) IMG - sets filter to '*.img' for old-style ALS filenames HELP - prints a help message OUTPUTS: No explicit outputs. A new window is created if necessary COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks PROCEDURE: The filenames in FILEHEADER are read Each file is read in using explicit open, readf, close commands and therefore is dependent on knowing the explicit structure of the ALS BL7.0 data files. Asssumes post Dec-97 filestructure. MODIFICATION HISTORY: (Jacobsen, Jan-98) reads ALS data and structures it as a netCDF file (nsls) (aph 23-Feb-98) added other parameters (SD = scan data) and binning (aph 5-mar-98) set-up as an axis-specific routine to avoid conflict with CJ (aph 16-Aug-98) removed processing of *.lst files written by (aph 7-jan-99) trouble-shooting readin (Common name wrong !) (01-jan-00 aph) AXIS standard documentation
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_READ_ROI LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 30-Jul-09 (aph) PURPOSE: This function reads a roi from different formats and saves it as a 0/1 mask-image CATEGORY: Image display. CALLING SEQUENCE: for functions: Result = AX_READ_ROI(file-file, filter=filter, roi_type=roi_type, template=template) INPUTS: All input parameters are passed as keywords. KEYWORDS: FILE: name of file ; if not supplied, program requests it FILTER: extension ROI_TYPE: type of region of interest (stack, peem2, lox) TEMPLATE: AXB image defining the x, y scales and pixel numbers (*.axb) OUTPUTS: internal axis format structure is generated COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks bsif_com stack_process_com volume_data RESTRICTIONS: only reads the I_roi portion; format supports storage of both Io_roi and I_roi MODIFICATION HISTORY: (28-jan-06 aph) first version; STACK ROI read-in taken from stack_analyze (09-Feb-06 aph) extend to PEEM2 AOI files (12-jun-06 aph) extend to Lox ROI files (29-Dec-08 aph) add title to guide user when need ot get template image from disk (30-jul-09 aph) changed analcom to stack_process_com (update to stack_process)
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_READ_TXRM LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 09-may-2013 PURPOSE: This function uses an external call to a Java routine to read Xradia *.txrm images, stored in Microsoft Structured Storage (COM) format use SSViewer [] to see the content of *.TXRM files CATEGORY: Image read in CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = AX_READ_TXRM(, [FILE=FILE, NOF=NOF, SILENT=SILENT]) INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: FILE filename (with path) GROUP defines the group_ID NOF if set, do not specify *.txrm as the extension NO_NORM if set, do NOT normalize to the per-pixel time SELECT if set, allow user to select specfic image within a file SILENT if set, do not provide printed comments OUTPUTS: image is returned as a aXis2000 IDL structure COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks BSIF_COM image parameters STACK_PROCESS_COM stack parameters SIDE EFFECTS: none RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: The Java class txmreader creates a java list of java objects, one for each image stored in the txrm file. For SSRF there are 3 images stored in each *.tcrm file this reader only reads the first one EXAMPLE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: (30-Apr-13 aph) first version; AXIS standard header added (09-may-13 aph) extend to read the mesh and pixel-time maps
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_READ_TXRM_STXM LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 30-Apr-2013 PURPOSE: This function uses an external call to a Java routine to read a sequence of Xradia *.txrm images, stored in Microsoft Structured Storage (COM) format use SSViewer [] to see the content of TXRM files CATEGORY: Image read in. Stand alone, and called in aXis2000 at read~stacks~txrm CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = AX_READ_TXRM(, [FILE=FILE, NOF=NOF, SILENT=SILENT]) INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: FILE filename (with path) NOF if set, do not specify *.txrm as the extension SILENT if set, do not provide printed comments OUTPUTS: stack is written to disk COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks BSIF_COM standard stack parameters (from nsls1) STACK_PROCESS_COM stack parameters VOLUME_DATA image_stack SIDE EFFECTS: none RESTRICTIONS: none known PROCEDURE: The Java class txmreader creates a java list of java objects, from which the transmission image and selected parameters are extracted This is done for each image in a list (stack) which are then assembled into a single 3D array and stored in the aXis2000 *.ncb binary file, with an associated *.dat file, which has associated parameters EXAMPLE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: (30-Apr-13 aph) first version; AXIS standard header added
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_READ_XAS LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 11-Aug-12 PURPOSE: This function reads in data from an ascii XAS format file (annotated spectral format) and places the result into an AXIS 1d structure. CATEGORY: AXIS: utility CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = ax_read_xas(file = file, nof = nof) CALLED FROM AXIS: ->Read->NSLS->XAS INPUTS: INPUT - POSITIONAL INPUTS only (not keywords) All input parameters are passed as keywords. KEYWORDS: FILE = filename. If not supplied the user is prompted. NOF = no filter (default is *.xas) OUTPUTS: The result is placed in buffer 0. PROCEDURE: Uses X1A routine READ_XAS.PRO to read data, then packages as an AXIS 1d structure. COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks MODIFICATION HISTORY: (22-feb-00 aph) AXIS standard documentation (11-Aug-12 aph) add filename as the label
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_regress_spectra LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 31-Dec-12 PURPOSE: This procedure uses linear regression to fit a spectrum to a set of reference spectra. AX_REGRESS_spectra will run stand alone (prompting user for AXIS format files) or from AXIS. CATEGORY: STAND ALONE: spectral analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: AX_REGRESS_SPECTRA[SPC, axis=axis, help = help] CALLED FROM AXIS: ->{Spectra}->Curve Fit~linear regression INPUTS: SPC spectrum to be fit in axis 1d structure form KEYWORDS: AXIS called from AXIS widget COEFF filename with spectral information HELP print help text OUTPUTS: No ecoefflicit outputs. COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks PROCEDURE: The reference spectra are read in and the coefficient matrix generated. REGRESS is then called to get the fittin coefficients qauality of fit is evaluated by Ftest, Mcorrelation and chi-square for F-test - larger numbers are better for Mcorrelation - numbers closer to +1.0 are better; values close ot 0 are bad for chi-square - smaller numbers are better MODIFICATION HISTORY: (03-feb-05 aph) first version - adapted from ax_curvfit (20-oct-04 version) (19-feb-05 aph) correct final display (22-jun-05 aph) fix display of results (axis_log); switch to avoid 'regress' in IDL5.2 (17-Jan-12 aph) add Mcorrelation evaluator of statistical precision (31-Dec-12 aph) add header to log to track data
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_RGB LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 24-Apr-13 (aph) PURPOSE: This procedure allows user to select 3 images from existing buffers and generates an RGB composite image, with optional storage. CATEGORY: AXIS: utility CALLING SEQUENCE: AX_RGB [, NO_SAVE=NO_SAVE] CALLED FROM AXIS: ->Utilities->RGB composite INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: NO_SAVE - do not ask for file name OUTPUTS: RGB image in MainImg and (optional) tif file on disk COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks MODIFICATION HISTORY: (18-sep-05 aph) first written; generated from images~RGB composite in axis_c (18-Mar-13 aph) add scale bar (24-Apr-13 aph) remove scale_bar - inaccurate
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_RGB_COM LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 02-feb-11 PURPOSE: This FILE contains the COMMON block, AX_RGB_COM CATEGORY: AXIS: AX_RGB_COM common block CALLING SEQUENCE: @AX_RGB_COM (to include in the stack_analyse routines) INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: (28-dec-07 aph) first version (02-feb-11 aph) add uppervalue_flag
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_RGB_MAP LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 02-Feb-11 PURPOSE: This set of procedures is a widget which generates R_G-B composite maps It allows mage selection and adjustment of min/max scales for each color. future options anticipated: - a color circle and separate R, G, B color scales (optionally selected) CATEGORY: aXis2000 capitve. Image display. CALLING SEQUENCE: AX_RGB_MAP INPUTS: default set of buffers are R=4, G=5, B=6 KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: (optional) a TIF image of the RGB composite map can be stored AX_RGB_MAP_EVENT ROUTINES: NUM_FORMAT standard number format for limits MAKERGB generate composite image LIST_RGB_RED select buffer for RED LIST_RGB_GREEN select buffer for GREEN LIST_RGB_BLUE select buffer for BLUE BUT_RGB_CIRCLE on/off color circle display BUT_RGB_SCALES on/off R, G, B scales SLIDER_R adjust red min / max value SLIDER_G adjust green max value SLIDER_B adjust blue max value TEXT_RGB_RMAX adjust red max value TEXT_RGB_GMAX adjust green max value TEXT_RGB_BMAX adjust blue max value TEXT_RGB_RMIN adjust red min value TEXT_RGB_GMIN adjust green min value TEXT_RGB_BMIN adjust blue min value ABSOLUTE_SCALE set all colors to global limits RGB_RESCALE set each color to limits of its data UPPERVALUE set pixels above upper limit to black BUT_RGB_CANCEL cancel BUT_RGB_SAVE save composite map COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks AX_RGB_COM parameters specifc to ax_rgb_map SIDE EFFECTS: A window is created/destroyed. RESTRICTIONS: Any known ? MODIFICATION HISTORY: (16-Jun-03 aph) first verasion started (10-Mar-06 aph) widget structure generated from AX_RGB_WIDGET.PRC (29-Dec-07 aph) coded (02-feb-11 aph) cnvert all pixels ABOVE upper limit to black
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_RGB_WIDGET LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 20-apr-08 PURPOSE: This set of procedures is a widget which generates R_G-B composite maps with full control on source, limits etc uses CW_slider - a complex slider with 2-levels of control taken from web (Thomas Döring, June 2007) CATEGORY: Image display - captive to aXis2000 CALLING SEQUENCE: for procedures: AX_RGB_WIDGET INPUTS: default set of buffers are R=4, G=5, B=6 if not previously selected KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: RGB image saved as a tif file COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks AX_RGB_COM common block for AX_RGB_WIDGET SIDE EFFECTS: A window is created/destroyed. RESTRICTIONS: MODIFICATION HISTORY: (10-Mar-06 aph) widget structure first generated (26-Dec-07 aph) coded (20-apr-08 aph) clean up description
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_ROTATE LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 02-jan-02 PURPOSE: This procedure rotates 2-d data (images) about a user defined point. It depends on geting data from AXIS2000 data buffers CATEGORY: AXIS: image processing CALLING SEQUENCE: AX_ROTATE, TMP, ANGLE=ANGLE, CENTRE=CENTRE, PIXELSIZE=PIXELSIZE, MINVAL=MINVAL CALLED FROM AXIS: (images~rotate) INPUT: TMP - image KEYWORDS: ANGLE rotation angle CENTRE [x,y] - centre for rotation in data units PIXELSIZE size of pixels to mesh to (in microns) MAXDIST maximum distance from centre to a corner (sets size of output image) MINVAL if = 1 then set outside regions to minimum in image OUTPUT rotated 2-d structure is placed in buffer 0 COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks MODIFICATION HISTORY: (15-nov-01 aph) isolated from axis2000 (25-nov-01 aph) make added region have the average color of the image (31-dec-01 aph) introduce keywords to allow operation without user input give option for minimum or average color for extending image change from function to procedure; add max_distance keyword (02-jan-02 aph) remove pivot keyword in call to ROT
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_SDF LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 02-Jul-15 PURPOSE: This set of procedures is a widget to read in files in the ascii self defining format (SDF) developed initally for ALS BL 5.3.2 STXM The widget uses read_sdf and parse_sdf to perform the file input. CATEGORY: AXIS: utility AX_SDF_EVENT ROUTINES: TEXT_SDF_FNAME modify filename; when changed, execute BUT_SDF_FNAME_BROWSE to get parameters BUT_SDF_FNAME_BROWSE browse for new filename; if found, load new parameters BUT_SDF_DISPLAY_HDR show parameters BUT_SDF_OK proceed with loading SDF file into AXIS BUT_SDF_CANCEL abort read in WID_DLIST_CHANNEL drop list used to display and select the data channel WID_DLIST_REGION drop list to display and select region COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks @SDF_COM structure with header info MODIFICATION HISTORY: (25-feb-01 aph) first written using IDL 5.2 GUIBuilder (27-jun-01 aph) add groupID for better feedback on reads (29-jul-01 aph) add regions selector to the panel; introduced sdf_com; reverted to pickfile2 (19-aug-01 aph) adapt to regions change & change in structure names; define regions & channels (04-nov-01 aph) add sdf_lastfile to sdf_com to save last name (09-nov-01 aph) activate all_regions read-in for spectra and images (26-nov-01 aph) complete use of name label as a way to select file add specific image read-in for stacks - incomplete !! (31-dec-01 aph) make defaut width of display parameters = 132 (17-feb-02 aph) 'motor scan'; single images from sequences (11-dec-02 aph) VLM images read-in (17-oct-04 aph) separate PATH box; reload last file info if possible (28-oct-04 aph) ensure works if SDF_Path or SDF_lastfile are not defined (at startup) (19-feb-05 aph) stack-map, single image read in added (12-mar-05 aph) make single image read-in work with IDL5.2 (17-Jun-05 aph) channels and regions working for map and 1-image read-in (13-Nov-05 aph) got rid of last call involving 'group=SDF_ID' (22-Mar-06 aph) add Normalize indicator on panel (11-mar-07 aph) add normalization control to panel (sets norm_flag) (18-May-07 aph) correct read-in of 1-image for multi-channel data (B. Watts) (01-Feb-09 aph) add xy_correct option (19-Feb-10 aph) correct number of channels in print tag (20-Jul-10 aph) replace TEXT_SDF_(CHANNEL, REGION, IMAGE) with WID_DLIST_(CHANNEL, REGION, IMAGE) (routine name error) (20-May-13 bw) Make string value of the "Image #" selection box longer than zero characters to fix GTK bug (19-Dec-13 aph) only display sdf_lastfile if it is a string (13-Jan-14 aph) make selector pick last file as default (30-Jun-14 aph) make sure that the file refered to in the ax_sdf widget actually exists in the Apr-14 edition, BROWSE crashed if there was not a valid path & filename (23-Jul-14 aph) put normalization value on widget; adapt to IDL 8.3 start with last file loaded to gui IF ax_sdf used last (02-Jul-15 aph) add option to view ring normalization signal; re-arrange widget change SDF_silent (=1, no traceback) from this widget
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_SELECT LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 02-Jan-15 PURPOSE: This set of procedures is a widget which allows user to select a range of the data to make a 0/1 BIT MASK which can be used as a region of interest (ROI) selector in stack_analyze CATEGORY: aXis2000 capitve. Image manipulation CALLING SEQUENCE: AX_SELECT INPUTS: default set of buffers are R=4, G=5, B=6 KEYWORDS: GROUP_LEADER calling widget no_axis if set, do not execute aXis2000 specific lines (eg display in aXis2000) OUTPUTS: a ROI file suitable to be used in stack_analyze is written AX_SELECT_EVENT ROUTINES: NUM_FORMAT standard number format for limits MAKE_Threshold_Image generate image with threshold overlay SLIDER_R adjust min / max value TEXT_select_max adjust max value TEXT_select_min adjust min value BUT_select_CANCEL cancel BUT_select_SAVE_MASK save mask BUT_select_SAVE_ROI save ROI file COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks AX_SELECT_COM parameters specifc to ax_select SIDE EFFECTS: A window is created/destroyed. RESTRICTIONS: Any known ? MODIFICATION HISTORY: (29-Dec-07 aph) first version adapted from AX_RGB_MAP (29-Jan-11 aph) add separate saving of ROI_file and the mask image allow arbitary buffer to store mask images (02-Jan-15 aph) allow use of ax_select outside of aXis2000, with no_axis parameter
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_SELECT_COM LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 27-Jul-15 PURPOSE: This FILE contains the COMMON block, AX_SELECT_COM CATEGORY: AXIS: AX_SELECT_COM common block CALLING SEQUENCE: @AX_SELECT_COM (to include in the stack_analyse routines) INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: (29-dec-07 aph) first version (29-Jan-11 aph) add mask_flag to indicate that a mask was written (02-Jan-14 aph) add axis_on parameter (29-Mar-15 aph) deleted extra blank line - Eclipse IDL 8.3 does not like them (27-Jul-15 aph) added last- needed for IDL 8.3 windows
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_SEP LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 01-jan-00 PURPOSE: This function returns the valid directories separator for the operating system (system dependent) CATEGORY: STAND ALONE: utility CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = AX_SEP() INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: RESULT = 1-ascii character which is the system separator Windows = '\', Unix = '/' Macintosh = ':' MODIFICATION HISTORY: (14-Oct-99 aph) first written (01-jan-00 aph) AXIS standard documentation
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_SHIFT_ALL LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 7-dec-01 PURPOSE: This procedure uses ax_shift_image to rotate and shift a set of images identified by a stack_list file. The rotation and shift parameters are read from a file. Developed as part fo the 3d chemical mapping suite. CATEGORY: stand alone ; AXIS: stack analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: ax_shift_all, sl = sl, aln=aln INPUTS: none FORMAT of *.rsl angle shift file path c:\stxm532\01-11\X1-3d\rotate-iwata\ name, angle, xshift, yshift, 0, 18.5000, -32.5000 ..... for each file KEYWORDS: SL - stack list and lignment parameters (angle, x-shift, y-shift) OUTPUTS: sl file with names of transformed images - default name is same name with 't_' prefix appended COMMON BLOCKS: none ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: (04-dec-01 aph) first written (07-dec-01 aph) add global offsets
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_SHIFT_IMAGES LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 5-dec-01 PURPOSE: This function rotates and shifts a single image by the values contained in user-supplied variables, or from user dialog. CATEGORY: stand alone ; AXIS: stack analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: ax_shift_images, angle=angle, xshift=xshift,yshift=yshift INPUTS: IMAGE - reference image ANGLE - rotation angle (clock-wise) XSHIFT - value of x-shift (in fractional pixels) YSHIFT - value of y-shift (in fractional pixels) KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: shifted image COMMON BLOCKS: bsif_common MODIFICATION HISTORY: (04-dec-01 aph) adapted from zstack_align
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_SLICER3 LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 17-Sep-08 PURPOSE: This procedure reads a stack in *.ncb format into slicer3 CATEGORY: 3d image display. CALLING SEQUENCE: AX_SLICER3 INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: none COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks stack_process_com volume_data - image stack MODIFICATION HISTORY: (21-feb-06 aph) AXIS standard header added (17-Sep-08 aph) replace analcom with stack_process_com
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_SORT_MONO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 14-Mar-10 PURPOSE: This function sorts (x,y) data sets in ascending values of x and replaces cases of 2 identical X-values with slightly differing values to force monotonic property required for the INTERPOL function CATEGORY: STAND ALONE: spectral analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: AX_SORT_MONO[D] CALLED FROM AXIS: ->{Spectra}->Curve Fit INPUTS: D axis2000 format 1-d structure (OLD: X, Y-values in a 2-d array) KEYWORDS: AXIS if flag is set the input is a structure; otherwise a 2-d array **** NOT ACTIVE *** OUTPUTS: returns array with x-values organized monotonically; no change to y-values COMMON BLOCKS: none PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: (30-dec-03 aph) first version (30-Jan-05 aph) remove 2-d array code (12-jun-05 aph) modified equal value correction to avoid generating a non-monotonic file ! (07-mar-10 aph) sort out 'conflcting data structure tag 'y' (14-mar-10 aph) return axis paramater
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_SORT_NAMES LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 07-mar-09 PURPOSE: This function sorta a list of filenames by sequence number using filename conventions used in NSLS, ALS-PEEM, ALS-STXM, Sphinx, and Lox CATEGORY: utility CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = AX_SORT_NAMES(filename_list, [numbers=numbers]) INPUTS: filename_list = array of strings KEYWORDS: NUMBERS - if selected, returns an integer array of file numbers rather than sorted names OUTPUTS: ordered array COMMON BLOCKS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: (23-may-04 aph) first version; adapted from tif_convert (07-mar-09 aph) desensitize to alpha characters in filenames (from addition of 'A' at CLS)
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_SPEC_DELETE LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 19-jun-00 PURPOSE: This procedure deletes all data points in a spectrum between user selected x-axis limits. CATEGORY: AXIS: spectra analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: for procedures: AX_SPEC_DELETE CALLED FROM AXIS: ->Spectra->Delete INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: Spectrum with deleted data is placed in Buffer 0. COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks PROCEDURE: Cursors used to define two limits. All data points betwen limits are deleted. Spectrum is replotted without changing scales in case user has a zoomed scale for more precise deletion. MODIFICATION HISTORY: (31-dec-99 aph) isolated from AXIS_C; AXIS standard documentation
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_STRMID LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 21-Feb-10 PURPOSE: This function returns the parts of string between 2 user defined strings CATEGORY: Utility CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = AX_STRMID(STRALL, STR1, STR2) INPUTS: STRALL string to be parsed STR1 start collecting at 1 character after STR1 STR2 stop collecting at 1 character before STR2 KEYWORDS: NONE OUTPUTS: returns middle part of a string defined by other strings COMMON BLOCKS: NONE MODIFICATION HISTORY: (21-Feb-10 aph) AXIS standard header added
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_STXM4NC LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 18-Jul-01 PURPOSE: This procedure converts one or a series of NSLS STXM 4 image files into netCDF format and, if multiple files, writes a stack_list (*.sl) file with names of converted files CATEGORY: AXIS: image analysis ; runs standalone CALLING SEQUENCE: AX_STXM4NC, file INPUTS: FILE - an NSLS STXM 4 image file (*.sm) to be converted to netCDF format (*.nc) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: LIST - name of file with list of image files (*.lst) OUTLIST - name of a file to write list of netCDF files (*.sl) ONE - convert only a single file OUTPUTS: FILE.NC - image written to a netCDF format binary file COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM - set of common blocks for AXIS @BSIF_COM - common block for netCDF SIDE EFFECTS: many ! RESTRICTIONS: caveat emptor PROCEDURE: AX_STXM4NC assumes that ax_rd_im has put the image and associated information into BSIF_COMMON variables: image_data (the array which holds the image - possibly several planes deep for I, IO, CLOCK) MODIFICATION HISTORY: (18-Jul-01 aph) derived from als2ncdf using readSTXM4
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_SVD LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 23-Apr-11 PURPOSE: This procedure executes the SVD procedure to generate component maps from an arbitary number of images for an arbitrary number of components. Will run stand alone (prompting user for AXIS format files) or from AXIS. CATEGORY: STAND ALONE: image, stack analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: AX_SVD[, axis=axis, coeff = coeff, comp_images = comp_images, $ help=help, images = images, stack = stack, verbose = verbose] CALLED FROM AXIS: Stacks->SVD INPUTS: All inputs are through keywords. User is prompted for missing data. KEYWORDS: /AXIS - if on, then called from AXIS widget COEFF = fit parameter file with names of spectral files COMP_IMAGES = list of component images (*.axb) /HELP - set to print how-to-use statement IMAGES = file with list of images to be analysed STACK = name of a binary format stack (*.ncb) /VERBOSE - print additional documentation of SVD procedure OUTPUTS: No explicit outputs. A new window is created if necessary COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks stack_process_com COMMON volume_data, image_stack bsif_com PROCEDURE: The images are first read in - either as a binary stack (if stack keyword set) or from the list of images, or from pickfile dialog. The absorption coefficents for each component at the energies of the images are then read in, either through interpolation of a reference spectrum (read in via pickfile dialog), or from a standard absorption coefficient file (see example below) or by manual input. The SVD procedure is then applied. Component maps are generated. written to files, and displayed either in IDL windows (if run stand alone) or in AXIS buffers. EXAMPLE: example of file to provide list of images (same as stack_list files) f:\stxm\9909\10-13\ ; path to images a1013_01.axb a1013_02.axb a1013_03.axb a1013_04.axb a1013_05.axb a1013_06.axb a1013_07.axb a1013_08.axb a1013_09.axb example of file to provide mass absorption coefficents 2900 155000 8200 76700 3400 29900 139600 52000 DVB EGDMA SF-normalized values ; ignores ANY text after ncomp lines and labels species 281 285 288.3 305 ; each with n_image entries (abs. coeff. for that species) DVB (divinylbenzene) EGDMA (acrylate) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Developed by ANDY WINESETT, NCSU , 1998, 1999 Modified from SGU's version by GEM 7/15/99 to do 3 image SAP stacks updated 7/16/99, GEM to save data files in XRD format updated March 5, 1999 (SGU) (29-jul-99 aph) generalised to a dialog (10-aug-99 aph) installed in AXIS; use reform to remove need to reload maps (17-aug-99 aph) auto-truncate to match size of all images NB does NOT use (x,y) scales (14-oct-99 aph) auto-extract intensity coeff from files if coeff set (17-oct-99 aph) further improvements to file handling stuff; allow use of any file format (23-oct-99 aph) plot coefficents for feedback to user (27-oct-99 aph) correct error in (x,y) scales of images (01-jan-00 aph) AXIS standard documentation (27-feb-00 aph) add groupID to get_text (11-apr-00 aph) add residual and chi square evaluation (22-aug-00 aph) force interpolation (19-oct-00 aph) increase to 8 components max (28-jul-01 aph) neaten up while developing AX_CGO; ensure stand-alone operation (12-aug-01 aph) correct error from 28-jul-01 change (07-oct-01 aph) add xl to temporary files to allow use later (13-dec-01 aph) fix error on component map name definition (29-dec-01 aph) add E to 2d structure (26-jan-02 aph) set correct path for par file (13-May-03 aph) convert coeff file to list of reference spectra files (04-jun-03 aph) force '.par' extension (pickfile, filter= & /write); fix comp_names for no blanks (04-jun-03 aph) use ax_par_load and ax_par_save (30-dec-03 aph) add ax_sort_mono to force stack E-scale and reference spectral scales to be monotonic (20-jan-04 aph) use dialog_message to control residual stack writing ensure E-value (0.0) added to component maps (01-apr-04 aph) fix ERROR in writing component maps (duplicate E) (12-dec-04 aph) reformat component spectra to allow other uses (01-feb-05 aph) fix ax_sort_mono to use structure (ricochet change from lox change) (17-Sep-08 aph) replace analcom with stack_process_com (30-Jul-09 aph) add stack name to component map; remove 'clip at limits' option truncate short name for component maps at the first space changed spectral plotting to stack_fit approach - keeps original labels (28-dec-09 aph) extend to up to 16 spectra (needed for XRF fitting) (23-Apr-11 aph) optional selection of limits of component maps
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_SVD_spectra LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 03-feb-05 PURPOSE: This procedure uses SVD to fit a spectrum to a set of reference spectra. AX_SVD_spectra will run stand alone (prompting user for AXIS format files) or from AXIS. CATEGORY: STAND ALONE: spectral analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: AX_SVD_spectra[SPC, axis=axis, help = help, coeff = coeff, set_start = set_start, pos_only=pos_only ] CALLED FROM AXIS: ->{Spectra}->Curve Fit~SVD_spectra INPUTS: SPC spectrum to be fit in axis 1d structure form KEYWORDS: AXIS called from AXIS widget COEFF filename with spectral information HELP print help text SET_START allow users to set starting values POS_ONLY force only positive coefficients LIMITS [min, max] 2-vector defining lower and upper limits OUTPUTS: No explicit outputs. COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks PROCEDURE: The reference spectra are read in and the coefficient matrix generated. SVD is then called to get the fittin coefficients MODIFICATION HISTORY: (03-feb-04 aph) first version - adapted from ax_curvfit (20-oct-04 version )
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_SWITCH LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 01-jan-00 PURPOSE: This procedure switches the active buffer using the thumbnails or the buffer labels. It also processes flags for other uses for the thumbnail switches, such as copying buffers. CATEGORY: AXIS: utility CALLING SEQUENCE: for procedures: AX_SWITCH, BufNum CALLED FROM AXIS: ->on mouse click on a thumbnail INPUTS: BUFNUM - number of buffer selected by left mouse click. other control parameters transferred via common KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: none COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks PROCEDURE: switches among buffers & processes flags meaning of variables NewBuf - (axis_common) new buffer number CurBuf - (axis_common) current buffer number select_flag - identifies that thumbnail 'button push' is being used to select buffer for a function other than plotting NB - this code always resets select_flag regardless of action copy_flag = identifies action as a copy from CurBuf to NewBuf MODIFICATION HISTORY: (30-oct-99 aph) first written to use new thumbnails as switches (01-jan-00 aph) AXIS standard documentation
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_TOMO_READ LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 30-Oct-11 (aph) PURPOSE: This function processes a set of folders of files containing multi-images stacks for tomography read-in CATEGORY: Input / output utilty; stand alone CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = AX_TOMO_READ(FILE=FILE, ONE_IMAGE=ONE_IMAGE, MAP=MAP, STACK=STACK, AXB=AXB, GROUP=GROUP) INPUTS: none KEYWORDS CHANNEL data channel to read FILE list of folders to process ONE_IMAGE read in one image at each angle MAP read in map (diff of OD of 2 images) at each angle STACK read in stack of stacks (not yet implemented) TIF read in set of tif files (from SVD) (ABORTED 14-Jul-07 due to no color) AXB read in set of axb files (from SVD) OUTPUTS: folder with selected files COMMON: AXIS BSIF STACK_PROCESS_COM VOLUME_DATA MODIFICATION HISTORY: (15-dec-05 aph) first version fur use in axis and stand alone (for tomography) (17-may-06 gaj) added /no_interpolate keyword to call of read_sdf() to aviod rounding error of number of pixels (10-jul-06 gaj) fixed some bugs with Stack~Tomography~map (14-jul-07 aph) read set of '*.axb' files (component maps) and convert to *.ncb angle sequence (30-Jul-09 aph) replace analcom with stack_process_com (30-Oct-11 aph) try to solve why it does not run in VM version (no change to this code)
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_WAIT LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 01-jan-00 PURPOSE: This procedure turns on or off the widget_event hourglass widget_event(hourglass=0) does not seem to work !! CATEGORY: STAND ALONE: utility CALLING SEQUENCE: AX_WAIT, OFF = off INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: OFF - turn off if 1, turn on if 0 MODIFICATION HISTORY: (19-sep-99 aph) first written to avoid persistent hourglass (01-jan-00 aph) AXIS standard documentation
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_WRITE_XAS LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 04-jun-08 PURPOSE: This procedure writes a 1d data structure (spectrum) as a nsls X1A *.xas format, annotated ascii file. The user is prompted for header information and can choose from nsls or gas-phase-database format for entries CATEGORY: AXIS: utility CALLING SEQUENCE: AX_WRITE_XAS, tmp, file = file, nof = nof CALLED FROM AXIS: ->WRite->XAS INPUTS: TMP - AXIS 1d-structure KEYWORDS: FILE filename. If not supplied the user is prompted for the filename. NOF no filter (default filter is *.xas) MULTI write multiple spectra with user selectable point spacing OUTPUTS: An XAS-format file is written. COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks MODIFICATION HISTORY: (31-jan-00 aph) first written to allow use of axis data as Io for Zimba stack_analyze. (27-feb-00 aph) AXIS standard documentation; groupID for get_text (04-Jun-08 aph) incorporate multi-spectral write (what is displayed)
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_XRF_CONVERT LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 14-Dec-09 PURPOSE: This function converts a series of XRF fluorescence spectra written by XGLabs software into 1-channel fields with truncation to a user specified upper energy and optional binning it also generates the sum of all the XRF spectra and generates a stack of the data CATEGORY: utiltiy CALLING SEQUENCE: AX_XRF_CONVERT INPUTS: KEYWORDS: GROUP group leader (Axis_ID if called from aXis2000 and axis) MULTI_DET multiple detector signals in one file SILENT if set, no feedback EXTRA passed on parameters OUTPUTS: set of 1-column ascii files suitable to read into PYMCA sum of all all XRF spectra COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM - set of common blocks for AXIS Volume_data - stack @BSIF_COM - common block for netCDF SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: assumes all XGLabs file names involve cycling the last 3 spaces before '.' as the sequence number PROCEDURE: RESTRICTIONS: MODIFICATION HISTORY: (14-dec-09 aph) dirsat written as tool for Twinmic staff & users to get around problems that XGLabs software optionally writes only non-zero channels
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_XYCAL LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 22-Mar-15 (aph) PURPOSE: This procedure calibrate the XY-values of currently displayed image. CATEGORY: AXIS: image analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: AX_XYCAL, ONE=one CALLED FROM AXIS: Images->CalibrateXY->{1 point, 2 points} INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: ONE - use only 1-point to calibrate (shift) The default is a 2-point calibration (stretch-shift) OUTPUTS: recalibrated image is placed in buffer 0. COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks MODIFICATION HISTORY: ( 4-Jun-98 aph) added 1-point version (14-jun-98 aph) axis_com (30-Dec-98 aph) format Uprompt ( 8-jun-99 aph) add group to get_num call; FIXED major error for 2-point calib ! (20-oct-99 aph) add meshing and truncating to make same as image alignment procedure (01-jan-00 aph) set (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax to limits); AXIS standard documentation (07-nov-00 aph) add tmp.E to preserve Energy of images (28-oct-01 aph) add check for tmp.E, set to zero if not found (29-Nov-11 aph) add zoom box for more precise placement - NOT COMPLETED - need cursor on zoom & right color (22-May-15 aph) use real not integer pixle size (in nm)
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_XYDIS LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 11-Dec-11 PURPOSE: This procedure modifies (x) and/or (y) pixel size based on user-defined ultiplicative factors (only the ratio of pixel sizes changes NB - use Images~Modify X,Y axes to change the x, or y scales independently - use Images~Set X,Y scale to isomporhically set the x,y scale - use Images~Calibrate to calibrate the x,y scale (1-point = shift; 2-point = shift, stretch) CATEGORY: AXIS: image utility CALLING SEQUENCE: AX_XYDIS CALLED FROM AXIS: Images->Distort XY scale INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: modified image is written to buffer 0 COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks MODIFICATION HISTORY: (fall-97 aph) - first wrote for Mephisto data (14-jun-98 aph) add axis_com (08-jun-99 aph) add group call to get_num (14-dec-99 aph) get correct (x,y) values (25-dec-99 aph) interpolate to square pixels (01-jan-00 aph) AXIS standard documentation (11-dec-11 aph) modify to work properly (prior to 10-dec-11 this routine only worked if xfactor=1.0 and yfactor < 1.0)
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_XYSCL LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 01-jan-00 PURPOSE: This procedure sets the (x,y) scales of images CATEGORY: AXIS: utility CALLING SEQUENCE: AX_XYSCL CALLED FROM AXIS: Images->Set XY scale INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: none COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks MODIFICATION HISTORY: (xx-sep-97 aph) first wrote for Mephisto data (14-jun-98 aph) axis_com (08-jun-99 aph) add group keyword to get_num; fixed error ! (01-jan-00 aph) AXIS standard documentation
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_XY_CORRECT LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 16-Feb-10 (aph) PURPOSE: This function replaces (x,y) values of an image with x,y values measured interferometrically. CATEGORY: AXIS: utility CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = AX_XY_CORRECT(FILE=FILE) CALLED FROM AXIS: ->Images->XY-CORRECT INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: FILE - if supplied, name of sdf format image file (must have Image, and Xpos, Ypos channels) SILENT - do not display tracking messages OUTPUTS: corrected image is displayed COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks MODIFICATION HISTORY: (01-Feb-09 aph) first version (10-feb-10 aph) "-" not allowed in function names (changed;IDL 7.x error)
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_ZOOM_CURSOR LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 21-aug-01 PURPOSE: This procedure zooms a sub region of the current image displayed by using a marquee (Box cursor) to select the zoom region. The zoomed region is extracted from the original data and placed as a new AXIS structure in buffer 0. CATEGORY: AXIS: image analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: AX_ZOOM_CURSOR CALLED FROM AXIS: Zoom->Images->cursor - cut INPUT: none KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: Region cut from image is placed as a new AXIS 2d structure in buffer 0. COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks PROCEDURE: Uses BX_CURSOR to define a region to zoom nb - BX_CURSOR is derived from IDL's BOX_CURSOR but the left and middle buttons have been swapped to make it compatible with 2-button mice NB this routine is written to handle spectra as well, but currently not used. Spectra->Truncate performs the equivalent function for spectra. MODIFICATION HISTORY: (28-dec-99 aph) isolated from AXIS_C (01-jan-00 aph) AXIS standard documentation (17-apr-01 aph) added E to output structure (21-aug-01 aph) ensured code compatible with 2d structures without E
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_ZOOM_CUT LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 23-feb-06 PURPOSE: This procedure cuts out a region from an AXIS image based on numerical limits. CATEGORY: AXIS: image analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: AX_ZOOM_CUT, limits=limits CALLED FROM AXIS: Zoom->Images->Numerical INPUTS: none - acts on CurBuf KEYWORDS: LIMITS [xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax] in data units MESH [x-pixels, y-pixels] - number of pixels NO_PLOT if set, do not plot OUTPUTS: Modified image placed in buffer 0. COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks MODIFICATION HISTORY: (15-nov-99 aph) isolated from axis_c (01-jan-00 aph) AXIS standard documentation (17-apr-01 aph) added E to output structure (29-dec-01 aph) changed to procedure; set up for macro operation (31-dec-01 aph) add keyword MESH = [number of x, y pixels] - to ensure equal size outputs (23-feb-06 aph) add no_plot keyword to allow use for zooming
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: AX_ZOOM_PAN LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 02-may-04 PURPOSE: Display part of an image (or graphics) from the current window enlarged in another window.The cursor is used to mark the center of the zoom. CATEGORY: STAND ALONE: Image display. CALLING SEQUENCE: AX_ZOOM_PAN [, FACT = Fact, /INTERP, XSIZE = Xs, YSIZE = Ys, /CONTINUOUS, $ /KEEP, ZOOM_WINDOW=Zoom_Win, /NEW_WINDOW ] INPUTS: All input parameters are passed as keywords. KEYWORDS: FACT: Zoom factor. This parameter must be an integer. The default zoom factor is 4. INTERP: Set this keyword to use bilinear interpolation, otherwise pixel replication is used. XSIZE: The X size of the zoom window. The default is 512. YSIZE: The Y size of the zoom window. The default is 512. CONTINUOUS: Set this keyword to make the zoom window track the mouse without requiring the user to press the left mouse button. This feature only works well on fast computers. KEEP: Keep the zoom window after exiting the procedure. ZOOM_WINDOW: When used with KEEP, returns the index of the zoom window. Otherwise, if KEEP is not set, then -1 is returned. NEW_WINDOW: Normally, if ZOOM is called with /KEEP and then called again, it will use the same window to display the zoomed image. Calling ZOOM with /NEW_WINDOW forces it to create a new window for this purpose. OUTPUTS: No explicit outputs. A new window is created if necessary. It is destroyed upon exit if KEEP is not specified. COMMON BLOCKS: common zoom_window, zoom_w axis_com SIDE EFFECTS: A window is created/destroyed. When ZOOM is reusing a zoom window from a previous call to ZOOM,/KEEP, then the XSIZE and YSIZE parameters are reset to the actual size of the window. RESTRICTIONS: ZOOM only works with color systems. PROCEDURE: Straightforward. MODIFICATION HISTORY: ? William Thompson, March 1992, added common block ZOOM_WINDOW and KEEP keyword. William Thompson, 20 May 1993, added ZOOM_WINDOW and NEW_WINDOW keywords. (? aph) adapted from IDL version to handle 2-button mice (30-Dec-98 aph) use Get_Num to change zoom factor (08-jun-99 aph) add group id to get_num (30-dec-99 aph) changed name from ax_zoom to ax_zoom_pan (02-jan-99 aph) AXIS standard documentation (13-oct-01 aph) add ax_color to make pan display color correctly (02-may-04 aph) change header
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: BLBL_UPD LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 16-Feb-2010 PURPOSE: updates buffer labels in aXis2000 CATEGORY: AXIS: utility (captive) CALLING SEQUENCE: BLBL_UPD CALLED FROM AXIS: whenever execute PlotBuf to display a new Buffer; clear; etc ROUTINES BLBL_UPD - update the labels (which displayed for multi, lable contents) ;INPUTS: none (via axis_com) KEYWORDS: none COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks MODIFICATION HISTORY: ( MAR-98 APH) split from axis_c to shrink file (14-jun-98 aph) add axis_com (24-jun-99 aph) consistent color for image/spectra ; ADD zstack_color_common (26-jul-99 aph) if curBuf=0, only update labels (26-sep-99 aph) separated from THUMBS.PRO to have file name = run name adapted to 9 separate windows (31-jan-00 aph) AXIS standard documentation; re-ordered to avoid loss of utility routines (11-mar-00 aph) remove comment on @axis_com line (16-apr-00 aph) handle 3d images which have 3-channel (3-d) data structure (19-dec-00 cgz) substituted ax_white_color_index with ax_plot_axes_color_index substituted ax_black_color_index with ax_plot_bkgd_color_index (16-Feb-10 aph) separated from parent file to follow IDL conventions
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: BMP_TO_NCB LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 30-Jul-09 (aph) PURPOSE: This procedure converts a series of Windows *.bmp image files into a binary stack file. The BMP files are those listed in a '*.sl' file CATEGORY: AXIS: stack analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: RESULT = BMP_TO_NCB(group_leader=axis_ID) INPUTS: none KEYWORD PARAMETERS: GROUP_LEADER - identification of caller for modal control OUTPUTS: FILE.NCB - stack binary file COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM - set of common blocks for AXIS stack_process_com bsif_com volume_data SIDE EFFECTS: many ! RESTRICTIONS: caveat emptor MODIFICATION HISTORY: (21-Feb-06 aph) first developed (adapted from stxm4_ncb) (26-apr-06 aph) clean up and add conversion tags (30-jul-09 aph) changed analcom to stack_process_com (update to stack_process)
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: BMP_TO_NCB LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 30-Jul-09 PURPOSE: This procedure converts a series of JPEG (*.jpg) image files into a binary stack file. The BMP files are those listed in a '*.sl' file CATEGORY: AXIS: stack analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: RESULT = JPG_TO_NCB(group_leader=axis_ID) INPUTS: none KEYWORD PARAMETERS: GROUP_LEADER - identification of caller for modal control OUTPUTS: FILE.NCB - stack binary file COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM - set of common blocks for AXIS stack_process_com bsif_com volume_data RESTRICTIONS: caveat emptor MODIFICATION HISTORY: (26-Feb-06 aph) first developed (adapted from BMP_TO_NCB) (30-jul-09 aph) changed analcom to stack_process_com (update to stack_process)
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: BNL_LOAD LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 23-feb-00 PURPOSE: This function loads spectral data from the nsls X1A standard ASCII format file into AXIS 1d data structure CATEGORY: AXIS: utility CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = BNL_LOAD(NOF=nof, DEFPATH=DefPath) CALLED FROM AXIS: ->Read->NSLS->ascii INPUTS: All input parameters are passed as keywords. KEYWORDS: NOF - no filter DEFPATH - default path (used in pickfile routine) OUTPUTS: The result is placed in the Current Buffer. COMMON BLOCKS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: (aph 7-aug-97) broke out of spectral; type defined (23-feb-00 aph) AXIS standard documentation
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: BOX PURPOSE: Draws a rubber band box according to cursor motion, returns corners. CATEGORY: Who Knows -- Need a list of the valid responses CALLING SEQUENCE: BOX,xv,yv [,ratio=ratio,/device [,/data ] ] INPUTS: ratio Ratio of the length of the box sides /device Specifies use of device coordinates /data Specifies use of data coordinates OUTPUTS: xv 2 point vector of x-coordinate for opposite box corners yv 2 point vector of y-coordinate for opposite box corners COMMON BLOCKS: NONE SIDE EFFECTS: Makes user think SHE/HE is a terminator. RESTRICTIONS: Display must be able to support DEVICE,SET_GRAPH=6 PROCEDURE: STRAIGHTFORWARD (seems to be the default value of this field). MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written Early 1991 by J. M. Zawodny, NASA LaRC
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: BOX_CURSOR PURPOSE: Emulate the operation of a variable-sized box cursor (also known as a "marquee" selector). CATEGORY: Interactive graphics. CALLING SEQUENCE: BOX_CURSOR, x0, y0, nx, ny [, INIT = init] [, FIXED_SIZE = fixed_size] INPUTS: No required input parameters. OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: x0, y0, nx, and ny give the initial location (x0, y0) and size (nx, ny) of the box if the keyword INIT is set. Otherwise, the box is initially drawn in the center of the screen. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: INIT: If this keyword is set, x0, y0, nx, and ny contain the initial parameters for the box. FIXED_SIZE: If this keyword is set, nx and ny contain the initial size of the box. This size may not be changed by the user. MESSAGE: If this keyword is set, print a short message describing operation of the cursor. OUTPUTS: x0: X value of lower left corner of box. y0: Y value of lower left corner of box. nx: width of box in pixels. ny: height of box in pixels. The box is also constrained to lie entirely within the window. COMMON BLOCKS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: A box is drawn in the currently active window. It is erased on exit. RESTRICTIONS: Works only with window system drivers. PROCEDURE: The graphics function is set to 6 for eXclusive OR. This allows the box to be drawn and erased without disturbing the contents of the window. Operation is as follows: Left mouse button: Move the box by dragging. Middle mouse button: Resize the box by dragging. The corner nearest the initial mouse position is moved. Right mouse button: Exit this procedure, returning the current box parameters. MODIFICATION HISTORY: DMS, April, 1990. DMS, April, 1992. Made dragging more intutitive. June, 1993 - Bill Thompson prevented the box from having a negative size. SJL, Nov, 1997. Formatted, conform to IDL style guide. Prevented crash from unitialized corner. RJF, Feb, 1998. Replaced !ERROR_STATE.CODE w/ !MOUSE.BUTTON and fixed some problems w/sizing when a corner might swap.
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: BSIF_COMMON.PRO LAST CHANGED --------------------------- 23-Feb-00 PURPOSE: Defines the common block used in NSLS X1A imaging routines for images read from BSIF files. Longname version of BSIF_COM.PRO VERSION BSIF file format version number - not currently used, allows for future changes in file format. FIRST_DATA_RECORD First data record in file. This field is set by WRITE_BSIF and is not needed by any IDL routines. N_COLS, NROWS The number of columns and rows in the image N_DATA The number of data values at each pixel X_NORMAL Non-zero (TRUE) if X scan direction is "normal" e.g. left-to-right. This variable is not presently used by any IDL routines. Y_NORMAL Non-zero (TRUE) if Y scan direction is "normal" e.g. top-to-bottom. This variable is not presently used by any IDL routines. ROTATED Non-zero (TRUE) image image is rotated, e.g. X and Y axes are switched. This variable is not presently used by any IDL routines. X_START, X_STOP The position of the beginning and end of the X scan direction in user units, such as mm. Y_START, Y_STOP The position of the beginning and end of the Y scan direction in user units, such as mm. X_DIST(N_COLS) Array with calibrated X axis positions. Y_DIST(N_ROWS) Array with calibrated Y axis positions. DATA_TYPE The data type of image_data as stored in the file. COMPRESSION_TYPE Data compression type. Currently supported values are 0 = No compression 1 = ??? 2 = ??? DATA_MIN(N_DATA), DATA_MAX(N_DATA) The minimum and maximum values of the data in the array. These values are not guaranteed to be correct. IMAGE_TITLE The title of the image - a character string X_TITLE The title of the X axis of the image, i.e. "Distance in mm" Y_TITLE The title of the Y axis of the image, i.e. "Distance in mm" DATA_TITLE(N_DATA) The titles of the data values at each pixel. USER_BUFFER A user defined array. Stored in IDL as a byte array. May have internal structure which is user defined. IMAGE_DATA(COLS, ROWS, N_DATA) The image data array. The data type of the array is determined by the data type definined in the BSIF file. It can be BYTE, INTEGER, LONG or FLOAT.
