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This version: 01 Mar 2025 Last version: 02 Jan 2025 CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE NEW
VERSION New or modified routines (since 02 Jan 2025) axis_c.pro - revised menu items for stacks~transform axis_dialog.pro - revised menu items for stacks~transform stack_rotate.pro - clean-up, now called from stack_transform, as well as directly stack_transform - add ability to flip or mirro all images of a stack ============= 02 Jan 2025 from 09 Apr 2024 ======= axis_com.pro - add pur, pll zoom parameters to COMMON aparam axis_c.pro - define starting values of pur, pll zoom pixel parameters ax_nexus.pro - add map button; define map using NEXUS_map switch ax_nexus_viewer.pro - use preview_flag (stored in nexus_com) to force data to be displayed ax_zoom_cut.pro - save pixel zoom limits seperately from data zoom limits nexus_com.pro - add map switch pickfile2.pro - clean-up (may not have substatnially changed anything) read_nexus.pro - add code to generate 2-E stack-map as OD-difference stack_rb.pro - delete the error: section at end of pro ============= 09 Apr 2024 from 20 Jan 2024 ======= get_text.pro - trim so reports text without precfeding or trailing blanks read_nanomax_image.pro - improve read in of single NanoMAX images read_nanomax_image_process.pro - improve read in of single NanoMAX images in process read_nanomax_stack.pro - read h5 NanoMAX ptycho or STXM from *.h5 files in \notebooks ============= 09 Apr 2024 from 20 Jan 2024 ======= axis_c.pro - seperate read-in for pixelator and pySTXM versions of
read STXM (NEXUS); axis_com.pro - add COMMON nanomax, last_spectrum, last_image, last_stack, last_type, last_energy axis_dialog.pro - radd read~(spectra, images, stacks)~nanomax ax_nexus.pro - add special read-in for pySTXM25 coarse. pt-by-pt files read_nanomax_E_by_E_stack.pro - early version reads set of files from raw area; probably only diode signals read_nanomax_image.pro - read raw h5 data for single image - user can select I (integrated-Eiger), Io (ion chamber) or I/Io read_nanomax_ptycho.pro - read h5 files with Eiger-(stxm, ptycho) works on files in process, but NOT in raw read_nanomax_ptycho_single_stack.pro - intermediate version of read_nanomax_stack.pro read_nanomax_spectrum.pro - ead raw h5 data for point spectrum (may only work with raw files) read_nanomax_stack.pro - read single file h5 stack files in Notebooks ==> user can choose stxm (integrated-Eiger) , ptycho ~(amp,pha) read_pystxm_coarse.pro - NEW routine: reads *.hdf5 files written by
pySTXM 2.5 where the image data is 1-d read_pystxm_coarse_pp_image.pro - reads *.hdf5 files written by pySTXM 2.5 using coarse stepper motors stack_mesh.pro - corrected error in re-mesh program used to match pixelation or spatial sizes ============= 20 Jan 2024 from 17 May 2023 ======= ax_9pad.pro - format NAME for html Help file ax_check_overwrite.pro - format NAME for html Help file ax_chemi_movie.pro - format NAME for html Help file ax_conc_calc.pro - format NAME for html Help file ax_convert_to_odc.pro - format NAME for html Help file ax_stack_expand.pro - format NAME for html Help file ax_zoom_cut.pro - add mode as required keyword ; use cll, cur (common variables) to store limits ax_zoom_cursor.pro - se ' Zc' tag to indicate cursor-based zoom axis2000.pdf - updated on-line manual (in conjunction with J.El.Spec. 2023 article) despike_median.pro - remove spikes from COSMIC ptychography images read_ascii_img.pro - modify to read *.csv files written by CLS ptycho processng h5_read_cls_sgm.pro - NEW; adapted from h5_read_sgm_image.pro; extract energy; 'A' to extract all 4 SDD signals read_coarse_goni_scan.pro - format NAME for html Help file read_maxiv_h5.pro - format NAME for html Help fil read_pty_pie_stack.pro - format NAME for html Help fil read_soleil_ptycho.pro - improve in-file documentation read_soleil_ptycho_bgnd.pro - format NAME for html Help fil soleil_ptycho_bgnd.pro - format NAME for html Help fil tif_to_ncb.pro - added /real option to call to stack_wb ==> works for MaxIV SoftiMAX ptycho processing tif_amp_pha_sort.pro - sort mixed amp, pha MaxIV SoftiMAX ptychography stack output into seperate folders ============= 17 May 2023 from 02 Apr 2023 ======== axis_c.pro - add processing of CLS-SGM stacks (TEY, TFY, PD, pTFY) axis_dialog.pro - added menus for processing CLS-SGM stacks axis_programs.html - updated to add new routines ax_zoom_cursor.pro - zoom (cut and move to buffer 0) using pixels ax_zoom_cut.pro - modified to work with pixels as well as data (x,y) values contents.lst - updated to add new routines h5_read_cls_sgm - NEW routine to read CLS-SGM *.h5 files tif_amp_pha_sort.pro - sorts out folders with both *.amp and *.pha fils (MaxIV softimax) tif_to_ncb.pro - added /real option to call to stack_wb ==> works for MaxIV SoftiMAX ptycho processing ============= 02 Apr 2023 from 20 Sep 2022 =========== axis_c.pro - rearranged codes to match changes in axis_dialog.pro; ax_chemi_movie.pro - process time sequences of stacks automatically (first version) ax_convert_to_odc.pro - macro to auto-process STXM chemi-movies axis_dialog.pro - commented out unused menu items (see aXis2000_obsoleted-commands.pdf for a list of those procedures and functions) ax_fix_rollover.pro - improved but not functioning fully ============= 20 Sep 2022 from 28 Aug 2022 =========== axis_c - re-arranged read~spectra menu; add read~CLS-SGM~csv axis_dialog - changed read~spectra menu ax_sdf.pro - change ring current normalization feedback ax_sgm_csv_com - common block for new routine ax_sgm_csv_load - widget to read CLS-SGM spectra from *.csv file ax_zoom_cursor - change tag location ax_zoom_curt - change tag location ln_norm - correct code error - normalize by average for Hnorm and Vnorm now implemented correctly read_sdf.pro - modify x-axis label ============= 28 Aug 2022 from 05 Mar 2022 =========== axis_c - modify image and stack codes for new ax_fix_rollover procedure axis_dialog - modify image and stack pull down menus for new ax_fix_rollover procedure ax_fix_rollover - revise to remove 2pi phase roll-over artifacts (as part of development of spectro-ptycho at MaxIV) ax_sort_mono - add no_dup keyword - do not delete points that are duplicates read_pty_pie_stack - assemble *.txt (ascii format) amp, phase images generated by Pty_PIE reconstruction of ptycho data into a stack read_sgm - generate stacks from the multi-point fast-scan SGM hdf5 files (INCOMPLETE as of 28-May-2022) stack_mesh - change mesh of a stack; correct error introduced 02-Aug-21 ============= 05 Mar 2022 from 06 Jul 2021 =========== ax_fix_rollover - add user selectable threshold and offset to undo 'wrap-around' ax_img_line - adapt so user can replace either