Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 88-91 (1998) 77-82
 Electron impact core excitation of molecules: non-dipole spectroscopy and generalized oscillator strengths
A.P. Hitchcocka,*, I.G. Eustatiua, J.T. Francisa. C.C, Turcib
aDepartment of Chemistry, McMaster University, BIMR, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8S 4MI
blnstituto de Quimica, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

A status report on the field of non-dipole core excitation electron energy loss spectroscopy is given together with a summary of recent studies of S 2s generalized oscillator strengths (GOS) of SF6 and C ls excitation in isomeric xylenes.

Keywords: Electron energy loss spectroscopy; Non-dipole core excitation; Generalized oscillator strengths SF6; Xylene; Dimethylphthalate

 ã 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.