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NAME: BUFFER LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 15-Jan-13 PURPOSE: This function selectsan AXIS buffer for use in various processing steps. CATEGORY: AXIS: utility CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = BUFFER(GROUP=Group, Prompt=Prompt) CALLED FROM AXIS: many places ROUTINES BUFFER_Event, Event - processes button pushes on Buffer widget INPUTS: INPUT - POSITIONAL INPUTS only (not keywords) All input parameters are passed as keywords. KEYWORDS: GROUP = parent calling buffer (AXIS_ID from axis) - to allow modal Prompt = prompt to inform user purpose of buffer selection OUTPUTS: The number of the selected buffer is returned. If the user pushes cancel, the returned value is -1. COMMON BLOCKS: B, Buf - number of selected buffer (to transfer between function & event processor) SIDE EFFECTS: A widget is created/destroyed. MODIFICATION HISTORY: (xx-yyy-07 aph) first written (20-dec-98 aph) correct pattern for IDL5.2; add 'Cancel' (11-jun-99 aph) extend prompt information (23-feb-00 aph) AXIS standard documentation (15-Jan-13 aph) force this to display in middle of the call program
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: BX_CURSOR LAST CHANGED: -------------------------- 23-feb-00 PURPOSE: Emulate the operation of a variable-sized box cursor (also known as a "marquee" selector). (aph) (26-may-97) adapted to swap left and middle button functionality CATEGORY: Interactive graphics. CALLING SEQUENCE: BOX_CURSOR, x0, y0, nx, ny [, INIT = init] [, FIXED_SIZE = fixed_size] INPUTS: No required input parameters. OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: x0, y0, nx, and ny give the initial location (x0, y0) and size (nx, ny) of the box if the keyword INIT is set. Otherwise, the box is initially drawn in the center of the screen. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: INIT: If this keyword is set, x0, y0, nx, and ny contain the initial parameters for the box. FIXED_SIZE: If this keyword is set, nx and ny contain the initial size of the box. This size may not be changed by the user. MESSAGE: If this keyword is set, print a short message describing operation of the cursor. OUTPUTS: x0: X value of lower left corner of box. y0: Y value of lower left corner of box. nx: width of box in pixels. ny: height of box in pixels. The box is also constrained to lie entirely within the window. COMMON BLOCKS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: A box is drawn in the currently active window. It is erased on exit. RESTRICTIONS: Works only with window system drivers. PROCEDURE: The graphics function is set to 6 for eXclusive OR. This allows the box to be drawn and erased without disturbing the contents of the window. Operation is as follows: Left mouse button: Resize the box by dragging. The corner nearest the initial mouse position is moved. Middle mouse button: Move the box by dragging. ! IF 3-button mouse !! Right mouse button: Exit this procedure, returning the current box parameters. MODIFICATION HISTORY: DMS, April, 1990. DMS, April, 1992. Made dragging more intutitive. June, 1993 - Bill Thompson prevented the box from having a negative size. May, 1997 - Adam Hitchcock : swap left and middle button (23-feb-00 aph) axis standard documentation
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: CAPERS-SCALE last changed ----------------------------- 18-Sep-05 (aph) PURPOSE This function sets the full size of a CaPeRS image read from a Lox file based on values of the Field Lens and Projective 1 Lens currents CATEGORY: Image processing. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = CAPERS-SCALE(P1, F1, HBIN=HBIN, VBIN=VBIN) INPUTS: P1 = Projective 1 lens current (mA) FL = Field Lens lens current (mA) KEYWORDS: HBIN = integer binning in horizontal direction (on-camera) VBIN = integer binning in vertical direction (on-camera) COMMON: none WARNINGS Note that different Elmitec microscopes have different lenses thus the lens current = pixel size look up table contained in the CAPERS_SCALE.PRO file may be have to be parameterized to correctly dal with Elmitec microscopes other than CaPeRS The {FoV, P1, FL} values and thus limits of the ranges for the preset image modes were taken from the values in the LEEM2000 program of CaPeRS in August 2005. If reduced portions of the camera output were used the image size must be appropriately adapted An alternative would be to return the pixel size, not the full image size However, if there is binning done on-camera (most often the case) that information must be taken into account to get the correct pixel size; Since the camera binning parameters are stored in the Lox header this is possible to implement. If the image data is binned after read-in, the pixel size must be appropriately modified MODIFICATION HISTORY: (18-Sep-05 aph) first version
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: CATCH_ERROR LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 11-Aug-09 PURPOSE: This procedure prints erorr messages in aXis log. This provides a mechanism to identify errors in VM operation CATEGORY: Utility CALLING SEQUENCE: Establish error handler. When errors occur, the index of the error is returned in the variable Error_status: CATCH, Error_status ;This statement begins the error handler: IF Error_status NE 0 THEN CATCH_ERROR ; INPUTS: none OUTPUTS: Error message printed by axis_log PROCEDURE: details where needed MODIFICATION HISTORY: (01-Aug-09 aph) first prepared ; use as can the extend error messaging without regenerating the CATCH mechanism in the individual files
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: CG_OPTIMIZE LAST CHANGED: ------------------------------ 28-jul-01 (aph) PURPOSE: This function finds the minimum of a user-specified objective function using the conjugate gradient algorithm (Polak-Ribiere variant). The objective function to be minimized must return a scalar-valued output given a vector-valued input. Also required is a function to calculate the gradient of the objective function. CATEGORY: Optimization CALLING SEQUENCE: x = CG_OPTIMIZE(xstart, Func, DFunc) INPUTS: xstart: A starting guess for the solution vector x. A common starting guess is the zero vector. Func: A string containing the name of the objective function to minimize. The objective function must take a vector-valued input and return a scalar-valued output. DFunc: A string containing the name of a function that calculates the gradient of Func at a vector-valued input point. The output of the function must be a vector of the same length as the input vector. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: NUM_ITER: The maximum number of iterations of the algorithm to run. The default is 100. TOLERANCE: If set, iterates will be computed until the change in the objective function is smaller than the tolerance, or the maximum number of iterations is reached, whichever comes first. OBJECTIVE: A variable to receive the value of the objective function at each iteration. It will therefore be a vector of length one plus the number of iterations performed. LINMIN: A string containing the name of a function that performs one dimensional minimization of an objective function along a vector direction from a starting point. The function must take the following arguments: (start, dir, fmin, Func, DFunc, _EXTRA) where start is the starting point (vector), dir is the direction (vector), fmin is the value of the objective function at the line minimum (scalar), Func, DFunc, and _EXTRA are as described for CG_OPTIMIZE. The 1-D minimization function must return a vector that minimizes the objective function along the specified direction. If not specified, the default function CG_LINMIN is used. POS_ONLY: If set, force all values to be optimized to be GT 0 LIMITS: [x-min, x-max] lower and upper bounds SWAP: If set, replace low values with upper limit and vice-verso _EXTRA: Keywords to Func and DFunc may be passed to those functions through the CG_OPTIMIZE function. This is useful for providing data to the objective and gradient functions. OUTPUTS: x: The solution vector that minimizes Func. ROUTINES INCLUDED IN THIS MODULE: CG_LINMIN The default line minimization routine. CG_OPTIMIZE The main function. and example functions: CGEX_FUNC, CGEX_DFUNC, CGEX_LINMIN WRITTEN BY: Billy W. Loo, Jr. Bioengineering Graduate Group, UCSF / UCB School of Medicine, UCD Lawrence Berkeley National Lab February, 2000 MODIFICATION HISTORY: (29-dec-00 aph) add ALLPOS to force non-negative values (not working as parameter) (13-feb-01 aph) adapt for use in a curve-fit routine (27-jul-01 aph) get pos_only to work as an option; - executes but no convergence explicitly include A, B in all call functions (28-jul-01 aph) add upper / lower bound constraints and swap
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: CHKFILEBLOCKS.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 11-nov-00 PURPOSE: CHKFILEBLOCKS - determines block structure of a text string CATEGORY: STAND ALONE: utilities CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = CHKFILEBLOCKS(FILNENAME) CALLED FROM AXIS: many procedures ROUTINES function CHKFILEBLOCKS, FNAME looks in FILE (fname), counts the number of "blocks" of data, where a block is a (r x c) block of numbers. If there are no blocks found, returns a scalar 0, else returns a (b, 2)-dim array, where b is the block index, (b,0) is the number of rows, (b,1) is the number of columns and (b,2) is the starting row in the file (counting from 0) COMMON BLOCKS: none
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: CIMAGE.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 12-Sep-07 (aph) PURPOSE: This procedure cleans up images by removing very low and very high values. CATEGORY: Image processing CALLING SEQUENCE: for procedures: CIMAGE;;ResetImageRange INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: Image is modified (??) COMMON BLOCKS: none SIDE EFFECTS: none RESTRICTIONS: does not work if low contrast, Error trapped if flat image PROCEDURE: This procedure calculates a histogram and determine two levels (Top and Bottom) such that 2 rows worth of pixels are above and two rows worth of pixels are below these levels. The image is then scaled between Top and Bottom instead of using Minimum and Maximum. EXAMPLE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: (22-Jan-07 as) Andreas Scholl provided routine as a solution to problem of arbitary removal of first 5 columns (causes dimensional problems) (12-Sep-07 aph) incorporated; AXIS standard header added
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: CIndex PURPOSE: This is a program for viewing the current colors in the colortable with their index numbers overlayed on each color. On 24-bit systems you must click the cursor in the graphics window to see the colors in the current color table. AUTHOR: FANNING SOFTWARE CONSULTING David Fanning, Ph.D. 2642 Bradbury Court Fort Collins, CO 80521 USA Phone: 970-221-0438 E-mail: Coyote's Guide to IDL Programming: CATEGORY: Graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: CIndex INPUTS: None. Optional Inputs: None OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: None KEYWORD Parameters: None COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: Reqires XCOLORS from the Coyote Library: PROCEDURE: Draws a 31x25 set of small rectangles in 256 different colors. Writes the color index number on top of each rectangle. MODIFICATION HISTORY: David Fanning, RSI, May 1995 Widgetized and made it work in 24-bit color. Colors are updated by clicking in window. 22 Oct 98. DWF Replace POLYFILL with TV command to avoid underflow error in Z-buffer. 8 March 99. DWF
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: CIndex PURPOSE: This is a program for viewing the current colors in the colortable with their index numbers overlayed on each color. On 24-bit systems you must click the cursor in the graphics window to see the colors in the current color table. AUTHOR: FANNING SOFTWARE CONSULTING David Fanning, Ph.D. 2642 Bradbury Court Fort Collins, CO 80521 USA Phone: 970-221-0438 E-mail: Coyote's Guide to IDL Programming: CATEGORY: Graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: CIndex INPUTS: None. Optional Inputs: None OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: None KEYWORD Parameters: None COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: Reqires XCOLORS from the Coyote Library: PROCEDURE: Draws a 31x25 set of small rectangles in 256 different colors. Writes the color index number on top of each rectangle. MODIFICATION HISTORY: David Fanning, RSI, May 1995 Widgetized and made it work in 24-bit color. Colors are updated by clicking in window. 22 Oct 98. DWF Replace POLYFILL with TV command to avoid underflow error in Z-buffer. 8 March 99. DWF
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: CLEAN LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 23-feb-00 PURPOSE: This procedure performs a 2d fourier transform of an image. The user then selects a sub-region of the 2dFT which is zeroed. The rest of the array is thenn reverse transformed back into image space. Apropriate selection of sub-region provides a powerful means to remove periodic noise (e.g. from beam motion) from image data. CATEGORY: STAND ALONE: image processing CALLING SEQUENCE: CLEAN, array CALLED FROM AXIS: ->Filter->clean(FT) INPUTS: ARRAY - 2d array KEYWORDS: HELP - if set, gives instructions OUTPUTS: The result is placed in the input array COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks @BSIF_COM common for BSIF data structures @IMG_COM common for NSLS images RESTRICTIONS: Warning : Not assuming responsibility for misuse, or abuse of the image data. Picking too many peaks may damage the data. PROCEDURE: ORIGINAL (X1A code) Cleans up beam noise by picking noise peaks in the FFT with the mouse. When done picking points, click the mouse off the edge of the FFT. The routine then puts up the cleaned FFT and writes the STXM file. NOW user can only click twice, which defines a box. The contents of this box are removed. MODIFICATION HISTORY: (09-mar-92 spw) first version (xx-feb-93 cjj) improved (12-jan-99 aph) incorporated into AXIS (23-feb-00 aph) AXIS standard documentation
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: CLIP LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 04-Aug-12 PURPOSE: This function selects a subset of intensities of an image. CATEGORY: STAND ALONE: image processing CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = CLIP(tmp) CALLED FROM AXIS: ->Images->Clip INPUTS: TMP - an AXIS 2d structure (image) KEYWORDS: SAVE_HIST - if set, write out histogram OUTPUTS: The result is an AXIS 2d structure with modified intensities. COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks SIDE EFFECTS: none PROCEDURE: A histogram of the intensities of an image are displayed as a spectrum on MainImg (if in AXIS) or on the current or a generated window. Two cursor clicks then identify lower and upper bounds of interest. Lower intensities are set to the lower bound. Higher intensities are set to the upper bound. This is an alternate to DEGLITCH. DEGLITCH works nicely for localized, single pixel 'glitches' but CLLP is better for extended artefacts EXAMPLE: Create a sample nxn image, display, clip, and redisplay n = 100 & t = findgen(n) & d = dist(n) a = {t:'2d', x:t, y:t, xl:'x', yl:'y', d: d, dl:'test'} splot2d, a ; display input b = CLIP(a) ; clip splot2d, b MODIFICATION HISTORY: (31-dec-99 aph) isolated from AXIS_C as a stand-alone AXIS standard documentation (09-jan-00 aph) fixed up error from histogram with big images (out of virtual memory) (19-dec-00 cgz) substituted ax_white_color_index with ax_plot_axes_color_index substituted ax_black_color_index with ax_plot_bkgd_color_index (08-may-01 aph) tried to fix problem with flakey clipping - NOT FIXED !! output of histogram somehow seems to get mis-identified as a structure suspect variable confusion in, but this is not an open file REPLACING FLOAT with a LONG seems to have fixed this - values in array is the issue (30-sep-01 aph) removed 'LONG' - this does not seem to do anything useful (13-mar-02 aph) add save_hist keyword (10-apr-02 aph) replace IDL clip ruotine with where command (02-may-02 aph) adopt RSI suggestion to make clip work reliably (10-apr-04 aph) add annotation to header (20-oct-04 aph) simplify tag (15-Jul-12 aph) add numerical clipping approach; replace NaN values with minimum (04-Aig-12 aph) save values of clip limits in common (aparam/xlock(1), ylock(1) )
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: COLORBAR_DWF LAST CHANGED: 02-Aug-2015 (aph) PURPOSE: The purpose of this routine is to add a color bar to the current graphics window. CATEGORY: Graphics, Widgets. CALLING SEQUENCE: COLORBAR INPUTS: None. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: BOTTOM: The lowest color index of the colors to be loaded in the bar. CHARSIZE: The character size of the color bar annotations. Default is 1.0. COLOR: The color index of the bar outline and characters. Default is !P.Color.. DIVISIONS: The number of divisions to divide the bar into. There will be (divisions + 1) annotations. The default is 6. FONT: Sets the font of the annotation. Hershey: -1, Hardware:0, True-Type: 1. FORMAT: The format of the bar annotations. Default is '(I5)'. MAX: The maximum data value for the bar annotation. Default is NCOLORS. MIN: The minimum data value for the bar annotation. Default is 0. MINOR: The number of minor tick divisions. Default is 2. NCOLORS: This is the number of colors in the color bar. POSITION: A four-element array of normalized coordinates in the same form as the POSITION keyword on a plot. Default is [0.88, 0.15, 0.95, 0.95] for a vertical bar and [0.15, 0.88, 0.95, 0.95] for a horizontal bar. ; RANGE: A two-element vector of the form [min, max]. Provides an alternative way of setting the MIN and MAX keywords. RIGHT: This puts the labels on the right-hand side of a vertical color bar. It applies only to vertical color bars. TITLE: This is title for the color bar. The default is to have no title. TOP: This puts the labels on top of the bar rather than under it. The keyword only applies if a horizontal color bar is rendered. VERTICAL: Setting this keyword give a vertical color bar. The default is a horizontal color bar. COMMON BLOCKS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: Color bar is drawn in the current graphics window. RESTRICTIONS: The number of colors available on the display device (not the PostScript device) is used unless the NCOLORS keyword is used. EXAMPLE: To display a horizontal color bar above a contour plot, type: LOADCT, 5, NCOLORS=100 CONTOUR, DIST(31,41), POSITION=[0.15, 0.15, 0.95, 0.75], $ C_COLORS=INDGEN(25)*4, NLEVELS=25 COLORBAR, NCOLORS=100, POSITION=[0.15, 0.85, 0.95, 0.90] MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: David Fanning, 10 JUNE 96. 10/27/96: Added the ability to send output to PostScript. DWF 11/4/96: Substantially rewritten to go to screen or PostScript file without having to know much about the PostScript device or even what the current graphics device is. DWF 1/27/97: Added the RIGHT and TOP keywords. Also modified the way the TITLE keyword works. DWF 7/15/97: Fixed a problem some machines have with plots that have no valid data range in them. DWF 12/5/98: Fixed a problem in how the colorbar image is created that seemed to tickle a bug in some versions of IDL. DWF. 1/12/99: Fixed a problem caused by RSI fixing a bug in IDL 5.2. Sigh... DWF. 3/30/99: Modified a few of the defaults. DWF. 3/30/99: Used NORMAL rather than DEVICE coords for positioning bar. DWF. 3/30/99: Added the RANGE keyword. DWF. 3/30/99: Added FONT keyword. DWF 5/6/99: Many modifications to defaults. DWF. 5/6/99: Removed PSCOLOR keyword. DWF. 5/6/99: Improved error handling on position coordinates. DWF. 5/6/99. Added MINOR keyword. DWF. 5/6/99: Set Device, Decomposed=0 if necessary. DWF. (02-APH-15 aph) changed name from colorbar to colorbar_dwf to avoid conflict with post IDL8.0 routine, COLORBAR which works differently
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: COPY_BYTES.PRO PURPOSE: Copies bytes between a source and destination regardless of whether or not they have the same structure. It can be useful for copying, for instance between a byte array and a structure. It must be used with care. CALLING SEQUENCE: COPY_BYTES, n_bytes, source, destination INPUTS: N_BYTES The number of bytes to copy. SOURCE The location to copy from. OUTPUTS: DESTINATION The location to copy to. RESTRICTIONS: This routine does not do any error checking. The user must ensure that SOURCE and DESTINATION can each hold N_BYTES. Under UNIX the use must have write permission in the current default directory. PROCEDURE: Under VMS uses Run-Time Library routine LIB$MOVC3. Under UNIX opens a file, write out the source, reads back into destination. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Created Nov. 1991 by Mark Rivers
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: CRYO_TO_STXM LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 31-Jul-11 PURPOSE: This procedure converts one or more files in cryo-stxm format (*.sxm) to the old X1A STXM format (*.nc). CATEGORY: STAND ALONE: file utility CALLING SEQUENCE: CRYO_TO_STXM, find_file_string CALLED FROM AXIS: ->Read->Images->NSLS->cryo ROUTINES if the file contains multiple PROs list these here, along with a brief description of their function INPUTS: FINDFILE_STRING = list of files to convert, from findfile routine KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: The result is written to file with same main name and '.nc' extension COMMON BLOCKS: @bsif_common - commons for old stxm format @sxm_common - part of sxm common @sxm_acommon - remainder of sxm common MODIFICATION HISTORY: (xx-mmm-99 cjj) first written as part of sxm package (xx-sep-99 aph) adapted from X1A new SXM code to provide ability to read cryo files into AXIS (23-feb-00 aph) AXIS standard documentation (31-jul-11 aph) replace init_stxm_sd with init_sd
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: CW_RSLIDER LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 25-Dec-07 PURPOSE: This procedure and associated functions/procedures is a compound widget that generates a colored slider which defines a value range, with independent control of lower bound (left click & drag), upper bound (right click & drag) or position (left&right (or middle) click & drag) CATEGORY: Utility used in image~generate mask and stacks~RGB composite map CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = CW_RSLIDER, base, uvalue = uvalue, uname = uname, color = color, bg_color = bg_color, $ maximum = maximum, minimum = minimum, xsize = xsize, ysize = ysize, $ xoffset = xoffset, yoffset = yoffset, value = value, reverse = reverse, $ vertical = vertical, event_pro = event_pro INPUTS: BASE ID of parent widget (compound widgets must be contained in another widget) KEYWORDS: uvalue uname color color of slider as a 3-value byte array e.g. [255,0,0] = red bg_color color of backgound of slider as a 3-value byte array maximum maximum limit of slider (double) minimum minimum limit of slider (double) xsize x-dimension in pixels ysize y-dimension in pixels xoffset x-offset relative to base yoffset y-offset relative to base value value of range of slider (2-value double array) reverse reverse clicks for lower / upper or left / right limits vertical orient slider vertically event_pro OUTPUTS: A slider is created in the base COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks EXAMPLE: see TEST_CW_RSLIDER.PRO for illustration of how this is used RS_min = double(r_min - 0.05*(r_max-r_min)) RS_max = double(r_max + 0.05*(r_max-r_min)) Rvalue = [double(r_min), double(r_max)] RS_base = WIDGET_BASE(RBG_BASE, UNAME='WID_BASE_R', TITLE="Red", XPAD = 5, YPAD = 5, $ XOFFSET=40, YOFFSET=40, SCR_YSIZE=200,SCR_XSIZE=70) sliderR = CW_RSLIDER(RS_BASE, UNAME='SLIDER_R', color=[255,0,0], /vertical, $ XSIZE=20, YSIZE = 180, MINIMUM=RS_min, MAXIMUM=RS_max, VALUE=Rvalue ) MODIFICATION HISTORY: (27-Dec-07 aph) AXIS standard header added (28-Dec-07 aph^2) min/max adjustment added
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: DEGLITCH LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 19-dec-00 PURPOSE: This function replaces out-of-bound values with a local 3-point average. Bounds are user selected by cursor. CATEGORY: STAND ALONE: image processing CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = DEGLITCH(tmp) CALLED FROM AXIS: ->Images->Deglitch INPUTS: A - an array (treated as 1-d vector, even if an image) KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: The result is an array with modified intensities. COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks SIDE EFFECTS: A window is created if there is no window currently displayed. PROCEDURE: The intensities of an image are displayed as a spectrum on MainImg (if in AXIS) or on the current or a generated window. Two cursor clicks then identify lower and upper bounds of interest. Values outside the range are replaced by local averages This is an alternate to CLIP. It works nicely for localized, single pixel 'glitches' but CLLP is better for extended artefacts EXAMPLE: Create a sample nxn image, display, clip, and redisplay n = 100 & d = dist(n) & d(n/2)=5*d(n/2) tvscl, d ; display input b = DEGLITCH(d) ; deglitch tvscl, b MODIFICATION HISTORY: (31-dec-99 aph) isolated from AXIS_C as a stand-alone AXIS standard documentation (19-dec-00 cgz) substituted ax_white_color_index with ax_plot_axes_color_index substituted ax_black_color_index with ax_plot_bkgd_color_index
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: DESPIKE.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 18-Jul-10 PURPOSE: This function replace these higher-than-threshold pixels with the average of their neighbors CATEGORY: Image processing - called in zstack_analyze CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = DESPIKE(image, [median_percent=median_percent,$ leefilt_percent=leefilt_percent,help=help]) INPUTS: Image 2-d array KEYWORDS: median_percent sets median_percent threshold leefilt_percent sets leefilt_percent threshold (default = 50%) help prints help file OUTPUTS: Returns despiked image COMMON BLOCKS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: (28-Nov-03 cjj) last modified (file extracted from IDL-X1.ZIP of 26-Feb-2009) (20-Jul-10 aph) AXIS standard header added
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: DINDEX LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 25-feb-00 PURPOSE: This function gets the index of the data point in a 2-d data structure (image) which is closest to the cursor (x,y) values It assumes the 2-d data structure has (x,y,d) components CATEGORY: AXIS: utility CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = DIndex(X,Y,tmp) CALLED FROM AXIS: many paces INPUTS: X - X cursor position in data units Y - Y cursor position in data units TMP - the 1-d data structure KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: IND - (i,j) index of data closest to cursor position COMMON BLOCKS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: (27-may-97 aph) first written, in AXIS (03-Mar-98 aph) segregated as separate file (13-Apr-98 aph) treat (x,y) independently (25-feb-00 aph) AXIS standard documentation
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: DISP3COL LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 24-Apr-13 PURPOSE: This procedure generates a composite image from any 3 images using R,G,B mapping with user selectable absolute or relative scaling of the components. Interpolates to comon mesh prior to RGB generation CATEGORY: AXIS: image analysis. Also executes stand-alone CALLING SEQUENCE: for procedures: DISP3COL,im1, im2, im3, r=r, b=b, g=g, axis_on=axis_on, channel=channel CALLED FROM AXIS: ->Images->RGB image INPUTS: All input parameters are passed as keywords. KEYWORDS: IM1 - 2d array with first image IM2 - 2d array with second image IM3 - 2d array with third image R - red color table G - green color table B - blue color table axis_on - indicates called from AXIS channel - indicates number of channels in image (AXIScomposite uses 3) scalebar - if on, plot a bar (does not work right - 23-Apr-2013) OUTPUTS: The RGB-coded combination image is placed in buffer 0 and saved as a tif file. Default format is 3-channel, byte pixels. RESTRICTIONS (a) Since write as byte pixels, can be losss of intensity scale resolution This is ARTIFICIAL since IDL can write integer or reals (AXIS images are reals) (b) Each image is INDEPENDENTLY byte scaled - relative intensities of the colors do NOT reflect relative intensities in the 3 component images COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks MODIFICATION HISTORY: ( 9-jun-99 aph) first developed from (Eli's stereo projection code) (25-jun-99 aph) adapt to single (image, spectra) color table (25-feb-00 aph) AXIS standard documentation (16-apr-00 aph) get dimensions correct and set up to display correctly in AXIS remove intermediate writing of bytscl images -> no loss of resolution (30-nov-00 cgz) Replaced call of wdivide with explicit !p.multi statement (30-nov-00 cgz) Replaced call of nwin with explicit window statement (06-dec-00 aph) autoscale option added (02-may-04 aph) replace get_num with dialog_message (default is autoscale) (22-feb-06 aph) interpolate to same (x,y) pixels (19-Mar-13 aph) add scale bar (24-Apr-13 aph) remove scale bar - not accurate in distance; color problems
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: DISTANCE LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 21-Jul-14 PURPOSE: This function computes the distance between two points in Cartesian space CATEGORY: math utility CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = DISTANCE(pt1, pt2) INPUTS: PT1 [x1,y1] PT2 [x2,y2] KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: returns SQRT(|x1-x2|^2 + |y1-y2|^2) COMMON BLOCKS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: (08-may-01 aph) first wrote; AXIS standard header added (21-Jul-14 aph) corrected header
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: EDGEGAUSS LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 25-feb-00 PURPOSE: This procedure uses gaussian smoothing to edge enhance images as part of the stack_align procedure CATEGORY: STAND ALONE: image processing CALLING SEQUENCE: for procedures: EDGEGAUSS, image_array, sigma, dc_value, $ zero_edge=zero_edge, help=help CALLED FROM AXIS: Stack_align INPUTS: IMAGE_ARRAY - image SIGMA - width of Gaussian smooth DC_VALUE - offset to be removed prior to smoothing KEYWORDS: ZERO_EDGE - if set, force edges of image to zero HELP - print information message OUTPUTS: The edge-sharpened image is returned as image_array COMMON BLOCKS: none PROCEDURE: Revised June 30, 1998 to let one zero out the trace along the gaussian border. If you set /zero_edge, the DC value from 1 sigma to 2 sigma from the border is calculated and subtracted from the image, and it is also returned to you MODIFICATION HISTORY: (30-Jun-98 cjj) add zero_edge keyword (25-feb-00 aph) AXIS standard documentation
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: EXTRAPOLATEAA.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 19-Jul-10 PURPOSE: This function projected spectra into whatever energy scale is requested by the X-SpecSim sub-program CATEGORY: Utility; part of XSpecSim, spectral simulator package CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = EXTRAPOLATEAA(EN) INPUTS: none EN = array of energies KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: none COMMON BLOCKS: @XSpecSim_Com X-SpecSim common block MODIFICATION HISTORY: (28-feb-07 jso) first version (18-Jul-10 aph) AXIS standard header added; XSpecSim_com added
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: FILE2STRING PURPOSE: This function reads the contents of a text file into a string array, one line per element. CATEGORY: Input / Output CALLING SEQUENCE: Out_string = FILE2STRING(Filename, Count) INPUTS: Filename: The name of the text file from which to read string data. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: COMMENT_CHAR: A string containing a single character used to identify comments. If a line in the text file starts with the comment character, it is not read. OUTPUTS: Out_string: The string array containing the lines of the text file. Count: A named variable to receive the number of lines read. WRITTEN BY: Billy W. Loo, Jr. Bioengineering Graduate Group, UCSF / UCB School of Medicine, UCD Lawrence Berkeley National Lab May, 1997
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: FILENAME_IN_CAPITALS LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 27 Jul 2015 PURPOSE: This procedure CATEGORY: Image display. CALLING SEQUENCE: for procedures: ZOOM [, FACT = Fact, /INTERP, XSIZE = Xs, YSIZE = Ys, /CONTINUOUS, $ /KEEP, ZOOM_WINDOW=Zoom_Win, /NEW_WINDOW ] for functions: Result = GET_NUM(Prompt = prompt, Value = value) INPUTS: This section is for POSITIONAL INPUTS only (not keywords) All input parameters are passed as keywords. KEYWORDS: KEY1: OUTPUTS: No explicit outputs. A new window is created if necessary COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks SIDE EFFECTS: A window is created/destroyed. RESTRICTIONS: Any known ? PROCEDURE: details where needed EXAMPLE: Please provide a simple example here. An example from the PICKFILE documentation is shown below. Please try to include examples that do not rely on variables or data files that are not defined in the example code. Your example should execute properly if typed in at the IDL command line with no other preparation. Create a PICKFILE widget that lets users select only files with the extensions 'pro' and 'dat'. Use the 'Select File to Read' title and store the name of the selected file in the variable F. Enter: F = PICKFILE(/READ, FILTER = ['pro', 'dat']) MODIFICATION HISTORY: (23-Mar-15 aph) AXIS standard header added
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: FILENAME_IN_CAPITALS LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 22 Jul 2014 PURPOSE: This procedure rites out an image in netCDFformat It assumes that you have put the image and associated information into BSIF_COMMON variables: image_data (the array which holds the image - possible several planes deep for I, IO, CLOCK) x_normal, y_normal, rotated, x_title, y_title ; CATEGORY: Data I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: write_ncdf, file, help=help ZOOM [, FACT = Fact, /INTERP, XSIZE = Xs, YSIZE = Ys, /CONTINUOUS, $ INPUTS: FILE name of output file KEYWORDS: HELP display a help string OUTPUTS: *.nc file written COMMON BLOCKS: BSIF.COM standard set of common blocks for nc files MODIFICATION HISTORY: (01-Jun-93 cjj) ; Based on Mark Rivers stuff (22-Jul-14 aph) AXIS standard header added
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: FILE_OVERWRITE LAST CHANGED ---------------------------- 23-Jul-13 PURPOSE: widget to warn user if file over writing is occurring and allow the user to change, overwrite, or set a flag to ignore further over-write warnings. '0 = change name, 1 = overwrite, 2 = overwrite all' CATEGORY: Input/Output. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = FILE_OVERWRITE(PROMPT = 'prompt', VAL = VAL, GROUP = AxisID) INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: PROMPT = prompt to user VAL = current (default) value (0 = no overwrite, 1 = overwrite) GROUP = Widget_Id of group leader (must be set to force modal) OUTPUTS: The function returns a value which is either the existing value (user hits) or the first number in the string the user types ROUTINES OWRITE_EVENT, event - event processing procedure FILE_OVERWRITE - function COMMON BLOCKS: Owrite_com, text DESCRIPTION: This routine handles a user prompt when a file is found to exist. If the top level group ID is supplied, the function widget is put into modal mode (the dialog box stays on top until user completes input and disables other functions of AXIS) MODIFICATION HISTORY: (31-dec-99 aph) first written (27-feb-00 aph) documented (23-Jul-13 aph) change flag to an integer; try to remove duplicate overwriting request when called from read_NSRRC_spem.
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: GENEXTRAP.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 21-Jul-06 PURPOSE: For XSpecSim - extrapolates a spectrum from known points to unkown points CATEGORY: spectral processing; XSpecSim utility CALLING SEQUENCE: RESULT = GENEXTRAP (EN=EN, SPECDATA=SPECDATA) INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: SpecData 2d array of energy and spectral data from OD of sample En 1d Array of new energy scale OUTPUTS: none COMMON BLOCKS: none RESTRICTIONS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: (21-Jul-06 jso) first version (19-Jul-10 aph) AXIS standard header added; "data" variable changed to SpecData
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: gen_AA_String LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 21-Jul-14 PURPOSE: This function genertes and saves to a file a text string derived from a file containing code letters and numbers to be used in conjunction with XSpecSIm to simulate protein spectra CATEGORY: utility (not in aXis2000) CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = gen_AA_String(file = file) INPUTS: This section is for POSITIONAL INPUTS only (not keywords) All input parameters are passed as keywords. KEYWORDS: FILE filename (if not included user is allowed to browse) OUTPUTS: user is prompted for name of a text file to be written COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks SIDE EFFECTS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: (02-Nov-07 aph) first version (03-Nov-10 aph) corrected @axis-com to @axis_com (03-Feb-11 aph) corrected copyright date (21-Jul-14 aph) corrected header
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: GEN_E LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 11-Mar-2013 PURPOSE: This function generates a list of energies from start and step parameters (Originally developed for read-in of E associated with PEEM stacks from Saga LS) assumes the start energies are in INCREASING energy magnitude without repeats or non-monotonic CATEGORY: Utility CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = GEN_E(file=file) INPUTS:none KEYWORDS: FILE if given, the name of the file with the {start, step} list OUTPUTS: 1-d array of real numbers is returned COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks MODIFICATION HISTORY: (11-Mar-13 aph) first version
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: GEN_READ LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 15-nov-00 PURPOSE: This function reads general ALS BL7 XPS labview format files into a data structure uses pickfile2() to select input file if fname not specifed CATEGORY: STAND ALONE: utility (als) CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = GEN_READ(FNAME, /options) CALLED FROM AXIS: ->Read->Spectra->ALS SPEM INPUTS: FNAME - filename (optional; if not provided, uses pickfile2) KEYWORDS: INFO - print information about routine QUIET - no logging comments PATH - path for data file PLOT - plot data DEBUG - turn on debugging code NOREFORM - do not reform the output data array TIME=timestr - returns 'Aq. End' date and time string from line 7 OUTPUTS: The result is a data structure specific to ALS BL 7 XPD and SPEM electrn spectroscopy data. (recorded with 16-channel PHI analyser) answer={fname:fname, summary:summ, phiDescr:phiDesc, $ IndNames:indnam, IndVars:indv, $ SingleNames:singnam, singleData:singDat, $ NormNames:normnam, norm1Dim:norm1D, RgnInfo:rgninfo, $ x:-1.*xData, y:yData, yn:ynData} COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks RESTRICTIONS: ** doesn't read multiple (non-VF files properly) MODIFICATION HISTORY: (xx-mmm-95 er) created (03-dec-95 jd) added REFORM(xdata,ydata,yndata) in gen_read (xx-aug-96 jd) fixed up bugs in reading MgKa data still problems with multiple spectral ranges (xx-dec-96 er) fixed reading of multiple spectral region files(?) (13-feb-97 jd) added recognition of Quadrupole scan; returns -1 (16-feb-97 er) added keyword NOREFORM added recognition of snapshots (have shorter rgninfo) (07-apr-98 er) fixed a bug with multiple regions. (31-JAN-99 er) changed max line length 32K --> 64K (27-feb-00 aph) AXIS standard documentation (15-nov-00 cgz) Replaced call of NCOLS function by explicit (SIZE(var))(1)
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: GET_NUM LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 22-nov-11 PURPOSE: This procedure is a widget that displays the current value of a parameter (if defined) and then allows user to input a replacement value A(enter) will retain the same value CATEGORY: AXIS: utility (can run stand alone) CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = GET_NUM(Prompt = prompt, Val = value, Title = Title, group = Axis_ID)) CALLED FROM AXIS: many places ROUTINES NUM_EVENT, Event - event processing GET_NUM - widget INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: VAL = current (default) value PROMPT = prompt to user TITLE = title for widget GROUP = Widget_Id of group leader (must be set to force modal; Axis_ID is name for axis_c) OUTPUTS: The function returns a FLOAT value which is either : the existing value (user hits ) or the first number in the string the user types COMMON BLOCKS: TXTCOM (internal to get_num) SIDE EFFECTS: A window is created/destroyed. DESCRIPTION: This routine allows user to provide a numerical value If the top level group ID is supplied, the function widget is put into modal mode (stays on top until user completes input; disables other functions of AXIS) EXAMPLES: new_value = get_num(prompt='New value',val=current_value, group = axis_id) DEVELOPMENT NOTES: should autosense if AXIS is the caller to avoid having to explicitly provide the group ID MODIFICATION HISTORY: (20-jun-97 aph) first written (05-jun-98 aph) made function return a scalar NOT A 1-element array. (07-jun-99 aph) add separate prompt display; use IDL 5.2 modal convention; proper docs (27-feb-00 aph) AXIS standard documentation (09-sep-02 aph) format displayed number (01-Jun-08 aph) fix up documentation to be correct on 'val' and 'Axis_ID' (22-Nov-11 aph) add optional TITLE keyword; display '0' if the value is 0
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: GET_PATH.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 20-May-00 PURPOSE: This function find the location of 'FILE1' It is used in filename list processing to get around fact that files are frequently moved and thus have different paths The valid path to 'file1' is returned (with correct separator for the host computer) or '' (empty string) if this cannot be found CATEGORY: AXIS: utility (operates stand alone) CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = GET_PATH(file1, list=list) CALLED FROM AXIS: various places ROUTINES if the file contains multiple PROs list these here, along with a brief description of their function INPUTS: INPUT - POSITIONAL INPUTS only (not keywords) All input parameters are passed as keywords. KEYWORDS: LIST = name of file containing list of file names OUTPUTS: Path to file1 is returned COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks PROCEDURE: If the path associated with 'file1' is not correct, various plausible locations are checked (defPath, the current default path in AXIS) and the user is requested to locate the file by using pickfile dialog if the file is not found through 3 search strategies, an empty string is returned MODIFICATION HISTORY: (15-jun-99 aph) first version (18-jul-99 aph) rewrote to be more flixible (20-May-00 aph) AXIS standard documentation
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: GET_TEXT LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 27-feb-00 PURPOSE: This function is a pop-up widget that allows user to input one string of text CATEGORY: AXIS: utility (operates as stand alone) CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = GET_TEXT(Prompt = prompt, Value = value, group = AxisID) CALLED FROM AXIS: many routines ROUTINES TEXT_EVENT, event - event processing procedure GET_TEXT - the widget code INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: PROMPT - title at top of widget VAL - default value of the text string group - group ID of caller OUTPUTS: The string is returned and the widget destroyd. COMMON BLOCKS: TXTCOM, txt MODIFICATION HISTORY: (19-Jun-97 aph) created (05-jul-98 aph) made it return string not string array ! (13-dec-98 aph) make it work with IDL 5.2; VALUE needed to be defined(!) (20-dec-98 aph) allow scrolling; append; customize for IDL5.1 (Array-2); IDL4.0(array-1) (08-jan-99 aph) error when txt returns only 1 entry (27-feb-00 aph) AXIS standard documentation; remove modal call to xmanager
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: H5_READ_PTYCHO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 02-Dec-12 PURPOSE: This function reads content of *.pt pytography results file using the IDL H5_browser CATEGORY: data read-in; operates stand alone or in aXi2000 CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = H5_REA_PTYCHO(file=file, energy = energy, dwell = dwell, pix_size = pix_size) INPUTS: keyword only KEYWORDS: FILE name of file ENERGY energy of image DWELL dwell time of measurement PIX_SIZE pixel size of ptycograph OUTPUTS: Returns an aXis format image (for the extracted STXM file) COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks MODIFICATION HISTORY: (28-nov-12 aph) first version as a script (02-Dec-12 aph) AXIS standard header added
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: IMG_ALIGN LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 03-Aug-09 PURPOSE: This procedure aligns one image to the spatial scale of the first file processed which acts as the reference for all subsequent files. The alignment can be a shift (1-point) or stretch-shift (2-point). CATEGORY: AXIS: image analysis (AXIS - captive) CALLING SEQUENCE: IMG_ALIGN, one_pt=one_pt CALLED FROM AXIS: ->Stacks->align->{shift, stretch-shift} INPUTS: INPUT - via common - file list KEYWORDS: ONE_PT if set, only align at 1-point, not 2 OUTPUTS: Aligned, clipped and (optionally) binned file is written as (1-point) or (2-point) COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM axis standard set of common blocks @BSIF_COM nsls common PROCEDURE manual alignment of images has ability to linearly distort image to account for sample stretching !! if one_pt is set, then only shifts selected point to reference value otherwise asks user for 2 fiducials and stretch-shifts each file to MATCH first file generates align-shift files in buffers 5,8 (X) & 6,9 (Y), 4 (stretch) cuts user-selected region; meshes to user-defined pixelation with optimum binning stores processed data in netCDF format for use in STACK_ANALYZE saves file name to generate list for stack_analyze WARNINGS: only prompts user for transformation paramaters on FIRST pass CLEAR buffers (4,5,6),8,9 to reset image alignment MODIFICATION HISTORY: ( 5-Mar-98 aph) first version - worked (xx-apr-98 aph) changed something - did not correctly cut data - broken to 6-jun-98 ( 6-jun-98 aph) replaced direct call to wrstx_ax with sav_nsls (14-jun-98 aph) axis_com (18-sep-98 aph) cosmetics - checking possible error ( 8-jun-99 aph) add group to get_num calls (23-aug-99 aph) fixing up 'freeze' when called from axis 1.7 - CURSOR not supposed to be used !! (19-sep-99 aph) complete debugging freeze-up problem a) 'first' used in aaa_axis changed to 'firstimg' -> correct image display b) turn-off hourglass (turned on by PlotBuf) - by a kluge (15-apr-00 aph) AXIS standard documentation (20-apr-00 aph) debug to see why does not work at fine scale (03-Aug-09 aph) write out files if use stretch-shift with different tag - axis_c gave wrong WritePath !
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: IMG_ASAV LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 15-apr-00 PURPOSE: This procedure saves shift and stretch parameters in user-defined files at the end of IMAG_ALIGN CATEGORY: AXIS: utility CALLING SEQUENCE: IMG_ASAV, one_pt=one_pt CALLED FROM AXIS: ->Stacks->image align -> {shift, stretch-shift} ROUTINES if the file contains multiple PROs list these here, along with a brief description of their function INPUTS: via common KEYWORDS: one-pt - defines shift only OUTPUTS: files for shifts (2 or 4); stretch factors are writen to disk Filenames (*.sl) and SHIFT data (*.al) files Buffer Contents filename 5 X1 *.aX1 6 Y1 *.aY1 8 X2 *.aX2 9 Y2 *.aY2 4 stretch factor (regenerate independent (X,Y) from files/buffers COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks MODIFICATION HISTORY: ( 7-jun-98 aph) extracted from "Image_Process.Image shifts" (14-jun-98 aph) axis_com ( 7-jul-99 aph) FREE_LUN as well as close ! (15-apr-00 aph) AXIS standard documentation
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: IMG_COM.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 15-apr-00 PURPOSE: This defines the common block which is used for SPEM image display. CATEGORY: AXIS: utility CALLING SEQUENCE: include file CALLED FROM AXIS: ->images->SPEM MODIFICATION HISTORY: (15-apr-00 aph) AXIS standard documentation
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: IMG_LOAD LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 21-Feb-10 PURPOSE: This function reads in an image from (*.tif, *.bmp, *.gif) format files and returns it as a '2d' or '3d' type axis structure Also reads in Elmitec exported tif files CATEGORY: AXIS: image utility (runs stand alone) CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = img_load(NOF=nof, error=err, values = values, silent=silent, $ TIF=tif, BMP=bmp, GIF=gif, elmitec=elmitec, lox=lox, _extra=e) CALLED FROM AXIS: ->Image->Other->{*.tif, *.bmp, *.gif, *.jpg, *.png} INPUTS: All input parameters are passed as keywords. KEYWORDS: NOF - no filter FILE - file name (no prompt unless that file is not found) VALUES - if set, store as 2d-structure to allow axis display & mainpulation of data values otherwise, store as 3d-structure; if VALUES GT 1 then use Red channel if 3-channel TIF - TIF read-in GIF - GIF read-in JPG - JPG read-in (JPEG) BMP - BMP read-in PNG - PNG read-in ELMITEC - file is in UView2002 format LOX - file is in Lox format SILENT - do not print (axis_log) the details OUTPUTS: none COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks MODIFICATION HISTORY: (20-feb-98 aph) first written (14-jun-98 aph) axis_com (20-jan-99 aph) convert to data! (11-jun-99 aph) make tif-read get and set RBG tables; remove reversal (25-jun-99 aph) use ax_names to generate fileshort (31-jan-00 aph) attempt to get RBG working (15-apr-00 aph) AXIS standard documentation (16-apr-00 aph) store 3-channel images properly - revise {3d} structure (31-dec-01 aph) PNG format added - evetually converge to this one for > IDL 5.1 compatibility (17-apr-02 aph) adapt for Elmitec read-in (29-apr-02 aph) revise to adapt for axis_c setting of E, size (05-may-02 aph) adapt for Sphinx 16-bit tif format (14-may-02 aph) reverse PNG (16-jul-02 aph) fix up Elmitec PEEM read in - scale too large since used unsigned keyword (23-may-04 aph) add lox read-in (29-Oct-05 aph) add keyword SILENT (22-feb-06 aph) add tmp.E (energy) to output; fix /values for tif, png (25-apr-06 aph) add jpg read-in; add provision to use 1-channel for values (07-jan-07 aph) flip Lox Tif images vertically (01-Aug-09 aph) use fileshort in axis_log; improve png reading (21-Feb-10 aph) improve png reading - flip vertically
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: IMG_WARP LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 11-Jan-15 PURPOSE: This procedure warps an image to another image to get a common (x,y) scale by matching a set of fiducial points identifed by a cursor position selected by the user on first image CATEGORY: AXIS: image analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: for procedures: IMG_WARP CALLED FROM AXIS: ->Images->waep INPUTS: none (uses axis buffers which must be pre-loaded) KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: The result is written to buffer 0 COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks RESTRICTIONS: Occasionally does not work properly for unknown reasons PROCEDURE: the images are first expanded to full axis window size [11-Jan-14 aph - removed ] to improve position accuracy - note the routines used are limited to integer pixel uses Poly_warp and poly_2d routines to match the two images the expanded image is then congridded back to its original dimensions MODIFICATION HISTORY: (08-jun-99 aph) extracted from aaa_axis - not functioning add group ID to get_num call (24-feb-00 aph) add group ID to buffer call; pixels only (26-apr-00 aph) develop pixel-based CUT same; large -> small version (20-may-00 aph) AXIS standard documentation (26-Aug-05 aph) add write out of the w*.sl file (screwed up!) (05-Mar-06 aph) correct to write first file and save list as *.sl not *.nc !! (16-dec-11 aph) force plotting to be done on MainImg (in a test, it spawned a new graphics window) (15-Jan-15 aph) modify to allow warp-alignment of 2 images or from a list (this was never completed in 2011)
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: INIT_SD.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 31-Jul-11 PURPOSE: This procedure sets up the entries of the SD structure which contains all the parameters used by the NSLS1 X1A STXM (old data formats - *.nc) CATEGORY: Utility CALLING SEQUENCE: for procedures: INIT_SD, SD INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: SD strcuture COMMON BLOCKS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: (18-may-97 aph) adapted from init_sd (nsls) (31-Jul-11 aph) AXIS standard header added
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: INTERP.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 15-nov-00 PURPOSE: Interpolates values may be obsolete and might be eliminated CATEGORY: STAND ALONE: utilities CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = INTERP(Xi,XX,YY,MISSING=MI) CALLED FROM AXIS: many procedures ROUTINES function INTERP, Xi, XX, YY, MISSING=MI interpolates values COMMON BLOCKS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: (08-nov-00 cgz) AXIS standard documentation (08-nov-00 cgz) migrated from MATH.PRO (15-nov-00 cgz) Replaced call of NCOLS function by explicit (SIZE(var))(1)
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: INTERP.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 08-nov-00 PURPOSE: Interpolates values may be obsolete and might be eliminated CATEGORY: STAND ALONE: utilities CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = INTERSPLINE(Yin,FIXEDY=FY) CALLED FROM AXIS: many procedures ROUTINES function INTERSPLINE, Yin, FIXEDY=FY pops up an interactive window; user uses cursor to define a spline smooth function returns a spline-fitted array of the same length as yin if fixedy is set, then y-values of spline are constrained to lie on the data. COMMON BLOCKS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: (08-nov-00 cgz) AXIS standard documentation (08-nov-00 cgz) migrated from MATH.PRO
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: IRMAP_LOAD LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 21-Jul-14 (aph) PURPOSE: This prodecure reads an FTIR map from a set of csv files consisting of IR spectra at an array of points The data are converted to an aXis binary stack (*.ncb) CATEGORY: utility; stand-alone or used through aXis2000 CALLING SEQUENCE: IRMAP_LOAD, file=file, filter=filter, xcol=xcol, ycol=ycol, $ multi=multi, skip=skip, int_factor=int_factor, typ=typ, NOF=nof, _extra=e INPUTS: only by keyword KEYWORDS: FILE filename (*.map - array dimensions) FILTER filter extension (*.map) XCOL number of x-axis (if multi-column) YCOL number of y-axis (if multi-column) SKIP number of header lines to skip (if multi-column) MULTI returns number of columns -1 = number of spectra NOF no filter (*.*) _EXTRA pass through keywords OUTPUTS: Result is a stack (x,y,wavenumber) COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks MODIFICATION HISTORY: (18-dec-08 aph) first version - data sent by Paul Dumas (Soleil) (21-Jul-14 aph) corrected header
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: ISNUMBER.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 11-Aug-09 PURPOSE: This function checks if a string is numerical CATEGORY: STAND ALONE: utilities CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = ISNUMBER(string) CALLED FROM AXIS: many procedures ROUTINES ISNUMBER returns 1 if string is numerical; 0 i not COMMON BLOCKS: none
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: JOIN_STRING PURPOSE: This function joins the elements of a string array into a scalar string array, with the original elements separated by a user specified delimiter. CATEGORY: String processing. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = JOIN_STRING(Input) INPUTS: Input: The string array to be joined. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: DELIMITER: A string containing the delimiter between words. The default delimiter is a single space. HEADER: A string containing characters to precede the first element. The default is no header. FOOTER: A string containing characters to follow the last element. The default is no footer. OUTPUTS: Returns the scalar string variable containing the joined result. EXAMPLE: If the input string is: input = ['Hello', 'world'] then the command sequence: result = JOIN_STRING(input, DELIMITER=', ') produces the result: IDL> print, result Hello, world Note that the delimiter in this case includes a space. WRITTEN BY: Billy W. Loo, Jr. Bioengineering Graduate Group, UCSF / UCB School of Medicine, UCD Lawrence Berkeley National Lab December, 1996
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: LENGTH.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 09-Mar-07 PURPOSE: This function Returns the length of a vector (or array) based on the assumption that the largest index represents the length CATEGORY: utility, part of XSpecSim CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = LENGTH(VEC) INPUTS: VEC = VECTOR KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: none COMMON BLOCKS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: (07-jul-06 jso) last version supplied (09-mar-07 aph) AXIS standard header added, name changed
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: LINE_FIT LAST CHANGED: -------------------------------- 30-Jul-09 This procedure selects inputs, fits spectrum at each point along a line spectral scan to sum of models. Uses COMMON blocks to store and transfer data. Maximum 5 components ! KEYWORDS AXIS - if set, indicates called from AXIS COEFF - name of file listing sources of reference spectra VERBOSE - if set, additional information usppplied COMMON AXIS_COM - AXIS stack_process_com BSIF_COM - nc data MODIFICATION HISTORY: (23-Dec-99 aph) first developed from stack_fit (27-feb-00 aph) add groupID to get_text (30-nov-00 cgz) Replaced call of nwin with explicit window statement (04-Jun-03 aph) adapt to use ax_par_save & ax_par_load (22-sep-06 aph) fix output to display constant & chi-square properly remove groom (left over from kneedler); use axis_log; (30-jul-09 aph) changed analcom to stack_process_com (update to stack_process)
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: LITHO_READ LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 22-feb-06 PURPOSE: This function reads a template (*.xyt) image ( a set of (x,y,t) triplets ) for possible modification CATEGORY: STAND ALONE: utility called from aXis2000 as read~other~axis_xyt CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = LITHO_READ(tmp [, NOF=nof, file=file]) CALLED FROM AXIS: Read->Images->AXIS INPUTS: ascii file with multi-column data KEYWORDS: FILE - filename to write GROUP - group of parent (axis_ID from axis) VERBOSE - print feedback on progress for trouble shooting OUTPUTS: RESULT = TMP - axis format structure COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks ;MODIFICATION HISTORY: (03-Nov-05 aph) developed from litho_save (22-feb-06 aph) fix array dimension erorr that prevented read of some xyt files (required kluge)
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: LITHO_SAVE LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 22-Feb-06 PURPOSE: This function writes an image as a set of (x,y,t) triplets for all non-zero pixels for use as input to STXM_control for lthography CATEGORY: STAND ALONE: utility called from aXis2000 as write~litho CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = LITHO_SAVE(tmp [, NOF=nof, file=file]) CALLED FROM AXIS: Read->Images->AXIS INPUTS: TMP - AXIS 2d structure KEYWORDS: FILE - filename to write OUTPUTS: RESULT = filename (a blank string if the user cancels) COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks ;MODIFICATION HISTORY: (04-aug-05 aph) developed from axb_save (18-aug-05 aph) add row, column indicators and overall size flag (03-Nov-05 aph) add header to indicate Xrange, Yrange and step size (22-feb-06 aph) increased number of digits saved for step
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: LN_ADD LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 20-Jun-10 PURPOSE: This procedure adds contents of lines to generate: SPECTRA from line scans - sum horizontally (default) or Intensity profiles over a range of E - add vertical by setting VERTICAL keyword CATEGORY: Image & linescan processing; captive to AXIS CALLING SEQUENCE: LN_ADD [, VERTICAL=vertical] INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: VERTICAL add vertical lines OUTPUTS: summed lines displayed in buffer 9 COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks SIDE EFFECTS: none known MODIFICATION HISTORY: (01-jan-99 aph) segregated from aaa-axis; merged horizontal & vertical (01-mar-00 aph) add groupID to buffer, get_text (10-may-01 aph) standard header; save limits (02-may-04 aph) modify header (13-may-04 aph) use Dialog_message (20-Jun-10 aph) get right values of x-axis limits for y-line sums; NB problem was not here !!