horizontal or vertical line (needed for MaxIV vertical-fast) ax_sdf - stop from opening last stack written, when user selects 'cancel' axis_c - modify image~fix_rollover ; utilities~change unified axis_dialog - group various change commands under utilities~change cj_img_align -(CJ routine) integrated in to aXis2000 (trying to run only the align portion of CJ's stack_analyze (NOT YET WORKING) cj_stack_align - (CJ routine) (trying to run only the align portion of CJ's stack_analyze (NOT YET WORKING) cj_stack_align_com - added to integrate the align portion of CJ's stack_analyze in to aXis2000 disp3col - fixed (was broken from Jan 31, 2022) getbox - added as part of integrate the align portion of CJ's stack_analyze in to aXis2000 (Zawodny, NASA 1991) read_maxiv_h5 - reads spectra from hdf5 files written by the MaxIV beamline acquisition software read_sdf - add polarization to y-axis from STXM_control sdf formatted files t(ested with CLS aSTXM, 11.0.2 STXM (2016) splot2d - comment out tracking print (from earlier modification to header) stack_process - add dwell when write out images from stack_process tweak - (CJ routine) added as part of effort to integrate the align portion of CJ's stack_analyze in to aXis2000 zstack_analyze - added keyword cj_align as part of effort to integrate the align portion of CJ's stack_analyze in to aXis2000 ============= 06 Jul 2021 from 02 May 2021 =========== axb_save - add overwrite keyword (so can use same name silently, for ax_fix_rollover) ax_change_hdf5 - [NON_FUNCTIONAL] - script to change details of Hermes ptycho hdf5 files (which get lost) ax_fix_rollover - set up to unwrap +/- pi (phase) as well as 2^16 signed [not working properly] axis_c - set the path to DefPath before starting stack_analyse (Jacobsen) and writing from read~stacks~pynx read_pynx_stack - modify to read-in new format with all files in one folder splot2d - truncate header so it is left justified stack_process - add filename to header when write stack images ============= 2 May 2021 from 03 Mar 2021 =========== read_sgm - reads TEY, Io, clock, PD & FY) spectra from SGM *.hdf5 files - FIXED ============= 3 Mar 2021 from 03 Nov 2020 =========== axis_c - increase Windows font (14 --> 18); add read~SGM (TEY) axis_dialog - add read~spectra~SGM read_sgm - reads TEY, Io, clock, PD & FY) spectra from SGM *.hdf5 files sgm_com - common block for read_sgm ============= 03 Nov 2020 from 11 Oct 2020 =========== ax_rgb - allow 1 or 2 color RGB if user selects an empty or spectral buffer axis_c - provide option to write~ascii_(reals, integers) without headers despike_median - despike data using a median filter (from web) histo_wrap - code used in despike_medin spc_load - modify multi-column to read comma seperated lists spc_save - added option to saving ascii data tosave without headers and X,Y values ============= 11 Oct 2020 from 27 Aug 2019 =========== ax_file_load - cosmetic change only spc_load - modifed multi-column read to read-in (x1,y1, x2, y2) types of data where data set1 is longer than data set 2 ============= 27 Aug 2019 from 18 Jul 2019 =========== axis_c - correct format syntax in Xray spectra calculator (NB this is IDL 8.7 specific change in rules for format command); remove 'aXis2000-code' for unix path axis2000 - make work with IDL8.7.2 in OSX ax_sdf - change default ring current to 200 mA (suitable for CLS) ============= 18 Jul 2019 from 18 Feb 2019 =========== axb_load - cosmetic change axb_save - bug fix; tell user name of file that might be over-written axis_c - add Transform~(flip, mirror, rotate) ; add read_images~ptycho_Soleil for STXM and ptycho images axis_dialog - add changed menu items axis_ini - replaced 'netscape' with 'chrome' as default browser axis_ini_save - cosmetic change to reflect change from 'netscape' to 'chrome' axis_web - got working again; updated all web links - CLICK to go aXis2000 web site OR web page of STXM or TXM at each facility ax_nexus - add ptycho option: start with Sample_Image and click on associated *.tif file to generate STXM or ptycho image with correct dimensions; correctly display type of scan ax_nexus_viewer - add type of scan, correct some bugs ax_xycal - use real not integer pixel size (in nm) ax_xydis - changed to get distortion working (probably not working right, even after change) img_algn - fixed so will now write the shift files img_load - add ax_color to set standard color scale for data read-ins ; add float option to read_tiff read_ascii_img - modify to read *.csv files written by CLS ptycho processng read_coarse_goni_scan - temporary special readin for CLS pySTXM coarse_goni_scans read_nexus - add ptycho-mode to read images, linescans, focus as tif files from ptycho; rotate tif first (ROTATE,3) for 90 deg clockwise ; set standard axis color; fix linescan readin, add coarse_goni_scan read_soleil_ptycho - read tif (stxm, ptycho_amplitude, ptycho_phase) and associated log file (Soleil) works for SETS of tif files ==> STACKS set_digits - corected bug if the component amount was -ve (take log of absolute value to set # of digits) ============= 04 Jun 2018 from 18 Feb 2019 =========== ax_9pad - new routine to automate analysis of 9-pad damage images / maps axb_load - remove un-necessary tracking axis_c - add SGM_Image read-in; put processing tags AFTER the old label; call stack_process if sdg or NeXus stack is read axis_dialog - add ax_9pad and h5_read_sgm_image calls clip - modify header info h5_read_sgm_image - new routine to read data from CLS SGM XRF and XFR-yield imaging read_nexus - remove call to stack_process (calling from axis_c leaves stack_process widget on top) read_sdf - remove call to stack_process (calling from axis_c leaves stack_process widget on top) stack_process - correct axes for rotating stacks on write-out ============= 01 Oct 2018 from 04 Jun 2018 =========== axis_c - add read~images~PEEM~NSRRC - read in single NSRCC XPEEM images (unsigned 16-bit tif) ax_nexus_viewer - fix discard function ax_stack_expand - expand canvas of all images in a stack to facilitate alignment (incomplete) img_algn - define energy parameter properly img_algn_fill -aligns one image to the spatial scale of the first file, then inserts into a pre-defined canvas (incomplete) img_load - enable read in of 16-bit unsigned tif fiels (for NSRRC image read in) read_nexus - ensure files are closed and LUN freed at end of read read_nsrrc_peem - enable read-in of large (>200Mb) NSRRC PEEM stacks by bining image by image ============= 04 Jun 2018 from 15 May 2018 =========== ax_conc_calc - calculate concentration from water thickness & solute properties ax_conc_calc_com - common block for ax_conc_calc axis_dialog - add utilities~calculate concentration; reorganize axis_web - update default browser (netscape ! => chrome) ============= 15 May 2018 from 25 Jul 2017 =========== axb_load - add tracking print; identify problem of unreadable *.axb files (array dim <= 0 error) ; which turns out to be a problem with axb_save writing tmp(x,y,d) as doubles, ; and the ny integer after tmp.x not writing correctly (odd number of singles ??) axb_save - troubleshoot unreadable *.axb files written from output of map generation in stack_process ; force tmp.x, tmp.y and tmp.d to be REALS (float) ==> they were doubles. ; since the routine sometimes worked, suspect there is a singles extra in some cases which made the ; the parsing to get ny incorrect. EXAMPLES: C180303048_000 * ___bad-doubles, axis_pass_test_data ax_nexus - allow 'clear' of filename; entry of name only; fix lock-up if bad read, add 'preview' switch to GUI; fix single image read; implement 'pixelator' / 'pySTXM' switching; force channel to 'counter0' if pySTXM; fix error of non-structure nexus_head parameter on first read; add nexus_i_norm (200 mA for CLS, 500 for Soleil)axis_c - add stacks~y_illumination correct (for CLS cryo-STXM ZP scanned stacks);change stacks~image alignment to work with *.axb files ax_check_overwrite - NEW - probably duplicates existing routine - needs more work img_algn - write files as *.axb unless input was *.nc img_asav - change format of '*.sl' file to current one (folder only on first line); *.axb make_square - if no energy in s, then make one read_nexus - fix read of point spectra; get single image working stack_illumination_correct - NEW routine; corrects for uneven vertical illumination on a line-by-line basis; needed for cryo-STXM in cases where OSA not scanned vertically stack_process - modified axb_Save for avg and maps to get around unreadable maps. turned out problemw was ; axb_save was saving doubles. When forced tmp.(x,y,d) to float, problem disappeared ; improved label; auto-name; scale by 1/2; check name & ask to overwrite before generating stack ============= 25 Jul 2017 from 02 Apr 2017 =========== ax_interp_square - (bw) ensure number of pixels is calculated as positive ax_nexus - add reset (clear filename); entry of name only; read py-STXM 1-image 'stacks' axb_save - force extension to '.axb' axis_c - add read~stacks~duv-raman; make files from write~graphics~tif compatible with imageJ axis_dialog - add read_duv-raman buffer - add wait to make compatible with unix (BW) duv_com - new common block for DUV-raman parameters get_num - add wait to make compatible with unix (BW) mbuf - add wait to make compatible with unix (BW) read_duv_positions - read positons and lase parameters read_duv_stack - read stack of DUV-raman/fluorescence spectra read_nexus - adapt to read py-STXM 1-image 'stacks' stack_process - enable write of images to old NSLS (*.nc) format ============= 02 Apr 2017 from 21-Dec-16 =========== ax_frc - Fourier ring correlation (stand alone or embedded in aXis2000) ax_sdf - partial fix for the ax_sdf widget freezing if cancel filename read (cancel not working) ax_xyscl - fix bug introduced Nov16 when added 'remember last parameters for changing x,y scale' axis_c - add images~FRC-resolution axis_dialog - add images~FRC-resolution, new version read_nexus - handle part images (from aborted acquisition at CLS) correctly write_sdf - write (x,y) cordinates to 3 decimal places (1 nm)============= 21-Dec-16 from 20-Nov-16 =========== axis_c - add utilities~other~[ECHEM plot, ISEELS Display, print ISEELS Database] axis_dialog - add utilities~other~[ECHEM plot, ISEELS Display, print ISEELS Database] echem_plot - generate set of png files with line tracing point in 1d data (spectrum, I(t), CV, etc) img_load - enhance 'silent' keyword to reduce excess diagnostic reports print_is_database - routine to display/print/save a set of ISEELS spectra
from the tif_to_ncb - modify to generate (*.ncb) stack, with size of the smallest image ============= 20-Nov-16 from 09-Oct-16 =========== ax_interp - change location of 'M' to end of label ax_xyscl - remember last parameters for changing x,y scale axis_c -add utilities~change~dwell axis_dialog - add utilities~change~dwell; change set energy to change energy read_xas - add ability to read iseels data files (used in sepearate project) stack_process - make default image format *.axb (not *.nc) ============= 09-Oct-16 from 11-Sep-16 =========== ax_nexus - implement flip option for pySTXM images & stacks nexus_com - implement flip option for pySTXM images & stacks read_nexus - implement flip option for pySTXM images & stacks read_xas - modified to read ISEELS database files stack_process - correct error introduced in Jul-2016 for reading sets of images as a stack_list ============= 11-Sep-16 from 17-May-16 =========== ax_interp_square - adapt to work with NeXus files make_square - adapt to work with NeXus files ============= 17-May-16 from 20-Apr-16 =========== axb_load - strip out tracking print statements axb_save - modified to deal with doubles ax_clear - modify to work with old (indexed) and new (true color) logo files ax_load_logo - tried to get spin globe working with new logo files (not yet!) ax_sdf - fix freeze of widget if cancel in browse ax_nexus - make file preview more robust and improve calculation of elapsed time ax_nexus_viewer - new procedure to view and discard unwanted files (also standalone) ax_interp_square - properly handle images that were scanned in negative x and/or y directions make square - pass through energy variable read_nexus - corrected errors in read_hdf5 protocols; remember channel & region selections ============= 20-Apr-16 from 20-Mar-16 =========== ax_interp_square - interpolate non-square pixel images to square pixels ax_nexus - add preview, efficiency and other parameters when reading NEXUS (hdf5) format STXM files ax_sdf - fix error with norm_string axis2000 - add read~ascii images and move write and read to correct main menu lists axis_c - add stacks - Ratio to another stack; use online_help, book ='axis2000.pdf' to access manual axis_dialog - modify version and menus axis_ini, axis_ini_save - modify to work on windows and unix systems (I hope !) read_nexus - fix various aspects of reading NEXUS (hdf5) format STXM files (B. Watts) read_sdf - move interpolate to square pixels ot external routing (ax_interp_square) to use in NeXus read-in spc_load - fix incorrect code fo reading ascii image files spc_save - fix incorrect code for writing ascii image files stack_process - fix problem of reading sl lists of *.axb files ============= 20-Mar-16 from 16-Feb-16 =========== ax_nexus - new routine to read in NEXUS (hdf5) format STXM files ax_sdf - fix error with norm_string axis2000 - modify start-up to work on windows and unix systems (I hope !) axis_c - add stacks - Ratio to another