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: LN_ALIGN LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 02-may-04 PURPOSE: This file tilts a linescan by a user defined line, to correct drift. PRO LN_align, curve=curve CATEGORY: AXIS: data analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: Linescan~align INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: CURVE - multi-section curve OUTPUTS: returns structure with modified linescan COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: LN_LOAD LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 21-Jul-14 PURPOSE: This function loads a Beamline 7 STXM Line scan array from a text file (*,xa*, *,dat) and maps line-scan to (y) Energy-scan to (x) CATEGORY: data read-in. stand-alone, or from axis. READ~ALS_STXM7.0.1 linescan CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = LN_LOAD(file, FILTER=fltr, plot=pl, _extra=e) INPUTS: FILE name of file KEYWORDS: FILTER - extensiob PLOT - if set, plot data OUTPUTS: No explicit outputs. A new window is created if necessary COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks MODIFICATION HISTORY: (14-may-98 aph) first developed for line scan mode (14-jun-98 aph) axis_com (07-aug-98 aph) indicate extension (18-jan-99 aph) CHANGE name to ln_load (to group with other LS functions) include dwell on X-axis label (25-jun-99 aph) use ax_name to parse file name ( 7-jul-99 aph) FREE_LUN as well as close ! (15-nov-00 cgz) Replaced call of NCOLS function by explicit (SIZE(var))(1) (15-nov-00 cgz) Replaced call of NROWS function by explicit (SIZE(var))(2) (13-jun-01 aph) add E to the structure generated (31 oct-01 aph) work around for wrong 'npts' in new linescan format (12-may-02 aph) AXIS standard header added (21-Jul-14 aph) corrected header
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: LN_LOCAT.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 07-Jan-07 PURPOSE: This procedure reads co-rodinates of a linescan and places them on the image currently displayed. If the current buffer is not an image or does not contain the location of the line, the user is prompted to read an image. Default linescan format is SDF (ALS/CLS/SLS); optional for old STXM701; need to develop for NSLS CATEGORY: Image display in aXis2000 Linescans~locate line CALLING SEQUENCE: for procedures: LN_LOCAT [, STXM701=STXM701 ] INPUTS: All input parameters are passed as keywords or acquired by prompts. KEYWORDS: STXM701 original code for pre2000 files from ALS STXM7.0.1 OUTPUTS: No explicit outputs. COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks SIDE EFFECTS: none RESTRICTIONS: KNOWN ERRORS: If start from an empty buffer there are errors as AXIS tries to replot an empty buffer MODIFICATION HISTORY: (01-jan-99 aph) segregated from aaa-axis (10-feb-99 aph) fixed code error ! (07-Jan-07 aph) AXIS standard header added; adapted to SDF files
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: LN_NORM.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 03-Feb-12 PURPOSE: This procedure normalizes each line of a linescan or image to a H or V subset or to Io from an aXis buffer (if neither Horiontal or Vertical keywords were selected) CATEGORY: Linescan processing CALLING SEQUENCE: LN_NORM, HORIZONTAL = HORIZONTAL, VERTICAL = VERTICAL INPUTS: All input parameters are passed as keywords. KEYWORDS: HORIZONTAL - if set, normalize image horizontally from user selected buffer VERTICAL - if set, normalize image vertically from user selected bufferif set in each case, the line to mormalize is usually obtained by linescan~add (horizontal, or vertical) OUTPUTS: modified image in buffer 9 COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks SIDE EFFECTS: NONE MODIFICATION HISTORY: (19-jun-98 aph) isolated from AXIS_C to make space (01-jan-99 aph) renamed to be consistent with other ln_xx files (11-jan-99 aph) allow normalization along vertical axes (23-feb-00 aph) added groupID to buffer call (21-mar-00 aph) correct axis_ID for buffer call ! (04-dec-00 aph) add horizontal option (03-feb-11 aph) correct header format; use axis_log (10-dec-11 aph) add energy to 2d-normalization; make horizontal normalize preserve intensity (29-Jan-12 aph) Correct 10-dec-11 change to limitonly to line-horizontal, NOT normalize to Io !! (03-Feb-12 aph) added question re mean normalization of V, H lines
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: LN_SUBSP LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 21-Jul-14 (aph) PURPOSE: This procedure subtracts a reference spectrum (chosen from an AXIS buffer) from the linescan displayed in the current buffer CATEGORY: data conversion - AXIS captive called from AXIS~LINESCANS~subtract reference CALLING SEQUENCE: LNSUBSP INPUTS:none KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: none COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks MODIFICATION HISTORY: (01-jan-99 aph) segregated from aaa-axis (23-feb-00 aph) add groupID to buffer (29-dec-00 aph) fix error in name of groupID !! add standard header; remove line-by-line display (21-Jul-14 aph) corrected header
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: LOADSPEM LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 01-Aug-09 PURPOSE: This procedure reads a file in XPD Labview format written by early versions (pre-2000) of the ALS BL 7.0 SPEM CATEGORY: Image display. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = LOADSPEM(fname, PK=pknum, NORM=normnum, AVG=avgnum, $ PLOT=pl, GLITCH=ngli, SDEV=nsdev, QUIET=quiet) INPUTS: FNAME - filename KEYWORDS: PK NORM AVG PLOT - display (splot2d) image (first image if multiple) GLITCH - run manual glitch threshold window SDEV=n - run auto glitch filter for data outside n std deviations QUIET OUTPUTS: No explicit outputs. A new plot window is created if necessary COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks SIDE EFFECTS: A window is created if plot is selected. MODIFICATION HISTORY: (07-May-99 jdd) version taken over from Jonathan Denlinger (15nov00 cgz) Replaced call of DIMEN function by explicit (SIZE(var))(index+1) (15nov00 cgz) Migrated to RD_SPEM.PRO since it was only called from with RD_SPEM.PRO LOADSPEM.PRO is now obsolete and can be eliminated (30-nov-00 cgz) Replaced call of nwin with explicit window statement (01-Aug-09 aph) AXIS standard header added (11-Jan-10 aph) commented out all lines calling GLITCH - can not find in package most likely in one of Eli rotenbergs' combined utility files
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: LOAD_NEX LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 13-may-02 PURPOSE: This function loads nexafs spectra recorded by ALS SPEM CATEGORY: read-in utility. Stand-alone CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = load_nex (file, NOFILTER=nof, _extra=e) INPUTS: FILE - name of file (*.spc) KEYWORDS: NOFILTER COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks MODIFICATION HISTORY: (12-may-99 aph) first written (8-jun-99 aph) add conditional group ID to get_num call; widget_info (29-dec-00 aph) filter set to '*.spc' (12-may-02 aph) AXIS standard header added
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: LOAD_SSV LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 14-Dec-09 (aph) PURPOSE: This function reads in Twinmic format image or spectra from the *.ssv file written by Twinmic for images (transmission, phase, dark, XRF-maps, etc) CATEGORY: STAND ALONE: read in utility CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = LOAD_SSV([file=file, NOF=nof, group=group,TYPE=TYPE, $ VERBOSE=VERBOSE, SILENT=SILENT, PARAM=PARAM, _extra=e]) CALLED FROM AXIS: Read->Images->Twinmic INPUTS: none. All input parameters are passed as keywords. KEYWORDS: FILE filename to read NOF no filter (default filter = '*.axb') GROUP group leader (Axis_ID if called from aXis2000 and axis) SILENT if set, do not display feedback on progress PARAM if set, ask user for parameters of Twinmic image TYPE type of image (sum, X_mom, Y_mom) selected automatically VERBOSE print log information about processing EXTRA passed on parameters OUTPUTS: RESULT = AXIS 1d or 2d structure COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks @BSIF_COM for NSLSL *.nc MODIFICATION HISTORY: (14-Dec-09 aph) adapted from AXB_LOAD
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: LOOK PURPOSE: This procedure displays an image and relevant statistics on it. CATEGORY: Image display CALLING SEQUENCE: LOOK, Image [, Output, Rev_ind] INPUTS: Image: The image to be displayed. If input is not 2-D, then it is not displayed, but its histogram is plotted. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: HISTOGRAM: If set, the histogram of image intensities is plotted. If the image is an integer type (BYTE, INT, or LONG) then this keyword may be set to the bin size. Default is 1 for BYTE, 128 for INT, and 256 for LONG. If the image is a floating point type (FLOAT or DOUBLE), then this keyword may be set to the number of desired bins in the histogram. Default is 256 bins. NOPLOT: If set, histogram is computed if specified, but not plotted. Ignored if no output variable for histogram is specified. NODISPLAY: If set, display statistics without displaying image. NOSTATS: If set, display image without displaying statistics. NOSCALE: If set, image is displayed with scaling from zero to the maximum value. Also, the histogram is plotted from zero to maximum value. Default is to scale from minimum to maximum value of image. FIT_SCREEN: If set to 1, large images are shrunk to fit the screen size, if necessary. If set to 2, images are forced to fit the screen size by shrinking or expanding by the required amount. The aspect ratio is not changed - i.e., the same zoom factor is used for both x and y dimensions. If set to 3, images are forced to conform to the screen shape by shrinking, expanding, or modifying the aspect ratio. The zoom factor used is saved in the ZOOM keyword parameter. Ignored if NODISPLAY is set. ZOOM: The zoom factor to apply when displaying the image. It may have one or two elements. If there is only one element, the same zoom factor is applied to the x and y dimensions. Otherwise, the two elements specify the x and y zoom factors. Alternatively, a variable to receive the zoom factor used when fitting the image to the screen. NOTE: In both cases, the ZOOM keyword parameter is overwritten by the actual zoom factor(s) used, which can be different from the supplied parameter due to roundoff. This can result in conversion of a one element zoom factor into a two element zoom factor. NOTE: Zoom factor < 1 shrinks image. Zoom factor > 1 expands image. SCROLL: If set, and if the displayed image size is larger than 75% of the screen size, a scrollable window is used to display the image. Alternatively, this keyword can be set explicitly to the image size as a fraction of the screen size (floating point value between 0.0-1.0) above which scrollbars will be used. NOTE: This keyword is ignored if a desired window index is specified using the WINDOW keyword below. It is also ignored if the FIT keyword is set. WINDOW: The window number in which to display the image. The default is window 0. If an undefined named variable is supplied to this keyword, it will receive the window index of the window created by the LOOK procedure. HWINDOW: The window number in which to plot the histogram. The default is window 1. If Hwindow is the same as Window, the histogram is displayed in the next higher window number. OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: Output: A variable to receive a FLOAT version of the image scaled into the range of 0 to 255. Any applied zoom factor will be reflected in the output. Alternatively, a variable to receive the histogram, if the HISTOGRAM keyword is set. output[*,0] contains the intensities at the bin midpoints. output[*,1] contains the frequency at each intensity. Rev_ind: If the HISTOGRAM keyword is set, a variable to receive the reverse indices array from the histogram operation. See the documentation for HISTOGRAM for details. ROUTINES USED BY THIS MODULE: CONGRID, STDEV (IDL User Library) XWINDOW SUITE (Bill Loo's IDL Routines) COMMON BLOCKS: LOOK_COMMON ORIGINALLY WRITTEN BY: Werner Meyer-Ilse Center for X-Ray Optics Lawrence Berkeley National Lab REWRITTEN BY: Billy W. Loo, Jr. Bioengineering Graduate Group, UCSF / UCB School of Medicine, UCD Lawrence Berkeley National Lab September, 1996
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: LOX_COM.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 18-mar-06 PURPOSE: This file is the common block for the AX_LOX read-in widget CATEGORY: utility CALLING SEQUENCE: not applicable INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: n MODIFICATION HISTORY: (16-oct-05 aph) adapted from SDF_COM.PRO
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: MAKE_SQUARE LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 10-dec-11 PURPOSE: This procedure replaces rectangular images with a square image extended with gray space CATEGORY: Image display. CALLING SEQUENCE: for procedures: MAKE_SQUARE, S INPUTS: S AXIS structure data (only operates on t='2d', images KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: square matrix is returned as the entry structure COMMON BLOCKS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: (xxDec-99 aph) ~time introduced (30-dec-00 aph) Xrng and Yrng set up AXIS standard header added (05-mar-01 aph) trying to debug bad read in of some ALS 7.0 linescans (error not found) (12-may-02 aph) fix up header name format. (10-dec-11 aph) track down an out-of-range index error if there is only 1 x or y value
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: MAKE_TOMO_LIST LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 14-Nov-2013 PURPOSE: This procedure generate a list of folder names of stacks recorded at specific angles the file is needed for ther manipulations of the data. CATEGORY: stand alone Utility called from aXis2000 by stack~tomography~make_tomo_list. CALLING SEQUENCE: Make_tomo_list [FILE=FILE, FOLDER_NAME=folder_name,ANGLE=angle ] INPUTS: None KEYWORDS: FILE - name of file to write out FOLDER_NAME - tomo file folder name ANGLE - all the angles for tomo file OUTPUTS: Tomo list as a *.lst file is written to disk COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks EXAMPLE: Generate a list with path as first line then a set of lines with each line as following: folder_name(),angle() MODIFICATION HISTORY: (06-Nov-13 jw) first generation (14-Nov-13 jw) output and write data to file
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: MATH.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 15-nov-00 PURPOSE: This is a set of array functions DIMEN - determines dimension of array NCOLS - determines number of columns in array NROWS - determines number of rows in array CATEGORY: STAND ALONE: utilities CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = DIMEN(ARRAY) Result = NCOLS(ARRAY) Result = NROWS(ARRAY) CALLED FROM AXIS: many procedures ROUTINES function DIMEN, ARRAY returns the size of the nth (starting from 0) dimension of ARRAY function NCOLS, ARRAY returns the number of columns of ARRAY function NROWS, ARRAY returns the number of rows of ARRAY COMMON BLOCKS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: (08-nov-00 cgz) AXIS standard documentation (08-nov-00 cgz) created MATH procedure, to be used to compile other functions when called from AXIS startup (08-nov-00 cgz) migrated INTERP and INTERSPLINE to separate files as functions (08-nov-00 cgz) eliminated MEAN function, superceded by IDL primitive MEAN can probably eliminate some of these small functions why have dimen, ncols, nrows when these can be handled by IDL primitive (15-nov-00 cgz) replaced calls of DIMEN, NCOLS, and NROWS in all other AXIS functiosn and procedures DIMEN : LOADSPEM, PARSEBYTES, RD_SPEM NCOLS : GEN_READ, INTERP, LN_LOAD, MISC, PLOT2D, READ_A_N, READ_ALS, READ_NUMBERS, SPLOT2D, SPLOT3D, SPLOTA NROWS : LN_LOAD, PLOT2D, READ_A_N, READ_ALS MATH.PRO is now obsolete and can be eliminated
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: MBUF.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 21-Jul-14 PURPOSE: This function is a widget that allows selection of multiple buffers CATEGORY: utility captive to axis2000 CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = MBUF(group = group, Val = val) INPUTS: All input parameters are passed as keywords. KEYWORDS: GROUP identity of parent group that called mbuf (axis_id) val array of buffers for default selection OUTPUTS: returns array with numbers of selected buffers COMMON BLOCKS: COMMON Buffer, BGROUP16, MBufs, cncl SIDE EFFECTS: A widget is created/destroyed. MODIFICATION HISTORY: (13-dec-98 aph) correct layout; all, cancel added (20-aug-01 aph) removed modal call at xmanager (31-dec-01 aph) when select 'all' it includes buffer 0 (15-Jan-13 aph) force Mbuf to track aXis2000 widget (21-Jul-14 aph) corrected header
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: MCF_COM.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 27 Jul 2015 PURPOSE: This file is the common block for AX_FILE_LOAD read-in widget CATEGORY: utiliy - inserted into other code MODIFICATION HISTORY: (13-feb-03 aph) (27-Jul-15 aph) AXIS standard header added; added (at end
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: MISC.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 321 Jul 2014 PURPOSE: This is a set of utility programs originally written by Eli Rotenberg & Jonathan Denlinger CATEGORY: utility, stand alone CALLING SEQUENCE: RESULT = [NAME](options) fct asc( char ) -- convert char to ascii code fct chr( ascii) -- convert ascii code to character fct num2str(num,format) -- simpler syntax than built-in STRING fct fct int2str, num, DIGITS=digits -- integer(s) to string with optional padded zeros if num is an array output adds brackets and commas ([#,...]) fct str2arr, str, delimit [, LEN=len, /INT] -- extract an array of values from a string fct ZM, image, mag -- zoom image size, magnification can be noninteger fct RANGEN, npts, min, max [,option] -- returns preinitialized 1D floating array option: INCR=increment (recalculates npts; max is then to nearest increment) fct GET_LIMITS, arr -- returns [start, end] vector of 1D array fct GET_RANGE, arr -- returns [min, max] vector any dimen array fct INDEX, arr, val, --returns index of 1D array closest to the given value(s) /MODE selects alternate method, /TIM - prints execution time INPUTS: routine specific COMMON BLOCKS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: 9/21/95 jdd added INCR option to RANGEN 2/13/96 jdd added STR2ARR (14-nov-00 cgz) NOTE : Nothing other than CHR, NUM2STR, and GET_RANGE is used in AXIS. The calls to these routines can be more efficient by using explicit calls of IDL primitives CHR has been replaced in PARSEBYTES.PRO and READSTRINGBIG.PRO NUM2STR has been replaced in WINDOWS.PRO GET_RANGE has been replaced in AX_ORDER.PRO and PLOT2D.PRO MISC.PRO is now obsolete and can be eliminated (15-nov-00 cgz) Replaced call of NCOLS function by explicit (SIZE(var))(1) (15-nov-00 cgz) ASC not called anywhere within AXIS CHR called within PARSEBYTES and READSTRINGBIG - replaced 14nov00 NUM2STR called within WINDOW - replaced 14nov00 INT2STR not called anywhere within AXIS STR@ARR not called anywhere within AXIS ZM called from within the retired STRUCTURE RANGEN called from within the retired STRUCTURE and the retired MISC GET_LIMITS called from within the retired MISC GET_RANGE called from within AX_ORDER - replaced 14nov00 PLOT2D - replaced 14nov00 and the retired MISC INDEX not called anywhere within AXIS (22-Jul-14 aph) AXIS standard header added num2str is called from win2tif
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: NCB_TO_MPG LAST CHANGED: -------------------------------- 21-Jul-14 PURPOSE: This procedure converts a ncb stack into a MPEG movie CATEGORY: stack processing CALLING SEQUENCE: NCB_TO_MPG, FILE INPUTS: FILE name of the output file KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: *.mpg file COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks stack_process_com BSIF_COM volume_data SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: (14-Jun-06 gaj) first version (01-Aug-06 gaj) finished first working version (02-Aug-06 gaj) fixed the scaling to avoid colors in the movies (30-jul-09 aph) changed analcom to stack_process_com (update to stack_process) (21-Jul-14 aph) corrected header
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: NCDF2ALS LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 20-May-00 PURPOSE: This procedure converts one or a series of NSLS image files (*.nc) into ALS ascii format (*.img) with a user definable scale factor CATEGORY: AXIS: image analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: NCDF2ALS, file INPUTS: FILE - netCDF format (*.nc) to be converted to ALS ascii format KEYWORD PARAMETERS: LIST - name of file with list of image files (*.sl) OUTLIST - name of a file to write list of netCDF files (*.lst) ONE - convert only a single file SCALE - scale factor (nb ALS format is integer) OUTPUTS: FILE.img - image written to a ALS ascii format binary file (*.img, *.dat) COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM - set of common blocks for AXIS @BSIF_COM - common block for netCDF RESTRICTIONS: caveat emptor PROCEDURE: NCDF2ALS uses READ_BNL to put the image and associated information into BSIF_COMMON variables: image_data (the array which holds the image - possibly several planes deep for I, IO, CLOCK) then uses SAV_ALS to write the ALS data files MODIFICATION HISTORY: (20-may-00 aph) adapted from als3ncdf
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: NEXUS_COM.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 27-Apr-15 PURPOSE: This file contains the common block for the widget which reads NeXus files CATEGORY: utility MODIFICATION HISTORY: (27-Apr-15 bw ) First version written using as a template (13-Jul-15 aph) integrated into aXis2000 02-July-15 version
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: NSRRC_PEEM_COM.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 27-Aug-2013 (aph) PURPOSE: This file is the common block for the READ_NSRRC_SPEM_GUI read-in widget CATEGORY: utility CALLING SEQUENCE: not applicable INPUTS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: (27-Aug-13 aph) adapted from NSRRCC_SPEM_COM.PRO
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: NSRRC_SPEM_COM.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 27-Aug-2013 (aph) PURPOSE: This file is the common block for the READ_NSRRC_SPEM_GUI read-in widget CATEGORY: utility CALLING SEQUENCE: not applicable INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: (22-Jul-13 aph) adapted from AX_LOX_COM.PRO (27-Aug-13 aph) corrected source info
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: PARSECOMPOSITION.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 19-Jul-10 PURPOSE: This function string containing chemical composition data and returns number of H,C,N,O,S,P (NB there is a similar function in SF) CATEGORY: Utility; part of XSpecSim, spectral simulator package CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = PARSECOMPOSITION(strdat =strdat) INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: STRDAT String with composition in standard periodic table notation OUTPUTS: none COMMON BLOCKS: @XSpecSim_Com X-SpecSim common block MODIFICATION HISTORY: (28-feb-07 jso) first version (18-Jul-10 aph) AXIS standard header added; XSpecSim_com added
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: PARSESTRING.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 23-Jul-14 PURPOSE: This function splits text string into constituent numbers CATEGORY: STAND ALONE: utilities CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = PARSESTRING(string) CALLED FROM AXIS: many procedures ROUTINES PARSESTRING splits text string into constituent numbers METHOD given s string, which is a tab, comma or space delimited list of #s, parsestring returns an array of numbers. if no numbers are found, or other error, returns 0 you can distinguish the error from "0.0" using the size function, since the error condition is a scalar, not a vector COMMON BLOCKS: none
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: PARSE_SDF LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 09-Dec-05 (aph) PURPOSE: This function generates a structure from a string If the string contains multiple structures it only returns the first structure. It also trims the input string to all past the extracted structure. Where necessary, in partuclar inarrays which contain structures, named structures are used. CATEGORY: utility: string manipulation CONTENTS: MAKE_STAR function to make named array from anonymous array PARSE_SDF main routine CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = PARSE_SDF(dummy, struct=struct, verbose = verbose) INPUTS: DUMMY a string containing structure contents EXAMPLES: '{ Name = "Time"; Unit = "sec";};' '{ Name = "Energy"; Min = 285; Max = 322; Points = (3, 285, 286, 287);};' '{ Name = "Time"; Unit = "sec";}; embed_str = {name = "new";int = 5;};};' KEYWORDS: STRUCT pre-defined named structure to act as template VERBOSE print a blow-by-blow descrition (you were warned !!) OUTPUTS: anonymous structure which may contain named structures (Tag_Name1 : Tag_Definition1,..., Tag_Namen : Tag_Definitionn} COMMON BLOCKS: sdformat PROCEDURE: The structure is first tested to ensure it starts with { It is then read by removing each tagname and using analysis of the following string parts to identify one of 7 possible structure components Identify by testing Isolate by Convert Component first char (____;) extracting by using --------- ---------------------- ------------- --------- STRUCTURE { whole string parse_sdf ** Array ( next ')' type specific ----- after removing (##, ..... identify and convert all ___, of STRUCT { whole string parse_sdf ** of String " sep_parts none ** of Real/Integer '.' sep_parts float ** String " '"' to next ';' none ** Real '.' to next ';' float ** Integer (all other) to next ';' fix ** ------------------------------------------------------------ BUGS Does not work to handle arrays of structures need to find how to make named structure from strings MODIFICATION HISTORY: (10-feb-01 aph) first version (11-feb-01 aph) change from bl5 to sdf (self-defined format); make_star (22-feb-01 aph) residual syntax pasring added - Booleans & arrays of structures of structures (17-aug-01 aph) tinkered but no mods getting Aug-01 dataformats read (12-may-02 aph) correct header name format (12-mar-03 aph) change '0','1','2' to 'a0'.. in named array structs " and pt in kluge to replace 'END' tags, for IDL5.6 compatibility (09-dec-05 aph) tracking added for troubleshooting new SDF file structures
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: PEM_LOAD LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 28-May-05 (aph) PURPOSE: This function reads an ALS-PEEM 2 NEXAFS format file It assumes col(1) = Energy (eV) and col(3) = signal CATEGORY: spectral input called from AXIS~READ~ALS-PEEM CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = PEM_LOAD(file=file, filter=filter, NOF=nof, print_source = print_source, $ ring_normalize=ring_normalize, _extra=e) INPUTS: All input parameters are passed as keywords. KEYWORDS: FILE: filename FILTER: optional user selectable filter (default = '*.' NOF: no filter (*.*) PRINT_SOURCE: if set to 1; print input file as it is read RING_NORMALIZE divide by the ring current if it exists _EXTRA_E: forward other parameters OUTPUTS: none COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks COMMENTS: In Dec-04 found prob lems with 'apparent non-linearity' in ALS PEEM energy scales In May-05 realized there had been a file format change sometime in fall 2003 which removed the header line from the *.dat files written by PEEM-2 This meant the energy assigned to the image file was one higher (i.e. the n+1 energy was assigned to the n image). This, combined with use of non-linearly spaced energies, is the likely cause of the 'apparent non-linearity'. MODIFICATION HISTORY: ( 9-aug-97 aph) broke out of spectral; TYPE defined (21-jan-98 aph) added s.dn component to 1d structure to be axis-compatible (20-feb-98 aph) set-up to read 2-col only data ( 6-mar-98 aph) read *.txt - 2 column ascii files ( 7-jun-98 aph) corrected read *.txt ('un' case) to get all data points (10-jul-98 aph) retired "*.spc" nomenclature - use *.txt extension (13-May-99 aph) set up for multicolumn, skip header reading (15-May-99 aph) adapt spc_load to get ALS-PEEM 2 format files (25-jun-99 aph) use only fileshort ( 7-jul-99 aph) FREE_LUN as well as close (29-dec-00 aph) set filter to '*.' ; standard header; add file (14-jan-01 aph) set filter to '*.*' since '*.' EXCLUDES files of *. character !! (12-aug-01 aph) add title to pickfile dialog (12-may-02 aph) correct header name format (28-may-05 aph) adapt to 3 different ALS PEEM spectral file formats add ring current normalization option
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: PICKFILE2 LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 22 Jul 2010 PURPOSE: This function is a dialog which allows user to select a filename. It is a wrapper over the old IDL PICKFILE dialog with last path, last file options and forcing extension CATEGORY: utility. stand alone CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = PICKFILE2 (LPATH=lp, TITLE=TITLE, $ WRITE=write, LFILE=lf, INFO=info, _extra=e) INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: FILTER - extension (*.hdr) INFO - print info on this routine LPATH - last path used LFILE - last file used TITLE - user supplied title for dialog WRITE - if set, when selecting a filename, checks & warns for existence OUTPUTS: none COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks common lastpath, lpath, lfile MODIFICATION HISTORY: (06-jul-98 aph) force DefPath to be LastPath from exit (04-jan-00 aph) add WRITE, AXIS keywords and build a wrap that warns user of overwriting (25-apr-00 aph) attempt to get lpath working properly; allow use outside of axis (19-apr-01 aph) add TITLE (14-may-02 aph) AXIS standard header added; force filter extension (22-nov-08 aph) use axis_log for warnings (20-Apr-10 aph) remove 'forcing extension' warning (22-Jul-10 aph) accomodate calls where defpath is not defined
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: PLOT2D LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 23 July 2014 PURPOSE: This generates a 2d image plot with labels and user controllable limits. It is intermediate between splot2d and the IDL plot routine. CATEGORY: AXIS: utility; also STAND ALONE: image processing CALLING SEQUENCE PLOT2D, G_data, xx, yy, labels, /LOG, autosize=as, wsize=s, /NORESIZE, _extra=e CALLED FROM AXIS: ->via splot2d routine exclusively INPUTS: G_data (z) data to plot xx (X) - values yy (Y) - values labels labels for x & y axes KEYWORDS: LOG - plot log(G-data) WSIZE - specify IDL window size AUTOSIZE - uses dimensions to specify IDL window size NORESIZE - ue current window size OUTPUTS: none COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks PROCEDURE generalized 2D intensity plot with x and y axes assumes equal pixel unit increments to determine window aspect ratio MODIFICATION HISTORY: 2/13/95 er add keyword /NORESIZE to PLOT2D 6/15/96 jdd move SPLOT stuff to separate procedure ----------- AXIS modifications ------- (25-jun-99 aph) plot2d: allow co-existing image/spectra color tables (ax_imscl, ax_color) ( 6-jul-99 aph) plot2d: allow negative-going plots; try to avoid funny colored backgrounds ( 3-oct-99 aph) plot2d: removed explicit color, back statements ! (15-apr-00 aph) AXIS standard documentation (14-nov-00 cgz) Replaced calls to GET_RANGE function with ecplicit MIN and MAX calls (15-nov-00 cgz) Replaced call of NCOLS function by explicit (SIZE(var))(1) (15-nov-00 cgz) Replaced call of NROWS function by explicit (SIZE(var))(2) (30-nov-00 cgz) Replaced call of nwin with explicit window statement (19-dec-00 cgz) substituted ax_white_color_index with ax_plot_axes_color_index substituted ax_black_color_index with ax_plot_bkgd_color_index (30-dec-00 aph) set XSTYLE=9, YSTYLE=9 for frame (1-sided axes) set Xmargin=[8,0], Ymargin = [4,2] (22-mar-06 aph) try to increase size of labels; allow room for Y-axis label (23-jul-14 aph) remove ticks & increase size of main window; adjust margins so side windows line up which required changes to axis_Dialog, axis_c; implement Plot_Axes_Flag switch
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: PLOT3D.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 15-apr-00 PURPOSE: This generates a shade_surface 3d plot of an image. CATEGORY: STAND ALONE image processing ROUTINES: PLOT3D, G_data, xx, yy, xylabels, AZ=zang, _extra=e xylabels=['xlabel','ylabel'] CALLED FROM AXIS: ->via splot3d routine exclusively INPUTS: G_data (z) data to plot xx (X) - values yy (Y) - values xylabels labels KEYWORDS: AZ - Z-angle plot log(G-data) CHARSIZE - specify character size for labels OUTPUTS: generates a window if run stand-alone COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks MODIFICATION HISTORY: 12/2/95 jdd fixed labels in plot3d 6/15/96 jdd move SPLOT stuff to separate procedure ----------- AXIS modifications ------- (15-apr-00 aph) AXIS standard documentation
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: PLOTBUF LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 24 Jul 2014 PURPOSE: This procedure plots AXIS structure format data (1d, 2d, 3d, 4d) where 1d are y(x) - typically spectral or profile plots 2d are z(x,y) - images 3d are images without own (x,y) scales, typically standard format images (jpg etc) with own color scales 4d are f(x,y,z) 3-d volume data (e.g. stacks) (not yet implemented) CATEGORY: Image display. AXIS captive CALLING SEQUENCE: PLOTBUF, BufNum, Zvalues = Zvalues, same_scale=same_scale, _extra=e INPUTS: BUFNUM Number of AXIS buffer to plot (0-9 are standard; 10 thumbnail composite) KEYWORDS: ZVALUES: [zmin, zmax] to allow forcing Z-range SAME_SCALE: switch if set, keeps same (x,y) scale as in prior plot _EXTRA: other paramaters to pass to splot, splot2d etc Note - many other plot paramaters are passed via axis_com variables OUTPUTS: plot on MainImg window in aXis2000 COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks MODIFICATION HISTORY: (07-aug-97 aph) - generates MainImg plot using SPLOT or SPLOT2D updates buffer labels; updates thumbnails (28-dec-97 aph) - added '3d' type = tif, gif, etc image (12-apr-98 aph) - added '4d' type = (E,distance) plot (line scans) (19-jun-98 aph) - split out of AXIS_C for code space reasons (28-Dec-98 aph) - Zmin, Zmax for 2d plots (03-Jan-99 aph) - Zmin, Zmax for 1d plots (08-Jan-99 aph) - add 5% top/bottom margin for 1d plots (25-Jun-99 aph) - try for consistent image/spectra color table (29-jun-99 aph) - adapt 'FIRST_PLOT' to set user-selected colors; - type = '3d' uses internal color tables (04-jul-99 aph) - search for color scale error on image -> spectra (06-jul-99 aph) - correct image plotting to preserve orientation of (x,y) scales (forced increasing) (08-jul-99 aph) - only redo thumbs if CurBuf NE 0; update labels though ! (13-jul-99 aph) - thumb_plot reset for any use of PlotBuf; add same_scale keyword (26-jul-99 aph) - leave all decisions about updating Thumbs and Labels to ThumbLbs (12-aug-99 aph) - kluge fix 'relax to white background' problem (19-sep-99 aph) - change first to first_plot (common conflict); ax_wait (28-oct-99 aph) - update Zmin, Zmax on plot (16-nov-99 aph) - implement color bar, gamma for image Z-scales; X,Y controls (19-nov-99 aph) - do not clear axis communication box (31-jan-00 aph) - reactivate 3d as a simple 'transcribe' for images (16-apr-00 aph) - add TRUE=1 to corrctly display 3-channel images (3,x,y) (30-nov-00 cgz) Replaced call of wdivide with explicit !p.multi statement (19-dec-00 cgz) substituted ax_white_color_index with ax_plot_axes_color_index substituted ax_black_color_index with ax_plot_bkgd_color_index commented out !p.background statement (30-dec-00 aph) corrected placement of make_square to get line-outs right Zrange larger/smaller than data size implemented AXIS standard header added (06-oct-01 aph) sensitive for G_lbl (28-dec-01 aph) blank out pixel display when clearing from 2d display (17-feb-02 aph) add scale bar and size (29-apr-02 aph) nm bar if less than 1 um; not thick (12-may-02 aph) correct header name format (22-mar-06 aph) increase character size (22-dec-07 aph) remove date, time (15-jun-08 aph) ignore NaN and Infinities when setting plot ranges (21-Jul-14 aph) add X-label on same line as scale bar length (when change Plot to no axes) (24-Jul-14 aph) change scale bar to black when below image
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: PLOTSECT LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 14-Jun-05 PURPOSE: This procedure plots multisection (non-monotonic) spectra data using splot CATEGORY: Spectral display - captive to aXis2000 CALLING SEQUENCE: PlotSect, BufNum, AUTOSCALE=auto, SPLIT=split, _extra=e INPUTS: BufNum Number (0-9) of aXis data buffer to display. KEYWORDS: AUTOSCALE - if 1, then display with min/max range SPLIT - if 1, separate the parts of the non-montonic data into individual, +ve X-going sections in separate buffers - if 0, overlpot in one display buffer, but increment colors to indicate non-monotonic OUTPUTS: none COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks MODIFICATION HISTORY: (20-dec-97 aph) generates multisection MainImg plot using SPLOT (19-jun-98 aph) isolated from AXIS_C (26-sep-99 aph) updated with thumbnails separated (15-aug-04 aph) fix problem with processing files which do not have an Xlabel standard header (14-Jun-05 aph) add correction (kluge!) to allow oplot with 1 point sections
(See c:\axis2000\
+ NAME: PRINCETON_HEADER_DEFINE LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 30-Aug-2013 PURPOSE: This procedure sets up the structure of the header part of Princeton camera files unchanged aside from adding header, from version obrtained from Mark River's share site in Aug 2011 CATEGORY: Utility (does not seem to be used by the read_princeton or write_princton routines though). CALLING SEQUENCE: PRINCETON_HEADER_DEFINE INPUTS:none KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: Header for an output file is created COMMON BLOCKS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: (30-Aug-13 aph) AXIS standard header added
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: PRINT.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 21 Jul 2014 PURPOSE: These functions print. Probably not called anywhere in aXis2000 pro PRA, /LS, /EPS, _extra=e OPEN POSTSCRIPT FILE FOR OUTPUT OPTIONS: /LS (landscape), /EPS (encapsulated postcript) pro PRB, 'printer', /NOPRINT CLOSE & PRINT to 'BL7LJ4' (default), 'hp9', etc. MODIFICATION HISTORY: (29nov00 cgz) Only PRa and PRb are used anywhere within AXIS PRa and PRb are called once from within WINDOW.PRO Migrated PRa and PRb to WINDOWS.PRO (22-Jul-14 aph) AXIS standard header added pra is called by win3lpr which is used in axis_c to print
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: PTYCHO_COM LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 27-Jul-15 PURPOSE: This FILE contains the COMMON block, PTYCHO_COM CATEGORY: AXIS: PTYCHO_COM common block CALLING SEQUENCE: @ptycho_com INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: none DETAILS: - variables in the common block: display_ptycho_par - labels for events MODIFICATIONS (02-Jan-15 aph) started (27-Jul-15 aph) corrected error - missing ", $ on 2nd line
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: ptycho_com LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 15-Jan-15 PURPOSE: This FILE contains the COMMON block, ptycho_com CATEGORY: AXIS: ptycho_com common block CALLING SEQUENCE: @ptycho_com INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: none DETAILS: - variables in the common block: display_ptycho_par - labels for events MODOFICATIONS (15-Jan-2015 aph) started
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: PTYCHO_SELECT.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 08-Dec-12 PURPOSE: This widget allows user to select one of the items in an output file from a ptychographic analysis [Shapiro hdf5 files,(Dec-12 ] CATEGORY: file read-in CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = PTYCHO_SELECT() ROUTINES BUT_PSELECT_DROPLIST. WIDGET_KILL_REQUEST. BUT_PSELECT_CANCEL. BUT_PSELECT_OK. PSELECT_BASE_EVENT. INPUTS: none (transfer vis COMMON KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: returns selected item COMMON BLOCKS: ptycho_select_com AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks SIDE EFFECTS: A GUI window is created/destroyed. MODIFICATION HISTORY: (06-Dec-12 aph) first version generated
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: PTYCHO_SELECT_COM LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 06-Dec-12 PURPOSE: This FILE contains the COMMON block, PTYCHO_SELECT_COM CATEGORY: AXIS: PTYCHO_SELECT_COM common block CALLING SEQUENCE: @PTYCHO_SELECT_COM (to include in the Ptycho_Select routines) INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: (05-Dec-12) first introduced
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: RANDOMFILE.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 03-Feb-11 PURPOSE: This function returns a random file name which is unique CATEGORY: stand alone utility CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = RANDOMFILE() INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: returns a unique file name COMMON BLOCKS: RANDOMFILE_COMMON MODIFICATION HISTORY: (01-Jan-93 cjj) first written (18-Jul-10 aph) AXIS standard header added
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: RD_PEEM last changed ----------------------------- 21-Feb-10 (aph) PURPOSE This function reads in a PEEM-2 image file in either the as-recorded 12-bit or the converted 16-bit unsigned tif formats. Dependending on keywords, it then corrects for gain, background effects; applies median smoothing, and assigns the x,y scales and the photon energy The data is returned as an AXIS internal format 2d structure CATEGORY: Image processing. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = RD_PEEM(file [, bits12 = bits12, col12 = col12, Energy = energy, AXIS = AXIS, $ CCD_bgnd = CCD_bgnd, scale = scale, smth = smth, CCD_gain = CCD_gain, $ aoi_box = aoi_box, aoi_data = aoi_data, aoi_gain=aoi_gain, aoi_dark=aoi_dark, $ region = region, sphinx=sphinx, NOFILTER=nof, _extra=e]) INPUTS: FILE name of file to convert (user prompted if not supplied) KEYWORDS: AOI_box area of interest, defined by box, [x0, y0, x1, y1] acquired by PEEM-2 used to extract sub-image from dark and white files AOI_DATA if set, select AOI from input image AOI_GAIN if set, select AOI from CCD-gain image AOI_DARK if set, select AOI from dark image AXIS if set, indicates called from AXIS2000 widget BITS12 if set, this turns on the 12-bit read routine COL12 if set, defines number of columns to drop in 12-bit mode DWELL exposure time for image in seconds ENERGY sets energy PEEM image was recorded at CCD_BGND CCD background image (2-d array) that is subtracted; must be same size as image GROUP name of group leader calling RD_PEEM NOFILTER if set, then pickfile dialog does not have filter set to '*.tif' REGION a 4-number vector [x_start, x_stop, y_start, y_stop] defining the region of the image to be selected (if scale set, in real space units. Otherwise, in pixels) SCALE pixel size in microns SMTH if set, applies a 3-point median smooth SPHINX if set, switched 16-bit TIF read to signed CCD_GAIN CCD background image (2-d array) that is divided; must be same size as image (gives response of CCD to uniform illumination) COMMON AXIS_COM general common blocks for AXIS WARNINGS 1024x1024 images from CCD camera can be slow loading with older computers MODIFICATION HISTORY: (14-may-99 aph) first version (15-may-99 aph) save scale (pix_siz), region (cur, cll) values in common (08-jun-99 aph) add group to get_num call (25-jun-99 aph) report short gile name only (17-jul-99 aph) CCD_bgnd used (01-nov-99 ads) add nobits keyword & option for reading 12bit PEEM2 images (26-dec-99 aph) incorporated in AXIS 1.8c (23-oct-00 aph) 12-bit read in from arbitrary size - use Query_Tiff to obtain dimensions dump first 5 columns (20-apr-01 aph) getting 1024x1024 12-bit files to read (06-jun-01 aph) AXIS standard header; apply full background and gain image correction implement Area of Interest for gain, image and background (12-jul-01 aph) continuing development of improved PEEM read-in (31-jul-01 aph) handle bad file names properly; add axis keyword (04-aug-01 aph) add group keyword; remove intermediate plotting if group set (07-aug-01 aph) add dwell keyword and value to x-axs label if set (12-aug-01 aph) added keyword parameter to set 12-bit column drop; change GAIN correction to array (05-may-02 aph) add sphinx keyword to correct for signed format (12-may-02 aph) corrct name format in header. (16-jul-02 aph) read in 12-bit elmitec data stored in 16-bit TIF files correctly (23-may-04 aph) get keyword energy to be recognized and stop requesting a value (12-sep-07 aph) remove action of col12 function (drop first few columns); replace higher up with ax_cimage use axis_log instead of print (21-Feb-10 aph) fix up group ID problem (reading ALS PEEM2 format files)
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: RD_SPEM.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 11-Jan-10 PURPOSE: This reads SPEM data from a XPD labview format data file CATEGORY: STAND ALONE: utilities CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = RD_SPEM(file, NOFILTER=nof, _extra=e ) INPUTS: FILE - SPEM data file KEYWORD PARAMETERS: NOFILTER - use *.* as filter _EXTRA - pass on other call line parameters COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM - set of common blocks for AXIS MODIFICATION HISTORY: (31-Jan-00 aph) add hourglass since slow THIS is a file picker warapped around LOADSPEM (15-nov-00 cgz) AXIS standard documentation (15-nov-00 cgz) migrated LOADSPEM.PRO function into RD_SPEM.PRO since LOADSPEM is only called from within RD_SPEM.PRO (15-nov-00 cgz) Replaced call of DIMEN function by explicit (SIZE(var))(index+1) in LOADSPEM (30-nov-00 cgz) Replaced call of nwin with explicit window statement (11-Jan-10 aph) commented out all lines calling GLITCH - can not find in package most likely in one of Eli rotenbergs' combined utility files (11-Jan-10 aph) isolated as a separate file from LOADSPEM.PRO
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: READSTRBIG LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 14-nov-00 PURPOSE: This function reads all data up to the next end of line character from an identified logical unit into a string of arbitrary size. It is equivalent to readf,unit,s where s is a string The function gets around 32K buffer limit to load lines up to 64K long It also recognizes multi-OP-system end of line characters 10 (unix), 1010 (?), 1013 (DOS), 13 (mac), 1313 (mac,text) CATEGORY: STAND ALONE: utility (als) CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = READSTRBIG(unit) CALLED FROM AXIS: ->ALS file read in routines INPUTS: UNIT - logical unit to read KEYWORDS: BYTE - read in treated as byte-coded characters OUTPUTS: The result is a string. If not successfully read, a blank string is returned. COMMON BLOCKS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: (xx-mmm-96 er) created (27-feb-00 aph) AXIS standard documentation (14-nov-00 cgz) Replaced call of CHR function by explicit STRING(BYTE())
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: READWIN.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 21-Jul-14 PURPOSE: This function reads contents of WNUM graphics window into a bytscl array CATEGORY: graphics utility; standalone CALLING SEQUENCE: RESULT = READWIN, WNUM INPUTS: WNUM number of window to read (optional; current window is default) wnum is specified either as number or as a 5-element array [num, x0, y0, xwid, ywid] for a subset of the window KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: none COMMON BLOCKS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: (29-dec-00 aph) isolated from; AXIS standard header added (21-Jul-14 aph) corrected header
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: READ_AADATA.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 19-Jul-10 PURPOSE: This function reads the data from a file containing an amino acid spectrum, name, and chemical composition CATEGORY: Utility; part of XSpecSim, spectral simulator package CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = read_AAData (file=file, filter=filter, letter=letter, engdat=engdat, comp=comp) INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: FILE file name FILTER extension filter LETTER element of interest ENDGAT UNDEFINED AND UNUSED COMP composition in terhms of numbers of H,C,N,O,S,P OUTPUTS: COMMON BLOCKS: XSpecSim_Com X-SpecSim common block MODIFICATION HISTORY: (28-feb-07 jso) first version (18-Jul-10 aph) AXIS standard header added; axis_com and XSpecSim_com added
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: READ_AA_HEADER.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 19-Jul-10 PURPOSE: This function reads the header for a list of reference spectra datafiles CATEGORY: Utility; part of XSpecSim, spectral simulator package CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = READ_AA_HEADER(FILE=FILE) INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: FILE file name OUTPUTS: none COMMON BLOCKS: @XSpecSim_Com X-SpecSim common block MODIFICATION HISTORY: (28-feb-07 jso) first version (18-Jul-10 aph) AXIS standard header added; XSpecSim_com added
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: READ_ALL.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 22-Feb-06 (aph) PURPOSE: This function reads ion-ion correlation data from Time-of-Flight measurements performed and written by pTA program (C++, Neville) CATEGORY: utility; stand-alone or used through axis2000 CALLING SEQUENCE: for functions: Result = ReadAll (file=file, pipico=pipico, axis_on=axis_on, silent=silent, energy=energy) INPUTS: none obligatory KEYWORDS: FILE filename PIPICO plot PIPICO to check quality AXIS_ON if set, called from aXis2000 SILENT d not prompt for parameters ENERGY energy of all file OUTPUTS: Result is an aXis2000 format image of the PEPIPICO signal based on user-selected binning parameters COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks MODIFICATION HISTORY: (14-feb-04 aph) first version (21-feb-04 aph) adapt for auto use in all-sequence conversion (22-feb-06 aph) correct to use long's for large data sets (21-Jul-14 aph) corrected header
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: READ_ALS LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 03-Feb-11 PURPOSE: This function reads a Beamline 7 STXM image from a text file (*,im*, *,nrm) the image size, energy, dwell information is read from (*,dat) NB different formats were used for (*.dat) at various times CATEGORY: Image display. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = READ_ALS, FILE, PLOT=pl, DEGLITCH=dgl, FILTER=fltr, _extra=e INPUTS: FILE name of ALS BL 7 image file KEYWORDS: PLOT plot DEGLITCH remove glitch points FILTER extension OUTPUTS: axis standard file COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks MODIFICATION HISTORY: (27-may-97 aph) adapted from READ_IMG.PRO (Stefano code of Jan97) ( 7-Aug-97 aph) separate file (aph 9-oct-97 control color locally) ( 9-dec-97 aph) (16-feb-98) - cosmetics ( 3-mar-98 aph) non-square data; read in photon energy, dwell - store in SD ( 6-jun-98 aph) add identifier to y label indicating ALS source (14-jun-98 aph) axis_com (28-jul-98 aph) dwell format (07-Aug-98 aph) extension in label ( 7-jul-99 aph) FREE_LUN as well as close ! (26-mar-00 aph) extend energy format for > 1 keV (26-sep-00 aph) add E to 2d structure (15-nov-00 cgz) Replaced call of NCOLS function by explicit (SIZE(var))(1) (15-nov-00 cgz) Replaced call of NROWS function by explicit (SIZE(var))(2) (03-Feb-11 aph) AXIS standard header added
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: READ_APS_XRF_MAPS.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 21-Jun-2010 PURPOSE: This function reads APS XRF maps from ascii files CATEGORY: captive to aXis2000 (only works properly in modal mode data read in from aXis200: read~images~XRF~APS CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = READ_APS_XRF_IMG(file=file, filter=filter, map_num=map_num, normalize=normalize, $ group=group, store=store, silent=silent, verbose = verbose) KEYWORDS: FILE: name of file (*.pgm) FILTER: extension (default is '*.pgm') GROUP: group_ID of parent NORMALIZE: if set, modify intensities to standard ring current (value of normalize parameter SILENT: if set, do not print tracking comments STORE: if set, write *.axb (aXis2000 format) binary file of image TYPE: data source (currently set up for APS or CLS SGM) VERBOSE: if set print all of the header OUTPUTS: returns one or more maps into aXis2000 buffers using xrm_map_selector widget COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks MODIFICATION HISTORY: (21-Jun-10 aph) first version
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: READ_ASCII_IMG.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 12-Jun-10 PURPOSE: This function reads ascii (x,y) arrays into axis2000 format images CATEGORY: data read. can execute outside of aXis2000 CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = READ_ASCII_IMG(file=file, filter=filter, normalize=normalize, $ store=store, silent=silent, group = group) INPUTS: KEYWORDS: FILE: name of file FILTER: extension (default is '*.txt') GROUP: grou_ID of parent if called from aXis2000 NORMALIZE: if set, modify intensities to standard ring current (value of normalize parameter STORE: if set, write *.axb (aXis2000 format) binary file of image SILENT: if set, do not print tracking comments OUTPUTS: No explicit outputs. COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks SIDE EFFECTS: none RESTRICTIONS: none PROCEDURE: adapted from supplied by Jurgen Thieme MODIFICATION HISTORY: (12-Jun-10 aph) first version
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: READ_AXM.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 31-Jul-11 PURPOSE: This function reads CJJ or Zimba format mapper files (alignment data) into two standard 1-d aXis spectral files CATEGORY: read in . CALLING SEQUENCE: for procedures: ZOOM [, FACT = Fact, /INTERP, XSIZE = Xs, YSIZE = Ys, /CONTINUOUS, $ /KEEP, ZOOM_WINDOW=Zoom_Win, /NEW_WINDOW ] for functions: Result = READ_AXM(file=file) INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: FILE: filename (if not supplied, routine prompts for one, default extension *.aln) OUTPUTS: S_X - aXis 1-d structure with x values as index and y-values as the x-shift S_Y - aXis 1-d structure with x values as index and y-values as the y-shift COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks MODIFICATION HISTORY: (15-Jan-99 aph) first version of AXIS-wrapper for Jacobsen read_mapper routine (31-Jul-11 aph) AXIS standard header added
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: READ_BESSY_STACK.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 13-Jan-15 PURPOSE: This function reads a sequence of images measured with Bessy STXM (Thieme) and converts the set to an aXxis2000 *.ncb format CATEGORY: data read routine. can execute outside of aXis2000 CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = READ_BESSY_STACK(directory=directory, filter=filter, normalize=normalize, silent=silent, txm=txm) INPUTS: KEYWORDS: AXIS: if set to 1, indicates called from aXis DIRECTORY: name of directory FILTER: extension (default for images is '*.pgm') NORMALIZE: if set, modify intensities to standard ring current (value of normalize parameter SILENT: if set, do not print tracking comments TXM: if set, data is from the Bessy TXM OUTPUTS: No explicit outputs. COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks STACK_PROCESS_COM BSIF_COM volume_data, image_stack SIDE EFFECTS: none RESTRICTIONS: none PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: (13-Oct-08 aph) first version (22-Sep-11 aph) extend to read in Bessy TXM stacks (29-Oct-11 aph) complete development from 22-sep-11 (13-Jan-15 aph) adapt to take larger data sets; fix normalization