stack; use online_help, book ='axis2000.pdf' to access manual axis_dialog - add Ratio to another stack axis_ini, axis_ini_save - modify to work on windows and unix systems (I hope !) read_nexus - improved using new NEXUS routines (B. Watts) read_sdf - improve graphics for MacOS stack_add - add Ratio to another stack stack_process - rearrange to make more compact for Mac OS ============= 16-Feb-16 from 03-Aug-2015 =========== axis_c - improve documentaton in label of computed elemental response (SF); add stacks~ratio to another image axis_dialog - new version axis_read_image - add filter keyword plotbuf - change call of ax_colorbar() to ax_colorbar (stricter syntax rules in IDL 8.3) read_nsrrc_peem - updated to read (nx, ny) from header; use uint for data to avoid rollover stack_add - incorporate ratio of 2 stacks stack_process - rearrange to make more compact for Mac OS; pull down menu for processing stack_split - freed logical units after each use stack_wb - freed logical units after each use ============= 03-Aug-15 from 02-Jul-2015 =========== NB STARTING FROM 03-Aug015 aXis2000 wil be compiled
in IDL8.3 to enable hdf5 NeXus read-in ax_colorbar - change 'colorbar' to 'colorbar_dwf' to avoid confusion with post8.0 COLORBAR routine axis_c - add STXM NeXus read-in (SLS, Bessy-2, Diamond); OS-dpeendent in file names; change text to texta since IDL8.3 has a text program axis_config_dir - NEW - save information about author and aXis2000 program axis_ini - simplify. write axis_win.ini or axis_unix.ini depending on the operating system axis_ini_save - write different files for Windows and Unix; changed to simplify writing DefPath axis2000 - use OS dependent default ini file names (axis_win.ini or axis_unix.ini); activate auto detection of code path ax_nexus - NEW - widget to control rad-in of hdf5 NeXus format STXM data files ax_sdf - add View i-ring get_details buttons, re-arrange layout colorbar_dwf - Fanning Colorbar from 1999 renamed (was called colorbar) to avoid confusion with post8.0 COLORBAR routine nexus_com NEW - common block used for read_nexus read_nexus - NEW -routine to read data in hdf5 NeXus format (SLS, Diamond, Bessy..) read_sdf - remove pixel-by-pixel ring current mormalization, improve user feedback sdf_com - changes to common block sdf_stack_cur - extracted from read_sdf to allow auto-compile before read_sdf is called stack_process - correct error associated with XY-calibrate (changing size of stack data) zstack_align - ensure DefPath is defined correctly as exit Zstack_spectra; added @axis_com then change 'label' to 'zlabel' to avoid ambiguity zstack_analyze - ensure DefPath is defined correctly as exit Zstack_spectra; added @axis_com then change 'label' to 'zlabel' to avoid ambiguity zstack_buildlist - change 'colorbar' (IDL8.3 has this with different code) to 'colorbar_dwf' ; add axis_com then change 'label' to 'zlabel' to avoid ambiguity zstack_display - change label to zlabel since label is an array in axis_com zstack_spectra - ensure DefPath is defined correctly as exit Zstack_spectra; added @axis_com then change 'label' to 'zlabel' to avoid ambiguity ============= 02-Jul-15 from 15-Jan-2015 =========== axis_c - processing links for reading Mistral TXM hdf5 files axis_dialog - add buttons for reading Hdf5 TXM files (Alba) ax_xycal - correct 1-point calibration / truncation system read_txm_alba - single image and stack reader for Mistral TXM hdf5 files (new) stack_process - apply correct (x,y) axes / scales to truncated stacks stack_rotate - (x,y) axes / scales of rotated stack written
correctly ============= 15-Jan-2015 from 01 Dec 2014 =========== axb_load - add keyword TITLE ax_bin - get bin~energy to work correctly ax_display_ptycho - new routine to display ptychography data from ALS BL 11.0.2 ax_display_ptycho_com - common block for ax_display_ptycho ax_fix_rollover - add keyword, one, an option to process 1 file axb_save - add no_aXis keyword to suppress loading result into aXis2000 buffer ax_select - add no_axis keyword to allow use of ax_select outside of aXis2000 axis_c - fix image~warp, stacks~bin~energy, add ax_display_ptycho img_warp - get 4-point warp aligning of 2-images to work properly ============= 01 Dec 2014 from 29 Oct 2014 =========== axis_c - remove use of fpath (it is an IDL routine) axis_ini_save - update informational text at bottom of axis.ini file; save path and last filename info axis_ini - save path and last filename info stack_process - write movie files reliably to defined path;
allow spaces in path names; read_sdf - read in ptycho STXM images ============= 29 Oct 2014 from 28 Jul 2014 =========== axis_dialog - change spacing on X,Y,Z pixels to adapt to larger default Win7 font ax_img_avg - corrected error - region - no zeros did not work correctly read_sdf - compute map correctly for non-square pixel images ============= 28 Jul 2014 from 30 Jun 2014 =========== (NB many files had headers updated to conform to IDL conventions for making a help file from the headers) ax_ini_save - save last file name as well as path ax_sdf - put normalization value on widget; start with last file loaded to gui if ax_sdf used last axis_c - adapt scale bar to add xl, yl; add Axes switch to allow plotting without axes axis_dialog - change display to remove tics & axis labels for 2d data in Axes = 0 mode - change xz_profile size axis_ini - save last file name as well as path parsestring - modify to read comma separated ascii files plot2d - remove ticks & increase size of main window in Axes= 0 mode; adjust margins so side windows line up plotbuf - add X-label on same line as scale bar length, when AXES = 0 (do not plot axes) read_sdf - ensure stand alone operation works; variabilize the ring current normalization value spc_load - modify to read comma separated ascii files text_read1 - modify to read comma separated ascii files zimba_run - start zstack_analyze independent of aXis2000 from stack list (*.sl) or binary stack (*.(dat,ncb)) ================================== 30 Jun 2014 from 24 Apr 2014 ================ ax_clear - recover if logo_file cannot be found (e.g. if the CodePath is wrong) ax_sdf - Browse function works even if start from a file or folder not present axis_c - add convert to OD with line Io axis_dialog - add convert to OD with line Io; update version; change stack_analyse to stack_process read_sdf - corrected error introduced inDec-13 version (sdf_lastfile was defined with the '.hdr' extension) stack_line_io - NEW - performs convert to OD with line Io tif_to_ncb - NEW - generate an axis2ooo format stack from a set of tif files (for SSRL TXM tomography) ================================== 24 Apr 2014 from 14 Nov2013 ================ axis2000 - add @sdf_com - so now remembers last SDF file type axis_c - add @sdf_com; correct write.graphics command strings;