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: READ_BESSY_STXM.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 11-Oct-08 PURPOSE: This function reads a single image from Bessy STXM (Thieme) and applies positional and size information to the displayed image CATEGORY: data read. can execute outside of aXis2000 CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = READ_BESSY_STXM(file=file, filter=filter, normalize=normalize, store=store, silent=silent) INPUTS: KEYWORDS: FILE: name of file (*.pgm) FILTER: extension (default is '*.pgm') NORMALIZE: if set, modify intensities to standard ring current (value of normalize parameter STORE: if set, write *.axb (aXis2000 format) binary file of image SILENT: if set, do not print tracking comments OUTPUTS: No explicit outputs. COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks SIDE EFFECTS: none RESTRICTIONS: none PROCEDURE: adapted from supplied by Jurgen Thieme MODIFICATION HISTORY: (11-Oct-08 aph) first version
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: READ_BESSY_TXM.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 21-Mar-14 PURPOSE: This function reads a single image from Bessy TXM; applies positional and size information to the displayed image; optional binning and storage CATEGORY: data read. can execute outside of aXis2000 CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = READ_BESSY_TXM(file=file, filter=filter, bin-bin. normalize=normalize, store=store, silent=silent) INPUTS: KEYWORDS: FILE: name of file (*.pgm) BIN : if set, integer factor by which to bin the image FILTER: extension (default is '*.pgm') NORMALIZE: if set, modify intensities to standard ring current (value of normalize parameter STORE: if set, write *.axb (aXis2000 format) binary file of image SILENT: if set, do not print tracking comments OUTPUTS: No explicit outputs. COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks SIDE EFFECTS: none RESTRICTIONS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: (20-Sep-11 aph) first version adapted from read_bessy_stxm (29-Oct-11 aph) pick up the baton again; fix up error in binning by adding new bin routine (21-mar-14 aph) add princeton_header_define to set up structure
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: READ_BESSY_XML.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 11-Oct-08 PURPOSE: This function reads a text file witten in XML syntax which provides undulator, beamline, microscope and image parameters for Bessy STXM CATEGORY: data read routine. can execute outside of aXis2000 CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = READ_BESSY_XML(file=file, filter=filter, verbose=verbose) INPUTS: KEYWORDS: FILE: name of file (*.pgm) FILTER: extension (default is '*.xml') VERBOSE: if on, print parameters OUTPUTS: retuns an IDL named structure COMMON BLOCKS: none SIDE EFFECTS: none RESTRICTIONS: none PROCEDURE: adapted from supplied MODIFICATION HISTORY: (11-Oct-08 aph) first version; derived from by Jurgen Thieme
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 22-Jul-14 PURPOSE: This function reads ALS B 5.3 STXM data from self-defining format ascii files. Images, stacks and linescans have *.hdr and a set of *.xim files for {energies.channels.regions} Spectra are a single *.xsp file containing header and multi-column spectra. CATEGORY: Input / output utilty CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = READ_BL5(file, nof=nof, filter=filter, groupID=groupID, header_only=header_only, _extra=e) INPUTS: FILE optional file name KEYWORDS: FILTER user defined filter GROUPID group leader (Axis_ID if called from aXis2000 and axis) HEADER_ONLY print header contents only _EXTRA other passed through parameters OUTPUTS: structure variable; either 1d (spectra) or 2d (image) COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks BL5FORMAT reference number for naming muti-element arrays of structures MODIFICATION HISTORY: (10-feb-01 aph) first version (22-Jul-14) fixed header format
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: READ_BNL.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 31-Jul-11 PURPOSE: This function reads the old (*.nc) format image files from NSLS1, X1A STXM which are in a type of netCDF binary format It puts the image and associated information into BSIF_COMMON variables: image_data (the image array - possibly several planes deep for I, IO, CLOCK) x_normal, y_normal, rotated, x_title, y_title, x_dist, and y_dist The STXM scan data is put into "sd" Based on Mark Rivers stuff; Chris Jacobsen, June 1993 CATEGORY: Read in . CALLING SEQUENCE: for functions: Result = READ_BNL(file, header_only=header_only, _extra=e) INPUTS: FILE: name of file KEYWORDS: HEADER_ONLY: only rewad in header OUTPUTS: COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks BSIF_COM common block for netCDF files MODIFICATION HISTORY: (xx-jun-93 cjj) original version ( 7 -aug-97 aph) - added type='2d' (27-May-97 aph) - adapted from nsls version of READ_STXM to put data into ALS-style STRUCTURE ( 8-Mar-98 aph) - add SD to recover and use photon energy; use AXIS common (18-apr-98 aph) - SGU reported bug re divide by timer FIXED ( 6-Jun-98 aph) - made xl label identical to that in read_als() (14-jun-98 aph) - axis_com (19-jun-98 aph) - normalise to average time so counts ~ right (29-jun-98 aph) - correct problem with "skew,kurtosis not defined for var=0" (28-jul-98 aph) - dwell format (25-jun-99 aph) - use ax_name to parse filename (01-apr-00 aph) - extend size of E-display format (20-may-00 aph) - do not prompt for name if filename given (31-Jul-11 aph) AXIS standard header added
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: READ_BSP.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 31-Jul-11 PURPOSE: This function reads in old versions of spectra from NSLS1, X1A STXM It puts the spectrum and associated information into BSIF_COMMON variables: image_data (the array which holds the image - possible several planes deep for I, IO, CLOCK) x_normal, y_normal, rotated, x_title, y_title, x_dist, and y_dist The STXM scan data is put into "sd" BUT ONLY IF (?????????? INCOMPLETE COMMENT) - probably the 'SD' block was dropped for aXis2000 I wonder if the lack of this has something to do with flakiness of the "*.nc" format processing (loos of E) (26-jul-11 aph) CATEGORY: data read in CALLING SEQUENCE: for functions: Result = READ_BSP(file, sd, header_only=header_only, DEFPATH=DefPath, _extra=e) INPUTS: FILE filename KEYWORDS: HEADER_ONLY if set, reads header only COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks BSIF_COM netCDF common MODIFICATION HISTORY: (18-Jun-97 aph) Modified for SPECTRAL.PRO (14-jun-98 aph) bsif_com (28-jan-99 aph) add dwell info (25-jun-99 aph) fileshort only (31-Jul-11 aph) AXIS standard header added added axis_com common block (was not in prior to 26-jul-11) - DEFPATH removed changed init_sd to init_sd - they are the same
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: READ_CLS_SGM_XRF.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 21-Jun-2010 PURPOSE: This function reads CLS SGM XRF-excitation maps from ascii files CATEGORY: stand alone - . can execute outside of aXis2000 data read in from aXis200 as read~XRF~(APS, CLS-SGM) CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = READ_CLS_SGM_XRF(file=file, filter=filter, map_num=map_num, normalize=normalize, $ group=group, store=store, silent=silent, verbose = verbose, $ type = type, XRF_max=XRF_max, XRF_bin = XRF_bin) KEYWORDS: FILE: name of file (*.pgm) FILTER: extension (default is '*.pgm') GROUP: group_ID of parent NORMALIZE: if set, modify intensities to standard ring current (value of normalize parameter SILENT: if set, do not print tracking comments STORE: if set, write *.axb (aXis2000 format) binary file of image VERBOSE: if set print all of the header XRF_bin: factor to bin XRF spectra XRF_max: upper energy of XRf spectrum to keep OUTPUTS: returns maps as a standard aXis2000 2d array with defined x, and y axes, etc COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks MODIFICATION HISTORY: (21-Jun-10 aph) first version
(See c:\axis2000\
Copyright (c) 1999, Adam Hitchcock All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited. NAME: READ_CRYO PURPOSE: This function reads a cryo-STXM image file, converts it to NetCDF format, then reads that file into the standard 2d structure used internally in AXIS (ALS format) CATEGORY: Data analysis / conversion: CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = READ_CRYO() INPUTS: KEYWORD PARAMETERS: FILE: provides filename and thus pickfile dialog not launched (/silent) OUTPUTS: RESULT is a 2d image in AXIS 2d data structure s = {t:'2d', x:x, y:y, d:d, xl:x_label, yl: y_label, dl: data_label} COMMON BLOCKS: @axis_com PROCEDURE: uses cryo_to_stxm routine to convert to *.nc, then uses read_bnl routine to read into axis EXAMPLE: Can be used as stand-alone (in which case a structure is returned or as part of AXIS widget. tmp = read_cryo() MODIFICATION HISTORY: (15-sep-99) Written by: Adam Hitchcock - based on Jacobsen cryo_to_stxm routine. (18-sep-99 aph) auto-correct *.nc file for no NaN or inf data (17-Oct-99 aph) improve header. change name to READ_CRYO (was rd_cryo)
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: READ_CSV.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 31-Jul-11 PURPOSE: This procedure reads comma separated variable format files (*.csv) as written by Excel; closely related to 'mapper' type files and places te result into a user defined array variable, 'items' CATEGORY: Read in CALLING SEQUENCE: for functions: Result = READ_CSV(filename, items, help=help, quiet=quiet, string=string) INPUTS: FILENAME the name of the mapper file to be read ITEMS output of ITEMS that were in the file KEYWORDS: HELP prints help instructions QUIET do not print values as they are read-in ALL_STRING if set, report all variables as strings OUTPUTS: items as 2D array. You can also do x=items(0,*) and y=items(1,*) COMMON BLOCKS:none MODIFICATION HISTORY: (01-apr-99 cjj) work with 2d array (19-jul-00 cjj) Switch to using strsplit() to allow commas or spaces as delimiters (31-Jul-11 aph) AXIS standard header added; string keyword replaced by all_string
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: READ_ENERGIES.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 19-Jul-10 PURPOSE: This function reads a text file to extract an array of energies (in eV) and returns the array CATEGORY: Utility; part of XSpecSim , spectral simulator package CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = READ_ENERGIES(FILE=FILE, FILTER=FILTER) INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: FILE file name FILTER filter for extension OUTPUTS: none COMMON BLOCKS: @XSpecSim_Com X-SpecSim common block MODIFICATION HISTORY: (28-feb-07 jso) first version (18-Jul-10 aph) AXIS standard header added; XSpecSim_com added
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: READ_FileInfo_P3B LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 20-Jan-07 PURPOSE: This procedure reads all the parameters from ALS PEEM3 data file CATEGORY: utility CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = ReadFileInfo_P3B, FileName, PIXEL_TYPE = pixtype, $ IMAGE_DIMENSIONS = dims, IMAGE_NUMBER = nframes INPUTS: Filename name of file (ext = '*.p3b') KEYWORDS: PIXEL_TYPE IDL data type number (integer, float, long, etc) IMAGE_DIMENSIONS size of image (nx, ny) IMAGE_NUMBER number in a stack OUTPUTS: adds tags to data file COMMON BLOCKS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: (20-Jan-07 aph) extracted from (20-jan-07 version of A. Scholl)
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: READ_H5_PTYCHO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 15-Jan-2013 PURPOSE: This function reads content of *.pt pytography results file using the IDL H5_browser (post IDL 6.0) CATEGORY: data read-in; operates stand alone or in aXi2000 CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = READ_H5_PTYCHO(file=file, energy = energy, dwell = dwell, pix_size = pix_size) INPUTS: keyword only KEYWORDS: AXIS indicates called from axis DWELL dwell time of measurement ENERGY energy of image FILE name of file PIX_SIZE pixel size of ptycograph OUTPUTS: Returns an aXis format image (for the extracted STXM file) COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks MODIFICATION HISTORY: (28-nov-12 aph) first version as a script for only STXM_image (04-Dec-12 aph) AXIS standard header added (08-Dec-12 aph) use ptycho_select to access all items (15-Jan-13 aph) neaten up
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: READ_H5_SSRF LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 14-Jan-13 PURPOSE: This function reads content of *.pt pytography results file using the IDL H5_browser (post IDL 6.0) CATEGORY: data read-in; operates stand alone or in aXi2000 CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = READ_H5_PTYCHO(file=file, energy = energy, dwell = dwell, pix_size = pix_size) INPUTS: keyword only KEYWORDS: AXIS indicates called from axis DWELL dwell time of measurement ENERGY energy of image FILE name of file PIX_SIZE pixel size of ptycograph OUTPUTS: Returns an aXis format image (for the extracted STXM file) COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks MODIFICATION HISTORY: (14-Jan-13 aph) adapt READ_H5_PTYCHO to read SSRC (Shanghai) hd5 data
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: READ_IMG LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 30-Aug-2013 PURPOSE: This function reads in early ALS PEEM data CATEGORY: read in early ALS PEEM data (PRISM - Brian Tonner's machine). CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = READ_IMG (file, HSIZE=hs) INPUTS: FILE name of file KEYWORDS: hsize SIZE OF IMAGE COMMON BLOCKS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: Import Data Translation .IMG file format ( PRISM expt ) (11-nov-00 cgz) migrated from IO.PRO (30-Aug-13 aph) AXIS standard header added
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: READ_LOX LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 20-Jul-10 (aph) PURPOSE: This function reads Lox format data files used in CLS CaPeRS PEEM. Spectra, images, stacks and linescans have *.lox and a set of associated files Image and image sequences are 16-bit TIF format, and can have associated saved signals. Spectra are a *#.xsp file for each region (#) containing multi-column spectra. CATEGORY: Input / output utilty; stand alone or from axis2000 CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = READ_LOX(file=file, filter=filter, channel = channel, region = region, verbose=verbose, $ group=group, header_only=header_only, map=map, one_image, _extra=e) INPUTS: FILE optional file name KEYWORDS: FILE name of file (if not given, use pickfile2 to obtain filename FILTER user defined filter CHANNEL preselected data channel MULTI read all channels REGION preselected region ALL_REGIONS read in all regions VERBOSE print out details of parsing structure (testing) GROUP group leader (Axis_ID if called from aXis2000 and axis) TYPE extract and return header contents only MAP treat NEXAFS Image Scan as a set of 2 images to derive OD difference as a map ONE_IMAGE if defined, index of image to be read _EXTRA other passed through parameters OUTPUTS: structure variable; either 1d (spectra) or 2d (image, linescan) or 3d (stack, as *.ncb) COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks @BSIF_COM stack common VOLUME_DATA stack data set LOX_COM common for LOX read in @stack_process_com common for stack_process ()NB used to be analcom - ONLY CHANGED 29-Jul-09) MODIFICATION HISTORY: (16-Oct-05 aph) first adapted from read_sdf (Aug-05 version) CAUTION - previously a procedure with this name (READ_LOX) only read spectra - that routine was re-named READ_LOX_SPECTRA - calls from axis_c, tif_convert were changed - other uses may exist !! (29-Oct-05 aph) - adapt for stack read in (partial) (13-nov-05 aph) - finsih stack read in ; channels, spectrum (16-nov-05 aph) - accomodate binning (18-mar-06 aph) only print binning of camera in verbose mode; fix channel read in (05-jun-06 aph) error of IDL5.2 reading Lox files solved - line 122 - need to use t(0) (SCALAR) not t (ARRAY) (13-aug-06 jso) adapt to new format of Lox files (07-jan-07 aph) check if DarkImageSubtracted="True", if so, set lox.dark=0 (15-jan-07 aph) correct stack read to give correct size (11-jun-08 aph) fix first image mis-match array dimension problem - KLUGE on hbin, vbin !!! (31-Jul-09 aph) add stack_process_com to see if it solves, ' no eV error ' (since Jun-08) add sorting data types by ScanType label ('XPS' or 'Energy'-> NEXAFS or SEEM (??) ) include Ring current normalization (switched) (03-Aug-09 aph) remove bail on read-error so a Lox structure is passed back (20-Jul-10 aph) get to read correctly; dark current to subtract correctly
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: READ_LOX_SPECTRA LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 08-jan-07 (aph) PURPOSE: This function reada a Lox spectral file into an aXis 1-d structure or into a multi-column array CATEGORY: spectral input called from READ~spectra~Lox CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = READ_LOX_SPECTRA(file=file, filter=filter, NOF=nof, multi = multi, $ channel=channel, region = region, verbose = verbose, _extra=e) INPUTS: All input parameters are passed as keywords. KEYWORDS: FILE: filename FILTER: optional user selectable filter (default = '*.lox' NOF: no filter (*.*) MULTI read all spectra in multi-column file VERBOSE: if set to 1; print input file as it is read CHANNEL read in specific channel of a multi-column file REGION read-in from file associated with a specific region (now = PEEM-channel) SILENT if set, no feedback in print or axis_log _EXTRA_E: forward other parameters to any programs this one calls OUTPUTS: returns a structure containing spectrum, unless MULTI keyword is set COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks MODIFICATION HISTORY: (17-may-04 aph) adapt from pem_load fle (01-jun-04 aph) adapt for stack files without (30-jan-05 aph) add sorting to make compatible with reverse scanning (14-jun-05 aph) correct spectral read in to get correct number of points (16-jun-05 aph) add kluge to handle blank line in jun-05 lox_spectra format (16-oct-05 aph) CHANGED NAME (from Read_lox to Read_lox_spectra) set up to do multi-column reading for regions (13-Nov-05 aph) read in mesh or specific region signal (18-mar-06 aph) activate channel parameter (12-jun-06 jso) corrected to be compatible with IDL5.2 (07-aug-06 aph) merged with main code (08-jan-07 aph) define channel, when it is not defined by keyword
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: READ_MAPPER LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 27-Jul-11 PURPOSE: This procedure extracts the data from Mapper files (files written by CJJJ's stack alignmnent) and stores it in float arrays x and y CATEGORY: read in CALLING SEQUENCE: READ_MAPPER, filename, x, y, help=help, quiet=quiet INPUTS: FILENAME name of file KEYWORDS: HELP list parameters QUIET trun off print comments FUNCTIONS Read_mapper_firstnum strips out all stuff before a comma MAPPER file format is (this is output oz Zimba auto-align) ! X-Y Pixel shifts after alignment ! Full images used ! Aligned to preceding images ! Correlation maximum determined by 3-pt quadratic fit ! No edge enhancement ! Maximum allowed shift of 10 pixels ! Shift threshold of 0.01 pixels ! Edgegauss smoothing of 3 pixels ALIGN(-1,-1,0,0,10,0.01,3,0,0,0,0,-1 PLOTIT(4 532_110326020_a000.xim 278.00 0.80,0.0000,0.0000 532_110326020_a001.xim 285.30 0.80,-0.1701,-1.0884 532_110326020_a002.xim 292.40 0.80,-0.0824,-1.3861 532_110326020_a003.xim 300.20 0.80,0.0361,-1.5492 OUTPUTS: X x-values Y y-values (can be multi-dimensional) COMMON BLOCKS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: (20-Nov-77 cjj) rewritten from Rivers stuff (26-Jul-11 aph) AXIS standard header added
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: READ_MRC_FILE.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 22-Jul-14 (aph) PURPOSE: This procedure reads a whole stack (3d (x,y,z) array) from a *.MRC binary file details of the mrc format can be found at: CATEGORY: stack processing CALLING SEQUENCE: READ_MRC_FILE, FILE INPUTS: FILE name of the input file KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: none COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks STACK_PROCESS_COM BSIF_COM volume_data, image_stack SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: (12-Jun-06 gaj) first version based on WRITE_MRC_FILE and STACK_RB (13-Jun-06 gaj) corected some variable names and bugs (30-jul-09 aph) changed analcom to stack_process_com (update to stack_process) (22-Jul-14 aph) corrected header
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: READ_NEXUS LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 31-Jul-15 PURPOSE: This set of procedures is a widget to read in files in NXstxm, the HDF5 NeXus file format developed for STXM. The widget uses read_nexus to perform the file input. For more info on the NeXus file format, see CATEGORY: Input / output utilty; stand alone or from ax_nexus / axis2000 CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = READ_NEXUS(file,[ filter=filter, channel = channel, region = region, verbose=verbose, $ group=group, header_only=header_only, no_display=no_display, no_Save=no_save, $ one_image=one_image, _extra=e]) INPUTS: none required KEYWORDS: FILE optional file name FILTER user defined filter CHANNEL preselected data channel REGION preselected region VERBOSE print out details of parsing structure (testing) GROUP group leader (Axis_ID if called from aXis2000 and axis) HEADER_ONLY extract and return header contents only NO_DISPLAY if set, do not store or display in curbuf NO_SAVE if set, do not save output SILENT do not print any tracking information ONE_IMAGE if defined, index of image to be read (first image is number 1) _EXTRA other passed through parameters OUTPUTS: structure variable; either 1d (spectra) or 2d (image, linescan) or 3d (stack, as *.ncb) COMMON BLOCKS: STACK_PROCESS_COM common for stack_process AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks BSIF_COM stack common VOLUME_DATA stack data set NEXUS_COM common for NeXus read in MODIFICATION HISTORY: (27-Apr-15 bw ) First version written using as a template (13-Jul-15 aph) first integration into axis2000 (02-July-15 version) (22-Jul-15 aph) add restriction to post-8.0 IDL versions (31-Jul-15 bw ) modified to use IDL6.3 routines; stack rread-in corrected
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: READ_NSRRC_PEEM.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 27-Aug-13 PURPOSE: This reads an NSRCC PEEM stack from an NSRRC data file (extension: *,pem) and returns it as an aXis2000 format stack binary file (*.cb) with options to bin CATEGORY: STAND ALONE: utilities CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = READ_NSRRC_PEEM(file, BIN=BIN, GROUP=GROUP, NOFILTER=nof, VERBOSE=VERBOSE, _extra=e ) INPUTS: FILE - NSRRC PEEM image or stack (multi-image) data file KEYWORD PARAMETERS: FILE file name GROUP name of group calling this program NOFILTER - use *.* as filter VERBOSE - if set, print additional documentation _EXTRA - pass on other call line parameters COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM set of common blocks for AXIS BSIF_COMMON for output stack parameters NSRRC_SPEM_COM parameters specific to NSRRC SPEM read-in stack_process_com for output stack parameters VOLUME_DATA output stack MODIFICATION HISTORY: (26-Aug-13 aph) first version (start from (NSRRC SPEM)
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: READ_NSRRC_SPEM.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 27-Jul-15 PURPOSE: This reads SPEM data from an NSRRC data file (extension: *,pic, *.ric) and returns it as an aXis2000 format structure CATEGORY: STAND ALONE: utilities CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = RD_SPEM(file, NOFILTER=nof, _extra=e ) INPUTS: FILE - SPEM data file KEYWORD PARAMETERS: FILE file name GROUP name o fgroup calling this program NOFILTER - use *.* as filter VERBOSE - if set, print additional documentation _EXTRA - pass on other call line parameters COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM set of common blocks for AXIS BSIF_COMMON for output stack parameters NSRRC_SPEM_COM parameters specific to NSRRC SPEM read-in stack_process_com for output stack parameters VOLUME_DATA output stack MODIFICATION HISTORY: (16-Jul-13 aph) first version (start from (ALS SPEM) (19-Jul-13 aph) write analyser data as a stack (22-Jul-13 aph) make work with read_nsrrc_spem_gui (28-Jul-13 aph) leave file name definition and checking for write_ncb (27-Jul-15 aph) change ( ) to [ ] for defined ranges
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: READ_NSRRC_SPEM_GUI LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 22-Jul-2013 PURPOSE: This procedure is a widget to select an NSRRC SPEM data file It allows user to input relevant parameters. Output is the sample current image (returned as aXis2000 2d datafile) and the photoelectron 16-channel stack, which is stored on disk if extension is '*.ric'- stepper motor scan (r = rough) if extension is '*.pic' - piezo scan (p = piezo) CATEGORY: Data read-in CALLING SEQUENCE: RESULT = READ_NSRRC_SPEM_GUI() INPUTS: NONE KEYWORDS: FILE initial path & file information SILENT OUTPUTS: No explicit outputs. A new window is created if necessary COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks NSRRC_SPEM_COM parameters specific to NSRRC SPEM read-in MODIFICATION HISTORY: (22-Jul-13 aph) first version
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: READ_P3B LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 12-Sep-07 PURPOSE: This function reads a ALS PEEM3 image (IDL windows binary with a structure defining microscope parameters) CATEGORY: utility CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = Read_P3B, Filename, TAGS = tags, NTAGS = numtags INPUTS: Filename name of file (ext = '*.p3b') KEYWORDS: TAGS predefined structure which extracts from embeded parameter structure NTAGS number of tags in predefined variable OUTPUTS: RESULT 2-d array with data, and TAGS structure, if requested COMMON BLOCKS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: (20-Jan-07 aph) extracted from (20-jan-07 version of A. Scholl) (12-sep-07 aph) updated from late Jan-07 version sent by Andreas
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: READ_P3B_SPECTRUM LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 20-Jan-07 PURPOSE: This function reads a ALS PEEM3 spectrum CATEGORY: utility CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = Read_P3B_spectrum, file=file INPUTS: only by keyword KEYWORDS: File name of file (ext = '*.dat') FLTR alternative data filter SILENT do not give log details OUTPUTS: RESULT 1-d axis structure COMMON BLOCKS: MODIFICATION HISTORY: (20-Jan-07 aph) first written
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: READ_PEEM3 LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 07-Aug-08 (aph) PURPOSE: This function reads in ALS PEEM3 format image and stores in an axis 2d structre CATEGORY: STAND ALONE: utility CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = READ_PEEM3([file=file, nof=nof,bin=bin, scale=scale, _extra=e]) CALLED FROM AXIS: Read->Images->AXIS (and in many analysis routines) INPUTS: none. All input parameters are passed as keywords. KEYWORDS: FILE - filename to read NOF - no nme filter BIN - factor to bin by SCALE - scale in nm/pixel prior to binning _EXTRA - passed on parameters OUTPUTS: RESULT = AXIS 2d structure COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks MODIFICATION HISTORY: (21-Jan-07 aph) first version (10-mar-07 sgu) modify for change in ring current key word (beamcurrent => ringcurrent) (12-mar-07 aph) generalize to either key word (12-sep-07 aph) allow stand alone operation; change to use Scholl faster approach (single read of image) (07-Aug-08 aph) remove ring current normalization if ring current less than 1 mA or absent
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: READ_PRINCETON PURPOSE: This procedure reads data files written by Princeton Instruments' WinSPEC and WinVIEW software. CATEGORY: File input. CALLING SEQUENCE: READ_PRINCETON, File, Data INPUTS: File: The name of the data file to read. OUTPUTS: Data[nx, ny, nframes]: The output data array. The array will be 1, 2 or 3 dimensions (depending upon whether ny and nframes are 1) and can be integer, long or float data type. KEYWORD OUTPUTS: HEADER: The 4100 byte header from the file. This header can be used to extract additional information about the file. See the Princteon Instruments "PC Interface Library Programming Manual" for the description of the header structure, and this procedure for examples of how to extract information from the header. X_CALIBRATION: An nx array of calibrated values for each pixel in the X direction. Y_CALIBRATION: An ny array of calibrated values for each pixel in the Y direction. COMMENTS: A 5-element string array containing the "experiment comments" fields, which is a 5x80 byte array starting at location 200 in the PI header. These fields are typically used to store experiment-specific information. For example, in the tomography experiments we use the first two strings to store the frame type and rotation angle. DATE: A date string of the form DDMMMYYYY:HH:MM:SS EXPOSURE: The exposure time in seconds. BACKGROUND_FILE: The name of the background file that was subtracted from the data SILENT: Flag, if set do not print feedback RESTRICTIONS: This procedure currently only extracts limited information from the header. It should be exhanced to extract more fields, probably into a structure. The data and calibration are corrected for byte order when reading on a big-endian host, but other elements of the header are not converted. EXAMPLE: Read a data file: IDL> READ_PRINCETON, 'test.spe', data, header=header, x_cal=x_cal IDL> plot, x_cal, data IDL> clock_speed = float(header, 1428) IDL> print, 'Vertical clock speed (microseconds) = ', clock_speed MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, 11/4/97 Mark Rivers 10/27/98 Convert data to long if any pixels are > 32K Mark Rivers 11/12/98 Fix to not convert data if already long Mark Rivers 3/16/99 Added /BLOCK keyword to openr to work with VMS Mark Rivers 3/27/99 Added "Comments" keyword Mark Rivers 3/29/99 Added "Date" keyword Mark Rivers 2/22/00 Corrected byte order for data and calibration. Mark Rivers 9/11/01 Added "exposure" keyword Mark Rivers 9/12/01 Added "background_file" keyword (19-sep-11 aph) adapt for reading in Bessy TXM image sequences (29-Oct-11 aph) add silent keyword
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: READ_SDF LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 12-jul-15 PURPOSE: This function reads self-defining format ascii files written by "ALS 532"-class instruments using STXM_Control as their operating system (as of 30-Jul-09: ALS (3), CLS, SLS, Bessy, Stanford) Spectra, images, stacks and linescans have *.hdr and a set of *.xim files Images and stacks with non-square pixels are extended to have square pixels Image modes have separate file for each {energies.channels.regions} Spectra are a *#.xsp file for each region (#) containing multi-column spectra. Images, stacks are normalized to 400 mA ring current (N400) CATEGORY: Input / output utilty; stand alone or from ax_sdf / axis2000 CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = READ_SDF(file,[ filter=filter, channel = channel, region = region, verbose=verbose, $ group=group, header_only=header_only, no_display=no_display, no_Save=no_save, map=map, $ no_interpolate=no_interpolate, one_image=one_image, _extra=e]) INPUTS: none required KEYWORDS: FILE optional file name FILTER user defined filter CHANNEL preselected data channel REGION preselected region ALL_REGIONS read in all regions VERBOSE print out details of parsing structure (testing) GROUP group leader (Axis_ID if called from aXis2000 and axis) HEADER_ONLY extract and return header contents only IMAGE_NUM 2 number aray defining background and signal for maps (first image is 1) MAP treat NEXAFS Image Scan as a set of 2 images to derive OD difference as a map NO_DISPLAY if set, do not store or display in curbuf NO_INTERPOLATE if set, do not convert rectangular to square pixels NO_SAVE if set, do not save output SILENT do not print any tracking information ONE_IMAGE if defined, index of image to be read (first image is number 1) _EXTRA other passed through parameters OUTPUTS: structure variable; either 1d (spectra) or 2d (image, linescan) or 3d (stack, as *.ncb) COMMON BLOCKS: STACK_PROCESS_COM common for stack_process AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks BSIF_COM stack common VOLUME_DATA stack data set SDF_COM common for SDF read in SDFORMAT reference number for naming muti-element arrays of structures MODIFICATION HISTORY: (11-feb-01 aph) first version (23-feb-01 aph) arrays of structures implemented (25-feb-01 aph) option to return structure only implemented (27-jun-01 aph) adapt to read focus and OSA scans (12-jul-01 aph) enable read-in of spectral modified format (29-jul-01 aph) retired read_bl5 spectral read-in; new format with *.hdr is in place regions implemented for spectra (14-aug-01 aph) fixed errors found by Ivo in spectra & linescan read-in (17-aug-01 aph) adapt to REGIONS (kluge needed !) (22-aug-01 aph) stack readin (directly convert to *.ncb file) (09-nov-01 aph) activate all region read in for spectra (17-feb-02 aph) motor scan processing (28-feb-02 aph) ensure works for partial stacks (12-may-02 aph) correct header name format (28-may-02 aph) delete last column - set of zero's which may cause processing problems (11-dec-02 aph) adapt for VLM Image readin; (NB group_ID problem if run stand alone) (02-apr-03 aph) 'OSA focus scan' read-in (29-apr-03 aph) add tag in log and axis windows to identify bad images (19-jun-04 aph) auto sort energies on readin of stack - NB PROBLEM with IDL sort function !! (22-aug-04 aph) replace 'GoTo' with 'ToGo' to avoid problem with IDL 6 throwing error on 'GoTo' kluge solution to out-of-order sort (29-aug-04 aph) restricted sort correction to IDL 6 using !version.release check NB - array_equal not in pre-IDL6 ; sort still does not work correctly ! (21-nov-04 aph) read Detector scans (20-feb-05 aph) add MAP function to read in a 2-image stack and take OD difference add one_image finction to read one image from a stack (09-mar-05 aph) fix IDL 5.2 partial stack read-in problem (24-mar-05 aph) simplify label for 1-image read-in (filename indicates it) (17-jun-05 aph) channels and regions working for map and 1-image read; default region = 1 (24-aug-05 aph) extend to 26 channels of data (25-aug-05 aph) add Pattern and Chart read-in (15-dec-05 aph) adapt to non-axis and non-interactive use (for tomography) add definition of images for mapping; add keywords SILENT, NO_INTERPOLATE correct error on interpolation to square pixels (22-Mar-06 aph) Images, stacks normalized to 400 mA ring current (N400); add chart scan read in (04-May-06 aph) normalize stacks image-by-image to the ring current (11-mar-07 aph) switch on panel to set flag to control ring current normalization (18-May-07 aph) correct read-in of 1-image for multi-channel data (B. Watts) (14-Jun-07 aph) systematically close_lun, free_lun (replaced 2 close,/all commands) to allow stack read and release (14-Jul-07 aph) allow transfer of stack to stack_analyze even if do not write raw stack (13-Oct-08 aph) convert from stack-analyze to stack_process (01-Feb-09 aph) add interpolation of images to recorded (x,y) values (TRIGRID and 2-pass (1d line-by-line) (31-Jul-09 aph) clean-up transfer from stack-analyze to stack_process change sdf_normalize so it adapts to changes in norm_value (22-Jan-10 aph) remove print of group, axisID except when verbose is on (19-Feb-10 aph) add region name to label (16-Apr-10 aph) fix auto-read of channel & one-image for XRF stack read (17-Apr-10 aph) add no_display option (20-Apr-10 aph) fix no_display so it works (02-feb-11 aph) stacks with non-square pixels are converted (congrid) to square pixels (19-feb-11 aph) fix bad i-ring normalization in stxm_11 read-ins (01-Jun-11 aph) clean-up tracking (27-Jul-11 aph) remove old (commented out) use of read_bl5 (intermediate data format for STXM5322 in 2001) (31-jul-11 aph) converted map to use 1,2,3 (people) numbering instead of 0,1,2,3 (IDL) so that the one_image and map image numbering protocols are the same (08-May-13 aph) adapt read-in to changes Russ Berg made in file format for XMCD scans (28-Aug-13 aph) provide default file name for stacks when read in (09-Nov-13 aph) sdf_lastfile, sdf_path defined in main routine; add keyword no_save (11-Nov-13 aph) ignore request to normalize to ring current if beam current not defined or below a threshold (21-Dec-13 aph) reversed change in what sdf_lastfile is - was main name; had changed to full (path, main * extension) which ended up having the read_sdf widget displaying full version in the name box (16-jun-14 aph) corrected error in Dec-13 version where sdf_lastfile was defined with the '.hdr' extension (21-Jul-14 aph) ensure stand alone operation works; variabilize the ring current normalization value (24-Oct-14 aph) modify map to deal with rectangular pixels (29-Nov-14 aph) introduce scan.type ='Ptycho Image Scan' images; add read_image_scan() function (02-Jul-15 aph) clean up feedback of ring current read-in - silent keyword replaced with SDF_silent common variable fix problem of slow read-in (pixel by pixel scaling !) (12-Jul-15 aph) corrected Pixel_Diff ==> Pix_diff (in sdf-com)
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: READ_STXM LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 28-Jul-11 PURPOSE: This procedure reads in a STXM image from netCDF format (NSLS2 X1A old format) It puts the image and associated information into BSIF_COMMON variables: image_data (the array which holds the image - possible several planes deep for I, IO, CLOCK) x_normal, y_normal, rotated, x_title, y_title, x_dist, and y_dist The STXM scan data is put into "sd" CATEGORY: Read in CALLING SEQUENCE: READ_STXM, file, sd, khz,header_only=header_only, nocopybytes=nocopybytes,help=help INPUTS: FILE filename SD scan information KHZ signal KEYWORDS: HEADER_ONLY NOCOPYBYTES HELP OUTPUTS: spectrum COMMON BLOCKS: BSIF_COM standard set of netCDF common blocks MODIFICATION HISTORY: Based on Mark Rivers stuff; Chris Jacobsen, June 1993 CHANGES Version 1.0 had the attribute "sd.operator", which in version 1.1 is called "operator". Chris Jacobsen, August 27, 1993 Version 1.2 was a change in writing - x_title and y_title were forced to be string arrays. No change in reading. CJ, 02 Nov 93 Version 1.3 added keyword /continue to message command so control is returned to the calling level. Henry Chapman, 23 Jun 95. Changed copy_bytes to not be called if requested, and not to be called under Windows. CJ, 4 Nov. 1997. (aph 12-jan-99) on_IOerror added to handle *.sl with extral line at end (aph 15-May-99) drop first line to remove glitches (aph 20-may-99) REMOVED last change since it gave errors if no existing image_data (09-sep-99 aph) change to get meaningful (x,y) scales in stacks (X_start, Y_start) but not implemented !! (28-Jul-11 aph) AXIS standard header added
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: READ_STXM4 LAST CHANGED: 30-Sep-01 PURPOSE: This function reads a STXMIV image (spectrum) file into the standard 2d (1d) structure used internally in AXIS (ALS format) Spectra are distinguished from images by existence of only one row CATEGORY: Data analysis / conversion: CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = read_stxm4() INPUTS: KEYWORD PARAMETERS: FILE: provides filename and thus pickfile dialog not launched (/silent) SILENT: if set there is no logging of the conversion (for multifile processing) OUTPUTS: RESULT is EITHER: a 2d image in AXIS 2d data structure s = {t:'2d', x:x, y:y, e:energy; d:d, xl:x_label, yl: y_label, dl: data_label} OR a 1d spectrum in AXIS 1d data structure s = {t:'1d', x:x, d:d, dn:d, xl:x_label, yl: y_label, dl: data_label} COMMON BLOCKS: @axis_com @bsif_com MODIFICATION HISTORY: (29-jun-01 aph) develop to read new STXM IV ; modified from read_cryo (18-jul-01 aph) add storage of parameters in sd structure of bsif_com to properly transfer info (30-sep-01 aph) adapt to read NSLS STRXM-IV spectra; images in kHz
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: READ_TAGS LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 12-Sep-07 PURPOSE: This function reads parameters from an embedded structure in the ALS PEEM3 data format CATEGORY: utility CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = ReadTags, Unit, TAGS = Tags, NTAGS = numtags, MAXTAGS = maxtags INPUTS: Unit open file unit number Tags parameters with associated Tag names (IDL structure) NTags number of tags MaxTags maximum number of tags KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: adds tags to data file COMMON BLOCKS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: (20-Jan-07 aph) extracted from (20-jan-07 version of A. Scholl) (12-sep-07 aph) update to version sent late Jan-07 (seemed the same)
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: READ_TXM_ALBA LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 29 Mar 2015 PURPOSE: This function reads an image or stack from an hdf format file CATEGORY: Data read-in. Stand alone or used in aXis2000 CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = READ_TXM_ALBA(file=file, one=one) KEYWORDS: file filename norm ring current to which to normalize (100 mA is initial ring current) one if set, read only 1 image silent if set, do not print tracing comments three if set, use 3rd format established by Mistral (Mark Rosanes) OUTPUTS: axis format image if one image; *.(ncb,dat) if stack LIMITATIONS for large files, this code will not work on 32-bit architecture systems (XP) COMMON BLOCKS: axis stack_process_com volume_data bsif_com MODIFICATION HISTORY: (29-Mar-15 aph) first verion
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: READ_UVIEW LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 01-Nov-05 PURPOSE: This function reads in an image from (*.dat) binary format of UVIEW2002 camera program from Elmitec PEEM-III Format is described in the UVIEW2002 manual returns image as an aXis2000 2d structure CATEGORY: AXIS: image utility (also runs stand alone) CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = READ_UVIEW(file = file, skip=skip, verbose=verbose) CALLED FROM AXIS: ->Image->Elmitec->{dat} INPUTS: All input parameters are passed as keywords. KEYWORDS: FILE - name of file; if supplied, and exists, reads silently SKIP - do not read header; value of skip is image size (square) VERBOSE - if set, print all of file and image headers OUTPUTS: none COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks DETAILS Format of Uview binary mage files (*.dat) has 3 parts Fileheader (104 bytes) Imageheader (48 bytes) Data (width x height x 2 bytes) struct UKFileHeader{ size of(UKFileHeader):104 20 char id[20]; 2 short size; 2 short version; 2 short BitsPerPixel; (= 16 for Sensicam, storage, not 12-bit acquisition) 6 [not advetised 6-byte 'bye' for getting long to proper spot ] // 6 bytes inserted to get to next 8 byte boundary. LONGLONG seems to need to start at 8 byte boundary 8 LONGLONG starttime; 2 short ImageWidth; 2 short ImageHeight; 2 short NrImages; 2 short spareShort; 56 BYTE spare[56]; }; struct UKImageHeader size of(UKImageHeader):48 2 short size; 2 short version; 4 // 4 bytes inserted to get to next 8 byte boundary 8 LONGLONG imagetime; 4 long LEEMdata1_source; 4 float LEEMdata1_data; 2 short spin; 2 short spareShort; 4 float LEEMdata2_data; 16 BYTE spare[16]; }; ISSUES conversion from 8 bytes to a long_long time imagetime = 80 34 169 121 151 231 193 1 may be same as imagetime = 2041127504 (ulong) NEW FORMAT WITH UVIEW2002 version 1.3.10 (October 2005) Format of Uview binary mage files (*.dat) has 3 parts Fileheader (104 bytes) Imageheader (48 bytes - if Version <5; 288 bytes if version >=5) Data (width x height x 2 bytes) MODIFICATION HISTORY: (29-apr-02 aph) first written (03-may-02 aph) get all of header using clues from Uwe (09-jun-04 aph) remove tag line in image time (under verbose); check that E is added (01-Nov-05 aph) adapt for new data format (1.3.10 - Oct-05); NB skip not working
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: READ_XAS LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 26-sep-00 PURPOSE: This procedure reads a spectrum from 'XAS' format into NetCDF format (nsls) CATEGORY: STAND ALONE: spectral processing CALLING SEQUENCE: read_xas,filename,ev,all_data,header,header_only=header_only,help=help CALLED FROM AXIS: Read-spectrum-NSLS-XAS INPUTS: filename name of file ev energy array returned to caller all_data intensity array over a number of channels returned to caller header header returned to caller KEYWORDS: hader_only = read header only help = help OUTPUTS: none COMMON BLOCKS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: file obtained from Jacobsen Feb-98; developed from Mancini / Hitchcock format (26-sep-00 aph) AXIS standard documentation
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: READ_XAS_XRF_STACK LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 01-Sep-12 (aph) PURPOSE: This function reads in a set of XRF-stack files defined in a *.ssl names file = X-ray fluorescence spectra at each pixel of an image, over a set of additional control parameters such as incident X-ray energy (e.g. stacks of stacks written by STXM_control) CATEGORY: STAND ALONE: read in utility; used in aXis2000 CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = READ_XAS_XRF_STACK([file=file, NOF=nof, verbose=verbose, group=group) CALLED FROM AXIS: Read->Stacks~XAS_XRF INPUTS: none. All input parameters are passed as keywords. KEYWORDS: FILE filename to read NOF no filter GROUP group ID (aXis_ID) VERBOSE print log information about processing EXTRA passed on parameters OUTPUTS: xas_xrf_stack - 4-D array (x,y,a,b) where a = fluorescence X-ray energy, b = additional control (e.g. incident photon energy) , COMMON BLOCKS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: (20-Feb-10 aph) first version, adapted from (01-Sep-12 aph) fix error in group name; allow user to generate '*.ssl' file
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: READ_XRF_IMG LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 13-Mar-11 (aph) PURPOSE: This function reads in XRF images from Twinmic STXM; Inca (Oxford SDD) on Tescan SEM CATEGORY: STAND ALONE: read in utility CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = READ_XRF_IMG([file=file, NOF=nof, group=group,TYPE=TYPE, $ VERBOSE=VERBOSE, SILENT=SILENT, PARAM=PARAM, _extra=e]) CALLED FROM AXIS: Read~Images~XRF INPUTS: none. All input parameters are passed as keywords. KEYWORDS: FILE filename to read NOF no filter (default filter = '*.axb') GROUP group leader (Axis_ID if called from aXis2000 and axis) SILENT if set, do not display feedback on progress PARAM if set, ask user for parameters of Twinmic image TYPE type of image (sum, X_mom, Y_mom) selected automatically SCOPE instrument generating data (twinmic, inca) VERBOSE print log information about processing EXTRA passed on parameters OUTPUTS: RESULT = AXIS 1d or 2d structure COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks @BSIF_COM for NSLSL *.nc MODIFICATION HISTORY: (14-Dec-09 aph) adapted from AXB_LOAD (14-Feb-10 aph) extend to SEM Oxford INCA XRF images (*.tsv) (27-Mar-10 aph) add flip to inca images to make consistent with Tescan SEM images add trim and multi-file *.tsv read (25-May-10 aph) inca images read in - adapt to FIELD0001 versus FIELD001 names (10-mar-11 aph) auto find sub-images from INCA (*.tsv) (13-mar-11 aph) get multi-file read in going
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: READ_XRF_STACK LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 01-Sep-12 (aph) PURPOSE: This function reads in a single file containing X-ray fluorescence spectra at each pixel, written by STXM_control or by Oxford Inca (*.raw, *.rpl) files CATEGORY: STAND ALONE: read in utility CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = READ_XRF_STACK(file=file, NOF=nof, inca=inca, verbose=verbose, group=group, $ no_write=no_write, silent=silent, energy = energy, one_image=one_image, extra = extra) CALLED FROM AXIS: Read->Stacks INPUTS: none. All input parameters are passed as keywords. KEYWORDS: FILE filename to read NOF no filter GROUP group ID (aXis_ID) INCA if set, read in inca format stacks (default is STXM_control) ENERGY energy of incident excitation (eleectron or X-ray) one_image = index of the image from a stack that is requested to read to define E VERBOSE print log information about processing NO_WRITE if set, do not write *.ncb (used to load image_stack when reading XAS-XRF 4d stack) SILENT if set, do not display parameters EXTRA passed on parameters OUTPUTS: RESULT = AXIS (*,dat, *,ncb) stack COMMON BLOCKS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: (24-Jan-10 aph) first version (16-Feb-10 aph) add inca option (07-mar-10 aph) adapt to XRF map files written by STXM_Control from XGLabs data (17-apr-10 aph) desensitize to lower/upper case of structure label from read_ascii make one_image read work for dimensions (20-apr-10 aph) add energy call parameter to pass photon energy (25-may-10 aph) fix no-rerad when size of xrf map does not match EI image (01-Aug-10 aph) add upper limit selection (02-Oct-10 aph) remove 'replace -ve' code; added correction for missing last point change read_Ascii method to give correct size of xrf_stack (10-dec-11 aph) add ax_wait hourglass for Oxford (Inca) stack read-in (01-Sep-12 aph) correct error on 'get_num'
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: READ_XRF_STACK_HDF5 LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 23-Mar-15 (aph) PURPOSE: This function reads in a single file containing X-ray fluorescence spectra at each pixel, written by XGLabs software CATEGORY: STAND ALONE: read in utility CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = READ_XRF_STACK_HDF5 (file=file, NOF=nof, verbose=verbose, group=group, $ no_write=no_write, spectr=spectr, silent=silent, energy = energy, one_image=one_image, extra = extra) CALLED FROM AXIS: Read~Stacks~XRF~XGLabs~hdf5 INPUTS: none. All input parameters are passed as keywords. KEYWORDS: FILE filename to read NOF no filter GROUP group ID (aXis_ID) ENERGY energy of incident excitation (eleectron or X-ray) one_image = index of the image from a stack that is requested to read to define E VERBOSE print log information about processing NO_WRITE if set, do not write *.ncb (used to load image_stack when reading XAS-XRF 4d stack) SILENT if set, do not display parameters SPECT - if set, return sum of spectra as axis 1d structure EXTRA passed on parameters OUTPUTS: AXIS (*,dat, *,ncb) stack; spectrum if SPECT keyword is set COMMON BLOCKS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: (23-Jul-10 aph) first version - adapted from READ_XRF_STACK.PRO (25-May-10 version) (23-Mar-15 aph) corrected error when examing for another purpose
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: RED_A_N.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 30-Aug-2013 PURPOSE: This function reads a Beamline 7 STXM image from a text file (*,img) then reads corresponding *,nrm normalization file The first two lines contain image size (pixels) of (*,dat) CATEGORY: data read-in. CALLING SEQUENCE: result = READ_A_N, FILE, PLOT=pl, DEGLITCH=dgl, FILTER=fltr, _extra=e INPUTS: FILE name of file KEYWORDS: PLOT if set, plot DEGLITCH if set, deglitch FILTER defines extension OUTPUTS: returns BL7 STXM image (1995-2000 version) COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; adapted from READ_IMG.PRO (Stefano code of Jan97) Eventually - replace with JDD's integrated version ( 7-Aug-97 aph) separate file (aph 9-oct-97 control color locally) (16-oct-97 aph) double read ( 4-mar-98 aph) gets photon energy, dwell and stores in SD ( 7-jul-99 aph) FREE_LUN as well as close ! (15-nov-00 cgz) Replaced call of NCOLS function by explicit (SIZE(var))(1) (15-nov-00 cgz) Replaced call of NROWS function by explicit (SIZE(var))(2) (30-Aug-13 aph) AXIS standard header added
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: REFRESH.PRO LAST CHANGED: --------------------------------------- 28-Jul-11 PURPOSE: This procedure refreshes plots of a sequence of buffers and updates the indicators of buffers overplotted CATEGORY: Image display, captive to aXis2000 CALLING SEQUENCE: REFRESH INPUTS:none KEYWORDS: none COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks ------------ revision history ----------------- (03-jan-99 aph) added Zmax, Zmin impact ( 9-jul-99 aph) separated from; fixed major error so now preserves scales (28-sep-99 aph) adapted to non-monotonic data (30-oct-99 aph) enabled overplots with buffer 0 NOT first file (o = 0 turns off overplot !!) (16-nov-99 aph) split our ResetPlots (26-Dec-07 aph) remove time/date (28-Jul-11 aph) standard header added
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: REGION_ANALYZE LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- (13-apr-08) (from 03-Mar-08 (MJ) PURPOSE: This set of procedures is a widget which allows the use to group regions in an image set (stack) based on spectral response. It was developed for use with energy filtered PEEM stacks in whch the photoelectron spectrum defines the chemistry The user selects multiple (up to 10) spectral signals from a display of the average spectrum and the code identifies regions strong in each signal, and presents the reuslts to the user as a map CATEGORY: Image analysis - called from aXis2000, via Rstack_Analyse CALLING SEQUENCE: REGION_ANALYZE INPUTS: all inputs are obtained via common form the parent code KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: CONTENTS: region_analyze_imgdisp stack image display region_analyze_result_disp display resulting image (colorized) region_analyze_maximg detects maximum position region_analyze_event event processing codes region_analyze_sav_bin_test math check region_analyze_def_reg define regions (no code) region_analyze_remove_reg remove last region region_analyze_reset_reg remove all regions region_analyze_desensitive desensitize non-useful buttons region_analyze_sensitive sensitize buttons region_analyze_save save the image of the identified regions COMMON BLOCKS: region_analyze_common axis_com bsif_com stack_process_com SIDE EFFECTS: A window is created/destroyed. RESTRICTIONS: Any known ? PROCEDURE: details where needed MODIFICATION HISTORY: (18-Aug-06 rec) code provided to APH for incorporation in axis2000 (22-Sep-06 aph) AXIS standard header added; some docs added (03-Mar-08 MJ) keyword /SCROLL in widget_base() needs X_SCROLL_SIZE (13-apr-08 aph) turn on pre-set window size (X_Scroll_size, Y_Scroll_size) only for non-Windows (30-jul-09 aph) changed analcom to stack_process_com (update to stack_process)
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: REGRESS2 PURPOSE: Multiple linear regression fit. Fit the function: Y(i) = A(0)*X(0,i) + A(1)*X(1,i) + ... + A(Nterms-1)*X(Nterms-1,i) CATEGORY: G2 - Correlation and regression analysis. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = REGRESS(X, Y, W [, YFIT, SIGMA, FTEST, R, RMUL, CHISQ]) INPUTS: X: array of independent variable data. X must be dimensioned (Nterms, Npoints) where there are Nterms coefficients to be found (independent variables) and Npoints of samples. Y: vector of dependent variable points, must have Npoints elements. W: vector of weights for each equation, must be a Npoints elements vector. For instrumental weighting w(i) = 1/standard_deviation(Y(i)), for statistical weighting w(i) = 1./Y(i). For no weighting set w(i)=1, and also set the RELATIVE_WEIGHT keyword. OUTPUTS: Function result = coefficients = vector of Nterms elements. Returned as a column vector. OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: Yfit: array of calculated values of Y, Npoints elements. Sigma: Vector of standard deviations for coefficients. Ftest: value of F for test of fit. Rmul: multiple linear correlation coefficient. R: Vector of linear correlation coefficient. Chisq: Reduced chi squared. KEYWORDS: RELATIVE_WEIGHT: if this keyword is non-zero, the input weights (W vector) are assumed to be relative values, and not based on known uncertainties in the Y vector. This is the case for no weighting W(*) = 1. PROCEDURE: Adapted from the program REGRES, Page 172, Bevington, Data Reduction and Error Analysis for the Physical Sciences, 1969. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written, DMS, RSI, September, 1982. Added RELATIVE_WEIGHT keyword, W. Landsman, August 1991 29-AUG-1994: H.C. Wen - Used simpler, clearer algorithm to determine fit coefficients. The constant term, A0 is now just one of the X(iterms,*) vectors, enabling the algorithm to now return the sigma associated with this constant term. I also made a special provision for the case when Nterm = 1; namely, "inverting" a 1x1 matrix, i.e. scalar. 26-MAR-1996: Added the DOUBLE and CHECK keywords to the call to DETERM. 02-APR-1996: Test matrix singularity using second argument in INVERT instead of call to DETERM.