axis_dialog - get write_tif working; update version ax_sdf - only display sdf_lastfile if it is a string ; make selector pick last file as default make_tomo_list - output and write data to file read_bessy_txm - add call to princeton_header_define read_sdf - reversed change in what sdf_lastfile is - was main
name; had changed to full (path, main * extension) stack_process - rotate stack - correct x, y dimensions; check for existing name BEFORE completing stack write; add convert format~to axis binary from~ tif (to input stacks of tif files from ImageJ) stack_wb - add OVERWRITE key word, to avoid dulpicated checks for overwriting text_read1 - unsuccessful attempt to prevent crashes when reading text blocks without numerical characters win2tif - get actual data and write as FLOAT ================================== 14 Nov 2013 from 01 Sep 2013 ================ axis_c - add stacks~tomography~ (generate stack of all data), add make_tomo_list axis_dialog - add stacks~tomography~make tomo list ax_angle_stack - generate full stack of all images read_sdf - sdf_lastfile, sdf_path defined in main
routine; add keyword no_save ; stack_rb - increased field size for indicating the E-range ================================== 01 Sep 2013 from 22-Jul-13 =================== axis_c - add read_stacks~nsrrc_peem axis_dialog - merge all write~graphics menu items axis2000.pdf - updated help file (last one was Aug 2010) contents.lst - updated list of all files (with a definition for each) nsrrc_peem_com - (NEW) - common block for reading NSRCC PEEM stack files read_nsrrc_peem - (NEW) - read in PEEM stack data (*.pem) read_sdf - make number of stack file the default file name (no leading zeros) stack_process - establish a correction for 2 identical energies
(shift E(i) by 0.25*[E(i-1) -E (i-2)] ================================== 22-Jul-13 from 09-May-13 ============================== ax_sdf - fix GTK bug (supplied by B. Watts) axis2000 - adapt to Windows so it will work with IDL version 6.3; use internal routines for CodePath (supplied by B. Watts) axis2000-batch - add axis standard header axis_c - update for reading NSRRC SPEM files axis_dialog - update for reading NSRRC SPEM files file_overwrite - cleaned up nsrrc_spem_com - (NEW) - common block for reading NSRCC SPEM files read_nsrrc_spem - (NEW) - read in SPEM sample curent images & generate stack of 16-channel analyser data read_nsrrc_spem_gui - (NEW) - widget for supplying parameters for reading NSRCC SPEM files stack _wb - remove duplicate check for file overwrite ================================== 09-May-13 from 11-Mar-13 ============================== ax_read_txrm - uses Java code (from Florian Meirer) to read in *.txrm files (Microsoft structured storage) ax_read_txrm_stack - read in a stack of TXRM images (Xradia) ax_rgb - remove scale bar (inaccurate) axis_c - add TXRM image and stack readin axis_dialog - dd TXRM image and stack readin; re-roder the Read menu to be strictly alphabetic disp3col - add scale bar to RGB composites (but removed as code generates an inaccurate erorr bar) stack_process - reduce recommended size of zoomed stacks ================================== 11-Mar-13 from 15-Jan-13 ==============================gen_e - generate a list of energies from {start, step} file tif_convert - modified to read in Saga-LS PEEM stacks ================================== 15-Jan-13 from 03-Feb-12 ============================== ax_curvfit - display the header of the data with log ax_file_load - implement automatic OD generation ax_read_xas - add filename to label for 'xas' (NSLS) spectral format read-in ax_regress_spectra - add header to log to track data axb_load - get rid of NaN values when read image data axis_c - clip numeric; add label in *.xas files ; add routines (stacks~rotate, read_Ptychography.Shapiro) ; correct label for calib axis_dialog - add new routines (rotate stack, clip numerical, read ptychography) clip - add numerical clipping h5_read_ptycho - NEW - read Shapiro format pytchography output (HDF5) files (*.pt) mbuf - position mbuf widget over calling widget ptycho_select - NEW - widget to select among HDF5 entries (can generalize for any HDF5 file) ptycho_select_com - common file for ptycho_select read_h5_ptycho - reach in shapiro format HDF5 pytchography analysis output read_xas_xrf_stack - allow user to generate '*.ssl' file read_xrf_stack - correct error (with 'get_num') spc_load - implement multi-column, read all columns; handle cases where file does not exist better stack_process - solve problem of avg_image overwriting active
buffer; preload filename with name of stack; stack_rotate - NEW - rotates each image of a stack by an arbitrary user-defined angle xas_xrf_extract - extracts absorption stacks from a 4-d array (*.ssb) & writes them as regular 3D stacks (*.ncb) ================================== 03-Feb-12 from 15-Dec-11 ============================== ax_regress - add M correlate parameter axis2000 - start up file modified to work on Macs (but hardwired to APH path) img_warp - force plotting to be done on MainImg ln_norm - add switchable normalization to the mean for the H, V lines (to use for pattern noise reduction) ================================== 15-Dec-11 from 24-Nov-11 ============================== ax_histogram.pro - remove duplicate 'hist' label ax_colorbar.pro - handle images when all image is zero ax_img_avg.pro - rewrote algorithm to improve speed; add an hourglass symbol ax_img_del.pro - correct method to work for all image sizes ax_image_append.pro - rewrote algorithm to work properly; images meshed to finest scale prior to appending ax_xydis.pro - correct method to distort (X,Y) axes in arbitrary ways axis_c.pro - correct images~generate mask~manual to work for all image sizes ln_norm.pro - add energy value to result of 2d-normalization; make horizontal normalize preserve intensity make_square - adapt to avoid error if there is only 1 x or y value read_xrf_stack.pro - add hourglass for Oxford (Inca) stack read-in stack_process.pro -adjust row / col values to IDL notation (0
to # - 1); add tooltips; add adjustable Path ================================== 24-Nov-11 from 29-Oct-11 ============================== axis_c.pro - add Images~Modify X,Y axes axis_ini.pro - update default info save (e.g. name of folder) axis_ini_save.pro - auto save without asking user unless folder or pre-existing ini file cannot be found get_num - modify to add TITLE keyword; display '0' stack_list.pro - improve reliability for *.sl stack list files in different formats stack_rb - increased size of field to display stack size stack_process.pro - uses fractional zooming for large stacks;
selecting YIELD desensitizes OD; ================================== 29-Oct-11 from 31-July-11 ============================== ax_binf.pro - new routine (derived from ax_bin.pro) to bin single images (*.axb format) axis_c.pro - change to default directory; read_bessy_TXM routines added read_bessy_stack.pro - reads a stack of images from Bessy TXM read_bessy_txm.pro - reads a single image from Bessy TXM read_princeton.pro - core routine to read the *spe (and associated *-positions.txt header file) images from Bessy TXM stack_process.pro - add button to rotate the whole stack 90 degrees CW, CCW ================================== 31 July -11 from 17-May-11 ============================== ax_angle_stack - change to read from a set of follders; add 'map' read function axis_c - add read~spectra~alignment; bin (image, spectra) -
add option to SUM; rationalize stacks~tomography; axis_dialog - add read~spectra~alignment read_sdf - remove obsolete 'read_bl5' ; converted map routine
to use 1,2,3 (people) numbering of images cryo_to_stxm, init_sd, read_bnl, read_bsp, read_mapper, read_csv,
refresh, read_axm, sav_nsls - remove dead code stack_process - remove 'wt_spec' (obsolete routine to read BL 7.0 STXM files) (all other stack_analyze versions) ================================== 17-May-11 from 19-Feb-11 ============================== axis_c - changed default utilities~print to B/W and set up system
to remember user selected size, color ax_make_xyz - reads aXis2000 binary stack (*.dat, *.ncb) and
writes data as ascii (x,y,z) tripets ax_svd - re-activated query to user for global limits on component maps (force non-negativity) read_xrf_img - improved auto reading of XRF elemental maps written
by Oxford Inca softwawre remove_lines - new routine to auto-identify a line strongly
deviating from others and automatically replace it stack_process - add button to remove bad lines ================================== 19-Feb-11 from 03-Feb-11 ============================== ax_mesh - OOPS - screwed up this code change & had to redo read_sdf - corrected I-ring normalization to work with changed format (Nov10) of line in the *.hdr file ================================== 03-Feb-11 from 03-Oct-10 ============================== axb_load - display only short filename (no path) in axis log axis_c - remove link to Jacobsen's stack_analyze (&
display message it can be run from VM directly) axis_dialog - add stacks~change mesh or size; update versioon ax_image_append - ensure energy is included in output files ax_img_del - enlarge small images and reduce large images prior
to deletion ax_mesh - ensure energy is included in output files ax_rgb_map, ax_rgb_com - add option to force all pixels with values > upper limit to be black ax_select, ax_select_com - add newe buttos to allow saving of ROI_file or the mask image independently gen_aa_string - corrected @axis-com to @axis_com read_sdf - stack read-in - interpolate to square pixels stack_mesh - new routine to modify mesh (same total image size)
or modify image size (same pixel size) stack_process - display Io from files; starts with image intensities rescaled at each image stack_rb - corrected error introduced in Feb-10 - would not read files written by stack_wb if used integer scale factor ================================== 03-Oct-10 from 24-Jul-10 ============================== read_XRF_stack - correct read-in of single energy STMX_contol XRF stacks ================================== 24-Jul-10 from 21-Jun-10 ============================== aa_writeconfig - write configuration of Amino Acid spectra look-up (XSpecSim) averageval - interpolate spectral data (XSpecSim) ax_bin - add bin~energy - improve statistics by reducing number of energy points ax_sdf - correct code errors found by compiling in IDL 7.1 axis_c - incorporate XSpecSim files into aXis2000; extend capabilities to read XRF data (hdf5, re-organized dialog) axis_dialog - add read_ascii_img - 2d text image; add XRF-map readin for APS and CLS XRF systems; bin~energy axis_log - fix code errors found by compiling in IDL 7.1 despike - add into package (CJJ routine to remove extrema from mages, called in zstack_analyze) extrapolateaa - extrarpolate spectral data (XSpecSim) genextrap - extrarpolate spectral data (XSpecSim) parsecomposition - determine elemental composition from AA codes (XSpecSim) pickfile2 - accomodate calls where defpath is not defined read_aa_header - read AA spectral file header (XSpecSim) read_aadata - read AA spectral file (XSpecSim) read_dm_datacube - update to read in stack parameters from *.txt file written in export from Digital Micrograph read_energies - read energies from an *.enf file (XSpecSim) read_lox - get and display energy of image files read_xrf_spectra - adapted to read hdf files written by XGLabs; fixed errors in read-in of *.dta spectra read_xrf_stack_hdf5 - reads XGLabs XRF maps region_analyze - region analysis - using single peaks in spectral domain to identify spatial regions (R. Coulombe) rstack_analyze - Remy Coulombe version of stack_analyze - most of this is out-dated sav_aa - sav peptide spectrum generated by X-ray spectral simulator (XSpecSim) sfconvert - close header definition stack_fit - fix code errors found by compiling in IDL 7.1 stack_process - update energies in filename_ev_msec list when
use E_cal function; replot spectra; stack_rb - correctly read in stacks written as REALS (not scaled integers) stack_wb - coreectly write stacks as REALS (-ve scale parameter indicates data is REAL) write_cts - fixed errors in filename generation xspecsim - X-ray spectral simulator (XSpecSim) xspecsim_com - common for X-ray spectral simulator (XSpecSim) xspecsim_init - initialization of energies and data files for X-ray spectral simulator (XSpecSim) xspecsim_run - start file for X-ray spectral simulator (XSpecSim) ================================== 21-Jun-10 from (27-Mar-10) ============================== ax_clear - resets to default color table right after logo loaded so do not need to select a buffer before executing a command for which the tesult is color table sensitivel pickfile2 - remove 'forcing extension' warning read_sdf - add no_display option read_ascii_img - reads image files which are (x,y) ascii data without header read_APS_xrf_maps - read XRF maps from APS XRF microscopes read_cls_sgm_srf - read XRF excitation spectra fro CLS SGM beamline read_xas_xrf_stack - read STXM_control format 4-d stack (XRF at each pixel of a normal stack) read_xrf_img - improved spc_load.pro - deal with situation when Amptek *.mca file does not have calibration info stack2_rb - reads a 4d data set (XRF stack of stacks) - under development stack2_wb - writes a 4d data set (XRF stack of stacks) - under development xas_xrf_extract - extracts absorption stacks from a 4-d array (*.ssb) written by XAS_XRF_STACK and writes them as regular 3D stacks (*.ncb) xrf_com - common block for xrf_map_selector xrf_map_selector - used with read_APS_xrf_maps to select maps for each aXis2000 buffer ================================== 27-Mar-10 from (21-feb-10) ============================== axis_com.pro - added parameters related to XRD (Inca maps) axis_c.pro - enable read-in of multiple *.tsv files ax_sort_mono.pro - correct for error on missing data tags read_dm_datacube.pro - reads in stacks written by Gatan Digital Micrograph EELS software read_xrf_img.pro - trim to non-zero parts of Inca maps read_xrf_spectra.pro - allow read-in of fill 8095 XRF spectra; read_xrf_stack.pro - adapt to XRF map files written by STXM_Control from XGLabs data spc_save.pro - remove keyword axis in call for ax_sort_mono write_cts.pro - converts an aXis binary stack to set of ascii spectra (*.cts) ; suitable for input to PyMCA ================================== 21-Feb-10 from (03-Aug-09) ============================== aligncom.pro - changed name to avoid conflict with same common block inside stack_analyze.sav (CJJ) ax_gen_stack.pro - correct syntax error on include common ax_sdf.pro - correct number of channels in print tag ax_svd.pro - extend to up to 16 spectra (needed for XRF fitting) ax_write_gif.pro - (IDL file - modified its internal common block to avoid conflict) ax_xrf_convert.pro - NEW - converts {*.dta} to (*.cts) and an axis *.ncb XRF stack ax_xy_correct.pro - NEW - reads interferometer positions and shifts to make a more accurate image (not yet in aXis2000) axis_c.pro - ADDED (Twinmic XRF &Transmisison read-in; spectra fix_rollover; grouped power commands in image & spectra; EELS-MSA read-in; XRF (Amtek, XGLabs, Inca) spectra and stacks; DM_datacube readin (GIF EELS stack) axis_dialog.pro - added buttons for new XRF-related read-in and conversions axis_ini.pro - removed axis_ini_save code to obey IDL 7.x conventions axis_ini_save.pro - isolated from axis_ini.pro to obey IDL 7.x conventions axis_options.pro - changed axis_ini_save call from procedure to a function axis_peem_update.pro - removed embedded code to obey IDL 7.x conventions axis_web.pro - updated to add Elettra, SSRL names and links blbl_upd.pro - isolated from thumblbls.pro to obey IDL 7.x conventions img_load.pro - corrected read_png for correct orientation and color isnumber.pro - isolated from file.pro to obey IDL 7.x conventions load_ssv.pro - NEW - reads in Twinmic format image or spectra loadspem.pro - commented out all lines calling a routine 'Glitch.pro' parsestring.pro - isolated from file.pro to obey IDL 7.x conventions rd_peem.pro - fix group ID problem rd_spem.pro - isolated \from LOADSPEM.PRO to obey IDL 7.x conventions read_dm_datacube.pro - NEW - read in EELS datacube (exported *.raw file from Gatan Digital Micrograph) and convert to aXis2000 *.ncb binary stack format read_sdf.pro - add region name to label read_xrf_img.pro - NEW reads in XRF images from Twinmic STXM; Inca (Oxford SDD) or Tescan SEM read_xrf_spectra.pro - NEW reads in XGLabs X-ray fluorescence spectra read_xrf_stack.pro - NEW - read is XRF stack written by STXM_control (*.xrf) or by Oxford Inca (*.raw, *.rpl) files sav_hdf.pro - name changed from sav-hdf (hyphens not allowed) spc_load.pro - added read in for EMSA/MSA EELS spectral files (1-column); Amptek (*.mca) and XGLabs (*.dta) XRF spectral spc_save.pro - add /silent keyword stack_add.pro - check for different numbers of images in the 2 stacks stack_align.pro - replace @aligncom with @stack_process_align_com to remove name conflict with same common block inside stack_analyze.sav (CJJ) stack_append.pro - filename_ev_list problem fixed stack_process.pro - add spatial scale calibration (x-axis - full range) stack_process_align_com.pro - changed name to remove conflict with stack_align_common in stack_analyze.sav stack_rb.pro - adapt to reading in stacks written as reals stack_wb.pro - add real option (for high dynamic range data such as TEM-EELS); add over write protection for *.dat ; add hourglass for large stacks thumblbls.pro - removed embedded code to obey IDL 7.x conventions thumbplot.pro - isolated from thumblbls.pro to obey IDL 7.x conventions zstack_buildlist.pro - REMOVED axis_com common zstack_save.pro - changed write_gif procedure to ax_write_gif procedure to work-around the conflict of the named write_gif_common common block in IDL's write_gif.pro with that embedded in stack_analyze.sav (CJJ) ================================== 03-Aug-09 from (07-Mar-09) ============================== ax_gen_stack.pro - changed analcom to stack_process_com (update to stack_process) ax_conv_all.pro - changed analcom to stack_process_com (update to stack_process) ax_lox.pro - add additional paramaters (ScanType, Energy) to GUI widget; i-ring normalization ax_sdf.pro - add stack name to component map; remove 'clip at limits' option; re-arrange menu ax_cgo.pro - add stack name to component map; remove 'clip at limits' option; re-arrange menu ax_peem_read.pro - changed analcom to stack_process_com (update to stack_process) ax_read_roi.pro - changed analcom to stack_process_com (update to stack_process) ax_tomo_read.pro - changed analcom to stack_process_com (update to stack_process) axis_c.pro - change normalization current to 500 mA (ALS) axis_dialog.pro - improve alphabetization of some menus bmp_to_ncb.pro - changed analcom to stack_process_com (update to stack_process) img_align.pro - write out files if use stretch-shift with different tag (path problem before) img_load.pro - correct error in reading png format files jpg_to_ncb.pro - changed analcom to stack_process_com (update to stack_process) line_fit.pro - changed analcom to stack_process_com (update to stack_process) load_spem.pro - fixed code error (xsize, ysize) ncb_to_mpg.pro - changed analcom to stack_process_com (update to stack_process) read_lox.pro - fix loss-of-energy scale problem (wrong common
block) read_mrc_file.pro - changed analcom to stack_process_com (update to stack_process) read_sdf.pro - change sdf_normalize so it adapts to changes in norm_value spc_save.pro - changed to short file name feedback (no path) stack_analyze_multi.pro - changed analcom to stack_process_com (update to stack_process) stack_analyze_TOF.pro - changed analcom to stack_process_com (update to stack_process) stack_append.pro - corrected a problem with filename_ev_list array indices stack_fit.pro - add stack name to component map; remove 'clip at limits' option; re-arrange menu stack_make.pro - changed analcom to stack_process_com (update to stack_process) stack_process.pro - auto-transfer name of roi to name of output stxm4_ncb.pro - changed analcom to stack_process_com (update to stack_process) tif_convert.pro - changed analcom to stack_process_com (update to stack_process) write_sdf.pro - changed analcom to stack_process_com (update to stack_process) write_mrc_file.pro - changed analcom to stack_process_com (update to stack_process) zstack_(align, analyze, buildlist, display, plot, profile, readlist,