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: REMOVE_LINES.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 22-Apr-11 PURPOSE: This function identifies scan lines with values far from mean and replaces that line with either the average of adjacent 2 lines (if it is single) or the preceding line developed for image and stack cleanup in STXM5321 commissioning phase CATEGORY: STAND ALONE: utilities CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = REMOVE_LINES(2d_array, silent=silent) INPUT 2d array (t.d in aXis2000 structure) KEYWORDS silent if set, do not display feedback CALLED FROM AXIS: stack_analyze COMMON BLOCKS: axis_com MODIFICATION HISTORY: (22-Apr-11 aph) first version
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: REMOVE_ZEROS.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 18-Sep-07 PURPOSE: This function replaces all zeros in an image file with the adjacent non-zero data Optionally, it will remove up to 10 hot or cold spots hot spots are points at least 5 times larger than the mean cold spots are points less than 1/10th of the mean (CAUTION - many images have zero spaces) CATEGORY: STAND ALONE: utilities CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = REMOVE_ZEROS(2d_array, silent=silent, remove_hot=remove_hot, remove_cold = remove_cold) KEYWORDS silent if set, do not display feedback remove_hot if set, carry out hot spot removal remove_cold if set, carry out cold spot removal CALLED FROM AXIS: stack_analyze COMMON BLOCKS: axis_com MODIFICATION HISTORY: (10-Apr-04 aph) first version (18-Sep-07 aph) hot and cold spot remover added
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: RESETPLOTS.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 21 Jul 2014 PURPOSE: This procedure resets the data in the temporary buffers CATEGORY: aXis2000 utility CALLING SEQUENCE: for procedures: RESETPLOTS INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: none COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks SIDE EFFECTS: A window is created/destroyed. MODIFICATION HISTORY: (16-nov-99) separate from; ax_color called (21-Jul-14 aph) AXIS standard header added
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: SAVE_AA.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 18-Jul-10 PURPOSE: This function saves a spectrim generated by XSpecSim as a textfile CATEGORY: Utility for XSpecSim widget CALLED FROM XSpecSim CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = sav_AA, en=en, SpecData=SpecData, sequence=sequence, name=name, $ fltr=fltr, file=file, Modified=Modified, Group = Group INPUTS: This section is for POSITIONAL INPUTS only (not keywords) All input parameters are passed as keywords. KEYWORDS: EN energy values SpecData intensity values Sequence amino acid sequence Name name of peptide or protein Fltr filter for file extension File name of file to write Group name of group leader Modified flag if modified with peptide bond correction OUTPUTS: A text file with header and projected spectrum of Peptide of interest COMMON BLOCKS: @XSpecSim_Com XSpecSim common block
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: SAV_ALS LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 21 Jul 2014 PURPOSE: This function writes the image in the current aXis2000 buffer to a Beamline 7 STXM image file in ascii format (*,im*) image size, energy, dwell information are stored in (*.dat) NB different formats were used for (*.dat) at varous times this version matches the Apr-98 format CATEGORY: Data I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = SAV_ALS(tmp, scale=scale, file=file, FILTER=fltr, _extra=e ) INPUTS: TMP aXis2000 structure (internal representation of 2D image) KEYWORDS: SCALE scale factor to heep within 32-bit integer range FILE name of file to write FILTER OUTPUTS: write 2 files (*.im*, *.dat) to disk COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks MODIFICATION HISTORY: (13-jun-98 aph) first developed from sav_nsls & read_als; axis_com (29-dec-98 aph) added rescale for small dynamic range real data. ( 6-jan-99 aph) corrected row, col error !! (10-jan-99 aph) BadID check on Widget_control ( 7-jul-99 aph) FREE_LUN as well as close ! (20-may-00 aph) write scale to DAT file; allow fixed scale via keyword (21-Jul-14 aph) AXIS standard header added
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: SAV_HDF LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 21-Feb-10 PURPOSE: This procedure writes an aXis2000 structure (1d,2d, 3d or 4d) to an HDF scientific format file. CATEGORY: Image display. CALLING SEQUENCE: for procedures: SAV_HDF, tmp, fltr=fltr, file=file INPUTS: TMP aXis2000 data structure KEYWORDS: FLTR - name of extension to filter file name choice FILE - filename OUTPUTS: SDF file saved COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks MODIFICATION HISTORY: (18-jun-98 aph) adapted from MakeHFDdata in idl40\examples\hdf_netcdf\ (21-Feb-10 aph) AXIS standard header added; name changed to satisfy batch compile
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: SAV_HDFM LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 21 Jul 2014 PURPOSE: This procedure writes series of NSLS files as HDF 2d scientific data format files used to transfer files from AXIS to ENVI
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: SAV_NSLS.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 31-Jul-11 PURPOSE: writes 2d-STRUCTURE and BSIF_COMMON info into NSLS netCDF format It places the Z-values of the image (in tmp structure)and associated information into the BSIF_COMMON variables: image_data (the array which holds the image - possibly several planes deep for I, IO, CLOCK) x_normal, y_normal, rotated, x_title, y_title CATEGORY: Stack analysis and stand alone. Called from aXis2000 by images~nsls~old(*.nc) CALLING SEQUENCE: SAV_NSLS, TMP, FLTR=FLTR, FILE=FILE INPUTS TMP axis format image KEYWORDS FLTR name of filter FILE name of file SILENT flag to control entry to axis log COMMON BLOCKS axis_com common for AXIS2000 BSIF_COM common for NetCDF files -------------------- REVISION HISTORY -------------------- (xx-may-98 aph) first developed (14-jun-98 aph) axis_com, bsif_com (29-dec-98 aph) added rescale for small dynamic range real data. (11-jan-99 aph) remove multiple print messages; BadID (09-aug-99 aph) remove scaling as now save using float if needed (14-oct-99 aph) store correct energy as sd.wavelength (09-jan-00 aph) add hourglass for slow saves (15-dec-05 aph) tracking integer error; axis_log ; standard header (11-nov-06 aph) add silent keyword (31-Jul-11 aph) replace init_stxm_sd with init_sd; remove dead code
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: SDF_COM.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 02 Jul 2015 PURPOSE: This file contains the common block for the widget which reads SDF files CATEGORY: utility MODIFICATION HISTORY: (17-oct-04 aph) add sdf_path (11-mar-07 aph) add norm_string, AXIS standard header added (01-Feb-09 aph) null change (21-Jul-14 aph) moved norm_value to axis_com\aselect to keep all norm related variables together (29-Nov-14 aph) no change (02-Jul-15 aph) add sdf_silent, pix_diff
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: SETGRAF.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 22 Jul 2014 PURPOSE: This procedure switches between the 3Draw Windows in AXIS.PRO only allowed values are: 'MainImg' 'XZPlot' 'YZPlot' if keyword SET , the scaling parameters for Window, NAME are saved CATEGORY: aXis2000 utility CALLING SEQUENCE: SetGraf, Name, SET=set INPUTS: NAME - name of one of the three draw windows in aXis2000 'MainImg' 'XZPlot' 'YZPlot' - WARNING - case sensitive!! KEYWORDS: SET shift focus to the selected window & save old plot parameters for reset COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks MODIFICATION HISTORY: (27-may-97 aph) first written (12-aug-99 aph) removed from aaa_axis (axis_c) (26-sep-99 aph) removed Thumbnails when went to individual plots (21-Dec-00 aph) last change (22-Jul-14 aph) AXIS standard header added return if called without aXis2000 running
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: SFConvert LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 18-Jul-10 PURPOSE: this function calculates the OD1 spectra of a compound based on SF and OD data CATEGORY: spectra Processing; stand alone operation CALLING SEQUENCE: SFConvert, SAMPLE, SFData INPUTS: SAMPLE 2d array of energy and spectral data from OD of sample SFData 2D array of spectral data KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: none COMMON BLOCKS: none RESTRICTIONS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: (21-Jul-06 jso) first version (18-Jul-10 aph) close off header
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: SF LAST CHANGED: ------------------ aph ------------------------ 02-may-04 PURPOSE: Function to calculate x-ray interaction properties of materials. CATEGORY: X-ray optics CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = SF(Compound [, Abscissa]) INPUTS: Compound: A scalar string containing the compound molecular formula. The structure of the formula must be as follows: Name1 Amount1 Name2 Amount2 ... where Name1, Name2, etc. are the one or two letter standard abbreviations for elements 1 to 92, and Amount1, Amount2, etc. are the values describing the stoichiometry. The spaces are optional. Each element may appear only once in the formula. NOTES: 1. Formula names ARE case-sensitive (e.g., NI is NOT Ni). 2. If an amount is not specified, it is assumed to be 1 (e.g., H2O is the same as H2 O1). OPTIONAL INPUTS: Abscissa: A vector of photon energies or wavelengths at which the result will be evaluated. The type and units of the abscissae are specified by the keyword parameters. The default is to assume the abscissae are photon energies in electron volts. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: J: If set, the abscissae, if supplied, are interpreted as x-ray photon energies in Joules. keV: If set, the abscissae, if supplied, are interpreted as x-ray photon energies in kiloelectron volts. eV: If set, the abscissae, if supplied, are interpreted as x-ray photon energies in electron volts. m: If set, the abscissae, if supplied, are interpreted as x-ray wavelengths in meters. nm: If set, the abscissae, if supplied, are interpreted as x-ray wavelengths in nanometers. Angstrom: If set, the abscissae, if supplied, are interpreted as x-ray wavelengths in Angstroms. RESULT_TYPE: A string specifying what result to return. The following are the possible choices: "f1": The compound f1 scattering factor for the molecule. "f2": The compound f2 scattering factor for the molecule. "delta": The real part of the complex refractive index. "beta": The imaginary part of the complex refractive index. "n": The complex refractive index. "mu": The mass photoabsorption coefficient, in cm^2/g. This is the default result type. "mu_a": The atomic photoabsorption coefficient, in barns/atom. "mu_l": The linear photoabsorption coefficient, in cm^-1. "trans": The transmissivity of the material. "reflect": The specular reflectivity of unpolarized light on an ideally smooth surface of the material. DENSITY: The density of the material, in g/cm^3. This is needed if the result type is "delta", "beta", "n", "mu_l", "trans", or "reflect". Otherwise, a default density of 1.0 g/cm^3 is used. THICKNESS: The thickness of the material in micrometers. This is needed if the result type is "trans". Otherwise, a default thickness of 1.0 micron is used. ANGLE: The angle of incidence in milliradians. This is needed if the result type is "reflect". Otherwise, a default angle of incidence of 10.0 mr is used. ENERGY: A variable to receive the x-ray photon energies (in eV) at which the result was evaluated. MW: A variable to receive the molecular weight (in g/mol) of the compound. SF_DIR: A string containing the name of the directory containing the SF data files. OUTPUTS: Result: The result specified by the RESULT_TYPE keyword. COMMON BLOCKS: SF_COMMON SIDE EFFECTS: SF data is stored into common block variables each time data is read from the data files. This takes up memory to gain faster performance. The memory can be freed using the SF_DESTROY routine. ROUTINES CONTAINED IN THIS MODULE: SF_INIT Procedure to initialize common block for module. SF_DESTROY Procedure to delete common block variables. SF_GEN_EL_DATA Procedure to generate data file for elements. SF_READ_DATA Procedure to read SF data for single elements. SF_PARSE_COMPOUND Function to parse molecular formulas. SF Main function to compute materials x-ray properties. ROUTINES CALLED BY THIS MODULE: IDL User Library routines: UNIQ, INTERPOL Bill Loo's IDL routines: STRING2FILE, FILE2STRING, STR_COLUMNS, WVLEN2EN, EN2WVLEN DATA FILES: This module requires the scattering factor data files compiled by B.L. Henke, E.M. Gullikson, and J.C. Davis, available by anonymous ftp at: In addition, it requires a file containing the abbreviated element names and atomic weights. Such a file can be generated manually using the routine SF_GEN_EL_DATA. Just type "SF_GEN_EL_DATA" at the IDL prompt, and enter the requested information. REFERENCE: All formulas are published in: B.L. Henke, E.M. Gullikson, and J.C. Davis, "X-ray interactions: photoabsorption, scattering, transmission, and reflection at E=50-30,000 eV, Z=1-92," Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables, Vol. 54(2), pp. 181-342, July 1993. WRITTEN BY: Billy W. Loo, Jr. Bioengineering Graduate Group, UCB / UCSF School of Medicine, UCD Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Lab August, 1996 MODIFICATION HISTORY: $Log:,v $ Revision 1.4 1999/03/03 06:14:10 idl * Changed function names for more consistent naming. * Minor changes to documentation. Revision 1.3 1999/02/28 00:26:10 idl * Return scalar when result has only one element. Revision 1.2 1997/12/16 01:55:20 loo * Major revision of SF program module. (02-may-04 aph) standardize header
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: SF LAST CHANGED: ------------------ aph ------------------------ 24-dec-00 PURPOSE: Function to calculate x-ray interaction properties of materials. CATEGORY: X-ray optics CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = SF(Compound [, Abscissa]) INPUTS: Compound: A scalar string containing the compound molecular formula. The structure of the formula must be as follows: Name1 Amount1 Name2 Amount2 ... where Name1, Name2, etc. are the one or two letter standard abbreviations for elements 1 to 92, and Amount1, Amount2, etc. are the values describing the stoichiometry. The spaces are optional. Each element may appear only once in the formula. NOTES: 1. Formula names ARE case-sensitive (e.g., NI is NOT Ni). 2. If an amount is not specified, it is assumed to be 1 (e.g., H2O is the same as H2 O1). OPTIONAL INPUTS: Abscissa: A vector of photon energies or wavelengths at which the result will be evaluated. The type and units of the abscissae are specified by the keyword parameters. The default is to assume the abscissae are photon energies in electron volts. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: J: If set, the abscissae, if supplied, are interpreted as x-ray photon energies in Joules. keV: If set, the abscissae, if supplied, are interpreted as x-ray photon energies in kiloelectron volts. eV: If set, the abscissae, if supplied, are interpreted as x-ray photon energies in electron volts. m: If set, the abscissae, if supplied, are interpreted as x-ray wavelengths in meters. nm: If set, the abscissae, if supplied, are interpreted as x-ray wavelengths in nanometers. Angstrom: If set, the abscissae, if supplied, are interpreted as x-ray wavelengths in Angstroms. RESULT_TYPE: A string specifying what result to return. The following are the possible choices: "f1": The compound f1 scattering factor for the molecule. "f2": The compound f2 scattering factor for the molecule. "delta": The real part of the complex refractive index. "beta": The imaginary part of the complex refractive index. "n": The complex refractive index. "mu": The mass photoabsorption coefficient, in cm^2/g. This is the default result type. "mu_a": The atomic photoabsorption coefficient, in barns/atom. "mu_l": The linear photoabsorption coefficient, in cm^-1. "trans": The transmissivity of the material. "reflect": The specular reflectivity of unpolarized light on an ideally smooth surface of the material. DENSITY: The density of the material, in g/cm^3. This is needed if the result type is "delta", "beta", "n", "mu_l", "trans", or "reflect". Otherwise, a default density of 1.0 g/cm^3 is used. THICKNESS: The thickness of the material in micrometers. This is needed if the result type is "trans". Otherwise, a default thickness of 1.0 micron is used. ANGLE: The angle of incidence in milliradians. This is needed if the result type is "reflect". Otherwise, a default angle of incidence of 10.0 mr is used. ENERGY: A variable to receive the x-ray photon energies (in eV) at which the result was evaluated. MW: A variable to receive the molecular weight (in g/mol) of the compound. SF_DIR: A string containing the name of the directory containing the SF data files. OUTPUTS: Result: The result specified by the RESULT_TYPE keyword. COMMON BLOCKS: SF_COMMON SIDE EFFECTS: SF data is stored into common block variables each time data is read from the data files. This takes up memory to gain faster performance. The memory can be freed using the SF_DESTROY routine. ROUTINES CONTAINED IN THIS MODULE: SF_INIT Procedure to initialize common block for module. SF_DESTROY Procedure to delete common block variables. SF_GEN_EL_DATA Procedure to generate data file for elements. SF_READ_DATA Procedure to read SF data for single elements. SF_PARSE_COMPOUND Function to parse molecular formulas. SF Main function to compute materials x-ray properties. ROUTINES CALLED BY THIS MODULE: IDL User Library routines: UNIQ, INTERPOL Bill Loo's IDL routines: STRING2FILE, FILE2STRING, STR_COLUMNS, WVLEN2EN, EN2WVLEN DATA FILES: This module requires the scattering factor data files compiled by B.L. Henke, E.M. Gullikson, and J.C. Davis, available by anonymous ftp at: In addition, it requires a file containing the abbreviated element names and atomic weights. Such a file can be generated manually using the routine SF_GEN_EL_DATA. Just type "SF_GEN_EL_DATA" at the IDL prompt, and enter the requested information. REFERENCE: All formulas are published in: B.L. Henke, E.M. Gullikson, and J.C. Davis, "X-ray interactions: photoabsorption, scattering, transmission, and reflection at E=50-30,000 eV, Z=1-92," Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables, Vol. 54(2), pp. 181-342, July 1993. WRITTEN BY: Billy W. Loo, Jr. Bioengineering Graduate Group, UCB / UCSF School of Medicine, UCD Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Lab August, 1996
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: SM_IPAR.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 21 Jul 2014 PURPOSE: This procedure initializes the sm_par structure CATEGORY: data file formatting CALLING SEQUENCE: for procedures: sm_ipar,sm_par; INPUTS: SM_PAR - parameters of SM format ; KEYWORDS: none COMMON BLOCKS: none; MODIFICATION HISTORY: (27-Jun-01 aph) first entry into aXis2000 (SM is from nsls hdf format I think) (21-Jul-14 aph) AXIS standard header added
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: SPC_LOAD.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 23-Jul-14 (aph) PURPOSE: This function reads a variety of ascii-format files spectra (and ascii images) from AXIS2000 (x,y) single spectra data file; and multi-column smart read-in - uses first line to determine type CATEGORY: utility; stand-alone or used through axis2000 CALLING SEQUENCE: for functions:a Result = spc_load (file=file, filter=filter, xcol=xcol, ycol=ycol, print = print, $ multi=multi, skip=skip, int_factor=int_factor, title=title, typ=typ, NOF=nof, _extra=e) INPUTS: only by keyword KEYWORDS: FILE filename FILTER filter extension TITLE optional title on filename dialog XCOL number of x-axis (if multi-column) YCOL number of y-axis (if multi-column) SKIP number of header lines to skip (if multi-column) MULTI returns number of columns -1 = number of spectra PRINT if set, print TYP type of file ('UN','MC', '1d', '2d') - use to select for multicolumn file AND also for type of data file ('mca' (Amptek), 'msa' (Oxford) NOF no filter (*.*) _EXTRA pass through keywords OUTPUTS: Result is the (e,d) 1-d spectral or I(x,y) 2-d image array COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks MODIFICATION HISTORY: (08-may-02 aph) AXIS standard header added ( 9-aug-97 aph) broke out of spectral; TYPE defined (21-jan-98 aph) added s.dn component to 1d structure to be axis-compatible (20-feb-98 aph) set-up to read 2-col only data ( 6-mar-98 aph) read *.txt - 2 column ascii files ( 7-jun-98 aph) corrected read *.txt ('un' case) to get all data points (10-jul-98 aph) retired "*.spc" nomenclature - use *.txt extension (24-may-99 aph) accomodate non-AXIS files with multi-line headers ( 8-Jun-99 aph) remove tag line; adapt for group in get_num ( 9-jun-99 aph) fix up ascii image read in error (11-jun-99 aph) fix up widget_info error (25-jun-99 aph) strip path fromfile name ( 6-jul-99 aph) FREE_LUN as well as close ! ( 9-sep-99 aph) silent read-in if filename is supplied (08-may-02 aph) explicit definition of columns in multicolumn; standard header (14-may-02 aph) reverse order spectra (30-Oct-02 aph) adapt for Sphinx spectra (12-Feb-03 aph) correct Sphinx.multi to handle single spectrum (13-Feb-03 aph) introduce TYP keyword to read in multi-column files explicitly (15-aug-04 aph) explicitly define X-label for 1d data to get around problem when reading non-monotonic data (21-mar-05 aph) add integer factor keyword to allow read-in of non-integer ascii images (16-Jun-05 aph) correct multi-column read-in - was missing last point ! - argh !! correction wrong convert print to axis_log (15-feb-10 aph) read in EMSA/MSA spectral files (1-column); Amptek (*.mca), XGLabs (*.dta) (10-Apr-10 aph) deal with situation when Amptek *.mca file does not have calibration info (22-Nov-12 aph) implement multi-column, read all columns (25-Nov-12 aph) handle cases where file does not exist better (21-Jul-14 aph) corrected header (24-Jul-14 aph) desensitize to end of file not being a blank line
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: SPC_SAVE LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 7-Mar-10 PURPOSE: This function saves 1-d (spectra) or 2-d (images) structures in AXIS ascii format. CATEGORY: STAND ALONE: utility & called from aXis2000 write~axis and utilities~write image ascii CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = SPC_SAVE(S, [file=file, int_factor=int_factor, nolb=nolbl, nof=nof]) CALLED FROM AXIS: Write->AXIS INPUTS: S - AXIS 1d structure KEYWORDS: FILE - filename (for silent writes) INT_FACTOR - integer factor used to scale float data to preserve precision still using integer storage (only used for images) SILENT - if set, no traceback NOF - no filter (default filter = '*.txt') NOLBL - if set, do not query for label OUTPUTS: An ascii file is written to disk COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks MODIFICATION HISTORY: ( 7-mar-98 aph) save new label in axis (14-JUN-98 aph) axis_com (10-jul-98 aph) use *.txt as default name for ascii files ( 8-jul-99 aph) FREE_LUN as well as close (31-jul-99 aph) conditional use of handle to allow use outside axis (08-sep-99 aph) update buffer label (28-oct-99 aph) add file keyword for 'silent' writing (04-jan-00 aph) proper cancel; AXIs standard documentation (27-feb-00 aph) add groupID to get_text (11-apr-00 aph) fix error when writing 1d files with small or large values (04-jun-03 aph) add keyword to force label to current value (19-feb-05 aph) check for non-monotonic data and correct before saving (21-mar-05 aph) add int_factor keyword; confirm image write out works (14-Feb-06 aph) correct invalid number of points (removed "where", with identification of only non-zero values!) (30-apr-07 aph) add space between entires in 2-d write (13-apr-08 aph) add check for overwrite; warning and options as for saving image files ( (22-nov-08 aph) remove duplication of overwrite check (03-Aug-09 aph) change to shortfile name on axis_log feedback (12-dec-09 aph) add silent keyword (07-Mar-10 aph) remove keyword axis in call for ax_sort_mono (line 109)
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: SPECTRA.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 21 Jul 2014 PURPOSE: This function extracts spectral data from LabView (SPEM ?) into a 1D structure {d:, dn:, x:, xl:, dl:} or into a 2D structure {d:, dn:, x:, y:, xl:, yl:, dl:, dnl:} normalization subfield (dn:) is created unless no I0 exists or /NORM option is invoked CATEGORY: data I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = SPECTRA, struc[ , /INFO, /NORM, LABELS=[xlabel, ylabel'], _extra=e] INPUTS: This section is for POSITIONAL INPUTS only (not keywords) All input parameters are passed as keywords. KEYWORDS: INFO use IDL help routine to display tags of the spec structure created NORM normalization value LABELS x, y labels (2-element array) _extra other parameters passed on OUTPUTS: No explicit outputs. A new window is created if necessary COMMON BLOCKS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: (21-Dec-00 aph) from er, jdd Copyright (c) 1995, ALS SpectroMicroscopy Facility (21-Jul-14 aph) AXIS standard header added
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: SPLIT_STRING PURPOSE: This function splits a string into its delimited components. CATEGORY: String processing. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = SPLIT_STRING(Input) INPUTS: Input: The string to be split. The string should consist of multiple words separated by a user specified delimiter. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: DELIMITER: A string containing the delimiter between words. The default delimiter is a single space. Also, if the default delimiter is used, multiple spaces are compressed to a single space before parsing. OUTPUTS: Returns each word of the input string as one element in the output string array, Result. EXAMPLE: If the input string is: input = 'Hello, world' then the command sequence: result = split_string(input, DELIMITER=', ') produces the result: IDL> print, result(0) Hello IDL> print, result(1) world Note that the delimiter in this case includes a space. WRITTEN BY: Billy W. Loo, Jr. Bioengineering Graduate Group, UCSF / UCB School of Medicine, UCD Lawrence Berkeley National Lab June, 1996 MODIFICATION HISTORY: $Log:,v $ Revision 1.2 1997/02/02 06:07:50 loo * Corrected bug that occurs if delimiter is first character in string. Revision 1.1 1996/06/09 07:56:00 loo Initial revision
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: SPLOT.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 21 Jul 2014 PURPOSE: This procedure plots a 1D spectral structure in an ID window CATEGORY: Image display. CALLING SEQUENCE: for procedures: splot, s, [O=oplot, DN=dn, WB=wb, CHARSIZE=csz, COLOR=clr, ZERO=zero, _extra=e] INPUTS: s 1D structure KEYWORDS: O overplot DN normalization array (Io) WB white on black CHARSIZE characteri size COLOR line color ZERO autoscale y from 0 _extra pass along PLOT options OUTPUTS: COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: (19-Feb-96 jdd) initial creation (15-Jun-16 jdd) added generalized interpretation of structures in SPLOT, SPLOT2D, SPLOT3D separated splot stuff from (29-06-96 aph) allow numerical limts on ranges (06-Dec-97 aph) remove print of ytitle (03-jan-99 aph) add back in YTitle (!!) (24-jun-99 aph) consistent image/spectra color tables (13-aug-99 aph) no change - just using debugs to track reform problem (14-nov-00 cgz) migrated from SPLOTA.PRO (22-Mar-06 aph) increase character size (21-Jul-14 aph) AXIS standard header added
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: SPLOT2D.PRO LAST CHANGED: ------------------------------ 21 Jul 2014 PURPOSE: This procedure plots a 2D data structure (image) in an IDL window CATEGORY: Image display. stand alone or inside aXis2000 CALLING SEQUENCE: SPLOT2D, s, [ASPECT=asp,ZOOM=zoom, _extra=e] INPUTS: s 2D structure basic input data structure: s={d:, x:, y:} optional axis and title label fields include {xl:, yl:, dl:} KEYWORDS: ASPECT rescale window vertical size to aspect ratio similar to the image dimensions ZOOM allows user to define x,y ranges extra pass along PLOT options REQUIREMENTS: MUST be compiled prior OUTPUTS: No explicit outputs. A new window is created if necessary COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks MODIFICATION HISTORY: (19-Feb-96 jdd) initial creation (15-Jun-96 jdd) added generalized interpretation of structures in SPLOT, SPLOT2D, SPLOT3D separated splot stuff from (29-Jun-9 aph) allow numerical limts on ranges (06-Dec-97 aph) remove print of ytitle (03-jan-99 aph) add back in YTitle (!!) (24-jun-99 aph) consistent image/spectra color tables (13-aug-99 aph) no change - just using debugs to track reform problem (14-nov-00 cgz) migrated from SPLOTA.PRO (15-nov-00 cgz) Replaced call of NCOLS function by explicit (SIZE(var))(1) (30-nov-00 cgz) Replaced call of WSIZE function by explicit [!D.X_SIZE,!D.Y_SIZE] (30-nov-00 cgz) Replaced call of nwin with explicit window statement (21-Jul-14 aph) AXIS standard header added
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: SPLOT3D LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 21 Jul 2014 PURPOSE: This procedure creates a surface plot with axes CATEGORY: Image display splot3d, s, ASPECT=asp, ZOOM=zoom, _extra=e CALLING SEQUENCE: splot3d, s, [ ASPECT=asp, ZOOM=zoom, _extra=e] s 2D structure basic input data structure: s={d:, x:, y:} optional axis and title label fields include {xl:, yl:, dl:} KEYWORDS: ASPECT rescale window vertical size to aspect ratio similar to the image dimensions ZOOM allows user to define x,y ranges extra pass along PLOT options OUTPUTS:none COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks RESTRICTIONS: MUST be compiled prior MODIFICATION HISTORY: (19-Feb-96 jdd) initial creation (15-Jun-96 jdd) added generalized interpretation of structures in SPLOT, SPLOT2D, SPLOT3D separated splot stuff from (29-Jun-06 aph) allow numerical limts on ranges (06-Dec-97 aph) remove print of ytitle (03-jan-99 aph) add back in YTitle (!!) (24-jun-99 aph) consistent image/spectra color tables (13-aug-99 aph) no change - just using debugs to track reform problem (14-nov-00 cgz) migrated from SPLOTA.PRO (15-nov-00 cgz) Replaced call of NCOLS function by explicit (SIZE(var))(1) (30-nov-00 cgz) Replaced call of WSIZE function by explicit [!D.X_SIZE,!D.Y_SIZE] (30-nov-00 cgz) Replaced call of nwin with explicit window statement (21-Jul-14 aph) AXIS standard header added
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: SROTATE.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 21 Jul 2014 PURPOSE: This function rotates a 1D or 2D structure and the associated labels It return 1D or 2D structure: {d:, x:, dl:, xl:} or {d:, x:, y:, dl;, xl:, yl:} CATEGORY: Image processing CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = SROTATE(struc, [dir , /Trans, HFLIP=hflip, VFLIP=vflip) INPUTS: This section is for POSITIONAL INPUTS only (not keywords) All input parameters are passed as keywords. KEYWORDS: DIR direction # [0-7] as defined by ROTATE: 0 deg: 0 [ X, Y] + Transpose: 4 [ Y, X] 90 deg: 1 [-Y, X] + Transpose: 5 [-X, Y] 180 deg: 2 [-X,-Y] + Transpose: 6 [-Y,-X] 270 deg: 3 [ Y,-X] + Transpose: 7 [ X,-Y] TRANS transpose X & Y axes (dir=4) Hflip horizontal flip (dir=5) Vflip vertical flip (dir=7), (dir=2, both Hflip & Vflip) COMMON BLOCKS: onne MODIFICATION HISTORY (21-Dec-00 jdd) taken over into aXis2000 (21-Jul-14 aph) AXIS standard header added
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: STACK_ADD LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 21-Aug-09 PURPOSE: This procedure adds two stacks presumed to be on same E and spatial scales CATEGORY: stack processing; stand alone operation CALLING SEQUENCE: STACK_ADD, FILE INPUTS: FILE name of the output file KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: writes summed stack as *.ncb COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks stack_process_com BSIF_com volume_data, image_stack SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: (29-Aug-04 aph) first version (17-oct-04 aph) provide weighting coefficients (17-Sep-08 aph) replace analcom with stack_process_com (21-Aug-21 aph) check for different numbers of images (energies) ==> possible erros (esp. XMCD !)
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: STACK_ALIGN LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 11 Jan 10 PURPOSE: This procedure aligns images of a stack CATEGORY: stack processing - part of axis2000 stack analyze package CALLING SEQUENCE: STACK_ALIGN, filename_ev_msec_list,shift_filename,zoom=zoom,realign=realign INPUTS: filename_ev_msec_list array with details of filenames, energies, dwells shift_filename name of file written with (x,y) pixel shifts (mapper format) zoom display multiplier (integer only) realign if 1, do alignment; if 0, read from file KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: *.aln file with list of (x,y) pixel shifts to align images COMMON BLOCKS: BSIF_com volume_data, image_stack pix_shift stack_process_align_common SIDE EFFECTS: A window is created/destroyed. RESTRICTIONS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: (25-mar-98 cjj) to deal with 24 bit graphics (11-Jul-98 aph) to deal with changes to (12-dec-98 aph) remove all bsif_common (08-may-00 aph) add xpix_shift, ypix_shift to transfer size of grey area (17-Sep-08 aph) replace analcom with stack_process_com (there were no occurrences) standard header added (07-mar-09 aph) replace read_mapper with zstack_read_mapper to get around problem with zimba align files (line 423) (11-Jan-10 aph) replace @aligncom with @stack_process_align_com to get around conflict with CJJ's stack_analyze
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: STACK_APPEND LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 26-Jan-10 PURPOSE: This procedure appends two stacks if they have the same pixel dimensions CATEGORY: stack processing; stand alone operation or from axis2000 CALLING SEQUENCE: STACK_ADD, FILE INPUTS: FILE name of the output file KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: none COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks stack_process_com BSIF_com volume_data, image_stack RESTRICTIONS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: (12-Nov-06 aph) first written; modified from stack_add (02-mar-08 aph) resolve filename dimension error (17-Sep-08 aph) replace analcom with stack_process_com (23-mar-09 aph) make work - problem with filename_ev_list array indices (27-jan-10 aph) try again - filename_ev_list problem fixed - now generated in stack_rb
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: STACK_BUILDLIST LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 17-Sep-08 PURPOSE: This procedure construts a stack from individual *.nc images (old NSLS format) CATEGORY: stack processing; CALLING SEQUENCE: STACK_BUILDLIST INPUTS: FILENAME KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: none COMMON BLOCKS: BSIF_com volume_data, image_stack stack_bldlst_common SIDE EFFECTS: A window is created/destroyed. RESTRICTIONS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: (17-Sep-08 aph) standard header added
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: STACK_DIFF LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 12-Jan-09 PURPOSE: This procedure differentiates the spectrum at every pixel of a stack CATEGORY: stack processing; stand alone operation CALLING SEQUENCE: STACK_DIFF, FILE+FILE INPUTS: none required KEYWORDS: FILE name of the output file OUTPUTS: differentiated stack COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks stack_process_com BSIF_com volume_data, image_stack SIDE EFFECTS: none RESTRICTIONS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: (12-Jan-09 aph) first version
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: STACK_FIT LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 20-Jul-10 PURPOSE: This procedure selects inputs for fitting the spectrum at each pixel in a stack to sum of model spectra It uses COMMON blocks to store and transfer data CATEGORY: AXIS: stack analysis (operates stand-alone as well) CALLING SEQUENCE: for procedures: STACK_FIT(/AXIS,/verbose) CALLED FROM AXIS: ->Stacks->stack_fit INPUTS: All input parameters are obtained through user dialogs. KEYWORDS: AXIS - if set, indicates called from AXIS VERBOSE - if set, displays results as generated line-by-line (SLOW!) ROUTINES STACK_FIT - main routine to execute stack fit GROOM1 - linear fit to pre-edge values INPUTS to GROOM1 spectrum - the input and the result after subtraction of back back - the constant to be subtracted integral - integrated value in background region zero - number of points to evaluate constant background OUTPUTS: If run from AXIS, the results are placed in AXIS buffers buffer 1 - n are the spectra of the n-models to be used in the fit, interpolated to the energy values of the stack. buffer 4 - (4+n) are the resulting composition maps for the n components buffer 8 - linear term of fit buffer 9 - chi-square of the fit otherwise display windows are generated as required COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks @stack_process_com Volume_data - STACK @BSIF_COM - nc data PROCEDURE: After reading in the stack (*.nc) and the model spectra (*.txt) and the names to be used for the output files, the spectrum at each pixel is fit to (linear) + SUM{coeff(i)*model spectra(i)} The coefficients at each pixel constitute the component map for species i. The user can choose to perform a pre-edge subtraction based on the first {m} -data points in order to base the analysis on solely the core spectra signal MODIFICATION HISTORY: *********** ORIGINAL kernel of this routine was written by Rick Kneedler *********** (25-May-99 aph) first developed from Kneedler code (19-Jun-99 aph) allow user choice to background subtract image spectra (07-jul-99 aph) extend to arbitrary number of components (09-sep-99 aph) store all results automatically; correct (x,y) scale stuff (20-sep-99 aph) remove linear term; set NaN, Inf to zero; integer col # (23-oct-99 aph) force plot of components on store ( 7-oct-99 aph) allow assignment of simple names to output files (26-nov-99 aph) get rid of error message for text prompt (23-Dec-99 aph) correct bad point filter on output component maps (27-feb-00 aph) add groupIP to get_text cal; axis standard documentation (09-apr-00 aph) change to fit a sloped line with feedback (19-oct-00 aph) increased max # of components to 8 (13-nov-00 aph) fixed error for GE 5 component; model data (09-jan-01 aph) move groom to run with compile-on-fly (12-aug-01 aph) put overwrite checking into file writing procedure (14-may-03 aph) use comment line, not filename for prompt for name par filesaves filenames and labels only (28-may-03 aph) fix-up no par; force extension to 'par'; fix up comp_names (04-jun-03 aph) use ax_par_save, ax_par_load (11-jun-03 aph) fix 1 boo-boo (30-dec-03 aph) add ax_sort_mono to force stack E-scale and reference spectral scales to be monotonic (20-jan-04 aph) use dialog_message to control residual stack writing ensure E-value (0.0) added to component maps (10-Jun-04 aph) remove pre-edge background subtraction (01-feb-05 aph) fix ax_sort_mono to use structure (ricochet change from lox change) (17-Sep-08 aph) replace analcom with stack_process_com (30-jul-09 aph) add stack file name to component map names truncate short name for component maps at the first space (20-Jul-10 aph) replace nwin,0 with window, 0 (line 247) - code error
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: STACK_LINE_Io LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 12 May 2014 PURPOSE: This function normalizes a stack on a row by row basis When used for slow stacks, with clear Io region at the samein all rows, this provides a more accurate correction of Io changes (e.g' from ring current decay) CATEGORY: stack processing; stand alone operation or from axis2000 CALLING SEQUENCE: RESULT = STACK_LINE_Io() INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: routine stores the OD-converted stack and returns the %-deviation of Io from on an energy-by-energy basis COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks stack_process_com BSIF_com volume_data, image_stack RESTRICTIONS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: (12-May-14 aph) first version - requested by Slava for AFCC ionomer mapping at CLS
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: STACK_LIST.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 24-Nov-11 PURPOSE: This function is a wrapper around stack_readlist to convert all stack list files to Zimba format (first line is path; subsequent are names) automatic checking for alternate paths if initial path not correct CATEGORY: utility for reading stack_list files CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = STACK_LIST(list_filename) INPUTS: list_filename = file containing filename_list KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: returns 1 if successfully read the files; 0 otherwise COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM SIDE EFFECTS: stack list is re-written in the list_filename file MODIFICATION HISTORY: (25-sep-99 aph) force write out in zimba version; this allows zimba to work (02-feb-00 aph) ensure path is written in line 1 when rewrite *.sl file (17-apr-00 aph) adapt for cases where first line is blank (peem, zimba) major rewrite to convert sphagetti to penne (24-Nov-11 aph) rewrote to work with Zimba format list files !! AXIS standard header added UNCTION stack_list, list_filename axis_com n_error, 2 check = 1 ep = ax_sep() stack_readlist, list_filename, filename_list openr, iunit, list_filename, /get_lun i=0 tmp = ' ' filename_list = strarr(1) while not EOF(iunit) do begin readf, iunit, tmp filename_list(i) = tmp filename_list = [filename_list, ' '] i = i + 1 ndwhile lose, iunit & free_lun, iunit for i=0, n_elements(filename_list)-1 do print, filename_list(i) --- FIRST, we will asume it is a Zimba format stacklist file _files = n_elements(filename_list)-1 F (n_files EQ 0) THEN goto, bailout ------- CHECK IF FILENAMES are accessible. ----- assume first line is the path (Zimba format) irst_file = filename_list(0) + filename_list(1) test = findfile(first_file, count=ctest) ------ If found, define path and check with second filename -- F ctest GT 0 then begin t = ax_name(filename_list(0)) if t(0) NE '' then sl_path = t(0) else sl_path = DefPath t = ax_name(filename_list(1)) fnew = sl_path + t(1) + '.' + t(2) ftest = findfile(fnew, count=dtest) if dtest EQ 0 then check = 0 NDIF ELSE check = 0 F check EQ 0 then BEGIN -------- the combination of the first and second lines in the stacklist file is not a valid file. - either the first line is an invalid path .......... or the file format is NOT Zimba (so first line is likely a filename ot blank) ....................or the file does not exist ------------------------- check if it is a zimba format file -------- axis_log, 'first file: ' + first_file + ' was not found' axis_log, 'Checking alternate locations' t = ax_name(list_filename) ; check if files are in same area as list_filename File_Path = t(0) PRINT, 'check if files are in same area as list_filename ', File_Path fname = filename_list(1) t = ax_name(fname) fname = t(1) + '.' + t(2) fnew = File_Path + fname axis_log, 'Path to ' + filename_list(0) + ' is incorrect. Trying . . . ' + fnew ftest = findfile(fnew,count=dtest) if dtest GT 0 then begin sl_path = File_Path endif else begin axis_log, ' Invalid Path. Select a file from the directory containing the data' ftest = pickfile2(/read,filter ='*.*') t = ax_name(ftest) File_Path = t(0) fnew = File_Path + fname axis_log, 'Checking that ' + fname + ' is in directory ' + File_Path ftest = findfile(fnew,count=etest) if etest EQ 0 then goto, bailout sl_path = File_Path endelse -------- check that we have correct information print, 'sl_path= ', sl_path for i=1, n_elements(filename_list)-1 do print, filename_list(i) NDIF
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: STACK_MAKE LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 30-Jul-09 PURPOSE: This procedure generates a stack from the product of an image times a spectrum. Typically this would be used to strip out a component from a stack, or for simulations. CATEGORY: Stack analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: STACK_MAKE, SPEC, IMAGE INPUTS: SPEC - 1-d axis structure which has spectrum of the component IMAGE - 2-d axis structure which has image (typically component map) KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: The stack is saved to disk COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks stack_process_com COMMON volume_data, image_stack bsif_com MODIFICATION HISTORY: (11-apr-00 aph) first version (10-nov-00 aph) corrected infor for *.dat file (29-jan-01 aph) defined energy array (eV) and filename_ev_msec_list (12-may-02 aph) correct header name format (17-Sep-08 aph) replace analcom with stack_process_com (30-Jul-09 aph) clean-up from change; add on_error, 2
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: STACK_MESH LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 31-Jan-11 PURPOSE: This procedure changes mesh of a stack CATEGORY: stack processing; stand alone operation or from axis2000 CALLING SEQUENCE: STACK_MESH INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: none COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks stack_process_com BSIF_com volume_data, image_stack RESTRICTIONS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: (31-jan-11 aph) first version generated from stack_append
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: STACK_PROCESS.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 29-Jul-11 [ FROM 24-Apr-06 - INCOMPLETE ] PURPOSE: This set of procedures and functions is a widget to display and extract spectra from stacks. This version (derived from from late January 98 version of CJJ) has been modifed to handle file names and paths better. Read in Io signals from ascii (*.txt) spectral format files (x,y) Correct E-scales; normalize yield data; subtract spectra, stacks extract images (*.nc format) from stacks. CATEGORY: Stack analysis. Called from aXis2000 by stacks~stack~analyse~AXIS (or AXIS binary) CALLING SEQUENCE: STACK_PROCESS, [ list_filename, shift_filename, fpath=fpath, binary=binary, $ zoom=zoom, text_height=text_height, realign=realign, $ help=help, no_align = no_align ] INPUTS: list_filename name of file with list of *.nc image files shift_filename name of file with list of x,y pixel shifts for alignment KEYWORDS: fpath path for files binary read in as *.ncb binary (all images in one file) zoom zoom factor text_height size of text realign launch stack_align after applying shifs in shift_filename help print help information no_align do not launch stack_align COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks BSIF_COM common for NetCDF files STACK_PROCESS_COM common for stack_process VOLUME_DATA image_stack - 3d array of stack data PIX_SHIFT set of pixel shifts ( xpix_shift, ypix_shift ) ROUTINES STACK_PROCESS_readroi STACK_PROCESS_writeroi STACK_PROCESS_gifmovie STACK_PROCESS_roi_event,event STACK_PROCESS_roi STACK_PROCESS_desensitive STACK_PROCESS_sensitive STACK_PROCESS_graphics STACK_PROCESS_bar STACK_PROCESS_makespectrum STACK_PROCESS_plotspectrum, i_file STACK_PROCESS_imgdisp,i_file STACK_PROCESS_event,event MODIFICATION HISTORY: ( 2-may-98 aph) improve filenames and Io read-in (20-may-99 aph) - BINARY keyword added to call (13-jun-98 aph) correct printed flag on writes (14-jun-98 aph) bsif_com (30-jun-98 aph) OD determination; (6-jul-98 aph) movie buttons, eV_shift, cursor select frame (8-Jan-99 aph) hourglass, close,/all to get round no lun problems (movie); path (11-Jan-99 aph) symbols - default to none; noYzero; aloadct for IDL 4 (14-May-99 aph) add TEY-ON/TEY-OFF button for PEEM stacks (15-May-99 aph) drop first line (19-may-99 aph) REINTRODUCE option to save only image as the movie (22-may-99 aph) read-in from binary files enabled (optiona); write to binary (08-jun-99 aph) use new version of get_num: group = STACK_PROCESS_par.main_base (25-jun-99 aph) add axis_com to put in top_color_index, white_color_index (28-jun-99 aph) remove conflict with 'label' and axis_com use of this (10-jul-99 aph) add clipping to common area; reverse -ve slope axes; fixe error (16-jul-99 aph) remove infinite loop on check for location of files (18-jul-99 aph) adapt stack_wb procedure to work with TEY (I/I-t (no log) data (PEEM; TEY-stxm) (26-sep-99 aph) remove aloadct (no longer supporting IDL 4.0 operation) (27-oct-99 aph) reset (x,y) scales in stack binary writes (28-oct-99 aph) no_align keyword added to call (28-oct-99 aph) no_align keyword added to call (26-jan-00 aph) let sub-flag work independent of OD flag (30-mar-00 aph) added group id to get_text (09-apr-00 aph) add save image; subtract image; subtract background stack (16-apr-00 aph) initial path is DefPath (24-apr-00 aph) path picked up at all writes; images (*.nc) allows all to write (30-apr-00 aph) image write - allow start number to sync with original file numbers (08-may-00 aph) image write - make file numbers be 3 digits; default start with 1; write *.sl (10-may-00 aph) stack_binary (*.ncb) default cols/rows eliminate grey; (14-may-00 aph) correct filter for image subtraction (19-Jul-00 aph) option to update spectrum in movie (30-may-01 aph) force energy values to be sorted and increasing (11-may-01 aph) if have subtracted spectrum, image or stack, ensure the difference is what is saved as *.ncb, or images etc (23-dec-01 aph) start *.nc numbering at 0; remove desensitize of stack "*.ncb" & others (28-dec-01 aph) sesnsitize stack (*.ncb); fix first file blank on image (*.nc) (06-jan-01 aph) add slicer3; query removal energy sorting ! (12-may-02 aph) AXIS standard header added (25-may-03 aph) fix co-ordinate error if Io read-in; add all-pixels button; add ratio image button improve sensitize / desensitize (15-jun-03 aph) add exchange E-scale; delete image (10-jul-03 aph) fix problem of wrong DAT file with multiple 'remove images' (26-feb-04 aph) add zoom, x,y axis control (01-mar-04 aph) fix display of roi (region, pixels) in zoom mode (27-mar-04 aph) add (E,I)-range control; avg stack; median added (07-apr-04 aph) remove first image; (10-apr-04 aph) add remove_zeros; troubleshoot spectral select (02-may-04 aph) continue trouble-shooting spectral select problem (15-may-04 aph) sensitize path & filename boxes if ROI selected (11-jul-04 aph) try to add scroll bars - failed so far ! shrink vertical size of commands to fit on 768 vertical screen (31-jul-04 aph) replace gif image with png image (gif not supported by IDL6, XP) (21-jan-05 aph) exit STACK_PROCESS after writing stack (19-feb-05 aph) add 'constant' and 'gain' controls (03-jul-05 aph) add 'ratio to spectrum' (07-jul-05 aph) change color reset properties when close to avoid problem of B/W inversion in aXis2000 (15-nov-05 aph) average images over E-range displayed (15-Dec-05 aph) add clip_images (18-feb-06 aph) add map (21-feb-06 aph) correct extensions when write out *.sl list file (08-apr-06 gaj) add write out of all images in tif format (19-apr-06 aph) correct row, column minimums for clipping after alignment; auto-zoom (21-apr-06 aph) add *.roi as default name for roi region (25-apr-06 aph) multiple region display -------- MANY UPDATES TO MAINLINE CODE SHOULD BE ADDED !!!! (30-jul-09 aph) changed analcom to stack_process_com (update to stack_process) (29-jul-11 aph) changed stack_analyze_par.spec_savefile_label to replace wt_spec (old spectrum writer) to use spc_save
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: STACK_PROCESS.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 25-Jul-2015 (aph) PURPOSE: This set of procedures and functions is a widget to display and extract spectra from stacks. This version (derived from from late January 98 version of CJJ) has been modifed to handle file names and paths better. Read in Io signals from ascii (*.txt) spectral format files (x,y) Correct E-scales; normalize yield data; subtract spectra, stacks extract images (*.nc format) from stacks RENAMED 17-Sep-08 (old name: stack_analyze - conflicted with CJJ). CATEGORY: Stack processing. Called from aXis2000 by stacks~analyse~AXIS or stacks~analyse~AXIS binary CALLING SEQUENCE: STACK_PROCESS, [ list_filename, shift_filename, binary=binary, $ zoom=zoom, text_height=text_height, realign=realign, $ help=help, no_align = no_align ] INPUTS: list_filename name of file with list of *.nc image files shift_filename name of file with list of x,y pixel shifts for alignment KEYWORDS: fpath path for files binary read in as *.ncb binary (all images in one file) zoom zoom factor text_height size of text realign launch stack_align after applying shifs in shift_filename help print help information no_align do not launch stack_align debug extensive printing to track progress COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks BSIF_COM common for NetCDF files STACK_PROCESS_COM common for stack process VOLUME_DATA image_stack - 3d array of stack data PIX_SHIFT set of pixel shifts ( xpix_shift, ypix_shift ) ROUTINES stack_analyze_readroi stack_analyze_writeroi stack_analyze_gifmovie stack_analyze_roi_event,event stack_analyze_roi stack_analyze_desensitive stack_analyze_sensitive stack_analyze_graphics stack_analyze_bar stack_analyze_makespectrum stack_analyze_plotspectrum, i_file stack_analyze_imgdisp,i_file stack_analyze_event,event stack_analyze_maximg stack_analyze_par.avg_stack MODIFICATION HISTORY: ( 2-may-98 aph) improve filenames and Io read-in (20-may-99 aph) - BINARY keyword added to call (13-jun-98 aph) correct printed flag on writes (14-jun-98 aph) bsif_com (30-jun-98 aph) OD determination; (6-jul-98 aph) movie buttons, eV_shift, cursor select frame (8-Jan-99 aph) hourglass, close,/all to get round no lun problems (movie); path (11-Jan-99 aph) symbols - default to none; noYzero; aloadct for IDL 4 (14-May-99 aph) add TEY-ON/TEY-OFF button for PEEM stacks (15-May-99 aph) drop first line (19-may-99 aph) REINTRODUCE option to save only image as the movie (22-may-99 aph) read-in from binary files enabled (optiona); write to binary (08-jun-99 aph) use new version of get_num: group = stack_analyze_par.main_base (25-jun-99 aph) add axis_com to put in top_color_index, white_color_index (28-jun-99 aph) remove conflict with 'label' and axis_com use of this (10-jul-99 aph) add clipping to common area; reverse -ve slope axes; fixe error (16-jul-99 aph) remove infinite loop on check for location of files (18-jul-99 aph) adapt stack_wb procedure to work with TEY (I/I-t (no log) data (PEEM; TEY-stxm) (26-sep-99 aph) remove aloadct (no longer supporting IDL 4.0 operation) (27-oct-99 aph) reset (x,y) scales in stack binary writes (28-oct-99 aph) no_align keyword added to call (28-oct-99 aph) no_align keyword added to call (26-jan-00 aph) let sub-flag work independent of OD flag (30-mar-00 aph) added group id to get_text (09-apr-00 aph) add save image; subtract image; subtract background stack (16-apr-00 aph) initial path is DefPath (24-apr-00 aph) path picked up at all writes; images (*.nc) allows all to write (30-apr-00 aph) image write - allow start number to sync with original file numbers (08-may-00 aph) image write - make file numbers be 3 digits; default start with 1; write *.sl (10-may-00 aph) stack_binary (*.ncb) default cols/rows eliminate grey; (14-may-00 aph) correct filter for image subtraction (19-Jul-00 aph) option to update spectrum in movie (30-may-01 aph) force energy values to be sorted and increasing (11-may-01 aph) if have subtracted spectrum, image or stack, ensure the difference is what is saved as *.ncb, or images etc (23-dec-01 aph) start *.nc numbering at 0; remove desensitize of stack "*.ncb" & others (28-dec-01 aph) sesnsitize stack (*.ncb); fix first file blank on image (*.nc) (06-jan-01 aph) add slicer3; query removal energy sorting ! (12-may-02 aph) AXIS standard header added (25-may-03 aph) fix co-ordinate error if Io read-in; add all-pixels button; add ratio image button improve sensitize / desensitize (15-jun-03 aph) add exchange E-scale; delete image (10-jul-03 aph) fix problem of wrong DAT file with multiple 'remove images' (26-feb-04 aph) add zoom, x,y axis control (01-mar-04 aph) fix display of roi (region, pixels) in zoom mode (27-mar-04 aph) add (E,I)-range control; avg stack; median added (07-apr-04 aph) remove first image; (10-apr-04 aph) add remove_zeros; troubleshoot spectral select (02-may-04 aph) continue trouble-shooting spectral select problem (15-may-04 aph) sensitize path & filename boxes if ROI selected (11-jul-04 aph) try to add scroll bars - failed so far ! shrink vertical size of commands to fit on 768 vertical screen (31-jul-04 aph) replace gif image with png image (gif not supported by IDL6, XP) (21-jan-05 aph) exit stack_analyze after writing stack (19-feb-05 aph) add 'constant' and 'gain' controls (03-jul-05 aph) add 'ratio to spectrum' (07-jul-05 aph) change color reset properties when close to avoid problem of B/W inversion in aXis2000 (15-nov-05 aph) average images over E-range displayed (15-Dec-05 aph) add clip_images (18-feb-06 aph) add map (21-feb-06 aph) correct extensions when write out *.sl list file (08-apr-06 gaj) add write out of all images in tif format (19-apr-06 aph) correct row, column minimums for clipping after alignment; auto-zoom (21-apr-06 aph) add *.roi as default name for roi region (31-may-06 jso) adapt Readroi to read *.png type ROI files from Lox stacks (10-jun-06 aph) integrate Jacob's alternate Lox ROI, using *.png images (07-jul-06 rec) add stack_analyze_maximg (22-Sep-06 aph) correct multi-image write out to get *.sl file (22-Sep-06 aph) cosmetic changes (12-Nov-06 aph) correct multi-image write out to get *.sl file (again) put energy sort into binary read; add ratio to constant (gain) (11-jan-07 aph) multiply constant, image (26-feb-07 aph) replaced direct use of interpolate with ax_mesh to get subtraction of spectra correct (17-jul-07 aph) optimize read-in from memory rather than disk; leave widget on top (17-Sep-07 aph) do remove_zeros image-by-image (29-Dec-07 aph) correct name in header; leave widget on top - TRY #2 (03-Mar-08 MJ) keyword /SCROLL in widget_base() needs X_SCROLL_SIZE (21-mar-08 aph) fix up stack_analyze subtract stack (missing read-in !!); merged MJ version (13-apr-08 aph) turn on pre-set window size (X_Scroll_size, Y_Scroll_size) only for non-Windows OS over-write warning when writing spectra or images (17-sep-08 aph) convert name from stack_analyze to stack_process; change analcom to stack_process_com (21-sep-08 aph) add ability to revert to tranmsission, given the Io signal (22-Nov-08 aph) add file overwrite check to saving spectra & make it work (19-Dec-08 aph) write out only images in range of E displayed (shrink stacks) (29-jul-09 aph) auto-transfer name of roi to name of output (11-Aug-09 aph) fixe wrong variable name for filename for image write (17-Aug-09 aph) mods to chase why VM version does not work if try to build in align info move shifting part of stack_align into stack_process (16-Feb-10 aph) add calibrate (x-axis - full range) (22-Jul-10 aph) modify energies in stack filename_ev_msec list (23-Jul-10 aph) add no_read option for situations where image_stack exists (03-Feb-11 aph) corrected no-read stacks (was error on stack_rb introduced 20-Feb-10 rescale_flag = 1 set for all stacks now displays io files read from disk (19-Feb-11 aph) remove annoying HELP, image_stack display (22-Apr-11 aph) add replace bad lines (for STXM5321 data) (17-May-11 aph) add work around for ID5.2 in energy calibration routine; reset energy limits when E-cal (31-Jul-11 aph) remove commented out reference to wt_spec (old writer) (04-Oct-11 aph) add ROTATE 90 CW, CCW (22-Nov-11 aph) stop using old CurBuf index when placing resultants (avg, map) into aXis buffers desensitivze OD control when TEY is ON; add 'exchange x,y axes' (24-Nov-11 aph) enable reading stack list with *.axb files (07-Dec-11 aph) limits for write-out in IDL notation (0 to #-1); add tooltips; add adjustable Path (08-Dec-11 aph) preserve aspect ratio in the zoom (24-Dec-12 aph) solve problem of avg_image overwriting active buffer preload filename with name of stack; add stack name to label for average (01-Jan-13 aph) default map (2-E); stop overwriting CruBuf when save map image (28-Apr-13 aph) cut recommended zoom by 2 (28-Aug-13 aph) reat identical points differently than out of order points on stack read-in (01-Sep-13 aph) change banner name to stack_process (also referred as that in new Help file) (25-Oct-13 aph) get write movies working (21-Apr-14 aph) rotate stack - correct x, y dimensions; check for existing name BEFORE completing write (30-nov-14 aph) force gif movies to write to the current path as defined in stack_process Path variable using lpath (from axis_com) to establish path modify spectrum_save to allow paths & files names with spaces (don't use strcompress(/remove_all) !!) (22-Mar-15 aph) apply correct (x,y) axes / scales to truncated stacks error discovered with Ti2p/O1s TXM stacks of memresistor (Carta) (25-Jul-15 aph) fix XY-scale so that y-axis scales proportional to X-axis (get_num problem)
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: STACK_PROCESS_ALIGN_COM LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 11-Jan-10 PURPOSE: This FILE contains the COMMON block, STACK_PROCESS_ALIGN_COMMON CATEGORY: AXIS: Stack_process common block CALLING SEQUENCE: @stack_process_align_com (to include in the stack_analyse routines) INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: (23-Jan-98 version) CJJ written (30-dec-99 aph) added documentation (07-mar-09 aph) updated with 1 more line !!! (11-Jan-10 aph) changed name to remove conflict with stack_align_common in stack_analyze.sav (CJJ)
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: STACK_PROCESS_COM LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 29-Nov-14 PURPOSE: This FILE contains the COMMON block, stack_process_common CATEGORY: AXIS: Stack_analyze common block CALLING SEQUENCE: @stack_process_com (to include in the stack_process (axis2000 version of stack_analyze) routines) INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: none DETAILS: - variables in the common block: plot_cols, plot_rows: size of plot region in pixels char_ypix: height of a character in pixels charsize: scaling to have characters come out at char_ypix height textregion_ypix: height of text plus scalebar region below image textregion_nlines: number of lines to text plus scalebar region r,g,b: color vectors for 8 bit display i_color_index, i0_color_index: color indices for I and I0 respectively top_color_index: full white disp_xmin, disp_xmax, disp_ymin, disp_ymax MODOFICATIONS (16-apr-98 aph) - added filepath, filesave to common !! filename_header = filepath + sep + filesave, where sep is system specific separator and parameters related to Io readin (30-jun-98 aph) - added OD_flag, rescale_flag,stop_flag ( 6-jul-98 aph) - moviestate, framenum, framerate: for movies ( 6-jul-98 aph) - spectrum_x_scale, spectrum_y_scale: to allow cursor selection of image ( 6-jul-98 aph) - filename_ev_msec_list: to update E-scales ( 7-jul-98 aph) - sub_flag, ref_spectrum: to allow subtraction of ref. spectrum (14-may-99 aph) - tey_flag to prevent logarithm (25-jun-99 aph) - remove xx_color_index (in axis_com, part of ax_color) (29-jun-99 aph) - put color_index items back; axis_colr_common kept separate (31-dec-99 aph) - standard documentation (09-apr-00 aph) - add stack_analyze_par.sub_image, stack_analyze_par.sub_stack (08-may-00 aph) - add xpix_shift, ypix_shift - 2d arrays with mon/max shifts - separate common (22-feb-04 aph) - add disp_xmin, disp_xmax, disp_ymin, disp_ymax, ixl, ixh, iyl, iyh (26-mar-04 aph) - add disp_emin, disp_emax (02-may-04 aph) - add sa_debug (18-feb-06 aph) - add peak_img, bgnd_1, etc for mapping (23-apr-06 aph) - multi-region plotting - n_roi, i_roi becomes 2d (18-mar-07 aph) - add limits (for fitting stacks) (17-Sep-08 aph) - change name to stack_process_com to differentiate from similar common block in jacobsen's stack_analyze (29-Nov-14 aph) - removed filepath from the common block (filepath and path are FUNCTIONS in IDL) replaced with DefPath (which is in aXis_com
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: STACK_PROCESS_TOF.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------- 30-Jul-09 [from 13-Apr-08 (aph FROM 26-Feb-04)] CAUTION - lots of updates of regular stack_analayze missed !! PURPOSE: This set of procedures and functions is a widget to display and extract spectra from stacks. This version (derived from from late January 98 version of CJJ) has been modifed to handle file names and paths better. Read in Io signals from ascii (*.txt) spectral format files (x,y) Correct E-scales; normalize yield data; subtract spectra, stacks extract images (*.nc format) from stacks. CATEGORY: Stack analysis. Called from aXis2000 by stacks~stack~analyse~AXIS (or AXIS binary) CALLING SEQUENCE: STACK_PROCESS, [ list_filename, shift_filename, fpath=fpath, binary=binary, $ zoom=zoom, text_height=text_height, realign=realign, $ help=help, no_align = no_align ] INPUTS: list_filename name of file with list of *.nc image files shift_filename name of file with list of x,y pixel shifts for alignment KEYWORDS: fpath path for files binary read in as *.ncb binary (all images in one file) zoom zoom factor text_height size of text realign launch stack_align after applying shifs in shift_filename help print help information no_align do not launch stack_align COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks BSIF_COM common for NetCDF files STACK_PROCESS_CCM common for stack process_tof VOLUME_DATA image_stack - 3d array of stack data PIX_SHIFT set of pixel shifts ( xpix_shift, ypix_shift ) ROUTINES STACK_PROCESS_readroi STACK_PROCESS_writeroi STACK_PROCESS_gifmovie STACK_PROCESS_roi_event,event STACK_PROCESS_roi STACK_PROCESS_desensitive STACK_PROCESS_sensitive STACK_PROCESS_graphics STACK_PROCESS_bar STACK_PROCESS_makespectrum STACK_PROCESS_plotspectrum, i_file STACK_PROCESS_imgdisp,i_file STACK_PROCESS_event,event MODIFICATION HISTORY: ( 2-may-98 aph) improve filenames and Io read-in (20-may-99 aph) - BINARY keyword added to call (13-jun-98 aph) correct printed flag on writes (14-jun-98 aph) bsif_com (30-jun-98 aph) OD determination; (6-jul-98 aph) movie buttons, eV_shift, cursor select frame (8-Jan-99 aph) hourglass, close,/all to get round no lun problems (movie); path (11-Jan-99 aph) symbols - default to none; noYzero; aloadct for IDL 4 (14-May-99 aph) add TEY-ON/TEY-OFF button for PEEM stacks (15-May-99 aph) drop first line (19-may-99 aph) REINTRODUCE option to save only image as the movie (22-may-99 aph) read-in from binary files enabled (optiona); write to binary (08-jun-99 aph) use new version of get_num: group = STACK_PROCESS_par.main_base (25-jun-99 aph) add axis_com to put in top_color_index, white_color_index (28-jun-99 aph) remove conflict with 'label' and axis_com use of this (10-jul-99 aph) add clipping to common area; reverse -ve slope axes; fixe error (16-jul-99 aph) remove infinite loop on check for location of files (18-jul-99 aph) adapt stack_wb procedure to work with TEY (I/I-t (no log) data (PEEM; TEY-stxm) (26-sep-99 aph) remove aloadct (no longer supporting IDL 4.0 operation) (27-oct-99 aph) reset (x,y) scales in stack binary writes (28-oct-99 aph) no_align keyword added to call (28-oct-99 aph) no_align keyword added to call (26-jan-00 aph) let sub-flag work independent of OD flag (30-mar-00 aph) added group id to get_text (09-apr-00 aph) add save image; subtract image; subtract background stack (16-apr-00 aph) initial path is DefPath (24-apr-00 aph) path picked up at all writes; images (*.nc) allows all to write (30-apr-00 aph) image write - allow start number to sync with original file numbers (08-may-00 aph) image write - make file numbers be 3 digits; default start with 1; write *.sl (10-may-00 aph) stack_binary (*.ncb) default cols/rows eliminate grey; (14-may-00 aph) correct filter for image subtraction (19-Jul-00 aph) option to update spectrum in movie (30-may-01 aph) force energy values to be sorted and increasing (11-may-01 aph) if have subtracted spectrum, image or stack, ensure the difference is what is saved as *.ncb, or images etc (23-dec-01 aph) start *.nc numbering at 0; remove desensitize of stack "*.ncb" & others (28-dec-01 aph) sesnsitize stack (*.ncb); fix first file blank on image (*.nc) (06-jan-01 aph) add slicer3; query removal energy sorting ! (12-may-02 aph) AXIS standard header added (25-may-03 aph) fix co-ordinate error if Io read-in; add all-pixels button; add ratio image button improve sensitize / desensitize (15-jun-03 aph) add exchange E-scale; delete image (10-jul-03 aph) fix problem of wrong DAT file with multiple 'remove images' (26-feb-04 aph) add x,y axis control ; -------- MANY UPDATES TO MAINLINE CODE SHOULD BE ADDED !!!! (13-apr-08 aph) turn on pre-set window size (X_Scroll_size, Y_Scroll_size) only for non-Windows OS over-write warning when writing spectra or images -------- MANY UPDATES TO MAINLINE CODE SHOULD BE ADDED !!!! (30-jul-09 aph) changed analcom to stack_process_com (update to stack_process) (29-jul-11 aph) changed stack_analyze_par.spec_savefile_label to replace wt_spec (old spectrum writer) to use spc_save
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: STACK_RB LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 10-Nov-13 PURPOSE: This procedure reads in a whole stack (3d (E,x,y) array) from binary places data into image_stack (Common volume_data) Re-Scales data to restore a factor used to avoind integer loss of detail CATEGORY: stack processing; stand alone operation CALLING SEQUENCE: STACK_RB, FILE INPUTS: FILE name of the output file KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: none COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks stack_process_com BSIF_com volume_data, image_stack RESTRICTIONS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: (22-may-99 aph) first version (08-jun-99 aph) add group ID to get_num calls (06-jul-99 aph) free_lun !; reverses image_stack for -ve axes (27-oct-99 aph) print scale factor; preserve (x,y) axes (28-feb-02 aph) AXIS standard header added (02-may-04 aph) error recovery if file name error; fix header (19-feb-05 aph) close *.dat file to release it ! (10-nov-06 aph) use axis_log (25-dec-07 aph) correct header (17-Sep-08 aph) replace analcom with stack_process_com (27-Jan-10 aph) generate filenae_list from filename_ev__msec_list since it is used by stack_append (20-Feb-10 aph) adapt to reading in reals (02-Feb-11 aph) corrected no-read - if scale = 1.0 never loaded image_stack ! (24-Nov-11 aph) increased size of field to display stack size (10-Nov-13 aph) increased field size for indicated E-range
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: STACK_READLIST LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 21-Feb-06 PURPOSE: This procedure reads in a stack set of files from a pre-made list (*.sl) or a listing of files of a specific type CATEGORY: utility CALLING SEQUENCE: STACK_READLIST, list_filename, filename_list INPUTS: list_filename input list filename_list output list KEYWORDS: NONE OUTPUTS: filename_list COMMON BLOCKS: NONE MODIFICATION HISTORY: (10-aug-99 aph) revised to read either zimba or jacobsen format "*.sl" files (16-oct-99 aph) set up to handle *sl files with incorrect path information (21-feb-06 aph) AXIS standard header added
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: STACK_ROTATE LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 22-Mar-15 PURPOSE: This procedure rotates each image of a stack CATEGORY: stack processing; stand alone operation CALLING SEQUENCE: STACK_ROTATE, FILE=FILE INPUTS: none required KEYWORDS: FILE name of the output file OUTPUTS: differentiated stack COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks stack_process_com BSIF_com volume_data, image_stack SIDE EFFECTS: none RESTRICTIONS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: (12-Jan-09 aph) first version (22-Mar-15 aph) - (x,y) axes / scales of rotated stack written correctly alert user to stacks with non-square pixels; use avg. value
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: STACK_WB LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 21-Apr-2014 PURPOSE: This procedure writes a whole stack (3d (E,x,y) array) to a binary file with associated *.dat file to track paramaters assumes Common volume_data, image_stack exists and contains the data Scales data to within 1000 and 10000 of above 3e4 or below 1e3 scale factor is stored, and reinstalled when using CATEGORY: stack processing; stand alone operation CALLING SEQUENCE: WRITE_WB, FILE [, real=real, silent = silent, overwrite=overwrite] INPUTS: FILE name of the output file KEYWORDS: REAL - write as reals SILENT - if set, no feedback OVERWRITE - if set, do not check if file exists OUTPUTS: *.ncb file COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks STACK_PROCESS_COM BSIF_COM volume_data, image_stack SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: (22-may-99 aph) first version (09-sep-99 aph) (x,y) scale reset to account for dimensions on nsls data (26-sep-99 aph) clean up name (27-oct-99 aph) leave (x,y) axes in original dimensions (28-feb-02 aph) adapt to handle 1-image stacks; AXIS standard header added (04-jun-04 aph) add free_lun; get to write more than 8-character filenames in list (17-Jun-05 aph) warning & switch re Unix format; print => axis_log (17-Sep-08 aph) replace analcom with stack_process_com (14-dec-09 aph) desensitize to filenames with '.' in them (27-Jan-10 aph) add write protect for *,ncb (14-Feb-10 aph) add write protext for *.dat files !; write as reals (20-Feb-10 aph) add hourglass for slow writes (22-Jul-10 aph) correct flag for case where scale is < 1 fix REAL write out (22-Jul-13 aph) ensure filename has *.ncb, *.dat extensions (23-Jul-13 aph) add DefPath and remove duplicate checks (26-Jul-13 aph) REMOVE defPath - it was putting stacks in crazy places & added back the second overwrite check ! (10-Nov-13 aph) change printed information if do not save stack (21-Apr-14 aph) add OVERWRITE option to avoid multiple checks for existing file (21-Jul-14 aph) corrected header
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: STAG.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 21 Jul 2014 PURPOSE: This function checks for existence of one or more specified structure field (or tag) returns T/F (0/1) byte or byte array CATEGORY: data utility CALLING SEQUENCE: for procedures: ZOOM [, FACT = Fact, /INTERP, XSIZE = Xs, YSIZE = Ys, /CONTINUOUS, $ /KEEP, ZOOM_WINDOW=Zoom_Win, /NEW_WINDOW ] for functions: Result = STAG (s, tag(s)) INPUTS: S structure TAG array of tags to check for KEYWORDS: KEY1: OUTPUTS: No explicit outputs. A new window is created if necessary ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: (11-nov-00 cgz) migrated from STRUCTURE.PRO (21-Jul-14 aph) AXIS standard header added
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: STRING2FILE PURPOSE: This procedure writes the contents of a string array to a text file, one element per line. CATEGORY: Input / Output CALLING SEQUENCE: STRING2FILE, In_string, Filename INPUTS: In_string: The string array to write to the file. Filename: The name of the text file to receive the string data. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: APPEND: If set, and if the output file exists, the data is appended to the output file. By default, the output file is overwritten. OUTPUTS: None WRITTEN BY: Billy W. Loo, Jr. Bioengineering Graduate Group, UCSF / UCB School of Medicine, UCD Lawrence Berkeley National Lab May, 1997
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: STRSPLIT PURPOSE: Wrapper on the build in system routine STRTOK that implements exactly the same interface as STRTOK, but with the STRSPLIT name. The reason for doing this is so that if a user has their own STRSPLIT in their local user library, their version will superceed this one. RSI does not recommend this practice, but it is allowed for backwards compatability reasons. See the documentation for STRSPLIT in the IDL Reference manual for details on arguments, keywords, and results. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 14 October 1999, AB, RSI. AB, 5/4/2001, Switch from using _EXTRA to _STRICT_EXTRA, so that incorrect keywords passed to STRTOK will issue proper error messages instead of being silently ignored.
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: STR_COLUMNS PURPOSE: This procedure takes a string array containing rows of text, and divides it into a 2-D array with each row divided into columns. CATEGORY: String processing. CALLING SEQUENCE: STR_COLUMNS, Input INPUTS: Input: A 1-D string array. Each element is a row of text containing columns of text separated by a delimiter. Each row must have the same number of column elements. The input array will be overwritten by the resulting 2-D string array. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: DELIMITER: A string containing the delimiter between columns. The default delimiter is white space between columns. See the documentation for SPLIT_STRING for details. OUTPUTS: The input parameter is overwritten with the output. ROUTINES USED BY THIS MODULE: SPLIT_STRING (Bill Loo's IDL routine) WRITTEN BY: Billy W. Loo, Jr. Bioengineering Graduate Group, UCSF / UCB School of Medicine, UCD Lawrence Berkeley National Lab December, 1997
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: STXM4_NCB LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 30-Jul-09 PURPOSE: This procedure converts a series of NSLS STXM IV image files into a binary stack file. The STXM IV files are those listed in a '*.sl' file CATEGORY: AXIS: stack analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: RESULT = STXM4_NCM(group_leader=axis_ID) INPUTS: none KEYWORD PARAMETERS: GROUP_LEADER - identification of caller for modal control OUTPUTS: FILE.NCB - stack binary file COMMON BLOCKS: stack_process_com axis_com bsif_com volume_data RESTRICTIONS: caveat emptor MODIFICATION HISTORY: (30-sep-01 aph) first developed (30-Jul-09 aph) changed analcom to stack_process_com (update to stack_process)
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: SXM_ACOMMON.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 22 Jul 2014 PURPOSE: This file holds a common block for NSLS cryo-STXM (netCDF) data files MODIFICATION HISTORY: (21-Dec-00 cjj) file obtained from CJJ's source (22-Jul-14 aph) AXIS standard header added
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: SXM_COMMON.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 22 Jul 2014 PURPOSE: This file holds a common block for NSLS cryo-STXM (netCDF) data files MODIFICATION HISTORY: (21-Dec-00 cjj) file obtained from CJJ's source (22-Jul-14 aph) AXIS standard header added
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: SXM_FILEEXIST LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 22 Jul 2014 PURPOSE: This function checks existence of a file (normally use findfile) ; Returns 1 if the file exists, 0 otherwise. CATEGORY: Image display. CALLING SEQUENCE: for procedures: ZOOM [, FACT = Fact, /INTERP, XSIZE = Xs, YSIZE = Ys, /CONTINUOUS, $ /KEEP, ZOOM_WINDOW=Zoom_Win, /NEW_WINDOW ] for functions: Result = Sxm_fileexists (filename, [nofindfile=nofindfile]) INPUTS: filename - name of file KEYWORDS: nofindfile error value (0 if not found, 1 if found) MODIFICATION HISTORY: (21-Dec-00 cjj) file obtained from CJJ's source (22-Jul-14 aph) AXIS standard header added
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: SXM_IPAR.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 22 Jul 2014 PURPOSE: This procedure sets up the data structure sxm_par CATEGORY: Image display. CALLING SEQUENCE: for procedures: SXM_IPAR INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: none COMMON BLOCKS: SXM_COMMON MODIFICATION HISTORY: (21-Dec-00 cjj) file obtained from CJJ's source (22-Jul-14 aph) AXIS standard header added
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: SXM_READFILE.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 22 Jul 2014 PURPOSE: This function reads in NSLS-I cryo-STXM files which are in netCDF format. It returns 0 on error and 1 on success. CATEGORY: Data I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = SXM_READFILE (filename,[ error_message, header_only=header_only)] INPUTS: FILENAME name of cryo-STXM file ERROR_MESSAGE if file not found KEYWORDS: HEADER_ONLY if set, returns header only OUTPUTS: No explicit outputs. A new window is created if necessary COMMON BLOCKS: @sxm_common @sxm_acommon @bsif_common MODIFICATION HISTORY: (04-apr-98 aph) read in "now_nm" type cryo-STXMfiles (22-Jul-14 aph) AXIS standard header added
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: SXM_STRCLEAN LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 22 Jul 2014 PURPOSE: This function interconverts strings (to read) and bytearrays (to store in netCDF) CATEGORY: NSLS-1 cryo-STXM (SXM) utility CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = SXM_STRCLEAN(input [,to_string=to_string, to_bytearray=to_bytearray]) INPUTS: INPUT parameter to convert KEYWORDS: to_string - if set, convert to a string to_bytearray - if set, convert to a bytearray COMMON BLOCKS: sxm_common MODIFICATION HISTORY: (21-Dec-00 cjj) file obtained from CJJ's source (22-Jul-14 aph) AXIS standard header added
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: TEXT_READ.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 11-nov-00 PURPOSE: TEXT_READ - multi-block file read-in CATEGORY: STAND ALONE: utilities CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = text_READ(FILNENAME) CALLED FROM AXIS: many procedures ROUTINES function TEXT_READ, FNAME, block=b, blkInfo=bi reads the bth block (starting from zero) in the file and returns the contents as a matrix KEYWORDS: BLOCK - block number to read BLKINFO - string array for header information for block COMMON BLOCKS: none
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: TEXT_READ1.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 23-Jul-14 PURPOSE: TEXT_READ1 - simple text file read-in (single block) CATEGORY: STAND ALONE: utilities CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = text_READ1(FILNENAME) CALLED FROM AXIS: many procedures ROUTINES function TEXT_READ1, FNAME, print=print reads simple text files consisting of 1 block plus a header KEYWORDS PRINT - if set, then print header information COMMON BLOCKS: none
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: THUMBLBLS LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 16-Feb-2010 PURPOSE: ThumbLbls display the thumbnail sketches used for buffer identification CATEGORY: AXIS: utility (captive) CALLING SEQUENCE: ThumbLbls, /ALL CALLED FROM AXIS: whenever execute PlotBuf to display a new Buffer; clear; etc ;INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: ALL - force all 9 to be redsiplayed OUTPUTS: revised AXIS display COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks MODIFICATION HISTORY: ( MAR-98 APH) split from axis_c to shrink file (14-jun-98 aph) axis_com (24-jun-99 aph) consistent color for image/spectra ; ADD zstack_color_common (26-jul-99 aph) if curBuf=0, only update labels (26-sep-99 aph) separated from THUMBS.PRO to have file name = run name adapted to 9 separate windows (31-jan-00 aph) AXIS standard documentation; re-ordered to avoid loss of utility routines (11-mar-00 aph) remove comment on @axis_com line (16-apr-00 aph) handle 3d images which have 3-channel (3-d) data structure (19-dec-00 cgz) substituted ax_white_color_index with ax_plot_axes_color_index substituted ax_black_color_index with ax_plot_bkgd_color_index (16-Feb-10 aph) separated from parent file to follow IDL conventions
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: THUMBPLOT LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 19-dec-00 PURPOSE: Thumbplot plots a thumbnail of buffer data in Bufnum CATEGORY: AXIS: utility (captive) CALLING SEQUENCE: ThumbPlot, BUFNUM CALLED FROM AXIS: whenever execute PlotBuf to display a new Buffer; clear; etc ;INPUTS: BUFNUM - number of buffer to update thumbnail KEYWORDS: none COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks MODIFICATION HISTORY: ( MAR-98 APH) split from axis_c to shrink file (14-jun-98 aph) axis_com (24-jun-99 aph) consistent color for image/spectra ; ADD zstack_color_common (26-jul-99 aph) if curBuf=0, only update labels (26-sep-99 aph) separated from THUMBS.PRO to have file name = run name adapted to 9 separate windows (31-jan-00 aph) AXIS standard documentation; re-ordered to avoid loss of utility routines (11-mar-00 aph) remove comment on @axis_com line (16-apr-00 aph) handle 3d images which have 3-channel (3-d) data structure (19-dec-00 cgz) substituted ax_white_color_index with ax_plot_axes_color_index substituted ax_black_color_index with ax_plot_bkgd_color_index (16-Feb-10 aph) separated from parent to follow IDL conventions
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: THUMBZOOM LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 19-dec-00 PURPOSE: This procedure plots 4 or 9 buffers in the main image of AXIS CATEGORY: AXIS: utility CALLING SEQUENCE: ThumbZoom [, NUM=num , BufChoice=Buf4, color=color, all_scale=all_scale] CALLED FROM AXIS: ->Zoom->Thumbnails->{4->{B/W,color},9->{B/W,color}} INPUTS: All input parameters are passed as keywords or by AXIS_COM. KEYWORDS: NUM = 4 - display four user-selected buffers ( =9 - all buffers) BUFCHOICE - indices of the selected buffers COLOR - display images with current color table, spectra with AXIS_COLORS ALL_SCALE - scale images by min/max of all displayed images OUTPUTS: The composite image is generated as an AXIS 2d structure in bufer = 10. All image options should execute on this composite image USE COPY to write multi-image display to a single buffer COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks MODIFICATION HISTORY: (xx-MAR-98 aph) split from axis_c (14-jun-98 aph) axis_com (24-jun-99 aph) go for consistent color ! (29-jun-99 aph) correct name for axis_color_common variables (10-jul-99 aph) add B/W or color option to assist printing (26-sep-99 aph) split from to have filename = pro name (01-Jan-00 aph) generate mega-image for lineouts (01-jan-00 aph) AXIS standard documentation (30-nov-00 cgz) Replaced call of wdivide with explicit !p.multi statement Replaced IF NUM EQ # staements with CASE structure (19-dec-00 cgz) substituted ax_white_color_index with ax_plot_axes_color_index substituted ax_black_color_index with ax_plot_bkgd_color_index
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: TIF2NCDF LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 12-may-02 PURPOSE: This procedure converts one or a series of tif-format images into netCDF format FILES (nsls 'OLD' *.NC) using Works for ALS PEEM-2 (12-bit and 16-bit via and SRC Elmitech (De Stasio) 16-bit tif file formats optional binning, E-calibrate, dark-correction (using multiple files), gain-correction. Area of interest files from PEEM-2 camera can be used to select regions from full scale images (not working as of jul-01) CATEGORY: Image readin called from stacks~convert format~TIF to netCDF~1 / many / file CALLING SEQUENCE: TIF2NCDF [, file, list=list, bin=bin, outlist = outlist, $ delE=delE, fltr = fltr, delC=delC] INPUTS: FILE path&name of tif file - optional KEYWORDS: LIST name of file with list of set of names of {path&file} (*.lst format) BIN average pixels in bocks of n (bin = 2 cuts size x4; bin=3 by 9 etc) OUTLIST name of stack list file (*.sl) to write list of files for later analysis AOI [x0, y0, x1, y1] defining region of interest delE shift in energy scale (linear re-calibration) fltr allow call line selection of filter (default = '*.tif') delC constant background to apply to all pixels OUTPUTS: file as path+name+'.nc' written for each input file or list element COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks SIDE EFFECTS: PROCEDURE: PEEM-2 and Elmitech formats are differentiated by convention in PEEM-2 of including a # to seperate sample name from sequence number The image and associated information are put into BSIF_COMMON variables: image_data (the array which holds the image - possible several planes deep for I, IO, CLOCK) x_normal, y_normal, rotated, x_title, y_title MODIFICATION HISTORY: (13-May-99 aph) adapted from als2ncdf (08-jun-99 aph) add group to get_num calls (15-jun-99 aph) generalise to handle lists with no path or defective path (17-jul-99 aph) provision for dark count subtraction (18-jul-99 aph) improved checking for correct filenames (Get_path modified) (26-mar-00 aph) correct read in of ALS PEEM lists (24-oct-00 aph) option to use 12-bit or 16-bit PEEM data (03-oct-01 aph) allow subtraction of constant if needed (Mephisto PEEM) (30-mar-01 aph) set up for Elmitech stacks; bypass filename sorting default bgnd - 32768; different E read (19-apr-01 aph) changed sl format to match zimba (path/names) (22-apr-01 aph) AXIS standard header added; force extensions (08-may-01 aph) implement dark image for background correction; implement AOI (14-jul-01 aph) add option to subtract dark file (or a sum) from each image (31-jul-01 aph) add axis keyword to RD_PEEM call and to call to this routine (12-may-02 aph) correct invalid name format in header.
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: TIFRD_IM.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 21-Jul-14 PURPOSE: This procedure reads a tif image file (*.tif) using RD_PEEM and converts it to NetCDF format. This is used to process *.tif to *.nc files for use in stack_analyze CATEGORY: Image format conversion. CALLING SEQUENCE: for procedures: TIFRD_IM, [file, bin=bin, Energy=energy, white=white, CCD_bgnd=CCD_bgnd, $ smth = smth, bits12 = bits12, region = region, scale=scale, $ help=help, _extra=e] INPUTS: FILE name of file to convert (user prompted if not supplied) KEYWORDS: BIN paramater for binning BITS12 if set to 12 this uses the 12-bit read routine in RD_PEEM ENERGY sets energy of PEEM image CCD_bgnd CCD background image or average value that is subtracted SCALE pixel size in microns SMTH if set, applies a 3-point median smooth WHITE if set, divides the image by an image in file white (response of CCD to uniform illumination) AOI area of interest, defined by box, [x0,x1, y0, y1] acquired by PEEM-2 used to extract su-image from dark and white files REGION a 4-number vector [x_start, x_stop, y_start, y_stop] defining the region of the image to be selected (if scale set, in real space units. Otherwise, in pixels) NOFILTER if set, then pickfile dialog does not have filter set to '*.tif' HELP print information about this routine _EXTRA any other parameters to be passed on to other procedures COMMON AXIS_COM general common blocks for AXIS BSIF_COM - common for netCDF format OUTPUTS: data is set-up in image_data and with bsif_common variables set ready to write *.nc if desired (as is done from tif2ncdf) MODIFICATION HISTORY: (13-May-99 aph) adapted from ax_rd_im; then to using rd_peem (08-jun-99 aph) add group to get_num call (17-jul99 aph) CCD_bgnd introduced (24-oct-00 aph) allow 12-bit or 16-bit ALS PEEM readin (06-may-01 aph) AXIS standard header added; gain for dynamic range deleted; format of image_data switched to float (12-jul-01 aph) correct for dark on read-in if aio_dark supplied (31-jul-01 aph) include /axis keyword in call to RD_PEEM (assumes only run from axis) (21-Jul-14 aph) corrected header
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: TIF_CONVERT LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 11-Mar-2013 (aph) PURPOSE: This file contains a set of procedures which are a widget to convert tif files written by various cameras to a set of NetCDF files or *.ncb file for use in aXis2000. Relative to the text-only approach of, this widget has provision for graphical selection of the region of interest. Adapted to be called from axis2000 CATEGORY: Image conversion. CALLING SEQUENCE: read~images+peem TIF_CONVERT: PROCEDURES tif_convert_prep tif_convert_limits_get_prep tif_convert_limits_get_imgdisp tif_convert_gl_dialogue_event tif_convert_gl_dialogue tif_convert_limits_get tif_convert INPUTS: none required KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: *.nc files are written if requested by user COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks @BSIF_com @tif_convert_com @limits_get_common MODIFICATION HISTORY: (06-aug-02 aph) AXIS standard header added; integrated with axis2000 (30-apr-03 aph) adapt for SRC, sphinx data (14-may-03 aph) add direct conversion to ncb; move to stack.convert menu; scale in nm/pixel (28-jul-03 aph) replaced 'label' names in setting up widget - conflict with Label array in (17-may-04 aph) adapt for Lox stacks (04-Jun-04 aph) modify name parsing to get all characters of filename in filename_ev_msec_list make work with sub-sets of the list (26-may-05 aph) set up microscope default settings; rationalize parameter display & setting (13-jul-05 aph) continue adapting PEEM_general for auto-configure to specific microscopes reconfigured switches to make value and button the same preserve values between read-ins (unless close IDL) (16-oct-05 aph) change read_lox to read_lox_spectra (20-jan-07 aph) add in processing for ALS PEEM-3 format files (05-apr-07 aph) correct pix_siz - was calling tif_rdim, rd_peem with scale in nm not microns so image dimensions were wrong (12-Sep-07 aph) add group keyword to all calls ro Read_PEEM3 (07-Aug-08 aph) add switch to select / de-select I-ring normalization (30-jul-09 aph) changed analcom to stack_process_com (update to stack_process) NB not done in initial Sep-08 change (11-Mar-13 aph) include processing for SagaLS Elmitec PEEM (energy scale generator)
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: TIF_CONVERT_COM.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 07-Aug-08 (aph) PURPOSE: This INCLUDE file contains COMMON blocks for TIF_CONVERT CATEGORY: AXIS: utility CALLING SEQUENCE: @tif_convert_com NAMES AND MEANING OF COMMON VARIABLES ************************************************************************* *********** TIF_CONVERT COMMON PARAMETERS ****************** ************************************************************************* COMMON tif_convert_common, $ tif_convert_par - widget values pathsep - path for files bits12 - 1 = 12bit, 0 =16bit ccd_bgnd - No of counts in average CCD background smth - 1 = median smooth bin - nxn binning white - file for CCD pattern correction start - ncb_switch - 1= store as binary, 0 = store as separate *.nc files pix_siz_nm - nm/pixel tif_signed - 1 = signed, 0 = unsigned tif_region - xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax - pixel limits o fregion of image to convert gotalist - flag indicating set of files have been selected (1) or not (0) filename_list2 - list of output files spectrum_path - path to spectrum file spectrum_file - name of spectrum file spectrum_flag - spectrum 1 = read, 0 = not read n_tif_files - number of tif files tif_path - input path nc_filebase - output filename base nc_path - output path lox_flag - 1 = Lox, 0 = other (used in other programs) microscope - current type of microscope (string) microscope_num - current type of microscope (number)
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: TIF_LOAD.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 21 Jul 2014 PURPOSE: This function loads *.tif, *,bmp and *.gif files into a 2D stucture CATEGORY: Data I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = TIF_LOAD(NOF=nof, error=err, BMP=bmp, GIF=gif, _extra=e) INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: NOF no filter BMP file is a bmp GIF file is a gif _EXTRA COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks MODIFICATION HISTORY: (aph 20-feb-98) first developed (aph 14-jun-98) add axis_com (21-Jul-14 aph) AXIS standard header added
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: TIF_TO_NCB LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 02-May-14 PURPOSE: This procedure converts a series of 16-bit unsigned tif files (*.tif) image files into a binary stack file. CATEGORY: AXIS: stack analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: RESULT = TIF_TO_NCB(group_leader=axis_ID) INPUTS: none KEYWORD PARAMETERS: GROUP_LEADER - identification of caller for modal control OUTPUTS: FILE.NCB - stack binary file COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM - set of common blocks for AXIS stack_process_com bsif_com volume_data RESTRICTIONS: caveat emptor MODIFICATION HISTORY: (02-May-14 aph) first developed (adapted from JPG_TO_NCB) (30-Jun-14 aph) correct header
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: TVIMAGE PURPOSE: This purpose of TVIMAGE is to enable the TV command in IDL to be a completely device-independent and color-decomposition- state independent command. On 24-bit displays color decomposition is always turned off for 8-bit images and on for 24-bit images. The color decomposition state is restored for those versions of IDL that support it (> 5.2). Moreover, TVIMAGE adds features that TV lacks. For example, images can be positioned in windows using the POSITION keyword like other IDL graphics commands. TVIMAGE also supports the !P.MULTI system variable, unlike the TV command. TVIMAGE was written to work especially well in resizeable graphics windows. Note that if you wish to preserve the aspect ratio of images in resizeable windows, you should set the KEEP_ASPECT_RATIO keyword, described below. TVIMAGE works equally well on the display, in the PostScript device, and in the Printer and Z-Graphics Buffer devices. The TRUE keyword is set automatically to the correct value for 24-bit images, so you don't need to specify it when using TVIMAGE. AUTHOR: FANNING SOFTWARE CONSULTING: David Fanning, Ph.D. 1645 Sheely Drive Fort Collins, CO 80526 USA Phone: 970-221-0438 E-mail: Coyote's Guide to IDL Programming: CATEGORY: Graphics display. CALLING SEQUENCE: TVIMAGE, image INPUTS: image: A 2D or 3D image array. It should be byte data. x : The X position of the lower-left corner of the image. This parameter is only recognized if the TV keyword is set. y : The Y position of the lower-left corner of the image. This parameter is only recognized if the TV keyword is set. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: BACKGROUND: This keyword specifies the background color. Note that the keyword ONLY has effect if the ERASE keyword is also set or !P.MULTI is set to multiple plots and TVIMAGE is used to place the *first* plot. ERASE: If this keyword is set an ERASE command is issued before the image is displayed. Note that the ERASE command puts the image on a new page in PostScript output. _EXTRA: This keyword picks up any TV keywords you wish to use. HALF_HALF: If set, will tell CONGRID to extrapolate a *half* row and column on either side, rather than the default of one full row/column at the ends of the array. If you are interpolating images with few rows, then the output will be more consistent with this technique. This keyword is intended as a replacement for MINUS_ONE, and both keywords probably should not be used in the same call to CONGRID. KEEP_ASPECT_RATIO: Normally, the image will be resized to fit the specified position in the window. If you prefer, you can force the image to maintain its aspect ratio in the window (although not its natural size) by setting this keyword. The image width is fitted first. If, after setting the image width, the image height is too big for the window, then the image height is fitted into the window. The appropriate values of the POSITION keyword are honored during this fitting process. Once a fit is made, the POSITION coordiates are re-calculated to center the image in the window. You can recover these new position coordinates as the output from the POSITION keyword. MARGIN: A single value, expressed as a normalized coordinate, that can easily be used to calculate a position in the window. The margin is used to calculate a POSITION that gives the image an equal margin around the edge of the window. The margin must be a number in the range 0.0 to 0.333. This keyword is ignored if the POSITION keyword is used. MINUS_ONE: The value of this keyword is passed along to the CONGRID command. It prevents CONGRID from adding an extra row and column to the resulting array, which can be a problem with small image arrays. NOINTERPOLATION: Setting this keyword disables the default bilinear interpolation done to the image when it is resized. Nearest neighbor interpolation is done instead. This is preferred when you do not wish to change the pixel values of the image. This keyword must be set, for example, when you are displaying GIF files that come with their own non-IDL color table vectors. NORMAL: Setting this keyword means image position coordinates x and y are interpreted as being in normalized coordinates. This keyword is only valid if the TV keyword is set. OVERPLOT: Setting this keyword causes the POSITION keyword to be ignored and the image is positioned in the location established by the last graphics command. For example: Plot, Findgen(11), Position=[0.1, 0.3, 0.8, 0.95] TVImage, image, /Overplot POSITION: The location of the image in the output window. This is a four-element floating array of normalized coordinates of the type given by !P.POSITION or the POSITION keyword to other IDL graphics commands. The form is [x0, y0, x1, y1]. The default is [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0]. Note that this can be an output parameter if the KEEP_ASPECT_RATIO keyword is used. TV: Setting this keyword makes the TVIMAGE command work much like the TV command, although better. That is to say, it will still set the correct DECOMPOSED state depending upon the kind of image to be displayed (8-bit or 24-bit). It will also allow the image to be "positioned" in the window by specifying the coordinates of the lower-left corner of the image. The NORMAL keyword is activated when the TV keyword is set, which will indicate that the position coordinates are given in normalized coordinates rather than device coordinates. Setting this keyword will ensure that the keywords KEEP_ASPECT_RATIO, MARGIN, MINUS_ONE, MULTI, and POSITION are ignored. OUTPUTS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: Unless the KEEP_ASPECT_RATIO keyword is set, the displayed image may not have the same aspect ratio as the input data set. RESTRICTIONS: If the POSITION keyword and the KEEP_ASPECT_RATIO keyword are used together, there is an excellent chance the POSITION parameters will change. If the POSITION is passed in as a variable, the new positions will be returned in the same variable as an output parameter. If a 24-bit image is displayed on an 8-bit display, the 24-bit image must be converted to an 8-bit image and the appropriate color table vectors. This is done with the COLOR_QUAN function. The TVIMAGE command will load the color table vectors and set the NOINTERPOLATION keyword if this is done. Note that the resulting color table vectors are normally incompatible with other IDL-supplied color tables. Hence, other graphics windows open at the time the image is display are likely to look strange. EXAMPLE: To display an image with a contour plot on top of it, type: filename = FILEPATH(SUBDIR=['examples','data'], 'worldelv.dat') image = BYTARR(360,360) OPENR, lun, filename, /GET_LUN READU, lun, image FREE_LUN, lun TVIMAGE, image, POSITION=thisPosition, /KEEP_ASPECT_RATIO CONTOUR, image, POSITION=thisPosition, /NOERASE, XSTYLE=1, $ YSTYLE=1, XRANGE=[0,360], YRANGE=[0,360], NLEVELS=10 MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: David Fanning, 20 NOV 1996. Fixed a small bug with the resizing of the image. 17 Feb 1997. DWF. Removed BOTTOM and NCOLORS keywords. This reflects my growing belief that this program should act more like TV and less like a "color aware" application. I leave "color awareness" to the program using TVIMAGE. Added 24-bit image capability. 15 April 1997. DWF. Fixed a small bug that prevented this program from working in the Z-buffer. 17 April 1997. DWF. Fixed a subtle bug that caused me to think I was going crazy! Lession learned: Be sure you know the *current* graphics window! 17 April 1997. DWF. Added support for the PRINTER device. 25 June 1997. DWF. Extensive modifications. 27 Oct 1997. DWF 1) Removed PRINTER support, which didn't work as expected. 2) Modified Keep_Aspect_Ratio code to work with POSITION keyword. 3) Added check for window-able devices (!D.Flags AND 256). 4) Modified PostScript color handling. Craig Markwart points out that Congrid adds an extra row and column onto an array. When viewing small images (e.g., 20x20) this can be a problem. Added a Minus_One keyword whose value can be passed along to the Congrid keyword of the same name. 28 Oct 1997. DWF Changed default POSITION to fill entire window. 30 July 1998. DWF. Made sure color decomposition is OFF for 2D images. 6 Aug 1998. DWF. Added limited PRINTER portrait mode support. The correct aspect ratio of the image is always maintained when outputting to the PRINTER device and POSITION coordinates are ignored. 6 Aug 1998. DWF Removed 6 August 98 fixes (Device, Decomposed=0) after realizing that they interfere with operation in the Z-graphics buffer. 9 Oct 1998. DWF Added a MARGIN keyword. 18 Oct 1998. DWF. Re-established Device, Decomposed=0 keyword for devices that support it. 18 Oct 1998. DWF. Added support for the !P.Multi system variable. 3 March 99. DWF Added DEVICE, DECOMPOSED=1 command for all 24-bit images. 2 April 99. DWF. Added ability to preserve DECOMPOSED state for IDL 5.2 and higher. 4 April 99. DWF. Added TV keyword to allow TVIMAGE to work like the TV command. 11 May 99. DWF. Added the OVERPLOT keyword to allow plotting on POSITION coordinates estabished by the preceding graphics command. 11 Oct 99. DWF. Added automatic recognition of !P.Multi. Setting MULTI keyword is no longer required. 18 Nov 99. DWF. Added NOINTERPOLATION keyword so that nearest neighbor interpolation is performed rather than bilinear. 3 Dec 99. DWF Changed ON_ERROR condition from 1 to 2. 19 Dec 99. DWF. Added Craig Markwardt's CMCongrid program and removed RSI's. 24 Feb 2000. DWF. Added HALF_HALF keyword to support CMCONGRID. 24 Feb 2000. DWF. Fixed a small problem with image start position by adding ROUND function. 19 March 2000. DWF. Updated the PRINTER device code to take advantage of available keywords. 2 April 2000. DWF. Reorganized the code to handle 24-bit images on 8-bit displays better. 2 April 2000. DWF. Added BACKGROUND keyword. 20 April 2000. DWF. Fixed a small problem in where the ERASE was occuring. 6 May 2000. DWF. Rearranged the PLOT part of code to occur before decomposition state is changed to fix Background color bug in multiple plots. 23 Sept 2000. DWF. Removed MULTI keyword, which is no longer needed. 23 Sept 2000. DWF. Fixed a small problem with handling images that are slices from 3D image cubes. 5 Oct 2000. DWF. Added fix for brain-dead Macs from Ben Tupper that restores Macs ability to display images. 8 June 2001. DWF.
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: WIN2LPR LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 22-Jul-14 PURPOSE: This procedure sends contents of the main screen to the PRINTER pseudo device. Earlier versions used approaches based on transfer to a disk file then copying to the printer device specified in the axis.ini file. CATEGORY: utility CALLING SEQUENCE: for procedures: WIN2LPR, printer, SIZE=sz, XS=xs, YS=ys, SYS=sys, PR = pr, _extra=e INPUTS: printer KEYWORDS: SIZE pixels (for square windows) XS X-pixels (for rectangular windows) YS Y-pixels (for rectangular windows) SYS define as 'WIN' or 'X' PR printer device ('PCL' or 'PS') LS landscape OUTPUTS: print out COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks MODIFICATION HISTORY: (22-Jun-97 aph) ******** Win2LPR MODIFIED !!!! (21-jun-97 APH) ADAPTED to allow printing from Windows system by replacing the PRB command for WINsystems (PRB is UNIX operating system specific) if SYS='WIN' and PR is not set, default printer is 'PS' (postscript) (28-jun-98 aph) adapt win2lpr to print to nsls X1A spooler (14-apr-99 aph) adapt win2lpr to NT use of lpr command (11-may-99 aph) generalize printing using 'OTHER' (11-mAY-99 aph) added PR_command keyword (30-nov-00 cgz) Migrated WIN2LPR to separate file (29-jan-02 sgu) modified to use 'PRINTER' device (21-Jul-14 aph) corrected header
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: WIN2TIF.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 22-Jul-14 (aph) PURPOSE: This function reads contents of the WNUM graphics window into a TIFF file, with optional grayscale, 3-channel RGB or with data as REALS CATEGORY: graphics utility; standalone CALLING SEQUENCE: RESULT = WIN2TIF, FileName, WIN=win, GRAY=gray, REAL=real INPUTS: Filename name of output file (*.tif) WNUM number of window to read (optional; current window is default) wnum is specified either as number or as a 5-element array [num, x0, y0, xwid, ywid] for a subset of the window KEYWORDS: WNUM window number WIN alternative to specifying WNUM GRAY if set, write as 8-bit grayscale REAL if set, write as a float OUTPUTS: writes a TIFF file to disk COMMON BLOCKS: COLORS FUNCTION READWIN [, wnum] -- read window into bytscal array from window, WNMUM MODIFICATION HISTORY: (30-nov-00 cgz) Separated from WINDOW.PRO (04-jan-01 cgz) Migrated READWIN from WINDOWS.PRO (12-mar-03 aph) get to read 3-color from true color display; tiff_write (IDL4) => write_tiff (idl5) (02-dec-05 aph) flip image for IDL after 6.0 (26-Feb-14 aph) get actual data and write as FLOAT (22-Jul-14 aph) corrected header
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: WRITE_CTS LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 24-Jul-2010 PURPOSE: This function converts an aXis binary stack to set of ascii spectra (*.cts) suitable for input to PyMCA CATEGORY: utiltiy CALLING SEQUENCE: RESULT = WRITE_CTS(group=group, verbose=verbose, silent=silent, _extra=e) INPUTS: KEYWORDS: GROUP group leader (Axis_ID if called from aXis2000 and axis) MULTI_DET multiple detector signals in one file SILENT if set, no feedback EXTRA passed on parameters OUTPUTS: set of 1-column ascii files suitable to read into PYMCA sum of all all XRF spectra COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM - set of common blocks for AXIS Volume_data - stack @BSIF_COM - common block for netCDF SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: assumes all XGLabs file names involve cycling the last 3 spaces before '.' as the sequence number PROCEDURE: RESTRICTIONS: MODIFICATION HISTORY: (26-Feb-10 aph) first developed from ax_xrf_convert (24-Jul-10 aph) correct the filename generation algorithm
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: WRITE_GIF PURPOSE: Write an IDL image and color table vectors to a GIF (graphics interchange format) file. CATEGORY: CALLING SEQUENCE: WRITE_GIF, File, Image ;Write a given array. WRITE_GIF, File, Image, R, G, B ;Write array with given color tables. INPUTS: Image: The 2D array to be output. OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: R, G, B: The Red, Green, and Blue color vectors to be written with Image. Keyword Inputs: CLOSE = if set, closes any open file if the MULTIPLE images per file mode was used. If this keyword is present, nothing is written, and all other parameters are ignored. MULTIPLE = if set, write files containing multiple images per file. Each call to WRITE_GIF writes the next image, with the file remaining open between calls. The File parameter is ignored, but must be supplied, after the first call. When writing the 2nd and subsequent images, R, G, and B are ignored. All images written to a file must be the same size. OUTPUTS: If R, G, B values are not provided, the last color table established using LOADCT is saved. The table is padded to 256 entries. If LOADCT has never been called, we call it with the gray scale entry. COMMON BLOCKS: COLORS SIDE EFFECTS: If R, G, and B aren't supplied and LOADCT hasn't been called yet, this routine uses LOADCT to load the B/W tables. COMMON BLOCKS: WRITE_GIF_COMMON. RESTRICTIONS: This routine only writes 8-bit deep GIF files of the standard type: (non-interlaced, global colormap, 1 image, no local colormap) The Graphics Interchange Format(c) is the Copyright property of CompuServ Incorporated. GIF(sm) is a Service Mark property of CompuServ Incorporated. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written 9 June 1992, JWG. Added MULTIPLE and CLOSE, Aug, 1996.