save, spectra, tune).pro ================================== 07-Mar-09 from (29-dec-08) ============================== align_com.pro - used longer version from later CJJ stack_align.pro ax_name.pro - modified towork with IDL5.2 (switch) ax_sort_names.pro - modified to work with stxm filenames containing letters axis_c.pro - allow access to olf CJJ alignment routine (select read_alignment, then cancel) axis_dialog.pro - add read~stacks~(FTIR, PEEM) PEEM routine same as stacks~convert format~peem read_sdf.pro - add routine to interpolate images using interferometer (x_pos, y_pos) values saved by STXM_control axis_com.pro - add xy_correct_flag to identify if interferometric correction is valid stack_diff.pro - differentiate a stack (option for FTIR stack processing) ax_xy-correct.pro -(new) routine to change requested (x,y) co-ordinates to interferometric (x,y) co-ordinates for a single image stack_align.pro - replace read_mapper with zstack_read_mapper to allow correct reading of all types of *.aln formatted files zstack_(align, analyze, buildlist, display, plot, profile, readlist, save, spectra, tune).pro - introduce @zstack_common zstack_common.pro - add binary_filename (to allow auto generation of align file name) ================================== 29-dec-08 from (17-Sep-08) ============================== axis2000.pdf - updated help file ax_read_roi - puts ROI image in the current buffer (not buffer 0) read_ftir - (new) converts FTIR maps (Thermo ver 7) to ncb binary stack files stack_process - checks for overwrite when writing any type of output spc_save - remove duplication of overwrite check read_bessy_stack, read_bessy_stxm, read_bessy_xml - (new) - read in data from old Bessy STXM ax_name - adapt to work with names containing '.'s ================================== 17-Sep-08 from (15-jun-08) ============================== tif_convert - allow read in without ring current normalization read_peem3 - remove ring current normalization if ring current less than 1 mA or absent stack_analyze.sav - add Jacobsen version (Version 2.6.1, Dec. 9, 2005) - use directly if only have VM pca_gui.sav - update to Version 1.1.1, Dec. 9, 2005 stack_process - new name for aXis2000 version (old stack_analyze); add check for file overwrite many files (stack_xx, ax_svd, ax_pc, ax_tomo_read, ax_pol_map, ax_cgo, ax_slicer3, stack_rb, stack_wb) - convert common block name from analcom to stack_process_com to differentiate from analcom block in Jacobsen's stack_analyze.sav ================================== 15-jun-08 from (20-Apr-08) ============================== axdeltamin - new routine to find minimum spacing between adjacent points in an array axis_c - add multi-column writing of multiple spectra (over the range displayed) using write~xas single/multiple ax_write_xas, write_xas - modified to perform multi-column format writes read_lox- modified to read binned images correctly plot_buf - now ignores NaN and infnities, so one can visualize spectra or images even when there are divide-by zero errors ================================== 20-Apr-08 from (01-feb-08) ============================== axis2000 - startup file now auto direct to c:\axis2000 folder in codePath not found stack_append - isolated form aXis2000 - NB need to preview the first stack for it to work stack_analyze - overwrite protection implemented for saving spectra; saved in aXis format (wrt_spec.pro retired) Zimba package (all files) - modified to have fixxed GUI size on non-windows operating systems (allows use on MacOS) ================================== 01-Feb-08 from (29-Dec-07) ============================== spectra~convert to. (OD, OD1, IP) - convert to OD - now
uses interpolation so energy spacing in I, Io can differ ================================== 29-Dec-07 from (11-Dec-07) ============================== stacks~RGB color composite map - new widget (ax_RBG_map) to
generate RGB composites with more control images~generate mask~threshold - new widget (ax_select) with
lower/upper bounds and more control ax_histogram - segregated from main routine and corrected cw_rslider - introduced from IDL share site (Thomas Döring 6/1/2007) - allows lower/upper bounds and move window plotbuf - removed date/time from the label ================================== 11-Dec-07 from (13-Sep-07) ================================= Remove_zeros - hot and cold spot removal implemented (called from stack_analyse) Stacks~bin~(*.ncb, lox) - Lox (CLS PEEM) stack files can be read in, binned, and written as *.ncb files ================================== 13-Sep-07 from (01-Jun-07) ================================= Read_peem3 - improve readin routine & adapt to further changes in data format ax_cimage - clean up images by removing very low and very high values. (from A. Scholl) ================================== 01-Jun-07 from (14-May-07) ================================= Stacks~statistical analysis~pca_gui - Jacobsen's PCA routine
accessed as a sav file Read STXM (sdf) - selected images from any channel (bug fix) Utilities~Write image ascii - corected to write axis images as text not binary (bug fix) stacks~maps~polarization fit - default values improved ================================== 14-May-07
from (23-Jan-07) ================================= Utilities~compute peptide spectra - new routine to predict peptide and protein spectra from sequences Read~images~PEEM~ALS PEEM3 - corrected for evolution on file format Stacks~map~polfit - access to convergence properties added ================= 23-Jan-07 (from 05-Dec-06) ======================================== Linescans~Locate Line - working for SDF files Stack_analyze (viewer) - multiply by constant, image Read~images~PEEM~ALS PEEM3 - new data format for ALS PEEM (on PEEM-2 and PEEM-3) Stacks~convert format~PEEM - reads new data format for ALS PEEM (on PEEM-2 and PEEM-3) Read_lox - errors fixed Spectra~ convert _to_BE - error fixed ================= 05-Dec-06 (from 12-Nov-06) ====================================== axis_dialog - screen scroll set to be implemented only in Windows version (Linux compatibility) ============== 12-Nov-06 (from 10-Oct--06)
=============================== images~generate_mask~threshold - set all pixels > user-defined threshold to 1, all other pixels =0 (old code) stacks~append - append (combine) two stacks stack_analyze - modified to add ratio~constant - gain adjustment of the z-scale of the stack
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