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: WRITE_MRC_FILE.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 22-Jul-14 [aph,30-Jlu-09,from 06-Jul-06 (gaj) PURPOSE: This procedure writes a whole stack (3d (E,x,y) array) to a *.MRC binary file It assumes Common volume_data, image_stack exists and contains the data For definition of the MRC format see: CATEGORY: stack processing CALLING SEQUENCE: WRITE_MRC_FILE, FILE INPUTS: FILE name of the output file KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: *.mrc file COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks STACK_PROCESS_COM BSIF_COM volume_data, image_stack MODIFICATION HISTORY: (12-apr-06 gaj) first version based on WRITE_WB (01-may-06 aph) clean-up (06-jul-06 gaj) added extended header to store tilt angles. Fixed bug with scaling of min, max, mean (30-jul-09 aph) changed analcom to stack_process_com (update to stack_process) (22-Jul-14 aph) corrected header
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: WRITE_P3B LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 20-Jan-07 PURPOSE: This function writes a 2-d array as an ALS PEEM3 image (IDL windows binary with a structure defining microscope parameters) CATEGORY: utility CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = WRITE_P3B, Filename, Data, TAGS = tags INPUTS: Filename name of file (ext = '*.p3b') Data 2-d array with image KEYWORDS: TAGS predefined structure of microscope parameters OUTPUTS: RESULT ALS PEEM3 format data file COMMON BLOCKS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: (20-Jan-07 aph) extracted from (20-jan-07 version of A. Scholl)
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: WRITE_PRINCETON PURPOSE: This procedure writes data files that can be read by Princeton Instruments' WinSPEC and WinVIEW software. CATEGORY: File input. CALLING SEQUENCE: WRITE_PRINCETON, File, Data, Header INPUTS: File: The name of the data file to read. Data[nx, ny, nframes]: The output data array. The array will be 1, 2 or 3 dimensions (depending upon whether ny and nframes are 1) and can be integer, long or float data type. HEADER: The 4100 byte header from the file. This header can be used to extract additional information about the file. See the Princteon Instruments "PC Interface Library Programming Manual" for the description of the header structure, and this procedure for examples of how to extract information from the header. RESTRICTIONS: This procedure currently only extracts limited information from the header. It should be exhanced to extract more fields, probably into a structure. The data and calibration are corrected for byte order when reading on a big-endian host, but other elements of the header are not converted. EXAMPLE: Write a data file: IDL> READ_PRINCETON, 'test.spe', data, header=header IDL> header.comments[2]=' IDL> clock_speed = float(header, 1428) IDL> print, 'Vertical clock speed (microseconds) = ', clock_speed MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, 11/4/97 Mark Rivers 10/27/98 Convert data to long if any pixels are > 32K Mark Rivers 11/12/98 Fix to not convert data if already long Mark Rivers 3/16/99 Added /BLOCK keyword to openr to work with VMS Mark Rivers 3/27/99 Added "Comments" keyword Mark Rivers 3/29/99 Added "Date" keyword Mark Rivers 2/22/00 Corrected byte order for data and calibration. Mark Rivers 9/11/01 Added "exposure" keyword Mark Rivers 9/12/01 Added "background_file" keyword
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: WRITE_SDF.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 22-Jul-14 PURPOSE: This function writes a self-defining format ascii file as used in STXM microscopes using the STXM_control acquisition code. This is also used to write VLM images to be read into STXM_control AXIS 2d format buffers are written as images Axis 1d format buffers are written as NEXAFS point (spectra) CATEGORY: Input / output utilty; stand alone or from ax_sdf / axis2000 CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = WRITE_SDF(structure,[ file=file, group=group, _extra=e]) INPUTS: STRUCTURE axis format structure KEYWORDS: FILE optional file name GROUP group leader (Axis_ID if called from aXis2000 and axis) _EXTRA other passed through parameters OUTPUTS: file written to disk 1d (spectra) - *.hdr, *.xsp 2d (image, linescan) - *.hdr, *.xim COMMON BLOCKS: STACK_PROCESS_COM common for stack_process AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks BSIF_COM stack common MODIFICATION HISTORY: (18-oct-01 aph) first version (02-may-04 aph) add spectrum write-out (30-jul-09 aph) changed analcom to stack_process_com (update to stack_process) (22-Jul-14 aph) corrected header
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: WRITE_SPECTRUM LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 31-Jul-11 PURPOSE: This procedure writes a spectral netCDF file (format for old NSLS1 X1A STXM data) CATEGORY: Image display. CALLING SEQUENCE: WRITE_SPECTRUM, nc_filename, ev_nm_angstroms, signal, $ comments=comments, ev=ev, angstroms=angstroms, nm=nm INPUTS: NC_FILENAME flename EV_NM_ANGSTROMS parameter defining x-axis unit SIGNAL y-axis data KEYWORDS: COMMENTS - optional header comments EV - energy axis ANGSTROMS - wavelength axis (in A) NM - wavelength axis (in A) OUTPUTS: file is written COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks SIDE EFFECTS: A window is created/destroyed. MODIFICATION HISTORY: (01--Jun-93 cjj) from Mark Rivers stuff; (31-Jul-11 aph) AXIS standard header added
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: WRITE_STXM LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 31-Jul-11 PURPOSE: This procedure writes a NSLS1 X1A STXM image file (netCDF) It assumes that you have put the image and associated information into BSIF_COMMON variables: image_data (the array which holds the image - possible several planes deep for I, IO, CLOCK) x_normal, y_normal, rotated, x_title, y_title, x_dist, and y_dist If "sd" is passed in the argument list, then the STXM scan data is assumed to reside in sd. Otherwise, it is assumed that user_buffer contains sd. In the netCDF file, the scan data is written as scan data info and not as a user_buffer (since user_buffers are inherent to BSIF but are neither encouraged nor disallowed in netCDF) CATEGORY: input/output CALLING SEQUENCE: WRITE_STXM, file, sd INPUTS: FILE name of file SD structure with data KEYWORDS: HELP if set, print help OUTPUTS: none (file written) COMMON BLOCKS: BSIF_COM standard netCDF common block MODIFICATION HISTORY: (01-Jun-93 cjj) Based on Mark Rivers stuff; Chris Jacobsen, June 1993. (27-Aug-93 cjj) the change from version 1.0 to version 1.1 involved changing the netCDF attribute "sd.operator" to "operator". (02-Nov-93 cjj) the change to version 1.2 forces x_title and y_title to be strings rather than byte arrays. (31-Jul-11 aph) AXIS standard header added
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: WRITE_TAGS LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 20-Jan-07 PURPOSE: This function writes parameters as a structure in the AL SPEEM3 data format CATEGORY: utility CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = WRITE_P3B, UNIT, tags INPUTS: Unit open file unit number Tags parameters with associated Tag names (IDL structure) KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: adds tags to data file COMMON BLOCKS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: (20-Jan-07 aph) extracted from (20-jan-07 version of A. Scholl)
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: WRITE_XAS LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 26-sep-00 PURPOSE: This procedure writes a spectrum into 'XAS' format, with optional guided writing of the header paramaters CATEGORY: STAND ALONE: spectral processing CALLING SEQUENCE: WRITE_XAS_WRAP CALLED FROM AXIS: Write-XAS spectrum ROUTINES WRITE_XAS_WRAP WRITE_XAS - routine that actually writes data (many keywords!) INPUTS: lun logical unit number header header array info request for information about routine for WRITE_XAS filename - name of file ev energy array data intensity array header header KEYWORDS: none for write_xas_wrap for WRITE_XAS: formula = chemical formula of sample common_name = common_name of sample edge = edge acquisition_mode = acquisition_mode source_purity = source_purity comments = comments delta_ev = energy resolution yaxis = yaxis label contact_person = contact_person journal = journal authors = authors title = title volume = volume issue_number = issue_number year = year pages = pages booktitle = booktitle editors = editors publisher = publisher address = address help = help OUTPUTS: File written in XAS format COMMON BLOCKS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: file obtained from Jacobsen Feb-98; developed from Mancini / Hitchcock format (26-sep-00 aph) AXIS standard documentation
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: WRITE_XAS LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 04-Jun-08 PURPOSE: This procedure writes a spectrum into 'XAS' format, with optional guided writing of the header paramaters CATEGORY: STAND ALONE: spectral processing CALLING SEQUENCE: WRITE_XAS_WRAP CALLED FROM AXIS: Write-XAS spectrum ROUTINES WRITE_XAS_WRAP WRITE_XAS - routine that actually writes data (many keywords!) INPUTS: lun logical unit number header header array info request for information about routine for WRITE_XAS filename - name of file ev energy array data intensity array header header KEYWORDS: none for write_xas_wrap for WRITE_XAS: formula = chemical formula of sample common_name = common_name of sample edge = edge acquisition_mode = acquisition_mode source_purity = source_purity comments = comments ; multiple lines delta_ev = energy resolution yaxis = yaxis label contact_person = contact_person journal = journal authors = authors title = title volume = volume issue_number = issue_number year = year pages = pages booktitle = booktitle editors = editors publisher = publisher address = address help = help OUTPUTS: File written in XAS format COMMON BLOCKS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: file obtained from Jacobsen Feb-98; developed from Mancini / Hitchcock format (26-sep-00 aph) AXIS standard documentation (22-May-08 aph) add multi-column write for ISEELS & polymer database (04-jun-08 aph) add handling of ISEELS and NSLS headers
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: WVLEN2EN, EN2WVLEN PURPOSE: These functions convert between photon energy and wavelength. CATEGORY: Optics CALLING SEQUENCE: Wavelength = EN2WVLEN(Energy) INPUTS: Input: The photon energy to convert. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: m: If set, wavelength is in meters. This is the default. nm: If set, wavelength is in nanometers. Angstrom: If set, wavelength is in Angstroms. J: If set, photon energy is in Joules. This is the default. keV: If set, photon energy is in kiloelectron Volts. eV: If set, photon energy is in electron volts. OUTPUTS: Result: The conversion of photon energy to wavelength. WRITTEN BY: Billy W. Loo, Jr. Bioengineering Graduate Group, UCSF / UCB School of Medicine, UCD Lawrence Berkeley National Lab December, 1997
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: WVLEN2EN, EN2WVLEN PURPOSE: These functions convert between photon energy and wavelength. CATEGORY: Optics CALLING SEQUENCE: Energy = WVLEN2EN(Wavelength) INPUTS: Input: The wavelength to convert. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: m: If set, wavelength is in meters. This is the default. nm: If set, wavelength is in nanometers. Angstrom: If set, wavelength is in Angstroms. J: If set, photon energy is in Joules. This is the default. keV: If set, photon energy is in kiloelectron Volts. eV: If set, photon energy is in electron volts. OUTPUTS: Result: The conversion of wavelength to photon energy. WRITTEN BY: Billy W. Loo, Jr. Bioengineering Graduate Group, UCSF / UCB School of Medicine, UCD Lawrence Berkeley National Lab December, 1997
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: XAS1.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 30-Aug-2013 PURPOSE: This function reads Beamline 7 STXM X-ray absorption spectral data (1995-1998) CATEGORY: data read in CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = xas1(file, plot=pl, DEFPATH=defpath, OPT=opt, _extra=e) INPUTS: FILE filename KEYWORDS: PLOT if set, display data default (no opt) is to read in E,col1,col2 OPT = col1: raw data - ASSUMES transmission detector in col(1); OSA in col(2) OPT = col2: extract col(2) - OSA (pre-98) or trans (after Dec-97; flipped here) OPT = col3; extract col(3) - TEY OPT = dark: dark correct signals OPT = OSA; use OSA signal for Io & convert to rel-O.D. (no dark correct) OPT = OSA-dark; dark correct, then use OSA signal for Io & convert to rel-O.D. OUTPUTS: No explicit outputs. A new window is created if necessary COMMON BLOCKS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: (09-Dec-97 aph) multi-section files; single file to do all types of read-in of ALS STXM spectral files (15-feb-98 aph) cancel protect; read 0 dark_pt files (04-mar-98 aph) still problems with 0 dark pts; (09-apr-98 aph) save img_shifts; correct spike; add col(3) = TEY (07-Aug-98 aph) indicate extension (? not done since col indicated already) (30-Aug-13 aph) AXIS standard header added
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: XAS2.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 30-Aug-2013 PURPOSE: This function reads two Beamline 7 STXM X-ray absorption data files and computes Beers- law absorption as ln(hole/DET) CATEGORY: read in CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = XAS2 (file, PLOT=pl, DEFPATH=defpath, OPT=opt, _extra=e ) INPUTS: FILE filename1 KEYWORDS: OPT = 'raw' (default) - do not use OSA normalisation or dark correct OPT = 'dark' - dark correct but no OSA normalisation OPT = 'OSA' - OSA normalise but no dark correction OPT = 'OSA-dark' - dark correct AND OSA normalize ASSUMES identical sampling in both files !!!!!!!!! OUTPUTS: No explicit outputs. A new window is created if necessary COMMON BLOCKS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: (20-Dec-97 aph) auto-detect version of file format all of 2-file readin functions put into one program with opt= options (30-Aug-13 aph) AXIS standard header added
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: XAS_XRF_EXTRACT LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 20-Feb-12 PURPOSE: This function extracts absorption stacks from a 4-d array (*.ssb) written by XAS_XRF_STACK and writes them as regular 3D stacks (*.ncb) CATEGORY: STAND ALONE: utility CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = XAS_XRF_EXTRACT( [,ch_low=ch_low, ch_hi=ch_hi. file=file, silent=silent]) CALLED FROM AXIS: Read->Images->AXIS INPUTS: TMP - AXIS 4d array (x,y,E-XRF,E-XAS) KEYWORDS: CH_LOW lower limit of channels / energies to integrate CH_HI upper limit of channels / energies to integrate FILE - filename to read SILENT flag to control entry to axis log COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks STACK_PROCESS_COM BSIF_COM volume_data, image_stack volume_data2, xas_xrf_stack ;MODIFICATION HISTORY: (21-Apr-10 aph) first written (20-feb-12 aph) extend to extracting XRF spectra; save mean XRF spectrum unction xas_xrf_extract, file=file, ch_low=ch_low, ch_hi=ch_hi, silent=silent, $ verbose=verbose, group=group, extra = extra axis_com stack_process_com OMMON volume_data, image_stack OMMON volume_data2, xas_xrf_stack bsif_com n_error,2 print, 'entry' help, xas_xrf_stack ---------- read *.ssb data if n_elements(xas_xrf_stack) EQ 0 then begin xas_xrf_file ='' xas_xrf_file = pickfile2(/READ, FILTER='*.ssb', /LPATH, DEFPATH=defpath) if strlen(xas_xrf_file) eq 0 then return, 0. ; bail if canceled ev = stack2_rb(file=xas_xrf_file) t=size(xas_xrf_stack) nx = t(1) ny = t(2) nch = t(3) nev = t(4) endif -------- generate sum of all XRF spectra if requested rf_e = findgen(nch) rf_mean = fltarr(nch) or i=0,nch-1 do xrf_mean(i)=mean(xas_xrf_stack(*,*,i,*)) =ax_name(xas_xrf_file) l = 'mean XRF spectrum ' + t(1) = {t:'1d', x:xrf_e, d:xrf_mean, dn:xrf_mean, xl:'XRF channel', dl: dl} ile = pickfile2(/READ, prompt='name for Mean XRF spectrum', FILTER='*.txt', /LPATH, DEFPATH=defpath) f strlen(file) ne 0 then t = spc_save(s, file=file)
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: XM1_LOAD LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 21-feb-01 PURPOSE: This function reads in XM-1 images from *.spe files CATEGORY: images read in CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = XM1_LOAD(file=file, _extra=e) CALLED FROM AXIS: Read->Images->ALS-XM1 INPUTS: none. All input parameters are passed as keywords. KEYWORDS: FILE filename to read NOF no filter GROUP name of parent group (Axis_ID) _EXTRA passed on parameters OUTPUTS: RESULT = AXIS 2d structure COMMON BLOCKS: @AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks PROCEDURE: XM1_LOAD uses xmload, nojunk,loadcmsa, flatbg (from Greg Denbaux) MODIFICATION HISTORY: (21-feb=01 aph) first version
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: XMLOAD LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 12-may-02 (aph) PURPOSE: This function loads an XM-1 image, removes camera artifacts, and rotates the image to correspond with the Winview orientation. CONTENTS OF THIS FILE (in order) LOADCMSA COMPRESSPIXELS NOJUNK EXP_TIME XMLOAD CATEGORY: Image read in CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = XMLOAD(FNAME) INPUTS: FNAME - name of the file (optional) KEYWORDS: ZOOM NOSHOW DO NOT DISPLAY (if not set, uses LOOK in standalone mode) MZPSHIFT MAG BINX BINY ENERGY WAVEL NOPRINT VERSION IMTYPE OUTPUTS: No explicit outputs. In stand alone mode, displays corrected image COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks; locked into running through AXIS CMSA SIDE EFFECTS: none RESTRICTIONS: LOOK - not yet functioning PROCEDURE: Image is read in using Camera artefacts corrected etc using Display in stand alone mode using MODIFICATIONS 8/4/95: John Heck first version 1-9-98: modified to return 0 if file not found by loadcmsa, Angelic 5-1-97: modified for filenames bigger than ymmdd999, Werner (21-feb-01 aph) adapting for windows environment & reading into AXIS (23-feb-01 aph) implement calibration and background corrections (12-may-02 aph) correct header name format
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: XPSECSIM_COM.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 18-Jul-10 PURPOSE: Common Blocks For XSPEC_SIM Program CATEGORY: Data manipulation. CALLING SEQUENCE: not applicable MODIFICATION HISTORY: (03-jan-07 jso) last version supplied (09-mar-07 aph) AXIS standard header added (18-Jul-10 aph) change name from AA_com to Xspecsim_com for consistency
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: XRF_MAP_SELECTOR LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 21-Jun-10 PURPOSE: This function and associated procedures is a widget which displays XRF maps read from APS-XRF files and allows selection of 1 or more maps for transfer to aXis2000 CATEGORY: Image display.and map selection CALLING SEQUENCE: xrf_map_selector, map_list=map_list INPUTS: This section is for POSITIONAL INPUTS only (not keywords) All input parameters are passed via common. KEYWORDS: OUTPUTS: No explicit outputs. A new window is created if necessary COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks XRF_COM - parameters specific to XRF_MAP_SELECTOR and user files SIDE EFFECTS: A window is created/destroyed. PROCEDURE: details where needed EXAMPLE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: (21-Jun-10 aph) first version
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: XSPECSIM.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 23-Jul-10 PURPOSE: This widget generates a simulated NEXAFS spectrum of a peptide or ptorein from stored amino acid spectra (Yan Zubavichus,Andrey Shaporenko, Michael Grunze and Michael Zharnikov, J. Phys. Chem A (Letters) 109, 2005, 6998-7000) with provision for incorporation of a 'peptide bond correction' CATEGORY: Data manipulation. Stand alone or runs from aXis2000 XSpecSim routines CANCEL quit XSpecSim CHKCLICK SIMPLESUM COMPLEX SUM include peptide bond correction LOADSEQUENCE LOADENERGY LOADEN LOADAA LOADDAT DropListEncb DropListDatcb ASSOOCIATED ROUTINES AA_WriteConfig write a config file ExtrapolateAA extrapolate to predefined E--scale GenExtrap generaized ibterpolation ParseComposition determine numbers of H,C,N,O,S from AA list Read_AA_header reader header of AA spectral files Read_AAdata reads AA reference spectra (C, N,O) Read_Energies reads energies of spectral reference ReadData reads AA Data files XSpecSim_init initialize environment for XSpecSim XSpecSim_run run XSpec_Sim CALLING SEQUENCE: XSpecSim INPUTS: via the gui: energy scale; amino acid sequence KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: data file with simulated spectrum COMMON BLOCKS: axis_com standard set of aXis2000 common blocks XSPECSIM_COM common for XSpecSim MODIFICATION HISTORY: (03-jan-07 jso) last version supplied (09-mar-07 aph) AXIS standard header added, name changed (20-Jul-10 aph) set up as a compile-when-run, in aXis2000 (23-Jul-10 aph) modified SF_path to use that defined in XSpecSim_init
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: XSPECSIM_INIT.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 23-Jul-10 PURPOSE: Reads the configuration file for XSpecSim CATEGORY: Utility; part of XSpecSim, spectral simulator package CALLED FROM XSpecSim_run: OUTPUTS: none COMMON BLOCKS: @XSpecSim_Com X-SpecSim common block MODIFICATION HISTORY: (28-feb-07 jso) first version (19-Jul-10 aph) AXIS standard header added; changed from AA_init to XSpecSim_Init (23-Jul-10 aph) modified path definitions to work wih CodePath without assuming code is in c:\aXis2000\
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: ZIMBA_RUN.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 22 Jul 2014 PURPOSE: This procedure executes Zstack_analyze outside of aXis2000 by loading data from individual files (*.sl, *.axb), with or without an alignment file use it to generate movies with multiple spectra selected CATEGORY: Image manipulation CALLING SEQUENCE: for procedures: ZIMBA_RUN, AXIS=AXIS INPUTS: This section is for POSITIONAL INPUTS only (not keywords) All input parameters are passed as keywords. KEYWORDS: AXIS - if set, indicates AXIS widget exists and the user prompt dialog is used ; COMMON BLOCKS: AXIS_COM standard set of common blocks MODIFICATION HISTORY: (26-sep-99 aph) first version (simplifying axis_c) (18-jan-00 aph) adapt to new zstack code (Jan-00) (22-Jul-14 aph) AXIS standard header added; add binary stack readin
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: ZSTACK_ALIGN.PRO LAST CHANGED: ------------------ 03-Aug-15 AUTHORS: Carl G. Zimba (Photons UnLimited) Chris Jacobsen (SUNY - Stonybrook) Adam Hitchcock (McMaster) PURPOSE: Alignment of images abtained on an x-ray microscope. Called by ZSTACK_ANALYZE.PRO CATEGORY: Data analysis. CALLING SEQUENCE: zstack_align INPUTS: filename_list,ev_list,msec_list,filename_display_list ******* and image_stack of zstack_common must be previously defined via ZSTACK_ANALYZE.PRO KEYWORD PARAMETERS: filename_shift = name of file containing alignment shifts saved during a previous alignment realign = set to redo alignment with existing dragbox low_mem = set to reduce required memory allocation OUTPUTS: NONE x_shift, y_shift, corr_dim_stack, corr_stack, shifted_image_stack of zstack_align_common are computed as output COMMON BLOCKS: zstack_common : data_source : type of x-ray microscopy data: STXM:1, SXM:2, SM:3, ALS:4, POLY:5 data_directory : directory of data files image_stack : 3-D matrix of multiple x-ray microscope images filename_list : list of filename corresponding to images in image_stack ev_list : list of x-ray energies corresponding to images in image_stack msec_list : list of dwell times corresponding to images in image_stack filename_display_list : list of filename, x-ray energy, and dwell time corresponding to images in image_stack displayed_file_index : index in image_stack, filename_list, msec_list, and filename_display_list currently being displayed or processed n_files : number of images list_filename : name of file to save or retrieve list of data files shift_filename : filename of alignment shifts x_shift : array of x-coordinate alignment shifts y_shift : array of y-coordinate alignment shifts data_shifted : 0: data was not shifted and should not be clipped, 1: data was shifted and should be clipped, -1: denotes ZSTACK_PROFILE.PRO is being run as a stand-alone procedure n_clipped_cols : number of columns in clipped image n_clipped_rows : number of rows in clipped image clipbox : vector of four points defining dimensions of region unclipped by alignment: [xleft,xright,ybot,ytop] zstack_align_common zstack_align_par : variables controlling ZSTACK Align dialog window file_num : vector of file numbers of image files dragbox : vector of four points defining dimensions of region selected for alignment: [xleft,xright,ybot,ytop] edge_enhance : edge enhancement parameter: 0: none, 1: sobel, 2: roberts edgegauss_pixels : number of pixels used for edgeguass smoothing in ZSTACK_ALIGN_IMAGES.PRO, default = 3 edgefill : type of filling to occur at edges of shifted images: mean, median, max, min, zero image_match : Image to align to: -1: preceding image, 0: constant image, 1: following image constant_file_index : image of index to use as reference when aligning to a constant image corr_max : 0: use 3-pt fitted maximum of correlation function, 1: use center of mass of correlation function maxshift : 2-point vector of minimum and maximum values of x-shift and y_shift, and temp_x_shift and temp_y_shift within ZSTACK_ALIGN_TUNE doalign_complete : -1: alignment in progress, 0: alignment not started, 1: alignment finished, 2: using alignment from stored file low_memory : Reflects keyword LOW_MEM: 0: use full memory allocation, 1: use reduced memory allocation corr_stack : 3-D matrix of correlation functions corresponding to image_stack shifted_image_stack : 3-D matrix of shifted images corresponding to image_stack corr_dim_stack : 3-D matrix (i,j,k) of maxima of correlation functions: i: x maximum, j: y maximum, k: image file shift_threshold : mimimum shift required to actually shift the image zstack_tune_common zstack_tune_par : variables controlling ZSTACK Tune Alignment dialog window temp_x_shift : vector of alignment shifts along x-coordinate for images in image_stack, obtained within ZSTACK_ALIGN_TUNE temp_y_shift : vector of alignment shifts along y-coordinate for images in image_stack, obtained within ZSTACK_ALIGN_TUNE init_x_shift : vector of initial alignment shifts along x-coordinate for images in image_stack init_y_shift : vector of initial alignment shifts along y-coordinate for images in image_stack image_center : array of pixel coordinates specifying the center (in pixels) of each image corr_center : array of pixel coordinates specifying the center (in pixels) of each correlation function image shifted_center : array of pixel coordinates specifying the center (in pixels) of each shifted image subimage_center : array of pixel coordinates specifying the center (in pixels) of each subimage subcorr_center : array of pixel coordinates specifying the center (in pixels) of each correlation function subimage subshifted_center : array of pixel coordinates specifying the center (in pixels) of each shifted subimage subimage_pixels : size of subimages in pixels fid_pt : pixel coordinates of present fiducial point(s) n_fid_pt : number of fiducial points all_fid_pt : array of all fiducial points fid_pt_index : index of fiducial point(s) zstack_display_common zstack_display_par : variables controlling ZSTACK Display dialog window image_zoom : zoom factor for displaying images subimage_zoom : zoom factor for subimages movie_delay : delay used to display movie images of data stacks, dependent upon machine speed disp_min : minimum percentage intensity for display of images disp_max : maximum percentage intensity for display of images disp_gamma : gamma factor for display of images spectrum_display : Display spectra as: 1: Single Beam, 2: Percent Transmittance, 3: Absorbance spectrum_offset : Offset used to plot spectra init_zoom : initial zoom factor for displaying images (used in ZSTACK_SAVE and ZSTACK_TUNE) movie_active : movie of images is active: 0: NO, 1: YES profile_zoom : zoom factor for file number axis on profile images image_range : scale images using: 0: intensity range of each image, 1: intensity range of full image stack image_ratio : Display images normalized by: 0: inv_image_stack, 1: i0 spectrum ratio_image_index : index of image to use when ratio images to a constant image image_scale : Display images normalized by: 0: inv_image_stack, 1: i0 spectrum image_invert : invert color bar: 0: NO, 1: YES temp_old_display : initial array of display parameters, set at beginning of ZSTACK_DISPLAY temp_new_display : array of display parameters updated as display options are changed zstack_subroutine : subroutine from which ZSTACK_DISPLAY was called spectra_x_min : mimimum x-ray energy value to plot spectra spectra_x_max : maximum x-ray energy value to plot spectra spectra_y_min : mimimum intensity value to plot spectra spectra_y_max : maximum intensity value to plot spectra x_autoscale : autoscale x-ray energy scale: 0: NO, 1: YES y_autoscale : autoscale spectra intensity scale: 0: NO, 1: YES zstack_color_common bottom_color_index : index of lowermost color of gradient colorscale top_color_index : index of uppermost color of gradient colorscale black_color_index : index of black color white_color_index : index of white color plot_bkgd_color_index : color index for plot background, either black or white plot_axes_color_index : color index for plot axes, either whilte or black image_border_color_index : color index for image border in zstack_buildlist and zstack_profile dialog windows dragbox_color_index : color index for dragbox used to define subregion for alignment corr_ctr_color_index : color index for crosshair showing center of correlation function corr_max_color_index : color index for crosshair showing maximum of correlation function x_shift_color_index : color index for plotting of x-shift y_shift_color_index : color index for plotting of y-shift shift_cursor_color_index : color index for cursor in shift plot, indicating file number tune_fiducial_color_index : color index for fiducial points in closeup of shifted image in zstack_tune dialog window spectra_color_index : color indices (14) for plotting of spectra spectra_cursor_color_index : color index for cursor in spectra plot, indicating x-ray energy profile_color_index : color index for plotting of intensity profile and cursor in profile image indicating row or column profile_cursor_color_index : color index for cursor in profile image, indicating x-ray energy profile_spectrum_color_index : color index for plotting of profile spectrum test1_color_index : color index #1 for testing test2_color_index : color index #2 for testing test3_color_index : color index #3 for testing SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: Used as ZSTACK suite of routines PROCEDURE: Called by ZSTACK_ANALYZE.PRO EXAMPLE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Modified 25-mar-1998 to deal with 24 bit graphics, CJJ Modified July 11 and 13, 1998 to deal with changes to, CJJ Modified 28-aug-1998 to work with corrected 24 bit graphics. CJJ Modified 31-Aug-1998 to add x_shift, y_shift to argument list, and remove shift_filename!, CJJ Modified 20feb99, CGZ Extensively modified and rewritten STACK_ALIGN.PRO to form ZSTACK_ALIGN.PRO Changes and additions are numerous: All procedures and common variables starting with 'stack' were changed to 'zstack' so that the existing routine, STACK_ALIGN.PRO, can be run in parallel Added the following procedures: zstack_align_prep : sets common variables, color table, and color indices zstack_align_imgdisp : displays images and shift plot zstack_align_save_shift : saves alignment shift into MAPPER file, *.aln zstack_align_read_shift : reads alignment shifts from MAPPER file, *.aln Rewrote stack_align_sensitive to be two separate procedures with better control zstack_align_sensitive : activate features on Stack Align dialog window zstack_align_desensitive : deactivate features on Stack Align dialog window Pre-existing procedures zstack_align_doalign : controls alignment of image stack with active display zstack_align_event : event routine for zstack_align zstack_align : main procedure for alignment of STXM images Modified user interface window to include display and movie of image, correlation function, shifted image dragbox is plotted on both image and shifted image center of correlation function displayed as crosshair overlay (same as CJJ) maximum of correlation function displayed as 1-pixel box overlay (same as CJJ) modified plot of alignment shifts - use actual file numbers instead of file sequence number (relative number) ***** APH (23-may-04) - undo this change ! ************************ - added plot_x_min and plot_x_max ? is it useful to plot vs x-ray energy instead - would require considerable work might be able to plot both using upper and lower x-axes movie can be played before and after alignment to inspect position of dragbox and quality of alignment cursor bar added to plot of alignment shifts highlighting shift and file during movie or static display displayed file can be selected either using file list or alignment plot clicking on alignment plot, prints file info and alignment shift in Output Log text fields added to display image and shift information during movie or static display added "Load New Color Table" to change color table of image saving and retrieving of file of alignment shifts added ability to redo alignment - can now do multiple alignments using different conditions, saving each Changed zstack_align_par.dragbox_label routine in zstack_align_event Replaced getbox routine with box_cursor routine, more robust on multiple platforms, CGZ Adapted display routines to use zstack_align_imgdisp One display algorithm which can be easily modified Only exception is real-time plotting of alignment shift in zstack_align_doalign Changed the way the color table is specified: zstack_align_prep - much simpler now, only executed once, allows multiple colors easily New variables: corr_stack : stack of correlation functions shift_image_stack : stack of shifted images corr_dim_stack : array of dimensions specifying center and maxima of correlation function used for displaying correlation function edgefill : type of filling to occur at edges of shifted images (edges can contain no data due to shifting) set within zstack_align_doalign meanfill : replace with mean of image medianfill : replace with median of image maxfill : replace with maximum of image minfill : replace with minimum of image zero : replace with zero (default) doalign_complete : specifies state of alignment (modified from use in -1 : alignment in progress 0 : alignment not started 1 : alignment finished 2 : using alignment from stored file -2 : manual alignment in progress -1 : auto-alignment in progress 0 : alignment not started 1 : auto-alignment finished 2 : manual alignment finished 3 : using alignment from stored file Restored shift_filename to argument list Changed dragbox conditional from IF ((dragbox(0) NE 0) AND (dragbox(1) NE 0) AND $ (dragbox(2) NE 0) AND (dragbox(3) NE 0)) THEN BEGIN to IF ((dragbox(2) NE 0) AND (dragbox(3) NE 0)) THEN BEGIN to accomodate dragbox = [0,0,*,*], i.e., lower left corner Save alignment / Do not save alignment choice wasn't working in CJJ version - fixed Stack_align would give non-zero shift for first image This is fixed with modification of call to zstack_align_images (updated version of Added dragbox coordinates to header of MAPPER file of alignment shifts Added zstack_align_tune to interactively adjust alignment shifts essentially superceding This can be improved upon to incorporate features of Moved nearly all widget_control,var,sensitive = 0/1 statements to zstack_align_sensitive and zstack_align_desensitive for more reliable operation and better organization of code (instead of being widely dispersed) zstack_align_sensitive has situation-dependent conditionals to control appearance of window Need to restore virtual memory allocation when working with large data arrays so corr_stack, shift_image_stack, and corr_dim_stack) set to zero at end Added alignment to following image - useful if image quality is better at high energy This is in addition to existing alignment to preceding image and to a constant image Eliminated variable, zstack_align_par.constant_match Added variable, image_match with valid values: -1 : alignment using preceding image 0 : alignment using constant image 1 : alignment using following image Added low_mem keyword to STACK_ANALYZE.PRO and STACK_ALIGN.PRO If set, then shifted_image_stack is not formed with STACK_ALIGN.PRO This reduces memory use by 1/3 and is useful when large arrays are being processed. This comes at some reduction in speed for displaying new images, most noticeable during playing of image movies If set, display of shifted images within STACK_ALIGN.PRO is done by calculating shifted image from x_shift, y_shift, and image_stack every time an image is displayed. With low_mem set, IDL partition should be approx. >9 times n_elements(image_stack) With low_mem not set, IDL partition should be approx. >13 times n_elements(image_stack) (based on tests on a Macintosh) Modified COMMON block structure so that common variables are shared with all zstack routines i.e., zstack_common contains variables used by ZSTACK_ANALYZE.PRO, ZSTACK_READLIST.PRO, ZSTACK_BUILDLIST.PRO, and ZSTACK_ALIGN.PRO Common variables are now defined only once in each file, not repetitively as before. Common variables for data are now determined within ZSTACK_BUILDLIST.PRO or ZSTACK_READLIST.PRO: image_stack, filename_list, ev_list, msec_list, filename_display_list This requires that files be read only once, eliminated time-intensive duplicate calls of STXM_READ.PRO or SXM_READ.PRO Modified zstack_align_par, zstack_align_tune_par so that they only contain only variables associated with dialog window. All other variables have been moved to zstack_align_common Added n_files, list_filename, and shift_filename variables to zstack_common variable Divided align and tune functions into two separate procedures: ZSTACK_ALIGN.PRO and ZSTACK_TUNE.PRO ZSTACK_TUNE.PRO could be used as a replacement for ZSTACK_MANALIGN.PRO Modified so that zoom can be changed after alignment is complete added /new_zoom option to ZSTACK_ALIGN.PRO and slightly altered button naming routine End of Modifications 20feb99, CGZ Fixed display of alignment shifts for alignment using following image. CGZ 12aug99 Added EXIT button to exit ZSTACK package directly from zstack_align dialog, CGZ 12aug99 Removed CGZ, 12aug99 Changed default value of image_match to -1, i.e., will use preceding image for aligment CGZ, 09sep99 Added optional sections to plot maximum of correlation function and points used to determine center of mass, commented out for routine use Useful in troubleshooting CGZ, 28sep99 Changed header of file of alignment shifts (*.aln) to include alignment conditions CGZ, 28sep99 Modified to optimize use of memory Each correlation function, corr_stack(*,*,i), is now only as large as region defined by dragbox. Formerly, each correlation function had the same dimensions as the image. So if a 50x50 pixel dragbox is used with 200x200 pixel images, this uses only 7% of the memory used if the entire image is used for the alignment. (06oct00 cgz) Moved dragbox from zstack_align_common to zstack_common so that it can be used in zstack_save to select subregion of interest (13oct00 cgz) Altered definition of dragbox so that it is now [xleft,xright,ybot,ytop] This makes it consistent with definition of other cursor boxes and eliminates need for min and max testing Changed logic statement from: IF ((dragbox(2) NE 0) AND (dragbox(3) NE 0)) THEN BEGIN to: IF ((dragbox(1) NE 0) AND (dragbox(3) NE 0)) THEN BEGIN (29oct00 cgz) Modified !version.os routines to use !version.os_family variable (31oct00 cgz) Modified zstack_buildlist_savelist to include dialog_pickfile so directory can be selected Replaced platform-dependent code with call to zstack_analyze_extract_filename (10nov00 cgz) Fixed hourglass cursor problem with time-intensive alignments (28nov00 cgz) migrated zstack_profile_colorbar routine to (26-mar-01 aph) change BOX_CURSOR to BX_CURSOR (13-apr-01 aph) tried Zimba suggested fix (23-may-04 aph) get plot of alignment shifts to work (03-Mar-08 MJ) Keyword /SCROLL in widget_base() needs X_SCROLL_SIZE. Took out initial size and placement of base widget. Put back in temporary filenumber array to get plot of shifts. (13-apr-08 aph) turn on pre-set window size (X_Scroll_size, Y_Scroll_size) only for non-Windows OS (07-mar-09 aph) added binary_filenmane to zstack_common set default align filename to stack name (.aln) NB was done before ! (shift_filename) (27-Jul-09 aph) external common (02-Aug-15 aph) when exit this program, pass back the folder of the stack (previously only the filename) (02-aug-15 aph) ensure DefPath is defined correctly as exit Zstack_spectra; added @axis_com to all routines (03-Aug-15 aph) changed label to zlabel since label is an array in axis_com
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: ZSTACK_ALIGN_COMMON LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 26-Jul-09 PURPOSE: This file contians the common block, ZSTACK_ALIGN_COMMON CATEGORY: programming utility CALLING SEQUENCE: @zstack_align_common to inclide in a file INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: (26-jul-09 aph) isolated from zstack_plot
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: ZSTACK_ANAYSE_COMMON LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 26-Jul-09 PURPOSE: This file contians the common block, ZSTACK_ANALYZE_COMMON CATEGORY: programming utility CALLING SEQUENCE: @zstack_analyze_common to inclide in a file INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: (27-jul-09 aph) isolated from zstack_plot; added final dummy variable
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: ZSTACK_BUILD_LIST_COMMON LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 26-Jul-09 PURPOSE: This file contians the common block, zstack_build_list_common CATEGORY: programming utility CALLING SEQUENCE: @zstack_build_list_common to inclide in a file INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: (26-jul-09 aph) isolated from zstack_plot (27-jul-09 aph) changed name from zstack_buildlist_common, par to zstack_build_list_common, par to avoid conflict with version in stack_analyze.sav (a guess - NO GO) remove BINARY_FILENAME tas it is in zstack_common - DUMBKOPF
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: ZSTACK_COLOR.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------- 27-Jul-09 (aph) AUTHORS: Carl G. Zimba (NIST) PURPOSE: Establish color table and color_index variables for ZSTACK suite Called by ZSTACK_ANALYZE.PRO CATEGORY: Data analysis. CALLING SEQUENCE: zstack_color INPUTS: NONE KEYWORD PARAMETERS: show = set to show 16 x 16 grid of color table OUTPUTS: NONE COMMON BLOCKS: zstack_color_common bottom_color_index : index of lowermost color of gradient colorscale top_color_index : index of uppermost color of gradient colorscale black_color_index : index of black color white_color_index : index of white color plot_bkgd_color_index : color index for plot background, either black or white plot_axes_color_index : color index for plot axes, either whilte or black image_border_color_index : color index for image border in zstack_buildlist and zstack_profile dialog windows dragbox_color_index : color index for dragbox used to define subregion for alignment corr_ctr_color_index : color index for crosshair showing center of correlation function corr_max_color_index : color index for crosshair showing maximum of correlation function x_shift_color_index : color index for plotting of x-shift y_shift_color_index : color index for plotting of y-shift shift_cursor_color_index : color index for cursor in shift plot, indicating file number tune_fiducial_color_index : color index for fiducial points in closeup of shifted image in zstack_tune dialog window spectra_color_index : color indices (14) for plotting of spectra spectra_cursor_color_index : color index for cursor in spectra plot, indicating x-ray energy profile_color_index : color index for plotting of intensity profile and cursor in profile image indicating row or column profile_cursor_color_index : color index for cursor in profile image, indicating x-ray energy profile_spectrum_color_index : color index for plotting of profile spectrum test1_color_index : color index #1 for testing test2_color_index : color index #2 for testing test3_color_index : color index #3 for testing SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: Called by ZSTACK_ANALYZE.PRO EXAMPLE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: (17-Jul-99 cgz) Modified color table arrangement Moved "hard" colors used for plotting to bottom of color table (i.e., color indices 0-16) and "grayscale" to top of color table (i.e., color indices 16-255) Also put in conditional tests for less than and more than 256 colors (30-mar-02 aph) made plot display black on white (27-Jul-09 aph) change to external common
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: ZSTACK_COLOR.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 23-feb-06 AUTHORS: Carl G. Zimba (Photons Unlimited) PURPOSE: A modal dialog widget allowing the user to specify the RGB color triple specifying the color. The return value of the function is the color triple. CATEGORY: Graphics, Color Specification. CALLING SEQUENCE: color = Zstack_PickColor(colorindex) INPUTS: NONE KEYWORD PARAMETERS: GROUP_LEADER: The group leader for this widget program. This keyword is required for MODAL operation. If not supplied the program is a BLOCKING widget. Be adviced, however, that the program will NOT work if called from a blocking widget program, unless a GROUP_LEADER is supplied. STARTINDEX: Sixteen pre-determined colors are loaded The STARTINDEX is the index in the color table where these 16 colors will be loaded. By default, it is !D.Table_Size - 17. TITLE: The title on the program's top-level base. By default the title is "Pick a Color". CANCEL: A keyword that is set to 1 if the CANCEL button is selected and to 0 otherwise. OUTPUTS: NONE COMMON BLOCKS: zstack_color_common bottom_color_index : index of lowermost color of gradient colorscale top_color_index : index of uppermost color of gradient colorscale black_color_index : index of black color white_color_index : index of white color plot_bkgd_color_index : color index for plot background, either black or white plot_axes_color_index : color index for plot axes, either whilte or black image_border_color_index : color index for image border in zstack_buildlist and zstack_profile dialog windows dragbox_color_index : color index for dragbox used to define subregion for alignment corr_ctr_color_index : color index for crosshair showing center of correlation function corr_max_color_index : color index for crosshair showing maximum of correlation function x_shift_color_index : color index for plotting of x-shift y_shift_color_index : color index for plotting of y-shift shift_cursor_color_index : color index for cursor in shift plot, indicating file number tune_fiducial_color_index : color index for fiducial points in closeup of shifted image in zstack_tune dialog window spectra_color_index : color indices (14) for plotting of spectra spectra_cursor_color_index : color index for cursor in spectra plot, indicating x-ray energy profile_color_index : color index for plotting of intensity profile and cursor in profile image indicating row or column profile_cursor_color_index : color index for cursor in profile image, indicating x-ray energy profile_spectrum_color_index : color index for plotting of profile spectrum test1_color_index : color index #1 for testing test2_color_index : color index #2 for testing test3_color_index : color index #3 for testing SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: Called by ZSTACK_ANALYZE.PRO (not true) EXAMPLE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Modified from PICKCOLOR.PRO written by David Fanning, (23-feb-06 aph) try to get working to allow selecting colors in axis
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: ZSTACK_COLOR_COMMON LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 26-Jul-09 PURPOSE: This file contians the common block, ZSTACK_COLOR_COMMON CATEGORY: programming utility CALLING SEQUENCE: @zstack_color_common to inclide in a file INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: (26-jul-09 aph) isolated from zstack_plot
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: ZSTACK_COMMON LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 26-Jul-09 PURPOSE: This file contians the common block, ZSTACK_COMMON CATEGORY: Image display. CALLING SEQUENCE: @zstack_common to inclide in a file INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: (21-feb-06 aph) isolated from header of zstack_color (07-mar-09 aph) added binary_filename to allow default ALN name to be generated (27-Jul-09 aph) move to aXis2010
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: ZSTACK_DISPLAY_COMMON LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 26-Jul-09 PURPOSE: This file contians the common block, ZSTACK_DISPLAY_COMMON CATEGORY: programming utility CALLING SEQUENCE: @zstack_display_common to inclide in a file INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: (26-jul-09 aph) isolated from zstack_plot
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: ZSTACK_PLOT.PRO LAST CHANGED: -------------------------- 03-Aug-09 AUTHORS: Carl G. Zimba (Photons UnLimited) Adam Hitchcock (McMaster) PURPOSE: Modification of display parameters used for ZSTACK. Called by ZSTACK suite of procedures CATEGORY: Data analysis. CALLING SEQUENCE: zstack_display, subroutine, new_zoom=new_zoom INPUTS: subroutine = name of zstack procedure from which zstack_display was invoked filename_list,ev_list,msec_list,filename_display_list, and image_stack of zstack_common must be previously defined via ZSTACK_ANALYZE.PRO KEYWORD PARAMETERS: new_zoom = set to indicate a new image_zoom factor OUTPUTS: NONE x_shift, y_shift, corr_dim_stack, corr_stack, shifted_image_stack of zstack_align_common are computed as output COMMON BLOCKS: zstack_common : data_source : type of x-ray microscopy data: STXM:1, SXM:2, SM:3, ALS:4, POLY:5 data_directory : directory of data files image_stack : 3-D matrix of multiple x-ray microscope images filename_list : list of filename corresponding to images in image_stack ev_list : list of x-ray energies corresponding to images in image_stack msec_list : list of dwell times corresponding to images in image_stack filename_display_list : list of filename, x-ray energy, and dwell time corresponding to images in image_stack displayed_file_index : index in image_stack, filename_list, msec_list, and filename_display_list currently being displayed or processed n_files : number of images list_filename : name of file to save or retrieve list of data files shift_filename : filename of alignment shifts x_shift : array of x-coordinate alignment shifts y_shift : array of y-coordinate alignment shifts data_shifted : 0: data was not shifted and should not be clipped, 1: data was shifted and should be clipped, -1: denotes ZSTACK_PROFILE.PRO is being run as a stand-alone procedure n_clipped_cols : number of columns in clipped image n_clipped_rows : number of rows in clipped image clipbox : vector of four points defining dimensions of region unclipped by alignment: [xleft,xright,ybot,ytop] zstack_analyze_common zstack_analyze_par : variables controlling ZSTACK Analyze dialog window do_edge_clip : Clip edges of null data created by image alignment: 0: NO, 1: YES do_despike : Despike data before alignment: 0: NO, 1: YES do_median_filter : Median filter data before alignment: 0: NO, 1: YES do_save_memory : Conserve memory by not creating duplicate arrays: 0: NO, 1: YES zstack_build_list_common zstack_build_list_par : variables controlling ZSTACK Buildlist dialog window data_filelist : List of all data file within data_directory this_filename : Name of currently selected data file first_filename : Name of data file selected as the first file in sequence last_filename : Name of data file selected as the last file in sequence this_ev : X-ray energy of currently selected file first_ev : X-ray energy of data file selected as the first file in sequence last_ev : X-ray energy of data file selected as the last file in sequence got_first : Logic control parameter: O: don't have first file, 1: have first file got_last : Logic control parameter: O: don't have last file, 1: have last file got_a_file : Logic control parameter: O: don't have a file, 1: have a file delete_file_index : index of file to be deleted from list zstack_align_common zstack_align_par : variables controlling ZSTACK Align dialog window file_num : vector of file numbers of image files dragbox : vector of four points defining dimensions of region selected for alignment: [xleft,xright,ybot,ytop] edge_enhance : edge enhancement parameter: 0: none, 1: sobel, 2: roberts edgegauss_pixels : number of pixels used for edgeguass smoothing in ZSTACK_ALIGN_IMAGES.PRO, default = 3 edgefill : type of filling to occur at edges of shifted images: mean, median, max, min, zero image_match : Image to align to: -1: preceding image, 0: constant image, 1: following image constant_file_index : image of index to use as reference when aligning to a constant image corr_max : 0: use 3-pt fitted maximum of correlation function, 1: use center of mass of correlation function maxshift : 2-point vector of minimum and maximum values of x-shift and y_shift, and temp_x_shift and temp_y_shift within ZSTACK_ALIGN_TUNE doalign_complete : -1: alignment in progress, 0: alignment not started, 1: alignment finished, 2 : using alignment from stored file low_memory : Reflects keyword LOW_MEM: 0: use full memory allocation, 1: use reduced memory allocation corr_stack : 3-D matrix of correlation functions corresponding to image_stack shifted_image_stack : 3-D matrix of shifted images corresponding to image_stack corr_dim_stack : 3-D matrix (i,j,k) of maxima of correlation functions: i: x maximum, j: y maximum, k: image file shift_threshold : mimimum shift required to actually shift the image zstack_tune_common zstack_tune_par : variables controlling ZSTACK Tune Alignment dialog window temp_x_shift : vector of alignment shifts along x-coordinate for images in image_stack, obtained within ZSTACK_ALIGN_TUNE temp_y_shift : vector of alignment shifts along y-coordinate for images in image_stack, obtained within ZSTACK_ALIGN_TUNE init_x_shift : vector of initial alignment shifts along x-coordinate for images in image_stack init_y_shift : vector of initial alignment shifts along y-coordinate for images in image_stack image_center : array of pixel coordinates specifying the center (in pixels) of each image corr_center : array of pixel coordinates specifying the center (in pixels) of each correlation function image shifted_center : array of pixel coordinates specifying the center (in pixels) of each shifted image subimage_center : array of pixel coordinates specifying the center (in pixels) of each subimage subcorr_center : array of pixel coordinates specifying the center (in pixels) of each correlation function subimage subshifted_center : array of pixel coordinates specifying the center (in pixels) of each shifted subimage subimage_pixels : size of subimages in pixels fid_pt : pixel coordinates of present fiducial point(s) n_fid_pt : number of fiducial points all_fid_pt : array of all fiducial points fid_pt_index : index of fiducial point(s) zstack_spectra_common zstack_spectra_par : variables controlling ZSTACK Spectra dialog window zstack_save_par : variables controlling ZSTACK Save dialog window roi_index : vector of pixels corresponding to regions of interest for all i spectra i_roi : vector of pixels corresponding to region of interest for current i spectrum n_roi : number of regions of interest defined for i spectra i0_roi : vector of pixels defining region of interest for i0 spectrum is_i0_roi : Type of region of interest: 0: i0, 1: i spectrum : 2-D matrix (j,k) of spectra corresponding to defined regions of interest, j=0: i0 spectrum, j=1-14: i spectra, k corresponds to x-ray energy of image save_spectra_type : Type of file to save spectra as: spectra_filename_header : base filename of spectra and regions of interest to be saved on ZSTACK Spectra dialog window roi_filename : filename for storage and retrieval of regions of interest points save_filename_header : base filename of images to be saved on ZSTACK Save dialog window i0_filename : base filename of i0 spectrum to be retrieved i0_filetype : Type of file of retrieved I0 spectrum: RAW, XAS, CSV i_roi_color_index : vector of indices of colors for display of regions of interest for i spectra i0_roi_color_index : color index for display of region of interest for i0 spectrum nonintegral_zoom_data : scaled byte image used when image_zoom is non-integral zstack_profile_common zstack_profile_par : variables controlling ZSTACK Profile dialog window profile_direction : 0: along the column direction, 1: along the row direction profile_pixel : pixel actively used to generate profile image and plot profile_x_pixel : x pixel used to construct profile image profile_y_pixel : y pixel used to construct profile image profile_win_pixels : number of pixels for profile image window profile_image : image of profile intensity and image number profile_spectrum : spectrum arising from single pixel at center of cursor crosshairs in profile image profile_y_min : mimimum of all profile spectra profile_y_max : maximum of all profile spectra profile_filename_header : base filename of profile intensity plot to be saved on ZSTACK Profile dialog window profile_filename : filename of profile intensity plot to be saved on ZSTACK Profile dialog window spectrum_filename_header : base filename of profile spectrum to be saved on ZSTACK Profile dialog window spectrum_filename : filename of profile spectrum to be saved on ZSTACK Profile dialog window spectra_filename : filename of profile spectra to be saved on ZSTACK Profile dialog window profile_use : 0: ZSTACK_PROFILE used as a subroutine, 1: ZSTACK_PROFILE used as a stand-alone application zstack_display_common zstack_plot_par : variables controlling ZSTACK Display dialog window image_zoom : zoom factor for displaying images subimage_zoom : zoom factor for subimages movie_delay : delay used to display movie images of data stacks, dependent upon machine speed disp_min : minimum percentage intensity for display of images disp_max : maximum percentage intensity for display of images disp_gamma : gamma factor for display of images spectrum_display : Display spectra as: 1: Single Beam, 2: Percent Transmittance, 3: Absorbance spectrum_offset : Offset used to plot spectra init_zoom : initial zoom factor for displaying images (used in ZSTACK_SAVE and ZSTACK_TUNE) movie_active : movie of images is active: 0: NO, 1: YES profile_zoom : zoom factor for file number axis on profile images image_range : scale images using: 0: intensity range of each image, 1: intensity range of full image stack image_ratio : Display images normalized by: 0: inv_image_stack, 1: i0 spectrum ratio_image_index : index of image to use when ratio images to a constant image image_scale : Display images normalized by: 0: inv_image_stack, 1: i0 spectrum image_invert : invert color bar: 0: NO, 1: YES temp_old_display : initial array of display parameters, set at beginning of ZSTACK_DISPLAY temp_new_display : array of display parameters updated as display options are changed zstack_subroutine : subroutine from which ZSTACK_DISPLAY was called plot_x_min : mimimum x-value to plot shifts or spectra plot_x_max : maximum x-value to plot shifts or spectra plot_y_min : mimimum y-value to plot shifts or spectra plot_y_max : maximum y-value to plot shifts or spectra x_autoscale : autoscale x-values on plots of shifts or spectra: 0: NO, 1: YES y_autoscale : autoscale y-values on plots of shifts or spectra: 0: NO, 1: YES zstack_color_common bottom_color_index : index of lowermost color of gradient colorscale top_color_index : index of uppermost color of gradient colorscale black_color_index : index of black color white_color_index : index of white color plot_bkgd_color_index : color index for plot background, either black or white plot_axes_color_index : color index for plot axes, either whilte or black image_border_color_index : color index for image border in zstack_buildlist and zstack_profile dialog windows dragbox_color_index : color index for dragbox used to define subregion for alignment corr_ctr_color_index : color index for crosshair showing center of correlation function corr_max_color_index : color index for crosshair showing maximum of correlation function x_shift_color_index : color index for plotting of x-shift y_shift_color_index : color index for plotting of y-shift shift_cursor_color_index : color index for cursor in shift plot, indicating file number tune_fiducial_color_index : color index for fiducial points in closeup of shifted image in zstack_tune dialog window spectra_color_index : color indices (14) for plotting of spectra spectra_cursor_color_index : color index for cursor in spectra plot, indicating x-ray energy profile_color_index : color index for plotting of intensity profile and cursor in profile image indicating row or column profile_cursor_color_index : color index for cursor in profile image, indicating x-ray energy profile_spectrum_color_index : color index for plotting of profile spectrum test1_color_index : color index #1 for testing test2_color_index : color index #2 for testing test3_color_index : color index #3 for testing SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: Used as ZSTACK suite of routines PROCEDURE: Called by ZSTACK_ALIGN.PRO, ZSTACK_BUILDLIST.PRO, ZSTACK_PROFILE.PRO, ZSTACK_SAVE.PRO, ZSTACK_SPECTRA.PRO, ZSTACK_TUNE.PRO EXAMPLE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: (13oct00 cgz) altered definition of dragbox so that it is now [xleft,xright,ybot,ytop] this makes it consistent with definition of other cursor boxes and eliminates need for min and max testing Changed logic statement from: IF ((dragbox(2) NE 0) AND (dragbox(3) NE 0)) THEN BEGIN to: IF ((dragbox(1) NE 0) AND (dragbox(3) NE 0)) THEN BEGIN (29oct00 cgz) several modifications to be compatible with new version of zstack_save (05nov00 cgz) modified widget to include more choices on control, added image, spectral, and stack subtraction, not fully implemented will be able to use any image, any spectrum for normalization modified names of image normalization variables modified values of image_ratio (28nov00 cgz) migrated zstack_display_colorbar routine to (23-may-04 aph) force color scale, 0 when plotting (21-mar-08 MJ) changed to work on unix (Xscroll_size) (13-apr-08 aph) turn on pre-set window size (X_Scroll_size, Y_Scroll_size) only for non-Windows OS (07-mar-09 aph) added binary_filenmane to zstack_common (26-Jul-09 aph) remove all secondary calls to common blocks & replace with @zstack_(common) syntax ; since the Eclipse workspace tags as errors even though it is an allowed IDL syntax (03-Aug-09 aph) change from base-10 to natural log for spectra (Larry Nitler Carnegie)
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: ZSTACK_PROFILE_COMMON LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 26-Jul-09 PURPOSE: This file contians the common block, ZSTACK_PROFILE_COMMON CATEGORY: programming utility CALLING SEQUENCE: @zstack_profile_common to inclide in a file INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: (26-jul-09 aph) isolated from zstack_plot
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: ZSTACK_READ_MAPPER LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 27-July-11 PURPOSE: This procedure reads in Zimba format alignment shifts, which are stored similar to Mapper files (files written by CJJJ's stack alignmnent) (x,y) values are stored it in float arrays x and y (y can be multi-valued) CATEGORY: read in CALLING SEQUENCE: READ_MAPPER, filename, x, y, help=help, quiet=quiet INPUTS: FILENAME name of file KEYWORDS: HELP list parameters QUIET turn off print comments PARAMS array of keywprds which defines the type of alignment used ROUTINES: Read_mapper_firstnum strips out all stuff before a comma MAPPER file format is (this is output of Zimba auto-align) ! X-Y Pixel shifts after alignment ! Full images used ! Aligned to preceding images ! Correlation maximum determined by 3-pt quadratic fit ! No edge enhancement ! Maximum allowed shift of 10 pixels ! Shift threshold of 0.01 pixels ! Edgegauss smoothing of 3 pixels ALIGN(-1,-1,0,0,10,0.01,3,0,0,0,0,-1 PLOTIT(4 532_110326020_a000.xim 278.00 0.80,0.0000,0.0000 532_110326020_a001.xim 285.30 0.80,-0.1701,-1.0884 532_110326020_a002.xim 292.40 0.80,-0.0824,-1.3861 532_110326020_a003.xim 300.20 0.80,0.0361,-1.5492 MODIFICATION HISTORY: (20-Nov-99 cjj) rewritten from Rivers stuff (20-feb-00 cgz) Renamed, making ZSTACK suite independent (19-dec-00 cgz) Padded input_string with leading zeroto ensure that it can be interpreted as a number (12-may-02 aph) AXIS standard header added (27-jul-11 aph) updated header; tried to get CJJ and Zimba to cross-read
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: ZSTACK_SAVE.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 11-Jan-10 PURPOSE: Save images after alignment using ZSTACK_ANALYZE AUTHORS: Carl G. Zimba (Photons UnLimited), Partially derived from previous code by Chris Jacobsen (SUNY - Stonybrook) CATEGORY: Data analysis. CALLING SEQUENCE: zstack_save INPUTS: NONE KEYWORD PARAMETERS: NONE OUTPUTS: NONE COMMON BLOCKS: zstack_common : data_source : type of x-ray microscopy data: STXM:1, SXM:2, SM:3, ALS:4, POLY:5 data_directory : directory of data files image_stack : 3-D matrix of multiple x-ray microscope images filename_list : list of filename corresponding to images in image_stack ev_list : list of x-ray energies corresponding to images in image_stack msec_list : list of dwell times corresponding to images in image_stack filename_display_list : list of filename, x-ray energy, and dwell time corresponding to images in image_stack displayed_file_index : index in image_stack, filename_list, msec_list, and filename_display_list currently being displayed or processed n_files : number of images list_filename : name of file to save or retrieve list of data files shift_filename : filename of alignment shifts x_shift : array of x-coordinate alignment shifts y_shift : array of y-coordinate alignment shifts data_shifted : 0: data was not shifted and should not be clipped, 1: data was shifted and should be clipped, -1: denotes ZSTACK_PROFILE.PRO is being run as a stand-alone procedure n_clipped_cols : number of columns in clipped image n_clipped_rows : number of rows in clipped image clipbox : vector of four points defining dimensions of region unclipped by alignment: [xleft,xright,ybot,ytop] dragbox : vector of four points defining dimensions of region selected by box_cursor: [xleft,xright,ybot,ytop] zstack_spectra_common zstack_spectra_par : variables controlling ZSTACK Spectra dialog window zstack_save_par : variables controlling ZSTACK Save dialog window roi_index : vector of pixels corresponding to regions of interest for all i spectra i_roi : vector of pixels corresponding to region of interest for current i spectrum n_roi : number of regions of interest defined for i spectra i0_roi : vector of pixels defining region of interest for i0 spectrum is_i0_roi : Type of region of interest: 0: i0, 1: i spectrum : 2-D matrix (j,k) of spectra corresponding to defined regions of interest, j=0: i0 spectrum, j=1-14: i spectra, k corresponds to x-ray energy of image save_spectra_type : Type of file to save spectra as: spectra_filename_header : base filename of spectra and regions of interest to be saved on ZSTACK Spectra dialog window roi_filename : filename for storage and retrieval of regions of interest points save_filename_header : base filename of images to be saved on ZSTACK Save dialog window i0_filename : base filename of i0 spectrum to be retrieved i0_filetype : Type of file of retrieved I0 spectrum: RAW, XAS, CSV i_roi_color_index : vector of indices of colors for display of regions of interest for i spectra i0_roi_color_index : color index for display of region of interest for i0 spectrum nonintegral_zoom_data : scaled byte image used when image_zoom is non-integral zstack_display_common zstack_display_par : variables controlling ZSTACK Display dialog window image_zoom : zoom factor for displaying images subimage_zoom : zoom factor for subimages movie_delay : delay used to display movie images of data stacks, dependent upon machine speed disp_min : minimum percentage intensity for display of images disp_max : maximum percentage intensity for display of images disp_gamma : gamma factor for display of images spectrum_display : Display spectra as: 1: Single Beam, 2: Percent Transmittance, 3: Absorbance spectrum_offset : Offset used to plot spectra init_zoom : initial zoom factor for displaying images (used in ZSTACK_SAVE and ZSTACK_TUNE) movie_active : movie of images is active: 0: NO, 1: YES profile_zoom : zoom factor for file number axis on profile images image_range : scale images using: 0: intensity range of each image, 1: intensity range of full image stack image_ratio : Display images normalized by: 0: inv_image_stack, 1: i0 spectrum ratio_image_index : index of image to use when ratio images to a constant image image_scale : Display images normalized by: 0: inv_image_stack, 1: i0 spectrum image_invert : invert color bar: 0: NO, 1: YES temp_old_display : initial array of display parameters, set at beginning of ZSTACK_DISPLAY temp_new_display : array of display parameters updated as display options are changed zstack_subroutine : subroutine from which ZSTACK_DISPLAY was called plot_x_min : mimimum x-ray energy value to plot spectra plot_x_max : maximum x-ray energy value to plot spectra plot_y_min : mimimum intensity value to plot spectra plot_y_max : maximum intensity value to plot spectra x_autoscale : autoscale x-ray energy scale: 0: NO, 1: YES y_autoscale : autoscale spectra intensity scale: 0: NO, 1: YES zstack_color_common bottom_color_index : index of lowermost color of gradient colorscale top_color_index : index of uppermost color of gradient colorscale black_color_index : index of black color white_color_index : index of white color plot_bkgd_color_index : color index for plot background, either black or white plot_axes_color_index : color index for plot axes, either whilte or black image_border_color_index : color index for image border in zstack_buildlist and zstack_profile dialog windows dragbox_color_index : color index for dragbox used to define subregion for alignment corr_ctr_color_index : color index for crosshair showing center of correlation function corr_max_color_index : color index for crosshair showing maximum of correlation function x_shift_color_index : color index for plotting of x-shift y_shift_color_index : color index for plotting of y-shift shift_cursor_color_index : color index for cursor in shift plot, indicating file number tune_fiducial_color_index : color index for fiducial points in closeup of shifted image in zstack_tune dialog window spectra_color_index : color indices (14) for plotting of spectra spectra_cursor_color_index : color index for cursor in spectra plot, indicating x-ray energy profile_color_index : color index for plotting of intensity profile and cursor in profile image indicating row or column profile_cursor_color_index : color index for cursor in profile image, indicating x-ray energy profile_spectrum_color_index : color index for plotting of profile spectrum test1_color_index : color index #1 for testing test2_color_index : color index #2 for testing test3_color_index : color index #3 for testing SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: Called from within ZSTACK_SPECTRA.PRO. EXAMPLE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 25-Mar-1998 - now works with 24 bit graphics, CJJ 24-Jul-1998 - two changes (based on suggestions by Adam Hitchcock, but the implementations here are my own) CJJ : 1. allow user to read in i0 files from an ascii file of (line by line) values of ev, khz. The file is used only if it spans a larger range of eV values than the images in the stack span. 2. Click on the spectrum to change the file which is displayed 14-Aug-1998 - now if there's an alignment file, read it in and apply it but STILL give the user the chance to align the stack. This allows one to (for example) first align a stack manually, and then do an automatic alignment over a restricted shift range to "refine" the alignment. CJJ 28-Aug-1998: with IDL 5.1 the way 24 bit graphics is handled is now different - need to invoke device,decomposed=0, CJJ 31-Aug-1998: Allow saving and reading of stack files as XDR data, don't read ROI file by default on startup, use zoom=1 unless explicitly told otherwise, have alignment shifts saved by this program rather than by alignment programs, allow clipping of data to exclude shift boundaries, CJJ 27-sep-1998: but tvrd() works differently on different devices so need to write images for GIF files to Z buffer, CJJ 13-oct-1998: Save many images at once, start to work on ratio image stuff, CJJ Modified 20feb99, CGZ Extensively modified and rewritten STACK_ANALYZE.PRO to form ZSTACK_ANALYZE.PRO Changes and additions are numerous: All procedures and common variables starting with 'stk' were changed to 'zstack' so that the existing routine, STACK_ANALYZE.PRO, can be run in parallel Reorganized STACK_ANALYZE.PRO so that spectral analysis is done with ZSTACK_SPECTRA and zstack_spectra_* procedures spectra and regions of interest are saved with ZSTACK_SPECTRA saving of image data is done with ZSTACK_SAVE and ZSTACK_SAVE_* procedures Procedures have been modified, added, eliminated as below: zstack_save_prep : formerly stk_anl_graphics zstack_save_imgdisp : formerly stk_anl_imgdisp zstack_save_plotspectrum : formerly stk_anl_plotspectrum zstack_save_clip_data : formerly stk_anl_clipdata zstack_save_desensitive : new, adapted from stk_anl_desensitive zstack_save_sensitive : new, adapted from stk_anl_sensitive zstack_save_gifimage : stk_anl_savegifimg zstack_save_gifmovie : stk_anl_gifmovie zstack_save_stack_data : formerly stk_dat_savefile zstack_save_event : new, adapted from stk_anl_event zstack_save : new, adapted from stack_analyze stk_aln_savefile : eliminated, moved to ZSTACK_ALIGN.PRO (zstack_align_save_shift) stk_dat_readfile : eliminated stk_anl_readroi : eliminated stk_anl_roi_event : eliminated, replace with CW_DEFROI.PRO stk_anl_roi : eliminated, replace with CW_DEFROI.PRO Functions of procedures are now: zstack_save_prep : sets color table and color indices and defines common variables zstack_save_imgdisp : displays images and shift plot zstack_save_plotspectrum : displays extracted spectra zstack_save_clip_data : defines area of images not clipped by alignment shift zstack_save_desensitive : deactivate features on Stack Save dialog window zstack_save_sensitive : activate features on Stack Save dialog window zstack_save_gifimage : save *.gif image of stack data zstack_save_gifmovie : save *m.gif movie of stack data zstack_save_stack_data : save stack data as file (for both clipped and unclipped) zstack_save_event : event routine for zstack_save zstack_save : main procedure for saving images and stack data sets Modified user interface window to include display and movie of image and clipped image regions of interest are plotted on both image and clipped image cursor bar added to plot of spectra highlighting energy and intensity position during movie or static display eliminated text embedded in image, replaced it with text fields in dialog window displayed file can be selected either using file list or spectral plot clicking on spectral plot, prints file info and spectral intensity in Output Log text fields added to display image information during movie or static display this replaces text as part of image implemented in STACK_ANALYZE.PRO eliminated "Add I Pixel" and "Add I0 Pixel" since it is embedded part of CW_DEFROI.PRO eliminated ratio image feature - may restore later eliminated IDL Slicer feature - may restore later "Load New Color Table" option added can change the color table in either ZSTACK_SPECTRA, ZSTACK_SAVE, or ZSTACK_PROFILE saving of spectra in multiple formats: *.xas, *.spc, *.gif added ability to extract spectra from multiple regions simultaneously (up to 14 spectra) Replaced stk_anl_roi and stk_anl_roi_event with CW_DEFROI.PRO New routine is shipped with IDL and is more robust on multiple platforms Allow selection of regions of interest as polygon, single point, rectangle, or circle Changed the way the color table is specified: - calls ZSTACK_COLOR.PRO from within zstack_save_prep - much simpler now, only executed once, allows multiple colors easily Deleted unused variables char_ypix,charsize,textregion_nlines,textregion_ypix, i_images_color_index,i0_images_color_index,i0_images_list,i_images_list Renamed ev to ev_list, and msec to msec_list Added option for data from Polymer STXM /poly keyword and stxm1_sxm2_sm3_als4_poly5 variable Made stxm1_sxm2_sm3_als4_poly5 part of zstack_common variable Modified Stack Save dialog window for 3 columns, including a long list of image files Modified COMMON block structure so that common variables are shared with all zstack routines i.e., zstack_common contains variables used by ZSTACK_ANALYZE.PRO, ZSTACK_READLIST.PRO, ZSTACK_BUILDLIST.PRO, and ZSTACK_ALIGN.PRO Common variables are now defined only once in each file (in zstack_save_prep), not repetitively as before. Common variables for data are now determined within ZSTACK_BUILDLIST.PRO or ZSTACK_READLIST.PRO: image_stack, filename_list, ev_list, msec_list, filename_display_list This requires that files be read only once, eliminated time-intensive duplicate calls of STXM_READ.PRO or SXM_READ.PRO Modified zstack_save_par so that they only contain only variables associated with dialog window. All other variables have been moved to zstack_analyze_common Moved list_filename and shift_filename variables to zstack_common variable Added n_files variable to zstack_common variable Header with list_filename and shift_filename now wriiten as part of *.spc and *.roi files Ratio of image to I0 spectrum appears to be useless Previously, some slight variation in image contrast was present but was likely due to the way the percent_image was computed: Former: percent_image = 100. * image_stack(*,*,i_file) / max(image_stack(*,*,i_file)) (via obsolete invmax_image_stack variable) which didn't scale image intensity accurately between 0 and 100 Now: this_image = image_stack(*,*,i_file) / min(image_stack(*,*,i_file)) percent_image = 100. * this_image / max(this_image) which forces image intensity to be accurately scaled between 0 and 100 So eliminate 'ratio image to i0 spectrum' option Explore possibility of displaying image using log or exp scale, in addition to present linear scale Modified zstack_save_stack_data procedure to save image stack (*.stk) Saved image stack has a format slightly different from CJJ code since it includes the filename_list so the file structure of the two different file formats makes them incompatible (05oct00 cgz) Modified dialog widget to include capability to select subregion, better capability to select various formats to save data as image, movie, binary Created zstack_save_common to include variables for saving various image and movie formats Moved zstack_save_par and save_filename_header from zstack_spectra_common Moved dragbox from zstack_align_common to zstack_common so that it can be used in zstack_save to select subregion of interest Modified other zstack procedures to conform (06oct00 cgz) Added capability to specify a subregion using a dragbox routine (13oct00 cgz) altered definition of dragbox so that it is now [xleft,xright,ybot,ytop] this makes it consistent with definition of other cursor boxes and eliminates need for min and max testing Changed logic statement from: IF ((dragbox(2) NE 0) AND (dragbox(3) NE 0)) THEN BEGIN to: IF ((dragbox(1) NE 0) AND (dragbox(3) NE 0)) THEN BEGIN (06nov00 cgz) Added button to invoke IDL Slicer with full (unclipped) aligned image stack (28nov00 cgz) migrated zstack_profile_colorbar routine to =============================================================================== (22feb02 aph) replace cgz modified code with write_sb call for binary stack -------- DONE in the zstack_jan01 version (axis_dev) (11-jul-04 aph) try to get save images panel to work correctly - mpeg and mgif do not work un der IDL 6.0 (license inhibit) - replace write_gif with write_tiff - does not display image; inverted -------- (16jul04 aph) fix 'invalid widget error' - needed to add CONDITIONAL: IF (data_shifted EQ 1) on zstack_save_par.clipped_image_label sensitive and desensitive lines convert to write sequence of tif files for movie generation (03-Mar-08 MJ) Keyword /SCROLL in widget_base() needs X_SCROLL_SIZE. Use of /SCROLL and /MODAL at the same time not allowed. (13-apr-08 aph) turn on pre-set window size (X_Scroll_size, Y_Scroll_size) only for non-Windows OS (07-mar-09 aph) added binary_filenmane to zstack_common (27-jul-09 aph) external common; print if no code (03-Aug-09 aph) change from base-10 to natural log for spectra (Larry Nitler Carnegie) (11-Jan-10 aph) changed write_gif procedure to ax_write_gif procedure to work-around the conflict of the named write_gif_common common block in IDL's with that embedded in stack_analyze.sav (CJJ)
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: ZSTACK_SAVE.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 27-Jul-15 PURPOSE: Save images after alignment using ZSTACK_ANALYZE AUTHORS: Carl G. Zimba (Photons UnLimited), Partially derived from previous code by Chris Jacobsen (SUNY - Stonybrook) CATEGORY: Data analysis. CALLING SEQUENCE: zstack_save INPUTS: NONE KEYWORD PARAMETERS: NONE OUTPUTS: NONE COMMON BLOCKS: zstack_common : data_source : type of x-ray microscopy data: STXM:1, SXM:2, SM:3, ALS:4, POLY:5 data_directory : directory of data files image_stack : 3-D matrix of multiple x-ray microscope images filename_list : list of filename corresponding to images in image_stack ev_list : list of x-ray energies corresponding to images in image_stack msec_list : list of dwell times corresponding to images in image_stack filename_display_list : list of filename, x-ray energy, and dwell time corresponding to images in image_stack displayed_file_index : index in image_stack, filename_list, msec_list, and filename_display_list currently being displayed or processed n_files : number of images list_filename : name of file to save or retrieve list of data files shift_filename : filename of alignment shifts x_shift : array of x-coordinate alignment shifts y_shift : array of y-coordinate alignment shifts data_shifted : 0: data was not shifted and should not be clipped, 1: data was shifted and should be clipped, -1: denotes ZSTACK_PROFILE.PRO is being run as a stand-alone procedure n_clipped_cols : number of columns in clipped image n_clipped_rows : number of rows in clipped image clipbox : vector of four points defining dimensions of region unclipped by alignment: [xleft,xright,ybot,ytop] dragbox : vector of four points defining dimensions of region selected by box_cursor: [xleft,xright,ybot,ytop] zstack_spectra_common zstack_spectra_par : variables controlling ZSTACK Spectra dialog window zstack_save_par : variables controlling ZSTACK Save dialog window roi_index : vector of pixels corresponding to regions of interest for all i spectra i_roi : vector of pixels corresponding to region of interest for current i spectrum n_roi : number of regions of interest defined for i spectra i0_roi : vector of pixels defining region of interest for i0 spectrum is_i0_roi : Type of region of interest: 0: i0, 1: i spectrum : 2-D matrix (j,k) of spectra corresponding to defined regions of interest, j=0: i0 spectrum, j=1-14: i spectra, k corresponds to x-ray energy of image save_spectra_type : Type of file to save spectra as: spectra_filename_header : base filename of spectra and regions of interest to be saved on ZSTACK Spectra dialog window roi_filename : filename for storage and retrieval of regions of interest points save_filename_header : base filename of images to be saved on ZSTACK Save dialog window i0_filename : base filename of i0 spectrum to be retrieved i0_filetype : Type of file of retrieved I0 spectrum: RAW, XAS, CSV i_roi_color_index : vector of indices of colors for display of regions of interest for i spectra i0_roi_color_index : color index for display of region of interest for i0 spectrum nonintegral_zoom_data : scaled byte image used when image_zoom is non-integral zstack_display_common zstack_display_par : variables controlling ZSTACK Display dialog window image_zoom : zoom factor for displaying images subimage_zoom : zoom factor for subimages movie_delay : delay used to display movie images of data stacks, dependent upon machine speed disp_min : minimum percentage intensity for display of images disp_max : maximum percentage intensity for display of images disp_gamma : gamma factor for display of images spectrum_display : Display spectra as: 1: Single Beam, 2: Percent Transmittance, 3: Absorbance spectrum_offset : Offset used to plot spectra init_zoom : initial zoom factor for displaying images (used in ZSTACK_SAVE and ZSTACK_TUNE) movie_active : movie of images is active: 0: NO, 1: YES profile_zoom : zoom factor for file number axis on profile images image_range : scale images using: 0: intensity range of each image, 1: intensity range of full image stack image_ratio : Display images normalized by: 0: inv_image_stack, 1: i0 spectrum ratio_image_index : index of image to use when ratio images to a constant image image_scale : Display images normalized by: 0: inv_image_stack, 1: i0 spectrum image_invert : invert color bar: 0: NO, 1: YES temp_old_display : initial array of display parameters, set at beginning of ZSTACK_DISPLAY temp_new_display : array of display parameters updated as display options are changed zstack_subroutine : subroutine from which ZSTACK_DISPLAY was called plot_x_min : mimimum x-ray energy value to plot spectra plot_x_max : maximum x-ray energy value to plot spectra plot_y_min : mimimum intensity value to plot spectra plot_y_max : maximum intensity value to plot spectra x_autoscale : autoscale x-ray energy scale: 0: NO, 1: YES y_autoscale : autoscale spectra intensity scale: 0: NO, 1: YES zstack_color_common bottom_color_index : index of lowermost color of gradient colorscale top_color_index : index of uppermost color of gradient colorscale black_color_index : index of black color white_color_index : index of white color plot_bkgd_color_index : color index for plot background, either black or white plot_axes_color_index : color index for plot axes, either whilte or black image_border_color_index : color index for image border in zstack_buildlist and zstack_profile dialog windows dragbox_color_index : color index for dragbox used to define subregion for alignment corr_ctr_color_index : color index for crosshair showing center of correlation function corr_max_color_index : color index for crosshair showing maximum of correlation function x_shift_color_index : color index for plotting of x-shift y_shift_color_index : color index for plotting of y-shift shift_cursor_color_index : color index for cursor in shift plot, indicating file number tune_fiducial_color_index : color index for fiducial points in closeup of shifted image in zstack_tune dialog window spectra_color_index : color indices (14) for plotting of spectra spectra_cursor_color_index : color index for cursor in spectra plot, indicating x-ray energy profile_color_index : color index for plotting of intensity profile and cursor in profile image indicating row or column profile_cursor_color_index : color index for cursor in profile image, indicating x-ray energy profile_spectrum_color_index : color index for plotting of profile spectrum test1_color_index : color index #1 for testing test2_color_index : color index #2 for testing test3_color_index : color index #3 for testing SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: Called from within ZSTACK_SPECTRA.PRO. EXAMPLE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 25-Mar-1998 - now works with 24 bit graphics, CJJ 24-Jul-1998 - two changes (based on suggestions by Adam Hitchcock, but the implementations here are my own) CJJ : 1. allow user to read in i0 files from an ascii file of (line by line) values of ev, khz. The file is used only if it spans a larger range of eV values than the images in the stack span. 2. Click on the spectrum to change the file which is displayed 14-Aug-1998 - now if there's an alignment file, read it in and apply it but STILL give the user the chance to align the stack. This allows one to (for example) first align a stack manually, and then do an automatic alignment over a restricted shift range to "refine" the alignment. CJJ 28-Aug-1998: with IDL 5.1 the way 24 bit graphics is handled is now different - need to invoke device,decomposed=0, CJJ 31-Aug-1998: Allow saving and reading of stack files as XDR data, don't read ROI file by default on startup, use zoom=1 unless explicitly told otherwise, have alignment shifts saved by this program rather than by alignment programs, allow clipping of data to exclude shift boundaries, CJJ 27-sep-1998: but tvrd() works differently on different devices so need to write images for GIF files to Z buffer, CJJ 13-oct-1998: Save many images at once, start to work on ratio image stuff, CJJ Modified 20feb99, CGZ Extensively modified and rewritten STACK_ANALYZE.PRO to form ZSTACK_ANALYZE.PRO Changes and additions are numerous: All procedures and common variables starting with 'stk' were changed to 'zstack' so that the existing routine, STACK_ANALYZE.PRO, can be run in parallel Reorganized STACK_ANALYZE.PRO so that spectral analysis is done with ZSTACK_SPECTRA and zstack_spectra_* procedures spectra and regions of interest are saved with ZSTACK_SPECTRA saving of image data is done with ZSTACK_SAVE and ZSTACK_SAVE_* procedures Procedures have been modified, added, eliminated as below: zstack_save_prep : formerly stk_anl_graphics zstack_save_imgdisp : formerly stk_anl_imgdisp zstack_save_plotspectrum : formerly stk_anl_plotspectrum zstack_save_clip_data : formerly stk_anl_clipdata zstack_save_desensitive : new, adapted from stk_anl_desensitive zstack_save_sensitive : new, adapted from stk_anl_sensitive zstack_save_gifimage : stk_anl_savegifimg zstack_save_gifmovie : stk_anl_gifmovie zstack_save_stack_data : formerly stk_dat_savefile zstack_save_event : new, adapted from stk_anl_event zstack_save : new, adapted from stack_analyze stk_aln_savefile : eliminated, moved to ZSTACK_ALIGN.PRO (zstack_align_save_shift) stk_dat_readfile : eliminated stk_anl_readroi : eliminated stk_anl_roi_event : eliminated, replace with CW_DEFROI.PRO stk_anl_roi : eliminated, replace with CW_DEFROI.PRO Functions of procedures are now: zstack_save_prep : sets color table and color indices and defines common variables zstack_save_imgdisp : displays images and shift plot zstack_save_plotspectrum : displays extracted spectra zstack_save_clip_data : defines area of images not clipped by alignment shift zstack_save_desensitive : deactivate features on Stack Save dialog window zstack_save_sensitive : activate features on Stack Save dialog window zstack_save_gifimage : save *.gif image of stack data zstack_save_gifmovie : save *m.gif movie of stack data zstack_save_stack_data : save stack data as file (for both clipped and unclipped) zstack_save_event : event routine for zstack_save zstack_save : main procedure for saving images and stack data sets Modified user interface window to include display and movie of image and clipped image regions of interest are plotted on both image and clipped image cursor bar added to plot of spectra highlighting energy and intensity position during movie or static display eliminated text embedded in image, replaced it with text fields in dialog window displayed file can be selected either using file list or spectral plot clicking on spectral plot, prints file info and spectral intensity in Output Log text fields added to display image information during movie or static display this replaces text as part of image implemented in STACK_ANALYZE.PRO eliminated "Add I Pixel" and "Add I0 Pixel" since it is embedded part of CW_DEFROI.PRO eliminated ratio image feature - may restore later eliminated IDL Slicer feature - may restore later "Load New Color Table" option added can change the color table in either ZSTACK_SPECTRA, ZSTACK_SAVE, or ZSTACK_PROFILE saving of spectra in multiple formats: *.xas, *.spc, *.gif added ability to extract spectra from multiple regions simultaneously (up to 14 spectra) Replaced stk_anl_roi and stk_anl_roi_event with CW_DEFROI.PRO New routine is shipped with IDL and is more robust on multiple platforms Allow selection of regions of interest as polygon, single point, rectangle, or circle Changed the way the color table is specified: - calls ZSTACK_COLOR.PRO from within zstack_save_prep - much simpler now, only executed once, allows multiple colors easily Deleted unused variables char_ypix,charsize,textregion_nlines,textregion_ypix, i_images_color_index,i0_images_color_index,i0_images_list,i_images_list Renamed ev to ev_list, and msec to msec_list Added option for data from Polymer STXM /poly keyword and stxm1_sxm2_sm3_als4_poly5 variable Made stxm1_sxm2_sm3_als4_poly5 part of zstack_common variable Modified Stack Save dialog window for 3 columns, including a long list of image files Modified COMMON block structure so that common variables are shared with all zstack routines i.e., zstack_common contains variables used by ZSTACK_ANALYZE.PRO, ZSTACK_READLIST.PRO, ZSTACK_BUILDLIST.PRO, and ZSTACK_ALIGN.PRO Common variables are now defined only once in each file (in zstack_save_prep), not repetitively as before. Common variables for data are now determined within ZSTACK_BUILDLIST.PRO or ZSTACK_READLIST.PRO: image_stack, filename_list, ev_list, msec_list, filename_display_list This requires that files be read only once, eliminated time-intensive duplicate calls of STXM_READ.PRO or SXM_READ.PRO Modified zstack_save_par so that they only contain only variables associated with dialog window. All other variables have been moved to zstack_analyze_common Moved list_filename and shift_filename variables to zstack_common variable Added n_files variable to zstack_common variable Header with list_filename and shift_filename now wriiten as part of *.spc and *.roi files Ratio of image to I0 spectrum appears to be useless Previously, some slight variation in image contrast was present but was likely due to the way the percent_image was computed: Former: percent_image = 100. * image_stack(*,*,i_file) / max(image_stack(*,*,i_file)) (via obsolete invmax_image_stack variable) which didn't scale image intensity accurately between 0 and 100 Now: this_image = image_stack(*,*,i_file) / min(image_stack(*,*,i_file)) percent_image = 100. * this_image / max(this_image) which forces image intensity to be accurately scaled between 0 and 100 So eliminate 'ratio image to i0 spectrum' option Explore possibility of displaying image using log or exp scale, in addition to present linear scale Modified zstack_save_stack_data procedure to save image stack (*.stk) Saved image stack has a format slightly different from CJJ code since it includes the filename_list so the file structure of the two different file formats makes them incompatible (05oct00 cgz) Modified dialog widget to include capability to select subregion, better capability to select various formats to save data as image, movie, binary Created zstack_save_common to include variables for saving various image and movie formats Moved zstack_save_par and save_filename_header from zstack_spectra_common Moved dragbox from zstack_align_common to zstack_common so that it can be used in zstack_save to select subregion of interest Modified other zstack procedures to conform (06oct00 cgz) Added capability to specify a subregion using a dragbox routine (13oct00 cgz) altered definition of dragbox so that it is now [xleft,xright,ybot,ytop] this makes it consistent with definition of other cursor boxes and eliminates need for min and max testing Changed logic statement from: IF ((dragbox(2) NE 0) AND (dragbox(3) NE 0)) THEN BEGIN to: IF ((dragbox(1) NE 0) AND (dragbox(3) NE 0)) THEN BEGIN (06nov00 cgz) Added button to invoke IDL Slicer with full (unclipped) aligned image stack (28nov00 cgz) migrated zstack_profile_colorbar routine to =============================================================================== (22feb02 aph) replace cgz modified code with write_sb call for binary stack -------- DONE in the zstack_jan01 version (axis_dev) (11-jul-04 aph) try to get save images panel to work correctly - mpeg and mgif do not work un der IDL 6.0 (license inhibit) - replace write_gif with write_tiff - does not display image; inverted -------- (16jul04 aph) fix 'invalid widget error' - needed to add CONDITIONAL: IF (data_shifted EQ 1) on zstack_save_par.clipped_image_label sensitive and desensitive lines convert to write sequence of tif files for movie generation (03-Mar-08 MJ) Keyword /SCROLL in widget_base() needs X_SCROLL_SIZE. Use of /SCROLL and /MODAL at the same time not allowed. (13-apr-08 aph) turn on pre-set window size (X_Scroll_size, Y_Scroll_size) only for non-Windows OS (07-mar-09 aph) added binary_filenmane to zstack_common (27-jul-09 aph) external common; print if no code (03-Aug-09 aph) change from base-10 to natural log for spectra (Larry Nitler Carnegie) (11-Jan-10 aph) changed write_gif procedure to ax_write_gif procedure to work-around the conflict of the named write_gif_common common block in IDL's with that embedded in stack_analyze.sav (CJJ) (22-Jul-14 aph) change writejpeg to writejpeg2000 to try to get movies as multi-image writing to work (27-Jul-14 aph) change () to [] with specified ranges
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: ZSTACK_SAVE_COMMON LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 26-Jul-09 PURPOSE: This file contians the common block, ZSTACK_SAVE_COMMON CATEGORY: programming utility CALLING SEQUENCE: @zstack_save_common to inclide in a file INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: (26-jul-09 aph) isolated from zstack_plot
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: ZSTACK_SPECTRA_COMMON LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 26-Jul-09 PURPOSE: This file contians the common block, ZSTACK_SPECTRA_COMMON CATEGORY: programming utility CALLING SEQUENCE: @zstack_spectra_common to inclide in a file INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: (26-jul-09 aph) isolated from zstack_plot
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: ZSTACK_TUNE.PRO LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 27-Jul-09 AUTHORS: Carl G. Zimba (NIST), Chris Jacobsen (SUNY - Stonybrook) PURPOSE: Alignment of images abtained on an x-ray microscope. Called by ZSTACK_ALIGN.PRO CATEGORY: Data analysis. CALLING SEQUENCE: zstack_tune INPUTS: NONE filename_list,ev_list,msec_list,filename_display_list, and image_stack of zstack_common must be previously defined via ZSTACK_ANALYZE.PRO KEYWORD PARAMETERS: NONE OUTPUTS: x_shift, y_shift, corr_dim_stack, corr_stack, shifted_image_stack of zstack_align_common are computed as output COMMON BLOCKS: zstack_common : data_source : type of x-ray microscopy data: STXM:1, SXM:2, SM:3, ALS:4, POLY:5 data_directory : directory of data files image_stack : 3-D matrix of multiple x-ray microscope images filename_list : list of filename corresponding to images in image_stack ev_list : list of x-ray energies corresponding to images in image_stack msec_list : list of dwell times corresponding to images in image_stack filename_display_list : list of filename, x-ray energy, and dwell time corresponding to images in image_stack displayed_file_index : index in image_stack, filename_list, msec_list, and filename_display_list currently being displayed or processed n_files : number of images list_filename : name of file to save or retrieve list of data files shift_filename : filename of alignment shifts x_shift : array of x-coordinate alignment shifts y_shift : array of y-coordinate alignment shifts data_shifted : 0: data was not shifted and should not be clipped, 1: data was shifted and should be clipped, -1: denotes ZSTACK_PROFILE.PRO is being run as a stand-alone procedure n_clipped_cols : number of columns in clipped image n_clipped_rows : number of rows in clipped image clipbox : vector of four points defining dimensions of region unclipped by alignment: [xleft,xright,ybot,ytop] zstack_align_common zstack_align_par : variables controlling ZSTACK Align dialog window file_num : vector of file numbers of image files dragbox : vector of four points defining dimensions of region selected for alignment: [xleft,xright,ybot,ytop] edge_enhance : edge enhancement parameter: 0: none, 1: sobel, 2: roberts edgegauss_pixels : number of pixels used for edgeguass smoothing in ZSTACK_ALIGN_IMAGES.PRO, default = 3 edgefill : type of filling to occur at edges of shifted images: mean, median, max, min, zero image_match : Image to align to: -1: preceding image, 0: constant image, 1: following image constant_file_index : image of index to use as reference when aligning to a constant image corr_max : 0: use 3-pt fitted maximum of correlation function, 1: use center of mass of correlation function maxshift : 2-point vector of minimum and maximum values of x-shift and y_shift, and temp_x_shift and temp_y_shift within ZSTACK_ALIGN_TUNE doalign_complete : -1: alignment in progress, 0: alignment not started, 1: alignment finished, 2 : using alignment from stored file low_memory : Reflects keyword LOW_MEM: 0: use full memory allocation, 1: use reduced memory allocation corr_stack : 3-D matrix of correlation functions corresponding to image_stack shifted_image_stack : 3-D matrix of shifted images corresponding to image_stack corr_dim_stack : 3-D matrix (i,j,k) of maxima of correlation functions: i: x maximum, j: y maximum, k: image file shift_threshold : mimimum shift required to actually shift the image zstack_tune_common zstack_tune_par : variables controlling ZSTACK Tune Alignment dialog window temp_x_shift : vector of alignment shifts along x-coordinate for images in image_stack, obtained within ZSTACK_ALIGN_TUNE temp_y_shift : vector of alignment shifts along y-coordinate for images in image_stack, obtained within ZSTACK_ALIGN_TUNE init_x_shift : vector of initial alignment shifts along x-coordinate for images in image_stack init_y_shift : vector of initial alignment shifts along y-coordinate for images in image_stack image_center : array of pixel coordinates specifying the center (in pixels) of each image corr_center : array of pixel coordinates specifying the center (in pixels) of each correlation function image shifted_center : array of pixel coordinates specifying the center (in pixels) of each shifted image subimage_center : array of pixel coordinates specifying the center (in pixels) of each subimage subcorr_center : array of pixel coordinates specifying the center (in pixels) of each correlation function subimage subshifted_center : array of pixel coordinates specifying the center (in pixels) of each shifted subimage subimage_pixels : size of subimages in pixels fid_pt : pixel coordinates of present fiducial point(s) n_fid_pt : number of fiducial points all_fid_pt : array of all fiducial points fid_pt_index : index of fiducial point(s) zstack_display_common zstack_display_par : variables controlling ZSTACK Display dialog window image_zoom : zoom factor for displaying images subimage_zoom : zoom factor for subimages movie_delay : delay used to display movie images of data stacks, dependent upon machine speed disp_min : minimum percentage intensity for display of images disp_max : maximum percentage intensity for display of images disp_gamma : gamma factor for display of images spectrum_display : Display spectra as: 1: Single Beam, 2: Percent Transmittance, 3: Absorbance spectrum_offset : Offset used to plot spectra init_zoom : initial zoom factor for displaying images (used in ZSTACK_SAVE and ZSTACK_TUNE) movie_active : movie of images is active: 0: NO, 1: YES profile_zoom : zoom factor for file number axis on profile images image_range : scale images using: 0: intensity range of each image, 1: intensity range of full image stack image_ratio : Display images normalized by: 0: inv_image_stack, 1: i0 spectrum ratio_image_index : index of image to use when ratio images to a constant image image_scale : Display images normalized by: 0: inv_image_stack, 1: i0 spectrum image_invert : invert color bar: 0: NO, 1: YES temp_old_display : initial array of display parameters, set at beginning of ZSTACK_DISPLAY temp_new_display : array of display parameters updated as display options are changed zstack_subroutine : subroutine from which ZSTACK_DISPLAY was called spectra_x_min : mimimum x-ray energy value to plot spectra spectra_x_max : maximum x-ray energy value to plot spectra spectra_y_min : mimimum intensity value to plot spectra spectra_y_max : maximum intensity value to plot spectra x_autoscale : autoscale x-ray energy scale: 0: NO, 1: YES y_autoscale : autoscale spectra intensity scale: 0: NO, 1: YES zstack_color_common bottom_color_index : index of lowermost color of gradient colorscale top_color_index : index of uppermost color of gradient colorscale black_color_index : index of black color white_color_index : index of white color plot_bkgd_color_index : color index for plot background, either black or white plot_axes_color_index : color index for plot axes, either whilte or black image_border_color_index : color index for image border in zstack_buildlist and zstack_profile dialog windows dragbox_color_index : color index for dragbox used to define subregion for alignment corr_ctr_color_index : color index for crosshair showing center of correlation function corr_max_color_index : color index for crosshair showing maximum of correlation function x_shift_color_index : color index for plotting of x-shift y_shift_color_index : color index for plotting of y-shift shift_cursor_color_index : color index for cursor in shift plot, indicating file number tune_fiducial_color_index : color index for fiducial points in closeup of shifted image in zstack_tune dialog window spectra_color_index : color indices (14) for plotting of spectra spectra_cursor_color_index : color index for cursor in spectra plot, indicating x-ray energy profile_color_index : color index for plotting of intensity profile and cursor in profile image indicating row or column profile_cursor_color_index : color index for cursor in profile image, indicating x-ray energy profile_spectrum_color_index : color index for plotting of profile spectrum test1_color_index : color index #1 for testing test2_color_index : color index #2 for testing test3_color_index : color index #3 for testing SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: Called by ZSTACK_ALIGN.PRO EXAMPLE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Modified 25-mar-1998 to deal with 24 bit graphics, CJJ Modified July 11 and 13, 1998 to deal with changes to, CJJ Modified 28-aug-1998 to work with corrected 24 bit graphics. CJJ Modified 31-Aug-1998 to add x_shift, y_shift to argument list, and remove shift_filename!, CJJ Modified 20feb99, CGZ Extensively modified and rewritten STACK_ALIGN.PRO to form ZSTACK_ALIGN.PRO Changes and additions are numerous: All procedures and common variables starting with 'stack' were changed to 'zstack' so that the existing routine, STACK_ALIGN.PRO, can be run in parallel Added the following procedures: zstack_align_prep : sets color table and color indices zstack_tune_imgdisp : displays images and shift plot zstack_align_save_shift : saves alignment shift into MAPPER file, *.aln zstack_align_read_shift : reads alignment shifts from MAPPER file, *.aln zstack_tune_event : event routine for zstack_tune zstack_tune : interactive adjustment of individual alignment shifts Rewrote stack_align_sensitive to be two separate procedures with better control zstack_align_sensitive : activate features on Stack Align dialog window zstack_align_desensitive : deactivate features on Stack Align dialog window Pre-existing procedures zstack_align_doalign : controls alignment of image stack with active display zstack_align_event : event routine for zstack_align zstack_align : main procedure for alignment of STXM images Modified user interface window to include display and movie of image, correlation function, shifted image dragbox is plotted on both image and shifted image center of correlation function displayed as crosshair overlay (same as CJJ) maximum of correlation function displayed as 1-pixel box overlay (same as CJJ) modified plot of alignment shifts - use actual file numbers instead of file sequence number (relative number) - added plot_x_min and plot_x_max ? is it useful to plot vs x-ray energy instead - would require considerable work might be able to plot both using upper and lower x-axes movie can be played before and after alignment to inspect position of dragbox and quality of alignment cursor bar added to plot of alignment shifts highlighting shift and file during movie or static display displayed file can be selected either using file list or alignment plot clicking on alignment plot, prints file info and alignment shift in Output Log text fields added to display image and shift information during movie or static display added "Load New Color Table" to change color table of image saving and retrieving of file of alignment shifts added ability to redo alignment - can now do multiple alignments using different conditions, saving each Changed zstack_align_par.dragbox_label routine in zstack_align_event Replaced getbox routine with box_cursor routine, more robust on multiple platforms, CGZ Adapted display routines to use zstack_tune_imgdisp One display algorithm which can be easily modified Only exception is real-time plotting of alignment shift in zstack_align_doalign Changed the way the color table is specified: zstack_align_prep - much simpler now, only executed once, allows multiple colors easily New variables: corr_stack : stack of correlation functions shift_image_stack : stack of shifted images corr_dim_stack : stack of dimensions specifying center and maxima of correlation function used for displaying correlation function edgefill : type of filling to occur at edges of shifted images (edges can contain no data due to shifting) set within zstack_align_doalign meanfill : replace with mean of image medianfill : replace with median of image maxfill : replace with maximum of image minfill : replace with minimum of image zero : replace with zero (default) doalign_complete : specifies state of alignment (modified from use in -1 : alignment in progress 0 : alignment not started 1 : alignment finished 2 : using alignment from stored file Restored shift_filename to argument list Changed dragbox conditional from IF ((dragbox(0) NE 0) AND (dragbox(1) NE 0) AND $ (dragbox(2) NE 0) AND (dragbox(3) NE 0)) THEN BEGIN to IF ((dragbox(2) NE 0) AND (dragbox(3) NE 0)) THEN BEGIN to accomodate dragbox = [0,0,*,*], i.e., lower left corner Save alignment / Do not save alignment choice wasn't working before - fixed Stack_align would give non-zero shift for first image This is fixed with modification of call to zstack_align_images (updated version of Added dragbox coordinates to header of MAPPER file of alignment shifts Added zstack_align_tune to interactively adjust alignment shifts essentially superceding This can be improved upon to incorporate features of Moved nearly all widget_control,var,sensitive = 0/1 statements to zstack_align_sensitive and zstack_align_desensitive for more reliable operation and better organization of code (instead of being widely dispersed) zstack_align_sensitive has situation-dependent conditionals to control appearance of window Need to restore virtual memory allocation when working with large data arrays so corr_stack, shift_image_stack, and corr_dim_stack) set to zero at end Added alignment to following image - useful if image quality is better at high energy This is in addition to existing alignment to preceeding image and to a constant image Eliminated variable, zstack_align_par.constant_match Added variable, image_match with valid values: -1 : alignment using preceeding image 0 : alignment using constant image 1 : alignment using following image Added low_mem keyword to STACK_ANALYZE.PRO and STACK_ALIGN.PRO If set, then shifted_image_stack is not formed with STACK_ALIGN.PRO This reduces memory use by 1/3 and is useful when large arrays are being processed. This comes at some reduction in speed for displaying new images, most noticeable during playing of image movies If set, display of shifted images within STACK_ALIGN.PRO is done by calculating shifted image from x_shift, y_shift, and image_stack every time an image is displayed. With low_mem set, IDL partition should be approx. >9 times n_elements(image_stack) With low_mem not set, IDL partition should be approx. >13 times n_elements(image_stack) (based on tests on a Macintosh) Modified COMMON block structure so that common variables are shared with all zstack routines i.e., zstack_common contains variables used by ZSTACK_ANALYZE.PRO, ZSTACK_READLIST.PRO, ZSTACK_BUILDLIST.PRO, and ZSTACK_ALIGN.PRO Common variables are now defined only once in each file, not repetitively as before. Common variables for data are now determined within ZSTACK_BUILDLIST.PRO or ZSTACK_READLIST.PRO: image_stack, filename_list, ev_list, msec_list, filename_display_list This requires that files be read only once, eliminated time-intensive duplicate calls of STXM_READ.PRO or SXM_READ.PRO Modified zstack_align_par, zstack_tune_par so that they only contain only variables associated with dialog window. All other variables have been moved to zstack_align_common Added n_files, list_filename, and shift_filename variables to zstack_common variable End of Modifications 20feb99, CGZ Divided align and tune functions into two separate procedures: ZSTACK_ALIGN.PRO and ZSTACK_TUNE.PRO ZSTACK_TUNE.PRO could be used as a replacement for ZSTACK_MANALIGN.PRO Fixed problem in zstack_tune_desensitive and zstack_tune_sensitive if stored shift file was used, CGZ 27jun99 Problem with returning to ZSTACK_ALIGN dialog if new zoom factor is selected Images not properly displayed. Fixed CGZ 12aug99 (05oct00 cgz) Created zstack_save_common to include variables for saving various image and movie formats Moved zstack_save_par and save_filename_header from zstack_spectra_common (28nov00 cgz) migrated zstack_profile_colorbar routine to (04jan01 cgz) modified display routine of subimage of correlation function wasn't working properly for alignments using an off-center subregion still some issues here for selecting subregion for display desensitized corr_win for now (22feb02 aph) correct transfer back from manual alignment to zstack_align (03-Mar-08 MJ) Keyword /SCROLL in widget_base() needs X_SCROLL_SIZE. Use of /SCROLL and /MODAL at the same time not allowed. (13-apr-08 aph) turn on pre-set window size (X_Scroll_size, Y_Scroll_size) only for non-Windows OS (07-mar-09 aph) added binary_filenmane to zstack_common (27-jul-09 aph) external common
(See c:\axis2000\
NAME: ZSTACK_TUNE_COMMON LAST CHANGED: ----------------------------------- 26-Jul-09 PURPOSE: This file contians the common block, ZSTACK_TUNE_COMMON CATEGORY: programming utility CALLING SEQUENCE: @zstack_tune_common to inclide in a file INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: (26-jul-09 aph) isolated from zstack_plot
(See c:\axis2000\